I haven't been particularly active on Steam or SteamGifts recently so maybe I missed some big announcement but does anybody know what happened to the Steam Awards?
According to my badge page (see screenshot below) if they stick to the schedule from the last 3 years the voting phase for the Steam Awards should be happening right now but I can't find any information about it online.

Not that I care about the awards themselves, they were a travesty to begin with, but my OCD side demands its badge :D

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5 years ago

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It maybe starts today when the autumn-sale starts too? I mean they improved the awards last year with the celebration ceremony this year (february), so why should they stop it?

5 years ago

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Yeah, that would actually make sense. I didn't know there was a sale coming up today.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I don't want to spend during this sale, I decided to fight my backlog instead (hey, some DLC purchase for backlog games might still happen:-D) so I don't care much if my guess isn't right....
but I would vote for the 26th start and not for today. There were weeklong deals on Monday and those running until 25th Nov, usually when a sale start on a week then there are no weeklong sales starting on Monday. Also, there are weekend deals running. All these unusual when a new sale starts.

5 years ago

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usually when a sale start on a week then there are no weeklong sales starting on Monday


5 years ago

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I'll take ''leaked'' info, over a website that makes guesses based on previous event dates

5 years ago

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Looks like it was wrong this time.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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My OCD side won't be happy the dates changed (for the sake of symmetry) but I suppose I can deal ;)

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Naw :D but the aspect where it annoys me the most is probably cleaning my apartment.

Imagine the TV detective Monk, turn it 3 notches down, and basically you got me in a nutshell xD But with slightly different results... 1/3 of my apartment is always spotless and the other 2/3 a complete mess because I never get around to finish 😅

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I'm thinking it might start today with the sale like other have said.
I haven't noticed but if they always start it on the Friday then it would make sense that the date varies.

5 years ago

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It would be interesting to see how they handle it since voting generally gives cards, and they might like in the Summer remove the card part of the event again (if so RIP my trading cards waiting in craft since summer), maybe voting just gives cold hard XP this time or another BS currency like fuel.

Or they could scrap it and no-one cared regardless.

5 years ago

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Are you sure voting for the Steam awards used to give cards? I know there were the Nomination Committee badges but those were task based badges and not crafted with cards. Other than than I can't really remember the Steam Awards having a 2nd badge but I might be mistaken.

But yeah, I feel you ;) I haven't crafted in Summer sale neither because I'm speculating they might reverse that decision due to the thousands of angry emails Steam support probably got bombarded with :D

5 years ago*

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No cards, only badges, as you've stated.
They then used the "awards event" theme for the cards issued during the Winter Sale.

5 years ago

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Naw, actually Hassat was correct. I completely forgot there was a second badge as well that was crafted through cards. At least for 2016 and 2017, not sure about 2018 yet.

The Steam Awards Badge
The Steam Awards - 2017 Badge

On a sidenote: How do I link to a generic badge and not my personal one?

Whow... this is getting complicated. No, you're right. While the badges are called Steam Award badges they were not issued in November when the voting takes place but rather in January so they must be christmas badges as you stated.

5 years ago*

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replace profile part with "my".


5 years ago

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Thanks ;) I'd rather not have people know how much money I wasted on that stuff unless they explicitly take the time to look it up themselves xD

5 years ago

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Those were the Winter Sale event badges themed after the nomination events.
Edit to your own edit: Yeah, they set the theme of the Winter Sale cards during the nomination event that takes place (usually) around Thanksgiving in the USA, but the nomination event doesn't give cards, just a badge.

No more editing, please!

5 years ago

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You're right. I just noticed the unlock dates and edited my comment ;)

5 years ago

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No more editing, please!

Had to do one last one to remove the incorrect information but now I'm done. I promise :D

Sowwy xD

5 years ago

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And to answer your question -- Augmented Steam has a link on the badge page to the "generic" page

5 years ago

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Yes, the suggestions unlocked a badge, but voting during the Winter Sale gave the cards. Which was pretty much the important part of the event in the first place, so changes there could see an impact on it's entirety. We'll see I guess.

5 years ago*

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We didn't vote during the Winter Sale, we voted during the Fall Sale, which unlocked a badge. The results were revealed during the Winter Sale. Cards were received during the Winter Sale by crafting badges, purchasing games, and by doing the daily queue.

5 years ago

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Ehm, yes. We made suggestions during Autum, then the popular kids won, and we get to vote amongst those for 1 card per vote (IIRC it unlocked one a day in 2017 and just frontloaded every vote in 2018). Then there was the queue, purchases and badges. It was mostly to replace voting for the flash sales of older events when that went away, and since now cards went away...

5 years ago

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Ah yes, we got 6 or 7 cards for voting for the finalists. I stand corrected.
Regardless, seems a trivial thing to complain about.

5 years ago

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Not really a "complaint". But since the event is pretty much build around that, just interested to see how they go with that if they do decide not to do trading cards. As stated, 2 flat XP badges (one now, one then)? The currency that unlocks the winter badge?
Or something else, like how they invented this seemingly specifically since Flash Sales voting went away?

5 years ago

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I'm fairly certain they won't do trading cards again and it'll simply be badges for the voting and then rewards for sale buyers. I'm in the same boat as Csontzuzo (below) -- I'd much rather have the flat badges and a direct discount applied to my purchases over being hassled with selling/trading/buying cards for more badges. The cards were "fun" for a minute, but now it's just a tedious chore.

I'd much rather be playing games than dealing with trading cards.

5 years ago

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Yeah, it's the most likely route, but it's kinda boring. The more time passes the more one misses old Steam sales where checking regularly was good rather than check the store one time then for 2 weeks you're set, even less exiting than a regular Steam week :/

5 years ago

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Yeah, I remembered that later (that on the first day of Winter sale you'd get cards for your votes for Steam awards) but at that point this side-discussion had already become so complicated I gave up trying to explain it correctly :/

5 years ago*

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Yeah, nominations was the word I was looking for but it just didn't click, thanks. Though nominations also may ring true for the 5 that ended up being picked and we had to vote amongst in the Winter Sales for the final winner.

It's really not all that complicated in execution, but explaining it gets a bit hazy.

5 years ago

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It's really not all that complicated in execution, but explaining it gets a bit hazy.

True. Also after a while stuff like that tends to get hazy in my memory but I think now we got everything right :)

5 years ago

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I prefer currency and so direct additional discount over cards. Too much work with cards, valueless because of the millions of bot accounts built around them now, etc.

5 years ago

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And botnets are reason why event cards went away.

5 years ago

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Well, the only use of currency is when you spend more (unless the lucky few that totally bugged out last event), you had to spend 30 bucks to save money IIRC. Since I generally don't spend that much at all, getting 0.40 or so over nothing was preferable.

So it all depends on the user in this case. Yes, for big buyers getting a discount would probably be preferable.

5 years ago

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There will be nomination and badge too.

5 years ago

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Will the autumn sale have event cards?

5 years ago

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Most likely not. When it comes to sales only Summer and Christmas / holiday usually have badges. The smaller sales like Halloween or when they push games from a specific country don't.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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As an option - due to the fact that on the main page the sale is "half life"

5 years ago

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For what? For PUBG to be choose as the Best Game Ever, nahhhhhh.
The last time those awards were a JOKE!

5 years ago

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The last time those awards were a JOKE!

And unless they changed something since last year they still are. The modus operandi to let people vote for games they haven't played based on hype and promotional material alone ensures the results are not representative but rather a merit sticker for the games with the biggest marketing budget.

But as I said for me it's not about who wins the awards. I just want my shiny new badge :D

5 years ago*

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Im partially agree with you, if they only let us vote for games we already own those games with big sale numbers (even those who are crap) will have a significant advantage vs other like indie titles, for example a game like PUGB keep sold about 50M (PC+XBox) while Cuphead over four million by July 2019, and reached five million by its second anniversary of release.

Also im 100% with you, i also want a shiny new badge XD!

5 years ago

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Seems the sale is "play together" and indeed... no Steam Awards.
Unless they start a sale right after this sale? But that seems a bit too much.

Edit: Guess I was wrong and they did pile a sale after a sale.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Outer worlds wasn't really that great tbh. I felt no real feelings for doing anything helpful for crazy doc brown lookalike and there was no romance to speak of. I mean sure the game goes a bit longer if you do help crazy old scientist but since the story was so bland it actually felt better just to help capitalism in Space

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I get romaning being annoying, but since due to how the writing is done with the companions, SAM was just my ideal settup because otherwise I get sloshy meatbags that aren't entertaining with no real reason to grow attached to them at all. Hell Parvarti just becomes a dull emotionless character after you get her with Junelei since she has no qualms at all with you destroying her old home. I played DA:I for the 1st time after I played outer worlds because free basic origin access and well, I felt more attached to the story and characters. I feel outer worlds will probably get its actual reason for you to care in the DLC just like with Fallout New Vegas

5 years ago

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they're coming

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5 years ago

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Thanks for the head-up :D

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yeah, I like it a lot as well :)

Sadly I don't. I know it's they two main characters from Broken Age, Vella & Shay but as far as I can tell it's no official artwork from Double Fine but rather a fan creation as you suggested.

Maybe Google Reverse image search can help? (or does that only work for pictures and not GIFs?)

Edit: I just noticed it has a small signature in the lower right corner saying KG. Probably not particularly helpful but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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I saw what you did there :P

Pretty much but some of the changes were necessary. Too many people were trying to make a living of something which is supposed to be a gaming platform.

Keys are gonna be next.

5 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Sundance85.