The title pretty much says it all, but I'll elaborate:

1) Make an option to make your own blacklist viewable by everyone (or to left it private like it is now). Old SG blacklists, due to their nature, were available for everyone who opened the raffle. Note "an option", so people could leave it private if they don't like it.

2) Make an optional description field with the reason why the user got blacklisted. And, since it shouldn't be "calling out", it of course should be viewable solely by the person who got blacklisted and the blacklist creator (and not viewable by mods, treat it like a personal message).

P.S. Due to unique link SG gave me for this thread, I'd like to dedicate this thread to actress Candy and her movie "Bite".

10 years ago*

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too much work. don't mind they being hidden.

10 years ago

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And what about people who mind that? Oh, that's right, screw those guys.

10 years ago

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and why somone mind that.?!

10 years ago

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Because this shit sucks nuts, any other questions?

10 years ago

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stupid response...good job keeping it classy

10 years ago

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Why are you so angry about that...? You like to know who add you on blacklist ? What does that give you?Mby you want to add him on steam and say that he is ass :D Mby that is reason to dont make it public that people dont start to rage :)

10 years ago

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It's better to be private since your quarrel with someone else has got nothing to everybody.

10 years ago

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What other said. Also, if you want to know why you've been blacklisted, in most cases I think it's because you broke the rules. If you don't know why, you can still try to add the person who blacklisted you and ask him/her the reason.

10 years ago

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It doesn't even show now, who's the person who blacklisted you.

10 years ago

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and I hope it doe snot it cuts down on alot of the harrasment and drama this way.

10 years ago

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Where can I find my blacklist/whitelist?

Also 2) seems good.

10 years ago

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In your account: blacklist / whitelist

10 years ago

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Thank you

10 years ago

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Blacklists are better off hidden. That way whoever you blacklist won't come annoy you over it. Plus your quarrels with other SG members remains your own.

I'd like a reason field too so I wouldn't have to write those in a separage Google spreadsheet.

10 years ago

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You always have the right answer

10 years ago

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That's what I keep telling my wife, but she won't believe me.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Well, and what if I'd like the guy I blacklisted to come annoy me? Thus the "optional" word in my suggestions.

10 years ago

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I think it would be nice to know what giveaways you have no chance of winning, and why whatever user decided they don't like you. I honestly wish I could say that I haven't done anything wrong and this doesn't affect me, but as I was stupid and regifted I am on many of these lists. (enough about my stupidity)

@OP - This would be interesting, but may be something the dev's don't feel is worth adding to the site.

10 years ago

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ohh! how nice of you to call yourself out :D:


10 years ago

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It has stopped mattering to me really, I plan to read every rule if I am unsure of something now anyway. I believe that the two week ban is enough of a repercussion for most people, and blacklisting people who broke the rules and plan not to do so again I feel goes against the main point of this site; people who don't change or have unsavory behavior should be taught though. If there is going to be a gaggle of stuck-up elitists who decide who gets to partake in their "generosity" or not simply because of one bad day or action then I may just have to re-consider joining this site.

10 years ago

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Some "stuck up elitists" just want to see their games going to good homes and people who actually want them, rather than idiots who blindly enter every giveaway going without considering whether they want the games.

It's not about the rules per se. On Steamgifts, as in wider society IMO, it's as much about doing the decent thing. In the main, the rules simply provide a framework for those unable to do the right thing of their own volition.

10 years ago

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well say

10 years ago

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+1, i agree with every point you have said, I just believe that many users who have been temporarily banned have had their wake up call, and have been penalized enough.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

10 years ago

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Think about those people who would like their blacklist viewable. also, as I said, I'd like this feature optional, so it would be not mandatory like it is now.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

10 years ago

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Public BlackList (not by definition, triggered) would be nice for puzzlemakers, as they could post them in Puzzle topics so none blacklisted user solves whole puzzle for nothing.

As for details for blacklisting it's double edged sword - on one hand someone may know instantly why he's blacklisted, on the other hand I can already see all the calling-out whiny topics "User XYZ BlackListed me becayse of ZYX! It's unfair! Pls bann him!".

10 years ago

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Well, the whining problem was actual even on SG1.0, you just have to ignore some people.

10 years ago

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This is a good point. Hadn't been able think of a reason to make blacklists public. I guess you could still maintain a separate document, as was common in SGv1. It is an extra administrative hassle for you, but I don't see cg making blacklists public.

That said, if rulebreakers go through the trouble of solving your puzzle only to find they can't enter, will it really bother you? You're a better man than I, zelg.

10 years ago

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I wonder what the blacklisted party sees if they somehow get the direct link to the giveaway that they are blacklisted from.

Anyway, I'm against the idea of public blacklists. They were public, that's what this change is all about.

10 years ago

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he will see information that they cannot join GA because they are blacklisted. Nor sure, but seen similar info today while clicked direct-link to whitelist GA I wasn't ii whitelist for ;p

10 years ago

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"Game: X
Error: You cannot view this raffle because you're blacklisted by the raffle creator"
Not a word about who's the raffle creator though.

It simply redirects you to main page without any message. At least it was that way yesterday.

10 years ago

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Then it's changed now:

View attached image.
10 years ago

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Don't see any problem with making the blacklists public (after all, it was always that way).

Not sure the idea of giving reasons WHY people are on it is going to do anyone any favours though. As others have said, this should remain between that user and the blacklister.

10 years ago*

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As others, including OP, have said...

10 years ago

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Except that we differ in that I don't believe there should even be an option to add a description, as IMHO it will only cause rancor, and is just another version of "calling out".


10 years ago

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Offender may not do the offence again? assuming he finds and understands the blacklist.

10 years ago

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ooooooh, I can already see all the possible blacklisting reasons:

  • doesn't like llamas

  • has given away Monday Night Combat on Thursday

  • name starts with K

  • claims he likes llamas, but I suspect he doesn't


  • is illuminti

10 years ago

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I know, right, it's really great! Glad you see it my way too.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Just curious how it works, for example if someone has me on the blacklist and I go to their profile and see a public giveaway I can enter the giveaway but not participate on it? If I find a private giveaway url I can enter the giveaway but not participate on it?

10 years ago

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you won't be able to enter any of GA pages user who blacklisted you created, even if you have a direct link. You will also not see them, even public ones at main page.

10 years ago

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Ahap, I see, so I will be able to see them only on their profile, but won't be able to enter. And eventually find a link to the private giveaway which will provide a message saying I can't enter or something like that.
EDIT: Probably something similar to this:

You do not have permission to view this giveaway, since you're not a member of the giveaway creator's whitelist.

10 years ago*

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I am all in favour of good old fashioned witch hunt but too often they lead to chaos and chaos is HERESY!

10 years ago

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1) Yes, but only if it's optional.
2) Yes, this would be great.

10 years ago

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Even there is description field which is can be used to write down notes the reason of someone's blacklist

I don't think it's a good idea, well.... u know...

Jealous hater naughty kid can write down "whatever" notes the reason they blacklist someone, it can be a rude joke, ridiculous comments, saying lies, and so on which hurts other SG Members

Lets say an example (Just example anyway don't be angry to me :DDD bwahahaha)

Let's say I blacklist SG member Already1taken --- (Just example though, don't be so serious :DDD)


SG Members : DrawRenjer

Blacklist : Already1taken

Reason : Thief --- (In the matter of fact u never steal anything from me)


SG Members : Already1taken

Blacklist : DrawRenjer

Reason : Thief --- (In the matter of fact I never steal anything from u)


And both this 2 SG Members publish their blacklist + the lies story, and everyone on SG just read that.

So what do u think ? so.... let the blacklist has no comment field


Anyway we already have (*plinter Cell) Blacklist is something (game) for public

so no need another (forum member) blacklist to be made (for) public


10 years ago*

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Like I said, blacklist reason, in case it will be implemented, should be viewable solely by the person who got blacklisted and the blacklist creator, those 2 guys.

And if you don't like the reason why you got blacklisted, you feel offended, you think it's unfair et cetera, then blacklist the fucker, report your hurt feelings to the closest person IRL who cares (not on SG forum, though) and move along.

10 years ago

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dunno I hate the whole blacklist thing altogether

10 years ago

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Voting for public blacklists. Since the person has a right to add me to his blacklist, I have a right to see it.
Not really for complaing about his decision, he can always block me actually. Just for myself and the chances for people I like.

10 years ago

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I think making it viewable by the blacklisted party should be good enough. Making it viewable to the public just seems like you want a way to publicly shame someone without violating the "no calling out someone" rule. The part that really confuses me is that while you want this to be public, you want it all to be hidden from the Mods. That right there raises so many red flags that it's impossible to take this seriously.

10 years ago

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Quit smoking that shit, it makes your brain all jelly.

I think making it viewable by the blacklisted party should be good enough.

It has been already implemented - you receive "you can't go here, you're blacklisted"-error and you can log out off SG and check the same link to see GA creator.

"Not viewable by mods" was only "private note with blacklist reason viewable solely by GA creator and blacklisted person".

10 years ago*

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Eh pointless, and I understand your point OP buut this still would be only stirring up a lot of drama

10 years ago

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You're boring.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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long ass link

Reported for phishing.

10 years ago

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Its a fuckin google image search page, sherlock -.-

10 years ago

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Or phishing!

10 years ago

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Or an OP with no fuckin clue

10 years ago

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Your avatar is ironic in this situation

10 years ago

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Or a moron who cannot attach pics and instead links google image search pages.

10 years ago

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Aww i feel so offended now :3
Do I look like I care?

10 years ago

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You cared enough to reply, so I'd say yes.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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No, since then we would get lots of people asking to be removed or asking the reason why they got there in the first place...

10 years ago

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If you can't handle it, then leave it private for noone to see.

10 years ago

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I'd say force it to be public. That will cut down on a lot of abuse.

10 years ago

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How about blacklisting this ad that just showed up on the game giveaway page!!! :| Or at least move it under the important clicky stuff..,.

View attached image.
10 years ago

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How about posting this not in my thread, you blind fuckwit?

Here's a correct thread for you.

P.S. And google what AdBlock is.

10 years ago*

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I'll post where ever I want
I support ads
I don't like where it is at
Damn slubberdegullion's and their peasant politics

View attached image.
10 years ago

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BUT! If they keep looking like this one, I will support an entire page of them everywhere!! :D

View attached image.
10 years ago

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"huehue what a tough guy i am smashing my keyboard"

10 years ago

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Making blacklists public will only lead to even more blacklisting. Blacklisted people will get butthurt and it will trigger blacklisting of those who blacklisted.

10 years ago

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At least it will happen smooth and fast and not like now, when you have to manually check someone's raffles to see if you are blacklisted by this guy or not.

10 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by ExistsInAccount.