Space Dog makes all things fun Arf.!. He will come to your dreams tonight and show you some fun stuffs. (my insanity kinda helps keep it fun =p) Other than that I try to play games i'm in the mood for like lately only been interested in games I can play laying down so clicker games, point n clicks stuff like that.. You can always start a chat window while you play get some friends in the convo.
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1) I rotate between games.
With this, I don't mean alternating beween TF2 and DOTA, but between genres. Right now, I'm playing driving games. 2 months ago, it was mostly platformers. Before that, shooters. Before that, turn-based strategy.
Keeps it interesting.
2) I rotate between hobbies.
For the past 6 months to a year, I've been heavily into gaming. Right now, that's beginning to wane. Before gaming, I was reading a lot. Before that, nature shows. At some point I was on a shakespeare kick. Some other time, totally into board games.
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I have some of the same problems, and my advice for myself has been:
1) Don't try all the time, take breaks. It's more fun to play if you've been doing something else for the whole day before that. Don't stress about it.
2) Try to make it more casual. Eat or drink something while you're playing. Don't have too high expectations. Perhaps learn by playing games which have a story, but it's not vital to fully get sucked into it.
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Try play with friends, local co-op if possible, playing together is always fun.
Replay your favourite games, or the game you got you into gaming
Or try out a game you already have, but didn't wanted to start it because it's too difficult or different than your others - maybe the learning itself with help - nowadays games are usually easy, so they lose their charm pretty fast. With learning involved, maybe you'll find challenge in it. Ofc this is only good if you're looking for that challenge, if you feel that could draw you in more. If you don't really want a challenge, then Try games that are not grindy, not repetitive, but you do feel progress, they are story-oriented.
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Look for variety. If that doesn't help, take a break.
It's supposed to be a hobby, something which you can shelve and pick up again later if/when you feel like it.
If there's a compulsive need to play games even when they are not fun, it's becoming an addiction. In which case stepping away for a while is also a good idea.
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welcome to my world (age) its the world of Lego (all parts), Walkingsimulators( Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons, Contrast, Dear Esther, Papo + Jo, Firewatch) and Casualgames (The Room and Drawn®: The Painted Tower) also perfect are the Teletales games
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I have the same problem as you. I think it happens to a lot of us when we get older. What I have done to break this is play games I normally don't play. Another solution, as stated above is to only play when you really want to. Also, research a bunch of games and find a few that you REALLY want to play and do so. These methods should help. Good luck!
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When you play enough games, you start to notice how tedious and repetitive lots of games are. E.g. turnbased games in a nutshell.
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For example: The first time i saw Dying Light was in E3 show then watched its gameplay trailers from GDC and found out it was a game that i would spend many hours on it and i did [ 70 Hours ].
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Switch genres. Sometimes, if I don't feel like playing a shooter, I go play a platformer.
Then when I get bored of the platformer, I go back to playing the shooter.
And other times, when I don't feel like playing anything, I just go watch a movie.
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Disregard what you've invested in steam - that's the (i)rationality asking you for "maximum-buffz/usage/effiency".
It can't be that much anyway, being a savvy user, that makes use of all kinds of sales/exploits ... what you can't
buy is time and were put that time into paid labour, the thought of losing value (games/hardware/+?) becomes irrelevant.
Secondly don't try hard - if you feel like playing games - do it, if you do not, just don't. In addition remove distractions -
old games, aborted games and whatever else that is already tabled for "not really interested".
Disregard the flood of information/opinions, come up with your own "filtering-mechanisms" to sift through the variety of
games in a matter of seconds (per game) to figure whether the game you're interested in is worth your inital attention.
^ that is roughly what i do ... now that i thought about it
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Play with friends, and if you don't feel like playing, don't! Take a break, it doesn't have to mean you'll stop forever!
Your games and PC wont go anywhere, so there's no harm or loss in taking a break and finding something else you enjoy to do in the mean time.
Don't keep playing games until you totally hate them, because that's possibly what will happen if you force yourself to play. What ever you decide to do, I wish you the best! :)
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I must say... gonna follow this thread till the end. I'm facing this since I started to work A LOT. besides this apparent reason, I'm still not sure if it is the main reason (because, somehow, I still really enjoy play games when my mind is genuinely clear).
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Try something you wouldn't normally play. I usually don't play MMORPGs, but it turns out that lately I've been playing hours upon hours of TERA and loving it. I'll probably get tired of it soon enough, and then I'll have to figure out what game I'm interested in these days. :P
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You have plenty of range of games already in your liberary never played. Thus you have much varitety to find there and play. evoland is a nice and short game. It is to the point and is only like 10 hours. Everthing changes as you evolve the landscape from blackand white to modern 3d and colours, and 32 bit sound
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Hey SG, recently games have been losing their charm for me. It may be because im getting older or some other reason. I am having trouble starting a game and getting sucked into it. I no longer am drawn to competitive shooting, story based games are losing their shine.and all of this is discouraging me from buying more games to try. What do you guys to keep being entertained by games? I have tried playing with friends more as opposed to myself and I have also have been facing my backlog but it still isn't quite enough. What should I do to make this fun again?
I know an option is to take a break but I've put so much money into games and my computer I feel I have to keep up with it or else I'll be wasting the money I put into it. I know this type of thinking could be the cause of my problem but I don't know how I'd fix that.
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