Which one should I get? I'm more of a Cop shooting kind of guy (GTA guy). Which one is more favorable for this? Which one is better all around?

10 years ago*

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Both are great, but I'd say Saints Row 4. It's basically SR3 with superpowers and that made it a little bit more fun :)

10 years ago

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Saints Row 3 for sure BUT Saints Row 4 is pretty good too. The only things I can really fault SR4 for is the super powers render virtually everything else pointless except when you are forced to not use them. Saints Row 4's charm comes from it's parodies and satires of other games. It will make you laugh, the game doesn't even try to take anything seriously any more (Which is great). The main bad guy is fun but isn't even really involved that much in the game other than a few "hey player, don't forget I am in the game too" bits where he messes with something to annoy your character, like ruining a song on the radio. Another fault is that most of the missions of SR4 mostly comprise of being told to go do activities rather than picking and choosing to do them on your own with very little lead in or lead out dialogue "Go do these and I will give you this". If you do them in advance it just crosses them off the list and you miss a few lines of dialogue. One last fault, and this is nit picky, when you see the characters on the ship, they just feel flat. In SR3 they sort of felt like real people with real lives. In SR4 they feel like generic NPCs and even their expressions are muted and their faces look low resolution. Their dialogue is pretty much pointless on the ship too for the most part. OUTSIDE the ship, their dialogue is mostly "Hey go kill those Zin over there" or "Go hack that store" etc. The cutscenes are the only parts where you really get any kind of funny dialogue. When you are doing a mission to get a NPC their super powers, the dialogue is much better too. All in all, SR4 feels like what it is. A story DLC that got too big, but not big enough to be it's own thing. A lot of padding was added, and the game even makes a joke about how padding was added to it (and other games). (You are told to go see Matt on the ship, you talk to Matt he gives a recycled line, quest complete. If you read the mission description it mentions it is padding). If you strip the game of the activities, and the find the 1300 or so hidden items (which show on your map a few missions in to the game) and just do the story and super powering NPC missions. You are left with a few hours of actually really fun game play. SR3 had a much longer story, which uses the same formula for some of the missions, go do this activity, but it also felt like it had a lot more story missions too or at least missions that were not just go do that activity over there.

SR3 > SR4 if you are in to story and non-super repetitive game play.
SR4 > SR3 if you are in to over the top satire.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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SR4 is like dlc to SR3 everything same except scenario and super powers

10 years ago

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Saints Row 2

10 years ago

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Saints Row 2 is the best in the series, don't waste your time on 3 and 4 they both sucks.

10 years ago

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Undoubtedly, Saints Row 3. If you like GTA, Saints Row 4 will be too surreal for you. Anyway, both games are really awesome.


10 years ago

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