So am I (I don't have a job), you can buy games dirt cheap these days, I'm sure you can afford a tier 1 humble occasionally and might already have 1 of the games in it, even if you have them all , sell the cards and get a get a game with that money
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interesting, is there any new defenition for being poor other than "lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society" ?
poor = barely sustaining minimume income to survive
don't have a job doesn't make you automatically poor, if you can afford anything than minimal survival then you're not poor.
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Then you can still get games for free from site such as lootboy, chrono (dead now) indiegala giveaway etc yes a lot of the times you will get games that don't give you cv but occasionally you can get a unbundled game and you could choose to give that away rather than claim for yourself. plus like i said previously about selling cards, you could sell the cards from the games you where gifted and buy a cheap unbundled game on sale and level up
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Well there used to be tremorgames where you could actually work for your free games, and even bitcoins and paypal money were given away in the past. I got wellfare and i'd got no problem in getting a few bundles and gift some stuff. I even gifted full on Virtuaverse as a gift.
Still nothing that beats the story of the guy that lived on food stamps (with kids) and still insisted on giving me a small game and gifted stuff here, but i can imagine some don't have it that good, i asked someone in australia why he didn't move on his own and couldn't either.
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There are several definitions, as far as I know.
It is important if you are talking about absolute or relative poverty.
I can hardly imagine that someone who is poor by the absolute definition has playtime in Steam.
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I can hardly imagine that someone who is poor by the absolute definition has playtime in Steam.
If you can't imagine that then maybe you need to educate yourself about how live would be in other countries compared to yous, that was judge mental
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Please educate me. As far as I know absolute poverty is defined as having the equivalent of 1$ or less per day.
I don't see a PC, internet or electricity there. There might be playtime on Steam by using a public PC or something.
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Geuss i'm below absolute poverty now then haha, no need to elaborate since me myself is a living example, you don't know what people's life is and if you try to make assumptions it'd never come close to reality.
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Yes, I don't know about people's life, that is why I asked you to elaborate - to widen my point of view.
Sadly your no need to elaborate since me myself is a living example only shows to me how entitled you are about your life.
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what i wanted to say is, there is people with 0 income due to many reasons that might be permanent or temporary and yet they are able to to play games and satisfy basic needs.
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Yeah but then even if you don't have an income of $1 a day, I suppose you get more value than that somehow (like idk, subsidies, donations, living for free in a relative's house, getting free meals from local charities, etc)
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I don't know where you live Oppenh4imer, but with with $1 per day, you die.
In Canada, for my province the poverty line is set to CAD $21,500 / year, that is $59 per day.
If you cannot work or have no revenue, social assistance is $604 per month ($7,250 per year or $20 per day) which is not enough have an apartment by yourself. With this kind of revenue, you don't get to eat everyday unless you live in a crappy apartment with many other people. This is absolute poverty, not having a proper shelter, food and clothes.
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And there is the problem with the definition of poverty. I would also say that someone getting 20€ per day in Germany is poor, but I guess that the standart of living is still much better than 50% (?) of the world's population. But I have no qualified knowledge on the matter.
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Yes I agree, the definition as well as the reference point is problematic. Being at the lower end of a "first world" country and struggling to survive among a rich population is a lot different that the situation in third world countries. Any homeless beggar in a first world large city can make $1+ per hour and yet be extremely poor, since McDonald is charging $12 for a meal and shelters will charge them $5 for the night (or the police will give them $250 tickets for sleeping in a public park...), while in some third world countries $1 per day is what most of the population have to feed their families, if they are lucky... That being said, anyone with enough food, warm clothes, a roof, a computer, Internet and a Steam account is privileged! :)
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there are . for example i bought all of my games within the 4or 5 years most of em are gifts from here what kind of not-poor am i to buy only 30or 40 games in 4-5 years ? explain that to me ?
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Let me answer you on some of people's behalf here "YOU MIGHT BE GREEDY" haha ( joking )
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lol xD if im greedy then what are those who got like 5k games and are still here to win games ? (joking) answer that
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They call them leechers, freeloaders or people with low respect, at least this is what i was called for winning 13 games.
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We disagree on a lot of things, but in this case you're right. Making giveaways is voluntary. I absolutely dislike that people get called leechers, just because they don't give games away (or very few). They might have a good reason for it. People who do giveaways should ask themselves why they do it. If they want to make someone happy - well, I can't think of anyone who deserves it more than someone who can't afford games themselves.
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People are trying to find a job to a kid who came here for free games. I find it pretty funny tbh. :D You can give advice who is looking for a job but going out of your way to tell someone to work for SG giveaways or games even just i don't know "entitled" maybe. Not sure what to call it there. If someone doesn't want to spend their money on strangers that looks fine to me.
People are acting like they are actually better people by just giving away some games here and i see a rising trend on that in recent times. Also it is a shame that it shy aways most non-giver people who can make discussions a bit more lively.
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A person asks how to level up. People answer this person to do giveaways. This person says that he doesnt have money for it. So people suggest getting a job.
Whats the "pretty funny" part here ? It's not like others are randomly attacking a user who doesnt give away games. what else is someone supposed to answer to "I dont have money for giveaways but I want to level up" ? You completely took this discussion out of context to call others entitled.
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As i said i am not sure that word is correct. But i wil try to explain why i choose it. You can easily reach games through pirating and being poor doesn't really make much of a difference here. Except internet connection and pc stuff but lets put that on the side So anybody who is saying on a gaming forum and in a community about sharing and accessing games they are "poor" is a form of begging and not to be considered serious. Even if they are serious it's their bussiness to get a job or not. It's not other people's place to tell someone to get a job especially for SG giveaways. :D You can get a job then you can give games here.. what!? That part makes me use the word "entitled" here. So suggesting that under these conditions funny to me whatever you take it in or out of context. Anybody with common sense can get a job to pay what they want. But here it's a passive aggresive approach to not giving games. I started to dislike that part of to community since i see it in almost every thread now.
This site is about winning as much as giving. People seems so attached to "giver" status to a point that i believe it hurts community.
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I just dont see it as anything condescending to suggest getting a job. You choose whatever you want to do with your money, if that something happens to be giving away games - all the better for others. I'm not disagreeing with you or saying your argument is wrong..
A person can just come here and not give away anything even if they earn abundance of money. But it doesnt change the fact that if you want to giveaway games (hence level up) you need money to buy those games. Those are just statements of facts in my opinion. If you want to giveaway games you need to buy them with money you earn from working. OP doesnt have to go to work to giveaway games here. He has to go to work to earn money. If he wants to giveaway games here, then he can use that money for such a purpose.
If anything OP is entitled as he wants to get some kind of fast and easy way to leveling up and getting access to more giveaways. If some individuals feel like they should be treated as some special breed just because they do giveaways cough cough one self appointed philantropist we have on the site then they are the entitled ones suggesting that they should receive more.
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Yeah OP is entitled but i can understand that since he is talking about how old around teenage he is and isn't that how teenagers like? They want to do stuff fast and easy. They want more stuff etc. So in this case telling someone to get a job would be my last choice since it is very unlikely that it would be considered or simply it is unreasonable. Should i start working to use a site that i registered 1 day ago? On the top of that it's a raffle site too. Not guaranteed to win anything. That's bizzare imo.
Your second paragraph where my concern starts. OP doesn't mention anything besides "i don't have spare money for games to give away here." So any income advice would be towards exactly to this topic. They are not homeless or not hungry or not even mentioning any other aspect of their life but we should assume they should work? Do you actually believe that is a good advice here? Come on. :D
If OP would be around for sometime and know how the system works then open a thread to get more efficent levels, that might be a good thread to disscuss income not with random teenager to do stuff fast and easy without even reading. :D
Also i am lazy nowadays to find and link it now but there were really good guides to help people how to use site efficiently or how to get level 1 without even spending any money. Those are more helpful then get a job™ tbh.
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Do you actually believe that is a good advice here?
No, not really. In fact I think people like to comment more then they should about stuff that doesnt concern them. In this case simply answering the given question at hand would be enough for someone to just close the topic, so I dont think talking about what OP should be doing with his life in the first place is appropriate. But what are you going to do. Ever read facebook comments ? That cesspool is even bigger shitshow regardless of everyone not being anonymous there.
I dont think there is anything wrong with these suggestions as you pointed out first. But I agree theres no need for them and this discussion should have ended at the first comment of "By doing giveaways. Here is the link to FAQ :".
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In fact I think people like to comment more then they should about stuff that doesnt concern them.
Print it out, frame it, hang it on the wall. :)
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Well, i have been attacked in a similar fashion for not giving games away although i explained i can't afford it, one can feel entitled to be a judge sometimes and yes, it's a trend
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that was dope and lovely, made me feel better about myself ❤️❤️❤️
To be honest, when i thought about it i found out that i'm leecher somehow but that is not something i intended to do but rather out of my control.
about disagreements, all we need to do is to open our hearts to each other and listen neutrality to the voice of logic, rationalism and science, shall we?
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no job doesn't mean no money and poor, none of your friends is arabian prince? 😂😂😂
or a retired who collect pension?
No job = no money if those tow examples is not valid.
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You assume that they are adult though, when there's a strong chance that they are not.
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If they are not adult, they should prioritise their education. Best chance to get out of poverty, I assume.
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Sell your stuff on eBay? Or you can sell your PC / Phone, then use public computers. Buy games, give them away here. Then win games. Then not play your games until you grow up, and get a job. Then you have no time for games because you have a job. Then you get old, and you are in your 40's when you have time to FINALLY play your wins you get married. And you still have no time to play Them. Then you get pancaked by a drunk driver on your 10 anniversary of your SG wins. Your wife marries a nice old man at the ripe age of 70. And they live happily ever after and they play GTA XV Together. The End.
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They're always looking for Lot Lizards at most any truck stop.
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They're winding you up. You don't need to give away games or level up. lol.
Just enter some giveaways and enjoy taking part in the community discussions. You are under no obligation to give anything away here. Since you're young, you'll probably want to save up for some games that you really want with any pocket money you might earn from things they are suggesting, rather than gamble on the chance of winning.
If you're still here in a few years, then you can always give something back to the community if you want to.
In the meantime, sign up to lootboy and check out the lootboy thread for diamond codes. It takes a few weeks to save up 100 diamonds, but you get free steam games from premium packs that way. You might get something to play for yourself. If you don't like what you get, you can give it away here.
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Looki looki here, are you dictating what people should prioritize? Some people has no tolerance for others to share breathing air with them, no wonder.
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Welcome to Steamgifts.
If you have not already done so, may I suggest you read the FAQ & guidelines. It is also a good idea to keep track of the announcements done by Steamgifts' admin.
In case you are unsure about the rules stated in the FAQ & guidelines, use the search function of the discussion board, as most questions have been asked plenty of times.
Enjoy your stay at Steamgifts & good luck!
Edit: As Starwhite said, give away games. Addition: The games should not have been free (now or in the past).
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Give away some games. That's the easiest and only way to level up.
If you don't have any games to giveaway, there are always bundles active on sites like Fanatical, Humble Bundle, IndieGala, and others. You can get some a bunch of games for a few dollars and give them away here.
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i know what is the fastest way to get blacklisted 😂😂, you'd figure it out the more frequent you use the discussion section of SG, take the initiative and save your soul.
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There is only one way to level up, buy games that have never been given away for free in the past and create giveaways for them. Games that have been highly discounted (around 95% off) give you 15% of the current full Steam retail value (US dollars) while other games give you the full retail value. You can see whether a game will give you full, reduced, or no CV when you select a game from the giveaway creation page here.
If all you care about it leveling your account for as cheap as possible, the easiest way would be to buy games that provide the most contributor value compared to the price you pay. This is usually done by giving away games from bundles. If you check the deals section here, almost all bundles get posted there and the OP usually includes the cost of the bundle and how much CV it provides.
I would recommend looking through the FAQ and guidelines. They have a lot of good info about the site.
Welcome to SG :)
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Hello, I used to giveaway 1 dollar bundle a few times. It could be usefull for first levels but I don't sure about it and I did't find it usefull for medium levels.
Humble bundle packs were usefull I guess but I didn't remember how much effective and is it usefull right now.
Where're also different special offers is shops and events in Steam.
Most of all, I recomend use it just a little and I shall recommend you think about is giving away give you positive feelings, does it make you feel better or happier by sharing happiness cause it's core of SG for me and lot of other people here.
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I forgot say cheap games usually become more cheaper or free so points amount decreasing.
Best options are games like Skyrim or Witcher 3 cause they always will have base small price. I'm not sure about Witcher 3 but I guess Skyrim would be on PS6 or PS7 may be xD May be Ori and Halo (3rd person)
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You are asking wrong question. You need to ask yourself, why do you want to level up? If you think that you will get more games by leveling up, then you are mistaken. Levels are not investment, they will never pay off. I recommend stop worrying about levels at all, and just get fun.
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But remember to read the rules, before getting too much fun
I would add
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Welcome to SG!
I completely agree with what Ryzhehvost said, but if you’re adamant about leveling up, tier 1 Humble Bundles are probably your best bet. They cost a dollar and give you a few games. As others have said, LootBoy is free and requires minimal effort. If you have more time on your hands, there are websites like GameTame (my personal favorite), Idle-Empire, Gamekit, and Gamehag. These websites pay you to complete offers like downloading games or completing surveys. I’ve gotten a lot of great Steam games from GameTame (just ordered TWD: The Final Season!) and I’ve gotten $60 in Visa gift cards on Swagbucks.
Good luck!
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Sorry to necro this thread, but I completely missed your comment before! Happy to help, thanks for the delicious waffle! 🧇
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Welcome to SG!
Hopefully you catch enough lower level giveaways and find a few games to your interest. You don't need to level up to enter the lower level giveaways. It's best to change your settings and just display games that you can enter, that way you are not seeing all of the ones that you do not qualify for.
Go here: Settings page for Giveaways
These are the settings I use: (the image got pushed to the bottom of the post)
It's not hard at all to level 1, since any giveaway that's worth any CV (Contributor Value) will get you there. So if you have 1 spare key that's not been "massively/publicly" given away before by the publisher/developer, you can make a single giveaway, and once the key is redeemed, you will be level 1. If you want to know which games have CV, when you go to type in the game when you make a giveaway, you will see 0-2 red asterix behind the title. 0 means full value, 1 means reduced value, and 2 means no value.
As others have suggested, if you have a dollar/euro/pound (seems that you are from UK) to spare, you should be able to wrack up some extra CV, and be on your way to level 2 already.
You can always refer back to this chart in regards to how much CV is needed for each level: Chart by Kiru (SG Thread)
Once again, good luck and hope you get something meaningful for being here, whether that be a few good games, worthwhile conversation, or just silent browsing on your own part. You may also discover people that you get along with, or games that you have never heard of but are suddenly making their ways to your wishlist.
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Welcome to SG.
First rule of SG is you don't talk about levelling up.
Second rule of SG is you don't create discussions (especially if they don't contain a giveaway), cos people will blacklist you for no? reasons.
Third rule of SG is don't take anything seriously... unless you win of course, then make sure you activate the game on your account, and perhaps play it.
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Why care about level? You are not a number! You are a free man!
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Hm, I think you can try trading on market. Either form of currency or exchange.
(Also requires 6$+ for starters) (The more risk you take the higher you earn)
Though to effectively earn you have to spend time to teach yourself by research.
I just join and hope to win, I also have the same case as you as I don't possess money momentarily to spend on game or either my pc.
But it really isn't bad if you don't win since there are games that is worthy even if free.
You shouldn't feel bad as this is a chance game. (Look at me lol)
If you want a free game to monitor into you can go for free game finders.
They will provide notif for free games.
Though if you really want a win, you can try Humble monthly.
Though it needs payment as well. I think around 20$ (I forgot).
Looks like the games in the deal are good.
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Ehm so not true with so many games not retroactively been added to the free cv list, i talked and sent a ticket to talk with mskotor about it, it got neglected (she said no time, whatever, we got past it) but it's still hanging and the situation still remains, and still people slip through it.
F.e take a look at gamehag's Facebook, you can pick out a lot there alone from their posts, it just takes some time and some work yeah, probably hours, but it needs to happen, someone has to do it, better for the site and removes a lot of crap.
All those giveaways with "please delete if key is invalid." 99% free stuff.
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What many don't assume is you are probably still very young, so get something like a paper route.
Regardless the first 2 levels might be "easy", further and further trust me it takes a lot of money, that you no way can ever afford unless with a real job or a long breath with bundles.
For someone with little money you sure got some nice games though. ;) If someone gifted you that, then you could easily ask them for a bundle as a gift a next time, but it's choices you make or not.
What someone should have started and it could end with this, there is no easy way.
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Ask yourself why you need a level?
A few years ago I deleted a level 10 account (why? Because I'm unpredictable). Now I have level 6.
Therefore, I can say for sure that a high level on this site will not change anything. You won’t win games more often. People around you will not respect you more.He will not help you find a girl, nor will he help you find a job. This is just a figure in the profile.
Relax and have fun.
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