I have to confess - I've never watched Lost. I remember, when it came out, that everybody was telling me to watch it and explaining how wonderful it is, but from what I heard it sounded like the writers are just making up mysteries as they go along with no plan on how to solve them. Several years later, I turned out to be correct as most people who used to tell me to watch it now said "Don't bother, the ending sucks".

I only watched two seasons of Dexter, and quit during the 3rd one because I felt it got repetitive. I was contemplating giving it another shot around the time it ended, but then I once again heard that the ending is a huge disappointment. The same thing happened with so many other series, that it almost feels like a standard now. Shows either get cancelled, or have an ending that makes you wish they were cancelled long before.

So, I was wondering what series you know of that actually had a worthy ending. Ones that got cancelled before their time don't count of course, as I am talking about shows that reached their natural ending without fucking it up.
Do you know of any?

I'll start with one -
Buffy The Vampire Slayer is one of the few shows I know that managed to end well (So well even that I immediately felt like rewatching it). Even though the finale moved away from the style of the previous seasons of being emotional and personal, and tried to be epic instead, and in some levels it didn't feel quite right, but I think it was the best possible way to end the show and it was done wonderfully.

Ok, I've talked enough. Your turn.

9 years ago

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Was this poll only made to allow people to vote "Potato"?

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My friend has watch breaking bad and he like it a lot,so and the end.

9 years ago

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Yeah I heard that one is good. Definitely gonna give it a shot soon

9 years ago

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Yeah, Breaking Bad is totally good, the ending is also really good.
Other than that, I don't really have anything more to recommend that has a great ending.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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+1; breaking bad is so far the best show I have watched to date

BTW - to everyone who has finished it, I recommend watching Better Call Saul. It is a really good presequel.

9 years ago

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+1 The only drama I can say I like

9 years ago

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Star Trek Voyager and Twin Peaks

9 years ago

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Well up to the 1.5 seasons of Twin Peaks.. then it floundered :P

9 years ago

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Full 2 seasons :p Lynch made so good show that even that there's is cliff hanger after 2nd season there were no complaining about not-finishing all plots and now 25 years ago (as Laura Palmer said) there will be new season :D it's really worth to see

9 years ago

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The Wire best TV series ever

9 years ago

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Best. Show. Ever.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Best TV series ever? No. Best fiction work ever. Better than any film, better than any series. And even sometimes one step forward reality. The Wire is the best thing i have ever seen.

9 years ago

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That show had some of the best characters on it of anything I've ever seen. In fact, Snoop(the muscle) wasn't even really a 'character', that was just her being who she was. She was a Baltimore native with her first trial for murder at the age of 14. Talk about authenticity...

9 years ago

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Poor girl ended up in jail becase she became a dealer in order to living. Even the creator, David Simon, ask for respect for her, and talked about her situation, being extremely hard to make a good living in certains neighborhouds of Baltimore. I usually think "The Wire" is like hyper realistic over pure and simple reality.

9 years ago

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I agree, when you have seen The Wire any other show loses at comparison. Is so perfect!

9 years ago

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Really enjoyed the way the new characters were set up to mirror and repeat the cycle of the old characters in the final episode...amazing.

9 years ago

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Guys if you love The Wire go and watch more things from his creator: David Simon. I'm currently watching Treme and it's awesome!
Oh, The Wire is the best, no doubts (and I watched tons of series). The end is perfect.

9 years ago

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Treme' is awesome. I'm a huge fan of Jazz music and that show is like 1/3 cutscenes of live shows...so good!

9 years ago

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Cheers for the suggestion guys. I loved The Wire, I love the languid pacing. Really makes it easy to watch when I wanted to chill out.

9 years ago

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LOST :trollface:

9 years ago

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Best series, worst ending. Ever.

9 years ago

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I think BSG might be a rival for worst ending

9 years ago

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The Sopranos

I guess opinions are mixed about this one, but for me it is one of the best ending ever

9 years ago

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Havent see but my friend love that too,thanks i dont remember the name before.

9 years ago

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+1 IMO it is the best TV show ever made.

9 years ago

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+1 on the series. I think the ending was iconic especially for it's time just like the show was.

9 years ago

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EDIT: Oh FFS, it's you again!

9 years ago

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The ending is GREAT

9 years ago

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I really enjoyed the Lost and the Fringe endings. Fringe was canceled but it went on for one more fantastic season.

9 years ago

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+1 for Fringe. Excellent series from start to finish.

9 years ago

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Lost has the worst ending EVER

9 years ago

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+1 for both.
Anyway I don't understand why people hated the Lost ending, the only thing they say is that it sucked without giving a reason.

9 years ago

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Breaking Bad, House, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, if you count the movie Serenity.

9 years ago

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I couldn't finish the 8th season of House. I heard the finale was actually good, but it started really weak.
Angel was actually cancelled. Joss had a 6th season planned out and all that, but he got the notice in time and managed to make the show end. It ended up being a very good episode, but I still wish it would have lived on :(

9 years ago

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Technically, Buffy was canceled too, there was a planned 8th season, which then became a comic book. But it too, just like Angel, got an epic ending. They were both immensely satisfying, unlike some other shows that ended on fucking cliff-hangers (looking at you Heroes...you piece of shit).

Got some more: Seinfeld, Friends, Scrubs (that season 9 bullshit never happened).

Shows with shit endings: The Nanny, That 70s Show, How I Met Your Mother, Married with Children, Xena - Warrior Princess, Hercules - The Legendary Journeys, Mutant X, Revolution, Two and a Half Men and the aforementioned Heroes.

9 years ago*

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The Angel ending was epic but it left a lot of stuff unresolved - I understand that Joss Whedon thought he was going to get another series until quite late in the season. Fortunately it left lots of stuff for the follow-on comics to work with, which have mostly been really good rather than the earlier tie-ins!

9 years ago

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Oh, also, House M.D. is the best TV show EVER for me.

9 years ago

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I love House, but I haven't seen every series yet...

9 years ago

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I might be a little biased since I'm a doctor myself and this is the only doctor drama that wasn't complete bollocks in the medical part. The guys sure did their research. I've heard of several doctors that solved really tough cases after remembering certain House episodes. That's fucking awesome!!! Certainly better than that Grey's Anatomy bullshit, which is still on...for some reason...

9 years ago

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I'm a doctor myself and this is the only doctor drama that wasn't complete bollocks in the medical part

Have you seen ER?

9 years ago

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As far as I know Joss chose to end Buffy there, and making the comics was a later decision

9 years ago

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Another vote for Twin Peaks if you're into supernatural psychological detective mysteries, I just finished rewatching it myself. It's not too big, only 30 episodes + a movie. Also Season 3 incoming in 2016 with the same director and the same actors exactly 25 years later, just like the story promised! I think this is an amazing dedication to the plot.

Would also add Babylon-5 to the list if you're into sci-fi. To me it's the best sci-fi TV series ever created, has some amazing twists, great ideas and philosophical thoughts, but it's huge, 5 big seasons and a bunch of movies. A mature sci-fi as it should be.

9 years ago

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+5 for Babylon 5... It had some wooden acting, some cheap sets, many special effects which kind of sucked even back then...

....and, STILL, it is one of the best shows ever made. Mainly, the writing was top notch, the story was fantastic, and some of the actors were really excellent. The first 20 episodes look so-so, but then you start to figure out what is going on, and even the early so-so episodes acquire a new meaning.


9 years ago

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I stopped watching tv series, too many delusions :c

Heroes: shit after the first season
Fringe: great, then repetitive then useless tearjerker
Breaking bad: I didn't like it too much stopped at the beginning of the 3Β° season
Dexter: got too repetitive left it at the end of season 4
the walking dead: first season great, second season abysmal, then repetitive

and so on :I

9 years ago

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Don't give up on TV altogether, just stick to shows that are actually good! I often wait for a series to end or at least go on a few seasons before deciding I want to watch it (I made an exception with The Flash, and I now regret it because the ending for season 1 was terrible imo).

Like I said, Buffy is great throughout the whole thing (except for the pretty bad first season). Check out this video to see if it interests you, I highly recommend it.

I agree about Heroes. It's a classic example of the writers making a plot so complicated even they can't actually follow it.

9 years ago

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I heard the second season of Heroes was awful (and shortened) because of the writer's strike that was going on and the show just wasn't able to recover.

(Also aren't they doing a new Heroes TV series?)

9 years ago

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mm more like the plot was made for just a season, the series had a massive success and they pumped out new episodes destroying the plot and turning everything into shit.
In the third season they uncovered that the bad guy was actually a lost sibling of the protagonist and that could show powers similar to him (let's say absorption of other people's powers), the bad guys shows this ability, then the story progress and turns out that it was all a lie so he couldn't absorb anything and they made up a huge paradox mind explosion

I know it's barely understandable, I'm sleepy, I'll eventually fix it tomorrow :p

9 years ago

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Nah. Season 2 was terrible from episode 1. It has nothing to do with being shortened due to the strike

9 years ago

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Yup Heroes Reborn is coming in September.

9 years ago

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I'm kinda surprised you found the Flash's ending to be crappy. Why is that?

9 years ago

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Such a shame, Breaking Bad gets really good, some phenomenal season endings.

9 years ago

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Dexter's ending is horrible, you're lucky you didn't watch till the end... The last 2 seasons get so awesome... Then it's over...

9 years ago

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House M.D. is my favourite though the 8th season was lacking but ending was good enough to cover the boredom of the season.

9 years ago

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Being Erica - Many people might not know this show, but it's my all time favorite with awesome concept and great ending. The show, showed us a lot of different stuff, from Time Travel, to the after life and it's all very good made to show us a great show. Some of the cast you might even recognize because they are today's big stars on a couple of very famous series: Tatiana Maslany is very well know right now because of Orphan Black, but before that she played a little but very important role in the series. Another one is Anna Silk very well know for being the main actress in Lost Girl.

Eureka - Maybe to many the ending might not be good enough, but for a show that began as mysteriously as it did it ended some what good. In my opinion it ended good for that show.

Leverage - The show started very strong and made it to be one of all time favorites through out the series they managed to make the team into something very interesting and fun and ended in my opinion very good with the great end shot.

Smallville - The series to me was great, especially season 3 and so on with the introduction of Lois Lane. The show ended with great ending and very good last shot of Clark. To me the show deserved the ending that it got and i liked it.

Entourage - Well the show didn't end as you may say the right way in the matter of speaking that it has an additional movie that came out just a month ago, but still the show made a great ending and the movie makes the story end very well.

Numb3rs - The show made it to be my favorite, but like everything had to end someday and the ending was great. It made the whole 6 years look great and to be missed for years to come.

9 years ago

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First satisfying ending that comes to mind is the newer Battlestar Galactica

Edit: Second that I now think of is Boardwalk Empire. Some people weren't happy with it, but they seem to have forgotten who the show was actually about. I believe it wrapped up things nicely.

9 years ago

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I totally should try Battlestar Galactica. I watched the first episode a few months ago and it was very good. I don't know why I didn't keep watching, just had other things on my mind I guess.

9 years ago

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It's the best 2 1/2 seasons of TV you'll ever watch XD

9 years ago

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You're joking, right? The BSG ending comes out of nowhere and is so incongruous with everything that came before it. Suddenly there's magic/angels and everyone is a Luddite?

9 years ago

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I think you may have missed something. Not being facetious at all, I'm surprised you found it confusing.

9 years ago

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I love the series dearly, and maybe I am missing something. I could imagine a show that the ending would have fit, but it didn't feel like this one. So it wasn't so much confusing as it felt like the motivations for it hadn't been adequately laid down earlier. There are some really nice existential moments in that season, some of my favorites in the whole series, especially in season "4.5" in the episodes that deal with the fallout after the revelation in "Sometimes A Great Notion" of the fate of the original planet. But the ending jumped the shark for me.

9 years ago

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I actually hated the end of Battlestar Galactica. I liked the show the whole way through even though the last season was a bit of a struggle but the way they wrapped up all the characters left me annoyed, especially what they did with Starbuck and Lee.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Babylon 5. The ending actually felt like an ending should, it tied up pretty much all the loose ends and gave a definite sense of closure.

Stargate SG1 and Eureka get an honorable mention since they actually had final episodes, even though they didn't feel like final episodes at all and left things wide open.

9 years ago

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Stargate SG-1 actualy had two movies, which finished it completely

9 years ago

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I really wanna watch all of SG1, and I've tried before, but there are just so many episodes! And there are just as many bad episodes as good ones. It really takes effort to get through

9 years ago

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Oh, it's definitely worth watching. Nothing says you can't skip an episode if you don't like it, one of the things I liked most about SG1 was there weren't too many episodes that would make you stop and say "What is going on here?" because you missed something from another episode.

9 years ago

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Thoughts on the SG-U ending? I have mixed feelings, but appreciate the ending where they all go into cryo-freeze, not knowing whether they'll be picked up for another season wake up from it

9 years ago

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SG-U didn't have an ending, it was canceled after the first season. I actually liked the series but apparently they took the negative criticism from people who didn't think it was "Stargate" enough too seriously and pulled the plug, from what I understand the ratings were actually fairly good.

9 years ago

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My favorites:

Fringe - the whole last season was a bit weird, but it somehow did tie off the remaining loose ends at the point where the series was running out of logical plot points. Especially the whole deal with the Observers, which starts off halfway through the first season and looks like it's going nowhere

Warehouse 13 - it's a hit-and-miss show to start with, but I'm in the "hit" camp and the finale wraps up things in a way that fit well with the rest of the series.

The Wire - The ending, like most of he series, gives the impression like everything was planned out from start to finish. Given that the series is just plain awesome, this is a good thing.

And to throw in something more old-school, the final episode of the Inspector Morse series certainly puts the "final" in "finale"

Oh, and honorable mention goes to the US version of Being Human. Because it takes the whole "from bad to worse" them to it's logical extreme in the last season, and even then it finishes off with a hopeful ending. For the characters that don't end up being very very dead that is

9 years ago*

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The Wire is one is one of my own favourite TV shows, in large part because every series individually and the show overall felt like a planned story with a beginning and a middle and an end. There have been so many TV shows that have been spoiled without that sense of continuity and progression throughout...

9 years ago

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Oh, how did I forget Warehouse 13? I really liked the show, but the final episode just.....eh. I felt they could've done a lot better.

9 years ago

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Justified and Mad Men ended this year. Both have great endings.

9 years ago

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Yes. Justified is a superb series and had a great ending.
Mad Men tricked me into thinking it was going to have a bad ending but then killed it (in a good way). :D

9 years ago

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That's why I quit watching TV shows. Scripted shows, that is. I do occasionally watch some reality stuff like survivorman or informational history shows. But all these shows they just make up week to week. It's especially noticiable in the ones with an ongoing story rather than the "monster-of-the-week" type of shows. But yeah, Lost had some great ideas and halfway through it was apparent that they had no clue what they were doing. It's easy to create a mystery but hard to resolve it.

9 years ago

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This reality tv stuff is sometimes more scripted that actual tv shows. In some fiction series you can have some nice twists and character development, in reality tv this always the same song, just with other participants.

And as far as I like Bear Grylls I still kinda can't get over the fact that many of his journeys was staged and he slept in hotels etc., etc. But there was actually a good show on Discovery, I can't remember the name, about a dude who was alone with few cameras. If he wanted to a nice shot of himself going into sunset, he had to leave camera, go like one or two kilometers to take the shot, than come back for the camera, and finally go where he wanted to go.

9 years ago

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I'm pretty sure that's Survivorman.

9 years ago

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That's Survivorman. Les Stroud. It's just him and his cameras alone. In one of the shows he even said his crew had no idea where he was, like his exact location--obviously they knew the general area--so if he was injured he would have to wait for them to find him. Any shots of him walking off in the distance coming towards or away from the camera have to be set up by him and he has to backtrack to get the camera himself. Now, that's what I can dedication!

But yeah, I know what you mean about some reality shows being scripted. I don't watch all the popular ones, like celebrity family life and crap like that, or competition ones. I really like documentaries and historical information shows.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Yes!! :) The Sield was an absolutely awesome :) Great ending.

9 years ago

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I third this suggestion!

9 years ago

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The Flash has only one season so far, but it's wrapped up nicely and the last 3 minutes are just there to lay the foundation for the next season, if you ignore that you got an ending that covers all grounds of the season.

9 years ago

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Really? I felt that seasons was quite a jumbled mess, especially the last episodes. Different tastes I guess

9 years ago

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It wasn't. The last few episodes were simply groundwork for the next season (Grodd, Rogues, Jay Garrick, Firestorm molding matter : This may have been deleted in the episode though, Multiverse etc.) and of course, concluding the Eobard Thawne Reverse Flash storyline (Since they have to use Zoom next season). They purposedly left a few loose ends, since Jay Garrick wasn't cast yet. That's why we had the cliffhanger ending. So don't worry. The payoff will be pretty good.

9 years ago

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I found the flash to have gotten more interesting in comparison to the storyline of Arrow currently!

9 years ago

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Mmmmh maybe X files? the seasons without mulder were weird but i liked the ending.

I actually liked the ending in Lost, but my problem were all the unfinished things on the series, i wouldve like them to explain a bit more some things but whatever...

I loved Alias but it had almost the same problem as Lost...

Friends had a nice ending ;)

EDIT: I forgot the most epic series of all!!!! The IT Crowd!

9 years ago

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i will use this thread to find out what shows are worth watching and never watch them :

9 years ago

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It's like my list of movies to watch xD

9 years ago

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That's the plan! :D

9 years ago

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I'm doing the same thing :D

9 years ago

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I will use it to IMDB the rating and youtube the trailer and find the gems. :D

9 years ago

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IMDB rating is really not something to rely on, mostly because if a good series has a rough start it's rating is gonna be permanently lowered by people who only watched the start and didn't like it (I.E Agents of SHIELD). What I do recommend is using Graph TV, which makes a graph for any TV show based on IMDB specific episode ratings, and that allows you to see if the show gets better or worse over time, which seasons are the best and so on. I use that site all the time, it's great.

9 years ago

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Graph TV is alright. It's missing shows though.
If a show has an 8+ rating on it and the premise is interesting, I check it out. That's reliable.
I'm ok with not watching series with a crap start unless people recommend it after.

9 years ago

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It's only missing new shows as far as I know, but all complete shows are on there and those are the ones this thread is about :P

9 years ago

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True Detective, season one, that's for sure.

And Supernatural till season 5. Don't get me wrong, I still love this show and it's my favourite, but after season 5 they kinda went into Dragon Ball direction: 'this is our stronegst enemy, there is no one stroneger' next season: 'oh my, he is even stronger then previous one' and so on :P

9 years ago

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Just wait until next season where the supreme evil is on the loose, this might be the end because this is as bad as it gets lol. Unless the supreme evil's daddy comes after :)).

9 years ago

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Well, I didn't finish last season yet :P You know, my brain tells me that Supernatural should end after 5th season, but with my hearth I know I will watch even If it will go on for next 10 years :P

9 years ago

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Don't worry, I was vague about it.

9 years ago

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Friends. Wrapped up things quite nicely and never lost any steam. Best sitcom ever.

9 years ago

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I did feel the final season wasn't as good as the ones before, but I agree it was a very good show throughout.

9 years ago

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Well it had this aura of it's all ending around it so that was probably why it felt that way watching it, but it ended as satisfying as it could. Oh and Dexter does indeed end like utter crap, only equally bad ending I can think of is How I met your mother.

9 years ago

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I mean, depends on what genre you like:

  • The Wire (truly amazing detective show, one of the very best)
  • True Detective season 1 (detective show / each season is completely separate story, so each has it's ending)
  • The Fringe (scify)
  • The Office US (comedy)
  • Parks and Rec (comedy)
  • Futurama (comedy)
  • Scrubs (comedy)
  • House M.D. (drama)
  • 24 (iconic action series)

And many more, generally speaking anything HBO made is high quality.
What I usually do when looking for a new series is check around on imdb and read user reviews, and also follow a TV series fansite (which is not english, so I can't help you with that)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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really? good ending?
sort of meh, not bad but wouldn't go as far to say good

just my thoughts

9 years ago

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