Hey, I just discovered that Don't Starve is a survival game, so i'm interested in buying it, but first I have some questions.
Which one should I get first? Just DS or maybe DS with the DLCs already?
Dont Starve Together multiplayer works like Rust, or most games, that I just select a server and enter? Is there a limit of players?

Thanks in advance

8 years ago

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DS with RoG - mustbuy, great survival sandbox. SW is more for experienced players.
Together isn't massive online, just few players on server, but there are so many different servers with own configs,

8 years ago

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I'm definitely not an expert but just the base game is fun enough, for what it's worth. If it's a short jump to the full package, might as well go all in.

8 years ago

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Me as a Don't Starve veteran with over 400 hours i can honestly recommend this masterpiece if you don't have problems dying over and over again at the beginning. It makes so much fun.
You should play first the base game and learn the basics. After that you should take Reign of Giants and then Shipwrecked.
In DsT there are many Servers you can join and play with random people together or you can set up your own Server where you can play with your friends. It depends on the Performance of the Server and your Internet connection.

8 years ago

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As my friend YumoS said.

I cannot recommend enough this amazing masterpiece. At first glance it can seem basic, but there is a lot under the surface and the game have some unexpected depth and high learning curve - at the expense of keep dying all over again. It can be frustrating, but it's the price to pay in order to learn more.

I will definitely recommend to start with the base game first, doing anything else is diving into deep waters! The expansions are adding a lot to the game but adding to the challenge as well. As for the multiplayer, personally I would prefer to know some basics first before "diving" into that, too!

Happy gaming!

8 years ago

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Just bought the DS alone, it'll probably be on sale at Christmas again, so maybe I buy the rest in there.

Thanks for the help

8 years ago

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I mean you could hop into servers in together like in rust... but i usually play with 4 or 5 friends until we loose... or loose a couple times... its so much fricking fun it hurts

8 years ago

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Try Don't Starve first, and if you like it, get Reign of Giants (DLC)
Shipwrecked is not really worth imo

(101 hours played)

8 years ago

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Good game, everything is worth it.

8 years ago

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Don't Starve is ageless, it will be worth it even 100 years in the future.

8 years ago

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Get them all! Totally worth it. (DS: 106 hours, DST: 30 hours)

8 years ago

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Well it's hard NOT to recommend Don't Starve. However, you should be aware of its roguelike elements: the player is supposed to discover and figure out the rules of the world on their own (which the game does support), OTOH this may result in a lot of deaths that can be easily perceived as unfair, and even when not, permadeath puts the player back to square 1 so each death means you're going to have to play again the beginning of the game, exploring the world, which is procedurally generated, but samey, what that actually means is, you may be more or less lucky with resource placement, and going through the same motions, exploring, collecting food, building, etc, which feels like ARPG sort of grind. IMO these roguelike elements make it for a less than ideal playing experience for the average player. I'm sure there must be an audience that doesn't mind though, and loves the game to bits - if you're part of that audience, expect to keep playing for a long while, if not, you can probably still get a good 15 hours out of it.

8 years ago

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Unlike others I only played some hours. I didn't like it because I felt like I was just following the game mechanics without leaving a personal mark on the world; unlike Minecraft where you survive but also get creative.

8 years ago

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