WIll you be affected by it ?
I'd like to point out that support for Win7 has already stopped, it is in extended support period now. Win8 will reach the same next January.
Also, based on the article, what you describe is if you would expect WinME to be able to use all hardware features of an Intel Core chip, just because you could install WinME on such a system. People really seem to like to forget that Win7 is eight goddamn years old now and Win8's share is so low that no company would put too much effort into supporting it fully.
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The new CPUs use brand new chipsets—even Kaby Lake, where Intel added some interesting memory-related stuff (er… never actually looked closer into it, since my i5-6600K is still less than a year old). In AMD's case, a brand new chipset and architecture family that didn't exist until recently. You seriously cannot expect them to recode an entire kernel to support a new hardware, and the stupid way the new Windows versions are set up, the security features are coded this low. If this was news on some Linux distro, people would be nodding in approval and maybe grumble a bit that they should push out the new OS version faster so they can install it.
It's not like support for the OSs stopped. Anyone on not Ryzen or Kaby Lake will get the same stuff until the end of the extended support. We are talking about people installing 8-year-old operating systems on a PC they bought in the past 2-3 months. If hating on Win10 wouldn't be so trendy, everybody would see just how batshit stupid the notion of using such old OS on a brand new hardware even is. It's like if new Macs would come with the option to be pre-installed with OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. Noone in their right mind would do that.
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Maybe it's' trendy' to hate Windows 10 because Microsoft can't be trusted to either not invade your privacy and/or take options/control out of your hands and force-feed stuff down your throat, whether now or in the future. Perhaps some people don't want to have anything to do with Windows 10 as a result of that.
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OS X/iOS do the same for years yet people are drooling over Apple still. Android pretty much is a glorified spyware yet everyone is hailing new smartphones and get them the first chance they can. This rage would be justified if it would be against the company spying processes in general, but hating on one while not caring about the other or downright loving it is hypocritical to the maximum.
Win10 spying on the users is annoying and borderline unethical. But it is not some weird separate case of a tech company doing it, and in the age where some of the same people who are crusading against Win10 yet share their entire life on facebook are doing it because it is trendy, nothing more.
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Apple people have always largely been ignorant loyalists who are willing to pay a premium. There's no denying Android's ubiquity, but to me it is a function of it's user-friendliess and convenience. That's like #1 consideration when it comes to the average person. They don't want to have to jump through hoops to make things work the way they would want. Someone more tech savvy might be willing, but that doesn't represent the mainstream. Anyway it's sad when your choices are to put up with all the unethical bullshit or to have to switch to some comparably obscure operating system that may not have the same level of software and hardware support that you have been accustomed to. Linux for example has always been a bit of a hard sell to the masses.
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Android's ubiquity, but to me it is a function of it's user-friendliess and convenience.
But that is the point with Win10: it is a great OS. A lot better than Win7, a lot faster. And this is coming from someone who couldn't wait to use Win7 back then and considers it the best desktop OS for its given time.
Also, Win10 doesn't even have the UI problems of Win8.x, one of the main deciding points when it came to that particular OS. So, by your analogy, Win10's spying shoud not come as the #1 consideration when it comes to the average person. Yet for some reason it is the only aspect that people like to chew on.
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Win10 does nothing that all other major OSs aren't already doing, but at least discloses it and gives you the option to turn a bunch of it off. Neither Apple nor Google extend that courtesy to their users.
If you really want to lock everything down, you pretty much have to run a custom linux install. That's too much hassle for me, and the info that Win10 sends isn't anything that has to do with PII, so I don't much care. It's a good OS, fast as crap and with all of the features that I need, plus I was smart enough to take advantage of the free upgrade for all of my older machines when it was available, so Win10 has cost me $0. For those that went all "Eermahgerd, M$ is SPYING ON US, I'LL NEVER UPGRADE," well you got what you were asking for.
You can always go back and play 15-year-old games on your XP machine. ;-P
[For those who have trouble picking up on facetiousness in their reading, I'm hassling people all in good fun. Don't overreact. :) ]
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I disagree. I have Win 10 at work and I HATE it.
I don't like the apple look it brings or really, anything about it. It looks cheesy as hell to me, and I don't appreciate that app store game at all.
Oh yea, or the spying, even when you tell it not to.
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At the office, we are slowly replacing Win7 with Win10. So far, the roughly third of the employees have it, and those who got Win10 declared they never want Win7 back, with only a few exceptions. Then again, they are the kind of people who do not really listen to tech news so they didn't start using it with the preconception of it being bad. :)
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Everybody was expecting Kaby Lake and Ryzen to be unsupported on Windows 7, kinda like Skylake was originally supposed to be quickly unsupported on Windows 7. You'd continue to get updates, but MS would put zero development into any features specific to the new processors. So if your battery life was poor, or it wasn't turbo-boosting exactly how it should, tough luck, get Windows 10.
Instead everyone is getting surprised by this garbage where Win 7 (and even 8!!!) categorically refuses to update at all, including security updates. Windows 8.1 isn't even out of mainstream support yet! There could be grounds there for 8.1 to see MS in court.
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Probably not. I'm sure in their EULA it states they can end support whenever the hell they feel like it.
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only one case that should show you, that only because a company writes something into their eula it doesnt mean to be enforceable.
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I mean its bound to happen at some point ... Them making contract with some manufacturer and just saying your Processor Ram Video card or w/e is not supported ... maybe you wana use our latest shit OS that is complete pile of garbage but we need money so fuck you >.>
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It might get bad soon
I've been talking to a few 'insiders' at Microsoft that are also saying that many of the things like App Store and Telemetry are now being hard coded into key services like explorer.exe and critical system services that if stopped will crash the box immediately.
The reason for this is obviously to prevent programs like anti-beacon from disabling these services.
It's pretty obvious at this point that Microsoft wants the data at any cost and their cover story is bullshit.
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I got my new pc with windows 10 installed ... and it did NOT have USB 2.0 drivers ... so i literally could not use the PC cause it had no Ethernet drivers either ....
You have no idea trough what nonsense i went to make that PC work ... just cause it came with W10....
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If the PC came with Windows 10 preinstalled and the proper driver weren't installed, I don't think the OS is to blame. I'd point the finger at whoever manufactured your PC.
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Yeah, Zomby2D is right...that's not an issue with the OS. You probably just had some screwball hardware and the proper drivers either weren't included or weren't published to MS. The hardware manufacturer is responsible for that, not Microsoft. You're blaming the wrong party.
Win10 isn't garbage, and there have been several studies published that compare the gaming performance to Win7/8 and even something they jokingly call "9" (which is Win10 with a bunch of downgrade-to-7-menus-and-turn-off-things-that-scare-us-for-no-reason patches on it), and you know what? Win10 performed the best out of all of those things pretty consistently. There were one or two games where Win7 or 8 had a small edge, but for the most part Win10 just blew them away.
If you're going to say things like "Windows 10 is complete garbage," then you need to provide some sort of objective supporting evidence. Otherwise, it's just a random opinion without facts, and it sounds like you're following a crowd who finds it popular to hate on Microsoft (even though their entire PC gaming existence is thanks to MS, but there's no pleasing some people :D ).
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i hardly care about any form of study tbh ... i dont really care if its microsoft or whoever made the PC fault that i had to spend a day trying different random stuff till i managed to get rid of Win 10 ...
I still think its a piece of shit OS tho , study say its a better os then Windows 95 Okay cool some guy got paid to point out the obvious .
I still dislike it , the layout is shit ... the apps ( nice mobile phone OS lul ) they force on you are just annoying beyond belief and half the software i use for work doesnt work on it.
So yeah it may be the holy grail of OS , but for me is garbage since i cant do my work on it :)
Are you happy now , there is the evidence you asked for .
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Wait...the layout? Are you running it in tablet mode? Because if you're running it in desktop mode, the overall layout is just like Win 7/8.1 (NOT 8.0). The "start" menu is a little different, but now that I'm used to it, I'm seeing that it's actually more efficient. I don't usually use it, anyway...I just start typing what I want in the Cortana box at the bottom and it just pops up...faster than surfing through the menus.
You're not forced to use any tablet-style apps, and any and all desktop apps that will run on Win7 will run on Win10. There are cases where you may have to turn on some compatibility settings in case someone coded something OS-specific (again, not the OS's fault...that's just bad coding from the dev who wrote the original program), but everything should run on Win10.
What software are you using for work that doesn't run on Win10? I'd be interested to hear what this is...I might be able to help you solve your problem.
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Unless you actually want to play games, expect your hardware to be supported or have any kind of user-friendlyness. Linux is an interesting alternative to geeks like us, but for the masses it's still pretty much useless.
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I like messing with Linux, but Windows is just thousands of times better for a gaming rig. It's not perfect (nothing is), but honestly it's freaking stable and compatible with more of everything that any other choice out there.
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Because your mom found it easier it does not mean everyone would find it, does it? The majority of people are used to Windows and that's a fact. Plus, most people are not willing to change something they are used to for something new. Especially those same ones that barely managed to use Windows in the first place.
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the force here is only due to being outdated. just like i said below. i'm not complaining that my commodore 64 doesn't support kaby lake. just like i don't think you expect battlefield 1 to operate on dos 3.0.
"i'm forced to upgrade to windows in order to play windows games, that's utter bullshit"
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Finally. First step to throw microsoft windows away.)
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People are still using Windows? :3
They can spy on me as much as they want to, it's not like I'm launching my Windows 10 OS for anything else than playing a few games on Steam anyway (in a VMware virtual machine of course, because I'm too lazy to even dual-boot).
And people that are trying to use newest hardware with outdated OSes expecting them to support it definitely have no idea how computers are actually working. If you expect Microsoft to update those outdated OSes after their lifespan then you're going to have a bad time - why they should bother with an update if people don't bother upgrading their OS in the first place? They even offered Windows 10 for free. If you don't want to use it then it's your own decision.
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Debian Testing with non-free proprietary drivers, now with latest KDE (they started rewriting everything to support wayland, and it has really decent performance).
If you're not fan of KDE, I suggest classic Cinnamon, also in Debian Testing. But KDE seems like being more polished and definitely more beautiful.
And if you want more performance or you have a bit older PC, LXDE is ultra-fast while not looking like crappy xfce. Also recommended.
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"They can spy on me as much as they want to, it's not like I'm launching my Windows 10 OS for anything else than playing a few games on Steam anyway (in a VMware virtual machine of course, because I'm too lazy to even dual-boot)."
But how you get decent performance in a VM? I'd love it if I wouldn't have to dual-boot.
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VirtualBox has crappy performance, I use VMware and even playing very demanding games like Witcher 3, when compared to Win10 in dual-boot I lost like maybe 4-5 FPSes, entirely negligible.
Ensure you have proprietary drivers for your Linux box and VMware with properly configured CPU/GPU access. It should be decent - things really improved in last few years.
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I read a tutorial once about how to set up GPU passthrough, and the process was so absurdly convoluted, I didn't even try it. Is it more straightforward now?
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Can anyone clarifiy to me...
Only windows security updates will be affected, since they are not writing processor specific code for it, right? Games will be able to fully utilize the processor capacity, regardless if microsoft support them fully or not.
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No. If OS kernel doesn't support newer CPU instructions, then applications can't utilize them either. Depending on how incompatible the entire thing be, your OS might not even boot on the new hardware, and if it does, then definitely it won't be as efficient as you could expect.
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When I was going through college getting my computer science degree, I also was an OS snob and talked bad about windows users while dual booting beos and slackware. As I got older, I used whatever os came with my new gear and now I use windows 10. I have zero complaints. While I don't dismiss the advantages of other operating systems - I do not see any advantage that is worth the time and effort required in order to switch or vmware or dual boot.... maybe it's just that now my personal time is more valuable then when I was younger... but for me windows just works and it works just fine.
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It's frustrating but W7 is working flawlessly on Kabylake, don't worry. I installed it on i5-7500 & B250M combo and I could even use USB Mouse and Keyboard without any problem during installation. I love Windows 7 because of it's simplicity and transparency. You can control every background program without digging up into the settings. You can freely change update settings etc. And it uses ram more efficiently. Yet after 7 years (I've never used W8) I ugpraded it to 10 (I just wanted to try it it out with my new rig). And it's nice, at least it looks like W7, still retains its simpleness. But it sometimes annoys me with those background apps. which I forget to turn off and it uses more ram than 7 (on idle w7 64 bit was using 1GB but W10 uses 1.5GB).
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Sticking to Windows 7 for as long as possible. I'd honestly still be running Windows XP x64 if it wasn't for directx11.
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Heard of this. Microsoft being Microsoft again. I still use my trusty old i5-2400 and it works fine so I'm good for now, and well, I hope GameMaker Studio 2.x gets a Linux edition soon (I know they are making a Mac version right now) so if the day comes to change the cpu/mobo/ram (because I'd have to leave behind these 16 GB of DDR3 too and lga1155), I'll be able to switch OS too.
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It's funny how people expect Microsoft to keep updating an outdated OS forever with support for newer hardware. Plus, they announced it over a year ago so it's not like it comes as a surprise.
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Win 7 is my last M$ operating system. Will not install Win10 spyware that takes control away from the user, updates itself whenever it wants, and sends a boatload of information back to Redmond. I am hoping by the time 7 is not supported by mainstream publishers Vulcan and Linux gaming will be in a much better state.
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Until an audit of a security firm comes of the previously released privacy disclosure some weeks ago, nothing can be correctly verified. Not going to trust what some random dude on the internet says, with a clear agenda. Feel free to use whatever you want.
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Windows 7 has been sending "a boatload of information" back to Microsoft since 2015.
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Not if you avoid installing the Windows updates that add telemetry. If you have already, it's not too late; there's a script called Ancile that will remove those updates, delete the telemetry service, and fix some other privacy issues.
I agree that it's a pain fighting with your OS to regain some control and privacy, but at least it's doable. With 10 it's a lost battle from the start.
Edit: and also install the security only monthly updates from the Windows Update Catalog instead of the rollups which also contain telemetry.
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Just don't run updates. I am still running XP and have had updates turned off for many years without any problems. I am also running Win 7, I ran the updates when I first installed it and then turned them off with no plans to turn them back on.
Also, are they just turning automatic updates off? In the past I have installed windows, installed all the updates and then made my own windows installation disk with all the updates already on it so that they are already installed when you install Windows. Is there anything stopping someone from creating a Windows installation disk with all the updates on an older computer and then using that disk to install windows on the newer computer?
What happens if you manually download the updates and install them without using Windows update?
This kind of stuff just pushes more people into pirating.
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I was forced to do a bunch of updates recently for Windows 7 when I bough a new Wacom tablet, drivers refused to work otherwise.
But in general, I completely avoid updates unless something breaks that updates might fix.
How's XP holding up for you these days? I would think it would have issues with newer hardware (at the very least I remember hearing there were issues on it with SSDs back when they were first getting popular).
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I'm still running XP on a standard HDD and dual booting Win 7 on an SSD. Anytime you install XP, you are going to have to install SATA drivers first because XP doesn't have them and you need them unless you are running an old PATA (IDE) HDD with the big ribbon cable. That is the main reason why I created the new boot disk with nLite, to add the SATA driver to the install disk so you don't have to load them from a floppy or flash drive. Adding SP3 and the rest of the Windows updates to the disk was just a bonus so that I didn't have to download and install them again everytime I wanted to install Windows. I have a volume license copy and use to use it on all my computers.
I think there are a few settings you need to change when you get XP installed, but it's not difficult. A lot of people ran XP on SSDs, you just need to manually setup things like Trim because they are not built into the OS.
I'm still using a 3570K and a GTX 580. Everything still runs fine except that I can't install new versions of Firefox and Chrome. Also, for online encryption, XP only supports up to SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0, it does not support TLS 1.1 or 1.2. Websites are going to start dropping support for anything below TLS 1.1 which means that soon XP will not be able to connect to those websites.
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Yes, I understand that. I have not had a virus or malware on any of my computers in over 10 years though, so I am not worried about it. The last time I had a virus, I was using Windows ME and not running an antivirus. I don't really have anything important on my computer and anything I don't want to lose I backup every so often on an external. If anything really bad happened that I couldn't fix, I would just wipe the drive and do a clean install. The only real problem would be identity theft, but even with an updated system, you will not be protected from zero day exploits.
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Do you know any browser that will keep supporting Windows XP SP3 x86? My brother tried to install Pale Moon cause I told him they were some of the few ones that still support the OS but he couldnt install It for some reason. I use Slimjet Browser Version (based on Chromium 50.0.2661.75) on a potato laptop and It works OK. I agree with you about the whole Windows Updates deal, In fact I think they slow down your system overall so I don´t Install them also. Only when they´re needed like jiggakills said. That´s one of the reasons that Windows 10 is not very popular, the mandatory updates. I wouldnt be surprised If I find some tweaked Win10 versions on the web without all the extra useless stuff for the desktop.
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I have not researched alternative browsers. I think the last working versions of Firefox and Chrome are Firefox 34 and Chrome 39.
Here are all the old versions of Firefox directly from their website. I don't think Chrome makes their old versions available, but you can find them on 3rd party websites, just have to worry about who uploaded it. I'm not sure but later versions of Chromium may work, I haven't checked. You can run the Chromium browser on it's own, you don't need Google or Slimjet.
You can partially patch against the recent exploit and ransomware attacks if you want to and haven't yet. Read this, and the link to the patch from that article is here. Also, here is an article that talks about how to patch all versions of Windows without downloading all the other updates.
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Thanks for all the feedback. I will check this "Wanna Cry" ransomware. I´ve been browsing without issues. We had the "Blaster" virus back in the day when my older brother had his first Pentium 4. I do the same as you with data. I´m not really concerned about ransomware but you got me thinking... Will look into It.
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Win 10 was born with a ton of bugs, something that didn't happened on Win 7 (or even 8/8.1) and all that security problems and obligatory updates are annoying af
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something that didn't happened on Win 7 (or even 8/8.1)
really? cause i remember it happening on every single microsoft released operating system. literally every single one.
yet every single release, it's always the release prior that's better and superior in everyones eyes until the next one releases.. to bad they already claimed they won't be moving forward to another OS # otherwise everyone would be here saying win10 is awesome and win11 is stupid.
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XP still is my favorite :P but then games compatibility started to drop, 7 had to fiddle around a lot especially trouble with permissions, my laptop has 10 and... luckily I don't use it often so haven't run into any major problems without customizing it a TON yet. But if you buy one if the top end cards, they probably expect you to have w10 already, after all, win10 has been released for 1.5 years now.
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It's natural. Why would MS keep supporting an 8 year old OS which is inferior in any way to Win 10? It's your own fault that you did not upgrade whilst it was free. Maybe you shpuld switch to Linux if you hate Windows that much.
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thats just the thing - it works perfectly fine on modern cpus. its not about support, its about saying 'right, youve chosen to use a certain cpu, and because of that, we're going to punish you for it'. its spite and greed, NOT a matter of support, because its still being supported just fine if youre running an older cpu.
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How is it greed whilst Microsoft offered you a free update for WIndows 10? That doesn't make any sense. It's only logical for OS devs to concentrate on their newest product to be optimized for the latest CPU generation.
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IF its "logical" to concentrate on newer products, as you say, then why do windows 7 updates work perfectly fine for LESS advanced cpus? the updates still WORK perfectly fine on new cpus, you just cant have access to them. Its greed because they want to force the replacement of your legitimately purchased copy of windows 7 or 8, which is STILL being supported... youre just being denied updates due to the blocking of hardware that microsoft doesn't even produce. When microsoft offered its free upgrade (which i think had strings attached), it was an 'option' for people to choose IF they wanted. Now that theyve taken it away, they are FORCING you to move to it at cost to the user, how is that not greed? this IS NOT a case of obsolescence, this is a case of FORCING people to buy a product they neither want or need, lest they face a situation where their os is deliberately crippled (not obsolete, CRIPPLED on purpose)
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How is this an argument? Like I said, the WIn 10 upgrade was FREE. Choosing not to take advantage of that offer is or was your own fault. So I don't really see how you are allowed to complain afterwards. Just because you love your outdated OS so much doesn't mean MS has to see it the same way.
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...but ive just finished explaining to you that the OS is STILL supported by microsoft, and those updates function PERFECTLY WELL on new cpus - microsoft is just deliberately blocking them out of spite, NOT FUNCTIONALITY. Not choosing to move to a new product doesnt make it my fault the microsoft has decided to behave maliciously and punish me for not making a VOLUNTARY change, given that i legitimately purchased their product and should be entitled to use it UNTIL SUCH A TIME THAT IT IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED AND DOES NOT FUNCTION. So yes, i do reserve the right to complain that my legitimately purchased product is being blocked from updating for no good reason. And in case you missed it, the OS is STILL SUPPORTED and functions perfectly well on new cpus. this has NOTHING to do with microsoft not putting resources into an 'old OS'.
Just because a worse product is free doesnt mean i should have the foresight to jump to it (and have a worse experience than im currently having) because my current product is at some point in the future going to be blocked from updating based purely on what cpu i have and no other reason. That suggestion is just idiotic.
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Still no argument here. You may have purchased the OS but expecting it to be supported for more than 8 years (!) is just blatant audacious if you ask me. Also, they offered you a FREE, effin FREE upgrade and if you choose not to take it, why bother complaining? Dude seriously, do you also purchase shoes and expect them to stay perfectly fine for EIGHT YEARS? Come on man, you can't be serious here.
Just research how the lifespan of WIndows OS versions in the past has supported certain hardware and you will soon see how it's normal for new versions of an OS to not support newer hardware.
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microsoft offered a free upgrade to a worse product, why WOULD i take it? seriously. If valve told you to move to origin and stop using steam, would YOU? Of course not, its a stupid and unreasonable suggestion, likewise was microsoft 'offering' me a chance to move to a lesser OS.
And did you honestly just compare shoes to OS support? shoes are obviously going to fall apart after extended use, but windows 7 still works perfectly fine, and STILL has extended support for another 3 years. Why are you not understanding that it still works (and its upgrades) perfectly fine on new cpus. You keep bringing up that no one should reasonably expect that it should still be supported, BUT IT IS STILL BEING SUPPORTED. THATS THE POINT. its still being supported on modern cpus, microsoft is just denying users those updates because they want you to spend money on an upgrade.
Your entire argument would be perfectly legitimate if windows 7 was at the END of its support lifespan... fact is, it ISNT. To argue that microsoft blocking updates on hardware that their OS still works perfectly fine on is anything other than malicious and greed driven, is silly.
You mention 'support' for new hardware, but again, its not support thats the issue. they ARE supported (as in they work fine, and function 100% correctly), just blocked from usage. If you still arent understanding (which seems to be the problem), its like region locking a game on steam - game still works well (supported), you just cant play it based on where you live (blocked).
I chose not to move to windows 10 because its worse than what i currently have. I have no right to argue that windows 10 is no longer free. But i have every right to argue that a product that still functions perfectly, and that microsoft PROMISED extended support for another 3 years (my 'expectations' dont even matter, this is what microsoft has PROMISED), is being denied to me based on my selection of hardware PURELY as a means of forcing me to move to a worse OS, and no other reason.
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No. That's not how it works.
Windows 7 - End of mainstream support : January 13, 2015
The extended support doesn't amount to continuing the same "'coverage" let's call it.
Microsoft doesn't have an obligation to continue to patch outdated OSs to take advantage of newer hardware, and neither does the new hardware have to limit functions to what the older OSs used .
Why should Microsoft continue to support Windows 98 just because you refused to update?
If you don't like the terms of service to the software you are using switch to something else. Ubuntu/Linux is there for you.
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Well no, mainstream support is things like phone and online support. Windows 7 is COMMITTED to EXTENDED support which microsoft has confirmed will last until 2020. Extended support includes things like security patches (and this is according to microsoft themselves). Windows 98 is no longer under extended support (and hasn't been for a while), so your example is, well... silly to say the least.
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FWIW, while I am aware this is old:
But when's the last time you had to upgrade your OS to, er, use your OS, because of your processor? Yep, that's a new one
It was discussed in the press and shown to be factually incorrect. Which should be no surprise, as all kinds of new hardware in the past have been released with support only for the most recent software. Indeed, I'm facing a similar problem myself as my machine has Legacy BIOS and thus cannot accept newer GPUs from e.g. nVidia which only support UEFI.
In fact, it's old enough to have parts that are technically not supported under Windows 10, and I'm using drivers developed for Windows 8 and 7. Luckily the driver model hasn't changed enough that this is an issue, but when Vista was released, the revised driver model necessitated new drivers, which is one of the reasons XP hasn't completely died yet.
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I was actually surprised that updating from 7 to 10 went as well as it did on my old AM3 (not 3+) machine. And I too feel your graphics card pain after my HD6850 finally bit the dust and I had to got with a GTX 750 TI from MSI because theirs was the only model that I could still buy new that has a switch for both BIOS and UEFI. I refuse to buy a used card. Especially seeing that many of them, such as the R9 390X, are being sold for almost as much as they were when new.
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That is simply a CPU check, Windows 7 is compatible with both Ryzen and Kaby Lake processors so an smart programmer has solved the issue with patches: https://github.com/zeffy/kb4012218-19
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Plus, even if that wasn't the case, the 6700K provides almost identical performance (about 8-10% difference) while running much cooler: http://www.tweaktown.com/news/55219/7700k-vs-6700k-much-hotter-barely-faster/index.html
So if you're looking to upgrade, you don't need to go with the 7700K for good performance.
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eh. when I grew up, every new OS had hardware requirements that practically necessitated upgrading your computer every other version or so. Likewise, older hardware stopped being compatible after a few years because it couldn't keep up.
And if you thought backward compatibility with Win7 is problematic, imagine playing Frogger where the cars go so fast they're a solid line!
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I remember playing F117 Stealth on an XT in 4 whole colours - I upgraded to a 386 DX-66 and tried to play it - I launched so fast I was in space, stalled, crashed back to earth and failed the game in less then a second. That's when I found out about DOS4GW Runtime.
Hardware was evolving so rapidly and games were based on CPU clockspeed, they had to introduce a new software component to run the games at the right speed.
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I played a version of Pac-Man once on a Pentium1 based PC back around the mid 90s that had that problem. Was quite bizarre to see a game run at such absurd speeds.
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yeah, i remember that. i couldn't really play Might & Magic 3 on my 386DX/40, because with a single button press i moved at least 2-3 tiles forward. i tried anyway, because it was such a good game. ^^
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