What should I do ?
Let's hope cg will give more staff the ability to access all tickets - or at least the User Report category.
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I just remembered about them. I don't know, what would make them lose their relevance ?
edit : just found one that wasn't necessary anymore, I'll probably make a sweep to reduce their number.
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The only ones you can determine aren't relevant are one's where the user got a permaban. You can only see temp bans whilst they are active.
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That's fine if the suspension is current and you can see it but some of those reports are five months old. If those members have already been suspended and the duration of the suspension has passed you have no way of knowing. Whoever deals with those tickets should have some way to see all tickets associated with a user and as such should go through and close them all when handing out the suspension. Clearing out all those redundant tickets for users that have already been dealt with would go along way to clearing the backlog and make it easier for them to find the still relevant tickets.
I myself have an open user report from two years ago. The user has won games since so how do I know whether it was ever handled or not.
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This might be true in some cases, in other cases it´s absolutly possible to get a connection between your own report and the supsension....
but anyway i agree the whole system is right now a pain for all honest users, we report and report....and all we get sometimes is a feedback that we just should shut up with nice words likes "this is calling out", if we just would like to warn others.
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If they aren't currently suspended there is no indication that they have been suspended. That's my point. If there currently suspended then the report doesn't really matter as such as it likely has been dealt with
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Maybe someone else reported the infringement, so the other report got closed.
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Good point, I hadn't thought of that...in an ideal SG World, there'd be something in place to collate ALL reports made about a particular user over a particular incident, that way Support could deal with the User over the infringement in question and then have ALL similar tickets closed...
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Only cg and the mods handle user reports (that's like 4-5 people total), those with the Support user role can't deal with these ones as far as I know and that's why they don't get solved as fast as other issues. They will get to them eventually.
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Well, SteamGifts happens to be a place I like spending time in. And in order for it to keep working and stay a friendly place, its rules have to be respected. So when I see someone trying to take advantage of the system, I think it's a duty to help spotting and rewarding them.
SteamGifts is the hobby, not reporting - but I'm sure you were'nt trying to suggest it was.
Just common sense, not vigilantism nor thirst for hunting assholes :-D
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You sound like a nice, smart guy and all you said makes sense. But to be honest... yes, I was suggesting playing vigilante is kind of a sub-hobby of its own for a number of users here. The screenshot you posted makes me think you belong to the category.
I, for example, belong to the category of users who received much more than they gave on SG. And now I also probably belong to your blacklist. :) I accept my fate.
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And you know what else is funny? I think SG would be a much friendlier place without the vigilantism, while you think vigilantism (not your word, I know) is what keeps it friendly. Eye of the beholder, I guess! :)
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Depends on how far the vigilantism goes. I'm not going through all user profiles, but i do check anyone who wins one of my GAs, and anyone who raises enough suspicion of not following the site rules will get reported.
I could give you a longer explanation for why I do that, but I'll be lazy and point ot this thread instead: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/GeDfy/failure-to-activate-and-regifting
Then again, I'm also not the sort who goes blacklisting anyone just because they are a jerk, because they're from a different part of the world, because they have more than 1 eyeball or something like that...
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I think I gave that post a read, but I will get back to it. Personally, I don't understand how a game activated and left to rot in one's library is better than a game regifted, with a new chance to be won by someone who will actually play it.
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If someone doesn't want a game they shouldn't enter for it. People don't get to take advantage of other users' generosity to go ahead and boost their own profile giveaways.
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You're right. But... shit happens, so to say, and you have to decide how to deal (or not deal) with it.
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If SG allowed people to regift..Then so many people would be spending all of their points to get games to regift and boost their CV, making it hard for people who actually want the game to win it.
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That's a good point. I mean it. CV was supposed to go away, but then... it didn't. So I'd say in terms of personal benefit the rule against regifting makes sense, but in terms of collective benefit regifting is better than activating and never playing, I think.
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You should read the thread made by a support member awhile ago regarding how SG functions thanks to the vigilant members. I agree that staying up 24/7, going through all profiles with a smirk on your face "Ha, got you!" is taking it too far. But sometimes you just happen to notice someone is breaking the rules, and you're faced with the option of reporting or not reporting. Why not report?
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Speaking strictly for myself, I don't report because:
Something I would be happy to report are fake giveaways, but unfortunately I am not allowed to do that. :)
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Vigilantism would be people tracking down the rule breakers and doing something to them without the help of the admins/mods/support.
What the people are actually doing is more like neighborhood watch, where the community reports any suspicious stuff to the police. The admins/mods/support would be the police.
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You have a point. Vigilantism was DavidSarif's choice of words. Mine is usually wannabe cops. Do you know Dwight from The Office?
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We all have different views on the legitimacy of the rules and on the way they should be enforced or not, I think it's perfectly okay to discuss it. I won't blacklist someone for having a different opinion :-)
Also I don't consider users who received more than they gifted, sub-par users. I don't measure the quality of someone's presence and participation with his CV !
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Well, I like jokes. Yours was appropriate, if slightly too obvious. :)
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bump for "Kill them all and let God sort them out"
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I've also got a long list, its generally about a month behind. I check it once a week to see if anyone has been suspended, if they haven't, I leave it go, if they have or if giveaway was deleted by the creator or support/mods/admins then I close out the ticket.
21 tickets and slowly growing around 1 or 2 every day or so.
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