Okay if he can see the code, maybe he don't have time to mark it as received yet,
I'll wait for 7 days period then. Thank you.
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Is there a time limit for this? I mean if the game is already in bundle but they just realize it next day, it is obvious. If next week it gets bundled it is a little strange but meh. But is there a chance that i give out 60$ games, and after two years and a Humble bundle they will counts as bundle?
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It means they were level 3 and lost CV after entering.
They're able to see the key if you send it, but you may request a new winner if you wish.
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I already send the key, so it possible the winner have seen the key, I'll wait for 7 days period.
Thank you for the offer.
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So if i make a level giveaway and the winner's level drops because of retroactive bundling, i can request a re-roll, but if an entrant finds their way onto my blacklist during the course of the giveaway (for being a d*ck or whatever), i still have to deliver?
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But they started out eligible in both cases, and their eligibility was altered in both cases.
I understand the potential abuse of blackilsting and ga winning, but what if it is proven without a doubt that the entrant belonged on the blacklist from the get go? i.e. abusive comments in the giveaway..
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abusive comments in the giveaway
Depending on the comments it could be ground for a reroll. But not blacklisting in itself, since it could be abused.
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Makes sense, as it could be abused: Someone wins your GA - you just don't want to gift it to him , so you blacklist that person and are eligible for a reroll.
Blacklist is dependent on personal like/dislike, so it should not be taken in to consideration.
But you might be eligile for a reroll if that person violated any rules, while being a douche.
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make giveaway
let "friend" enter
Blacklist everyone else
unblacklist everyone after
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That's not as fun though. I do know a prince who can help you out.
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I've been informed that blacklist caps at 1000 users. SG has a bit more than that :P
Moreover, you need at least 5 entrants for it to count toward CV, so that's a pretty silly setup.
That being said, there ARE users that making private friends-only giveaways for CV, and then go out and get a fair number of giveaway wins on the site from honest contributors.
It's.. not cool, to say the least.
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well - there's been countless examples of dumb ppl that didn't read the rules trying to exploit system by making AAA GAs and inviting 1 person - ofc these GAs don't give CV, because 5+ ppl rule, BUT ppl were trying and will be trying. So if BL-reroll were avaiable I'm pretty sure they would try this one as well.
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Well, some guy invited me to a "CV exploit group" on SGv1, in which the rule was to keep your profile always private and mark as recieved any giveaway from that group even if the creator did not deliver. I reported the guy who invited me, but I don't know what happened next because I didn't log into SG for about one year and a half.: Anyway, my ticket is still open, his fake giveaways are now deleted and the guy last logged 3 weeks ago.
The point is that some people would exploit the system if we could reroll on blacklisted entries.
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300-500 entries on avg
so people write a script
You make a group
Your giveaway has 100 entries
not so hard now eh?
my point is, people would exploit it. Sad but true.
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but you may request a new winner if you wish
Someone had a Witcher 3 giveaway which was $60 and tomorrow it's $30, and that $30 was enough to drop a level. So you're saying this is enough for a reroll. Doesn't work this way, entries eligible at the moment of entry reamin eligible.
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So you're saying this is enough for a reroll.
Doesn't work this way, entries eligible at the moment of entry reamin eligible.
That's not true.
If you enter a group giveaway and get kicked before it ends, you were eligible when you entered but you aren't anymore.
If you enter for a game you don't own, but you acquire a copy of the game before it ends, you were eligible when you entered but you aren't anymore.
If you are suspended after the giveaway ends, you were eligible when you entered but you aren't anymore.
But thanks for trying to explain to a staff member how rerolls work.
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I thought that for the group giveaways if the person entered while he was still part of the group and was kicked before it ended he would still be considered the winner, it's just when he was kicked but didn't sync and entered a giveaway after he was kicked that there would be a re-roll.
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It isn't really relevant in this case as they weren't actually eligible, if the list was updated with no delay they wouldn't be there.
It is like the times steam reports wrong price for games, if it happens to be an higher one then people can be at higher level and thus enter giveaways that they aren't supposed to be eligible. Or say a bug happened and all level 2 were seen as being level 10.
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sadly nope, it's just a steam smiley ;p http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/245070-%3AD%3A
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Instead of making a new thread:
How exactly does this retroactive bundling work?
If my understanding is correct, CV gained from giveaways that finish before a game is bundled is not adjusted when a game is finally bundled. I have seen this posted NUMEROUS times, from Staff, Support, and many many other users who confirm this to be true.
So knowing this, it shouldn't be possible for levels to drop from "retroactive bundling" because it shouldn't even exist.
So what really causes level drops?
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Game is featured in a bundle today
You make a flash giveaway and get full CV
Game is added to the bundle list tomorrow
You lose CV
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Yes, prices are pulled from the Steam API, so if a price changes, the value is automatically adjusted here too.
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Still think that is kinda unfair... Its the same as if you applied the bundle rate to all giveaways for that game regardless of when they were made...
I mean, if someone gave away 10 copies of an unbundled 20$ game in 2013, thats 200$ in CV. If the price drops to 10$ in 2015, they suddenly lose the 100$ difference. If the same game was bundled in 2015 instead of having its price dropped, they would still have the 200$ CV. Why this difference for two scenarios the gifter has no control over?
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Life is just hard, that is it.
Rule changes also apply retroactively:
EDIT: the transition between SGv1->SGv2 has happened in January, so you probably do not even know about it
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Probably price of game changed or got bundled when he made the giveaway and they changed it recently.
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CV drops all the time ;P The more GAs you make the bigger chances one get retro-locked or drops price ;p I was stuck on lvl 9.8 like forever because whenever I'd reach 9.9 I'd lose 50-100$ value and here we go again :D: heck, some of my non-bundled GAs give 0$ value simply because game got removed from steam ;p (for example Windborne).
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ayy lmao thank you for the game. I ENTERED IT WHILE ELIGIBLE.
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Sure, they could reroll. I wouldn't mind it.
Don't really see in what way it's dishonest. The contributor level is only required to enter a giveaway, not to win it. Otherwise there would be a system that would kick me off if my level drops, or something stated in the rules. Wouldn't consider a winner dishonest if it was me giving a game away.
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Is this a joke or something, Dagnabbit? Games get bundled like every minute. Should Lardorable be online all day and check on steamgifts if his level got suddenly down? That's clearly steamgifts' fault, not Lardorable's fault. If they wanted to avoid this, they should have found a way to fix this problem. Don't accuse Lardorable of dishonesty ever again!
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i dropped from lvl 4 to 3 twice and from 3 lvl to lvl 2 three times because sgifts added games to bundled lists half year later my giveaway ended:-( so as allready others said its very likely that he/she met the lvl requirements when entered but dropped lvl later.
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Obviously, his level dropped after entering the giveaway. Probably, a game that he gave away got bundled or something like that. That's not actually a serious reason to reroll, because obviously, he didn't do this on purpose. Games get bundled faster than being released on steam. :P
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yes it is a reason to reroll, did you read the reply by support? http://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/Jp6rAyS
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I just can hardly believe this. Games get bundled every minute. He must be online all the time to check his current level and leave the giveaways that he entered? I'm pretty sure it's not his fault, but steamgifts fault that they haven't found a way to solve this.
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It's our fault that people give away a bunch of copies of 98% off games, then quickly enter giveaways with their falsely acquired level before the bundler add it to the list ?
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Someone win one of my giveaway, the requirement is LV 3+,
but he have only LV 2.01, dunno how he got in.
So now he haven't mark the giveaway as received, maybe because of the lack of LV, is he can't see the code?
If he can't win, maybe I'll reroll later.
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