This.Don't get why people think there's some sort of problem on their end though.
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Well, what can I say? I have over 1100$ contributor value and so far I've won two games and one DLC. And one of those games was a developer giveaway.
It's frustrating but that's just randomness and luck. I hope that I'll start winning games soon. Bad luck can't last forever!
I think that winning games is just a "side effect", a benefit. But the whole point of this site is to give games away.
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Nicely said. I agree, winning games is just a bonus. I came here to give away a few games, gave more than I planned (less than you though) and managed to win two games, the second just a few days ago.
Though frankly I think anyone who really makes an effort can win more. There are many puzzles, forum giveaways, gift groups.
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Actually "bad luck" can last forever, it's just very unlikely that it will.
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For fuck's sake. It's random.
We really need a huge fucking banner in the front page that says "IT'S RANDOM". Maybe there will be less useless threads like this, then.
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You got three things you need to fix before you start this thread ever again.
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While #3 would help him enter contributor giveaways and help his chances of winning...
DON'T EVER tell people what they NEED to give away. This site is founded on generosity, or at least it should be. People can give away whatever the hell they want. It's not the first time I've seen folks critical of the games someone has given away. It's sickening.
EDIT: Also, commenting does nothing to help you win. I agree we should all be nice and say thanks, but it's not required. Don't like that people don't? Get out then.
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Everything I've read would indicate commenting doesn't help. So I'm inclined to not believe your random unknown reasoning. That said, I think you're a little prick for telling people what they should or should not give away FOR FREE. If it were in the context of raising his contributor value (since humble bundles don't accumulate past a certain point), that'd be fine, but I'm guessing you only give away games to lord it over/shout it at those who aren't as "generous" as you. So fuck off.
And I guess you missed the part where I said "I agree we should all be nice and say thanks"... but why wouldn't you miss that. You don't seem to have your head on straight today. Guess I won't be getting out.
EDIT: And it's really tough to not point out you giving away Metro 2033. I won't harp on it because you can give away whatever you damn well please... but hyyppooccrriittee.
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Also, if everyone thinks like you, the world will truely end. So keep your thought to yourself.
" I agree we should all be nice and say thanks, but it's not required."
That's one point why the world will end.
"Everything I've read would indicate commenting doesn't help. So I'm inclined to not believe your random unknown reasoning."
That's two. Also I rebut by stating that my own profile is an example of what my points 2 and 3 can do.
"That said, I think you're a little prick for telling people what they should or should not give away FOR FREE."
That's three, also I'm not sorry to you for stating the stuff I learnt.
"but I'm guessing you only give away games to lord it over/shout it at those who aren't as "generous" as you"
If you have been around as long as me, you would have known that I don't use contribution as a way to lord over others. I'm pretty poor myself so why should I lord over the same poor people as me?
"And I guess you missed the part where I said "I agree we should all be nice and say thanks"... but why wouldn't you miss that. You don't seem to have your head on straight today."
Guess what? I did read it but wasn't intending to do anything about it until you stupidly decided to shoot me off. So I'm going to use reason as a weapon. Hope your mind is ready.
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The funny thing is, because people keep responding to random "why haven't i won" threads with "you should create giveaways & no bundlegames" other (new) users get confused and assume they really have a bigger chance at winning after creating some giveaways, which leads them in turn to create yet another "why haven't i won" thread.
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It's all just a "who has the bigger dick" contest, I'm learning. Few people around here actually do something for the sole purpose of being generous. The giveaways are just made knowing in the back of their heads that can use it as leverage against someone on the forums if they say something they don't like. It's fucking pathetic.
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I haven't been around here that long, but i.m.o. it's mostly the younger people that act like it's some kind of competition, as far as i've noticed older people tend to be more patient, helpful and (sincerely) generous on this forum/site and for me, those people give me a reason to stick around
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While I agree in spirit, for him, 3 ties into the rest of it and shows he has no interest in being a helpful member to the community and instead wants to profit off the generosity of others. Its a growing apparent problem. Anyone that joins the site just to profit is kind of a dick IMO. And no, I am not referring to "leechers", but people that have the mind set that, "Hey, I deserve to win because I gave away 20 copies of fortrix". These are often the same sort of people that will attack "leechers" or "contribute" solely to private only groups too.
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Interesting comments that stand out can help. I've gotten an invite to a private giveaway for Witcher 2 (which I won :D) purely because of comments on a giveaway by another user who was arguing he should be allowed to break the rules, because it isn't his fault the site doesn't stop him from doing so.
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Just roll with the punches dude. If you're anything like me, you only enter giveaways for games you want, and games you want generally tend to be kind of expensive and sought after. Lots of people entering them. If you enter a giveaway with 1,000 other people in it, there's only a 0.1% chance that you win. That's a really low percent lol. When there are 1,000 names to pull out of a hat... the chance yours gets picked becomes really, really slim.
That said, don't get discouraged. The people who win your giveaways probably had a really low percent chance to win too, but they did.
Personally I only giveaway games I get in packs at this point. Keep 3 or 4 of the games that I want, giveaway the rest that I don't. I'm still saving a ton of money on games, slowly increasing my contrib value and, while the games may not be my cup of tea, I'm still making someones day when they win it (I hope anyways). If I start winning some more, maybe I'll get a game or two outside of packs just to give away... but the site will decide that for me. ;-]
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boohoo why can't I get games instead of everyone else?
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Lol, @Topic: Stop whining, and enter more giveaways
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Well, this website frustrates me...
I have been entering giveaways for almost 3 months, gaveaway 4 games already,
and only won 1 giveaway almost 2 months ago which was Superbrothers: Swords & Sworcery EP...
When I gave my games, the happines in the winners gave me hope that I'll benefit from that too...
But I get only frustration from this site.
I have a friend who wins a game about every week and another one who didn't won anything for a month and a half and then won 3 games in 1 day!!
How is it possible I dont win anything??
Is it possible there is an error in my account?
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