We are a fast growing giveaway group that offers the chance to members to win prizes. Our main objective currently is to get more people involved and using our chat, forums and participating in our events. We currently have a giveaway event which explains how you can enter below.

The Night Owls Gamers Club: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TNOGC

How To Enter Quickly?

  1. Invite all your friends by going to the group overview, then clicking "Invite Friends" then selecting all.
  2. A member of staff will check the group history to confirm your entry.

NOTE: We recommend commenting how many people you have invited so we can confirm entries with you.

DRAW DATE: 1st July

The winner will be announced on the date above and will have until the 3rd July to claim their prize.

We are aware that its a lot to ask to invite "all" your friends, but we don't expect millions of people to join, the reason why we ask you to invite 100+ members is because we hope at least 10 members of that 100 will join. We don't expect everyone to be happy with our "invite friend" giveaway but we are only doing this event in order to achieve a certain amount of members where the group will grow by itself.

Full details about the event can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TNOGC#announcements/detail/132076879292604625

9 years ago*

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Exists in account B)

9 years ago

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So you must invite 100 or more people to be eligible? Will have to pass but better state that here if it's so.

9 years ago

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PLS dont do Groups with invite spaming

9 years ago

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The chance of winning a game is not worth annoying the hell out of my friends, sorry!

9 years ago

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^ this

9 years ago

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No thanks. Not only am I not going to spam my friends, but also the invites don't usually go through because Steam imposes a hourly limit.

9 years ago

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GTFO with your invite all your friends

9 years ago*

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FREE bump !
You and all your admin/mods are blacklisted, say hi to duckface when you meet him

9 years ago

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If you would reconsider the reason behind our one time event, then please reconsider your decision

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I don't have > 100 friends (or even 10), is it still ok?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Midna.