There is no difference in people going to work for 6 hours and buying items in game, or sitting at home and playing for 6 hours and getting it via random drop. They both take time and effort to get and is a bigger problem of p2w that casual gamers face.
Not only do they not want pay for items, but they don't want to have to play the game for 400 hours to get on the same level.
I much prefer the days of Quake where everyone got the same weapons and your own skill in the map gave you access to more... and then that was it. Next map, fresh start.
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TF2 isn't really Pay 2 win. You can find items by random drop and through your own progression in class-specific achievements. And aside from a few exceptions the default items are best.
Anyway my list would be: Trackmania Nations Forever, Tribes:Ascend, Alien Swarm, Realm of the Mad God.
And definitely NOT Combat Arms.
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Games like Tribes Ascend are free to play. While everything can be unlocked with real life money, you don't have to and can play the game and unlock everything simply with XP that you get from playing your class well. I've unlocked pretty much everything in Tribes and I've not paid for anything and even if you unlock everything in Tribes you have no real advantage over someone who's just starting out other then your skill you've learnt since the unlocks don't provide a boost or over the top extra damage and there is always a class or other item that will be able to counter it some how.
On the other hand, you have true Pay 2 Win games such as Combat Arms where you can buy a boost with ONLY real money for extra damage, or rent a over the top damage gun, carry more weapons/ammo etc and just giving you a generally more of an advantage over other players the more money you pour into the game, then that's crappy because even if you drop $50 into the game, someone can come along and drop $75 and get more boosts then you and be better equipt in the game and there is nothing you can do about it other then buy more real money items because they don't drop or unlock in the game any other way.
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I do know the terms, but the OP states he wants to "achieve something with money" then naming Metin2 which is a Pay2Win cesspit.
Yet, I would not list PS2 or Tribes:Ascend along with other games, because it is a horrible grind. The degree of monetization (incentive to pay, rather forced if you dont want to stop playing, or just as a nice extra) factors into my view and I did not feel like going anywhere in Tribes so I quit. It sure isn't pay2win, but pay2fun.
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I really can't understand what you're trying to say. Can you please use actual words, or say it in your first language so someone can translate?
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Realm of the Mad God has been pay to win for a long time now. Pets require impossible amounts of fame grinding unless you want to pay Kabam hundreds of dollars to get a divine. I think it's something like 5k PER FEED to max a divine, then you have the cost to upgrade your pet yard as well. Not to mention pets make the game way too easy so if you DON'T have a divine, you're basically playing alongside people who are on easy mode, getting all the same rewards as you with less of the risk. In most other games that'd be fine but I always found it frustrating in permadeath games.
As for TF2 being pay to win... I think not. The reason I feel TF2's system works so well is because the game-changing items are the most common ones. Sure, you can buy them, but you're gonna find them in a few weeks tops anyway (and that's only because of the cap on weekly drops). Of course, if you're willing to pay the $5 to buy premium (yes I realize that's no longer free to play), then you can trade and have pretty much every weapon that isn't extremely situational in a week or two. Plus, it's fairly easy to trade up and make back the premium investment via paypal or even Steam wallet.
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Warframe requires IRL currency to unlock things permanently, but most things can be rented for ingame currency. I did not find Warframe to be pay2win. Blacklight Retribution has a similar system, and is also very enjoyable.
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Well now they have friend referrals to get more slots.
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Blacklight Retribution
Edit: Maybe it's harder for low levels now but I haven't paid real money for anything and I'm doing fine. You don't really need upgrades as most good people can dominate with default gear anyways. Plus there's mission chance packs now and you can really get a ton of free temp stuff from those.
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You can use real money to get weapons and unlocks early.. and some of it takes forever if you are not paying real life money. So I would actually consider it pay to win. If they where not straight up upgrades then I would not consider it. But a lot of it is.
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It's pretty pay-to-win in the early running especially considering you can unlock multiple One-hit kill weapons with real money far before you can unlock them with leveling & In-game money.
It's a fucking fantastic game, but the cash shop ruins it.
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Tribes: Ascend. And Gotham City impostors: free to play, but that game is dead now.
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Tribes is incredibly grindy now. Hi-Rez kinda gave up on balancing it and are focusing on SMITE now.
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+1 for Tribes. By the time I could move around well and knew what I really needed for my playstyle, I could buy all with the exp I got in-game.
It will cost you only if you really want everything immediately, and even then you won't go anywhere if you can't shoot and move "correctly". :)
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If p2w means p2 advance faster, then all f2p games are by default p2w.
I think Company of Heroes 2, a 60 dollar game with over 50 dollar worth of DLCs, is the very definition of p2w, as you cannot win in-game money to purchase those super ass-kicking commanders.
If hours of game can reward you with some in-game money that you can use to buy the same items other lazy gamers need to take out their credit cards to get, it should not be considered p2w.
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No generally it refers to being unable to play/access all of the games primary content without investing some money first.
Cosmetic items, mounts, xp potions and similar are generally not considered as part pf "P2W". "You can not equip armor level X", "you can not access zone X" or you can not get more than "X point per skill" without buying something would be P2W.
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One thing with your question "Steam F2P games", is that almost all of the F2P games on Steam are just advertised via the Steam site/client and actually have their own clients and really don't need Steam at all.
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Sure, some you can play online/multiplayer 100% without paying (other than cosmetics or minor unnecessary enhancements available):
Lineage 2
America's Army series
Mechwarrior Online
DCS World (you only get the 1 plane, if you don't mind, for free)
Team Fortress 2
Champions of Regnum
Age of Chivalry
Gotham City Imposters
Shadow Warrior Classic (can play online with a non-Steam mod iirc)
TrackMania Nations Forever
D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up
Defence Alliance 2
Eternal Silence
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II
Zombie Panic! Source
And of course lots of single players games that are free are around too.
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To install it is Arma 2: Free the link is steam://install/107400/
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Well, i've spent like 3 years on that game so far, 2 when it was on monthly payment and one F2P.
I dont know how the things went right now, but for sure it wasnt P2W, the only one thing that can be annoying is the character restriction for free accounts, nothing else.
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Well, this thread is about paid unfair advantage in-game.
Your argument is unrelated to a p2w situation.
Just because the mean guy outvoted you with his blue color level 4, doesn't mean you can't beat the piss out of him in-game.
Your disliked team color doesn't make you weaker or the opponent team stronger. It's just visual.
Colors and other cosmetics mean nothing in terms of balanced gameplay.
With all due respect, you have spent 29 hours on that game and i still have to explain that to you?
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I think Vindictus is not mostly P2W. Most of the stuff I got is from the in game crafting system and leveling, all while not paying for anything.
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Cookie Clicker or Candy Crush Saga I heard are epic winz...that or Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
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But it hasn't the mentioned fear effect... unless the poor chap was unaware of being in a shitty premium server or a shit-and-giggles server. Or does not know about the HHH at all.
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Age of Conan. Since you can play all of the original non expansion content for free. Do not think there is anything in its marketplace that would give you a significant hand up over a ftp account when it comes to the base content. ( But I could be wrong on that. Personally I stopped playing it a long time ago. Can only go by what my brother says about it since he recently started playing it again. )
Vanguard ( but not 100% sure on this one in terms of it not being pay2win.. )
Can not really say much about the other FTP games on steam. I remember trying out Rusty Hearts and sorta liking it but I do remember there being some classes that you have to purchase and some people have said they where fairly powerful ( IE a little stronger than ftp characters, instead of just being different classes to play that are balanced with the others. )
Everquest is not really Pay2Win that I can remember.. but it has not really aged well in my opinion. The game is also kind of rediculess now as well. ( You are much better off waiting for the "Everquest Next" or EQ3. Rumors that it might be F2P. It does not look that bad either what little I have seen. )
Keep in mind all the ones mentioned are MMORPGs.
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Well, last time I played the game no expansions where out yet, and the end content was almost non existent :( ( That was the reason for me quitting )
Had a maxed out Necromancer ( Lich spec ) fully decked out in the raid gear that was in the game at the time. I did have fun with the game till I ran out of things to do ( besides PvP of course.. but even then it was very unbalanced as at the time Tempests would just rape everyone. )
My brother and a friend of ours is trying to convince me to come back to it :P but i've actually got a little hooked on Star Wars Old Republic recently.. and not sure if I really want to spend anything on MMOs as of late. Have my eye on Wildstar and the new Everquest game though.
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Star Trek Online
no pay2win, cause you can get all premium items by farming in-game currency
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What?! You can get a 2000 zen ship in under one month, also with the silly 8000 dil cap/day. And even than, you dont need store-ships to win in PVP (also this is not EVE, where you can lost/destroy things in PVP). You even dont need any premium item to win or play the game. So no p2w at all!
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You misunderstood me, i was referring to PVP in Eve.
Iam playing Eve for 8 years now and it is no p2w at all, cause you can easily get your subscription fee with ingame money. Actually its one of the best games, cause there is no premium items at all.
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