is there any point of buying it now or i should just wait till some happy hours sale?
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Well, it is from the IG servers: http://www.**indiegala**.com/img_game/ig1-2014/deadly.jpg
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Did you click the link ? I would only think there would be one game that has the picture Deadly Premonition: Directors Cut lol ;)
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In that case: yes, I dcan load the image and it's a picture of "Deadly Premonition" on it =)
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Link works fine here. Here's the picture rehosted.
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404 explains why you didnt know, it is Deadly Premonition though :)
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If you actually check the picture, not just the URL, you can see it's indeed Deadly Premonition.
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Deadly Premonition would make this the best indiegala ever.
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First time that Indie Gala > Humble Bundle.
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I would quite like to play Deadly Premonition, that would make this a very good bundle indeed.
I'll just be giving Rush Bros away though.
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Fuck Rising Star. Putting the game in a bundle a year after release is one thing. But less than 3 months after?
I often try to support these publishers, the ones that are new to PC. But not gonna get Rising Star Games next games for more than 75% off, and they've only got themselves to blame.
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Wouldn't be the first time a game has done that. Many indie games do it.
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Yeah, but it isn't indie. I mean sure, it's irritating when a small indie game that you got for 10 bucks goes in a bundle 2 months after release, but this costs 25 and is released by a big publisher. Dead Space 3 was also really shitty to include in a bundle.
No, I'm not saying 25 bucks is gonna kill me or anything, and for all it's worth, it's a really good game and more people should enjoy it (have it on both PC and Xbox 360), but you shouldn't milk it as fast as you can. That's why they've fucked up for me, same as Paradox and EA.
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Yeah, but that "later" is 2 months and now it's gonna be 6 bucks with loads of games. And while Rising Star Games ain't a huge publisher, they still are kinda big with a lot of games published. It's just sad to see publishers like Deep Silver, EA (not for profit, so they don't look as bad, Paradox and now Rising Star Games to cash in as fast as possible.
Not really angry or anything, and I don't regret buying it, but if I'd know they would put it in a bundle 2 months after release, I wouldn't have bought it. Not really a fan of bundling games less than a year after release.
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+1 Hate it when people don't understand. You will always want what's best for your money. Even when you support a developer/publisher by pre-ordering a game, it's kind of sad to see it get bundled so soon.
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Well the difference is if it wasn't in this bundle, I wouldn't have bought it because $25+ is too much. I got this at 5.20 and got other games I didn't really want at all (so it's like I paid 5.20 just for this one game) and I feel like it's worth about that. I wouldn't have paid much more based on my few hours of playtime.
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I've got no bigger problems with it being in a bundle, but it's a shame that they added it to a bundle so early, about 2,5 months after release. They could've earned more if they waited and had some 75% off sales while also not making early buyers a bit disappointed by bundling it with 10 other games for 5 bucks so early. Remember that they have to split the revenue with all the devs.
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May I add Two Brothers to the list? I preordered it and it's more or less two months since release...
But I guess I will buy the bundle if Deadly premonition really is a bonus and then give the two brothers key to one of my friends that like retro games.
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Oh yeah, they really want to get the quick bucks. This is why I've stopped supporting indies more and more. I do want to help them and all, but the thought that you'll maybe be able to get them for a buck a month after release with a bunch of other games, kinda scares me away from them.
Yeah, I know that those 9 bucks ain't shit really, but more a loss for them. If I know they put their games in a bundle a month after release, I can wait and put the money on other stuff.
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The picture was of Deadly Premonition, no doubt about that. But for all we know, it could be a high-priced third BTA tier... We'll see.
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It won't be Deadly 30. I am currently hosting a massive giveaway of it on there and the developers are not currently in this bundle. Otherwise, the developers would have mentioned it to me before handing me over 30+ codes for my massive and personal purposes.
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So many people are mad of this possible outcome. But many don't realize that there lies a big bucks in these deals for the companies. In fact if all games would sell this well, many would gladly drop their prices to the same level in end cycle.
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Deadly Prem has unlocked (my key has not appeared yet though)
EDIT: it's up now.
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I missed this thread so I wasn't even expecting it. Man, to have one of your wishlisted games showing up on the bundle you got... Tis a good day!
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Sooo... don't think I've ever BTA on IG before.
How does the happy hour thing work? I hear if I buy now I get free copies later? OR do they no longer do that?
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It's still the first few weeks? (Kinda wish I would bout it when it was locked at a cheap price. :P)
So. Do I have to buy it gifted? Or what? For the free copies.
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Don't you mean 20 bundles for the price of 5? (20 for price of 4.5 if you include the bulk-buying discount)
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You have to check the box that says "Is it a gift?".
To be clear, in first week you have to buy at least one BTA bundle for yourself. Then when a happy hour is on, you tick the box "Is it a gift?" and would pay more than $22.90 (at current price) to receive 20 bundles in the form of urls you can give to others. That price is likely to go up though as IG always increases the BTA price during happy hours. The prices for bulk-buys are mentioned towards the bottom of the page.
Each gift url contains the full (BTA) bundle but cannot be added/redeemed to a profile. The gift urls are only listed in the profile of the person who made the purchase. IG allows you to enter email addresses in that page so IG can mail out the gifts for you.
This is how IG group-buys have worked recently but this could change at any time I suppose.
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As a professional FBI Special Agent, I approve of the powers of coffee.
Solves more crimes by itself than I do.
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Rush Bros
Deadly Premonition Director's Cut
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