I just put some humble keys up, having uncovered them for the purpose. They are now recovered. WTF? I even logged out and back in. This is not good, because I might stupidly start giving away bad keys thinking they are fresh. Anyone else had experience like this?

9 years ago

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Yes! I've seen it too. It's weird!
No! you are crazy!

Yes, it has happened quite a few times for me. You can even send out a humble gift link with these re-obscured keys, but the gift link will just give you a used key.

9 years ago

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That happened but if you reload two times the page you can see it normally.

9 years ago

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8 years ago

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I just know that if I activate my keys, HB will still list them as available keys for many hours

9 years ago

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I have the same problem recently with Saints Row Ultimate franchise pack. I've bought the key in november 2014, actived it and now it seems recovered but without the gift icon. I know some keys are hidden again after reloading the page a second time but this one remains.

When I've bought the pack, "Gat out of hell" was not available into it but now it is, so I wonder if Humble Bundle provides another key or it's just a bug... Did anyone buy the pack on the humble store and have the same problem?

8 years ago

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