For me, that would be Metal Fatigue. An RTS game published by Psygnosis in 2000. It involves combat with skyscraper-high mechs that you can assemble using faction-specific parts.
What sets this game apart from other RTS:
Did anyone else play this game?
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I did ^^
I was about to post in here about this game but saw ur post instead ^^
This game was really something innovative for me, because of the fully customizable mechs it involved making use of some interesting strategies. Too bad there was no sequel :/
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One of the best games ever made. It was dramatic, depresing, cool,... It was everything a game needs to be!
Underrated but awesome!
Just beautifull!
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The Jedi Knight series of games. Best lightsaber mechanics in any game, hands down.
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Indeed. Loved cheating and making lightsaber battles.
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Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II was my first PC game, and one of my favourite games of all time. That game did CTF absolutely perfect.
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yeah, i used to play the hell out of jedi outcast & academy
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It's hard to say, because most of the old games I have fond memories of, are actually well known classics.
A less known game might be Ground Control, which is an RTS from 2000 and was one of the first RTS, where a tank-rush wasn't possible.
You have no base, but have to manage the units you're given to.
Every unit you lose, won't be there in upcoming levels either and if you mess up a couple of levels you might end up with not enough firepower to continue... actually, wait a minute! I hate this game! ;)
You can play the game on easier modes as well, where you get your units again, but that's no fun, is it?
Anyways, you can even get the game for free
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Altered Beast and Star Wars: Starfighter some of the first games I played, and absolutely loved the idea you could play with a friend in Altered Beast.
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Doom, pac-man, tetris, pokemon, and starcraft, these games hit me most when i was a young lad and i remember fondly doing into arcades wanting to beat the ghosts out of my tracks in Pac-man, Tetris i remember very well when i was very confused and almost attacked my gameboy for making me lose just because i reached the top T_T. Pokemon is etched on my soul for the many long hours I've spent on countless versions of Pokemon until only a few years ago stopping it; i am still remembered of playing endless days trying to reach my pokemon level to the peak level XD. ahh Starcraft one of the very first rts game's I've ever played brought my love towards Blizzard and all it's other games. But Starcraft sold me with it's story, game-play, replayablility, and most of all it's HELLISH AI XD.
Finally comes the mother of all shooters, Doom vaguely this comes at me gnawing after whenever i sleep constantly reminiscing the hours of failure(ironic with my name aye?) when being killed by my enemies. I wasn't a hard-core player in fps and was only just a newbie since trying that out along with Wolfenstein, but remembering how i'd play on my dads super old laptop and run Doom on just brings back memories of the satisfaction of killing those monsters with my own bare weapons. Haha The Good Old Days how I've missed them so Q_Q...
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Most of my nostalgia is for games that weren't underrated or overlooked so I'll just stick with one which I think was: Glover, which I think definitely deserves to be revived with some clean up.
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X-COM UFO Defense. This game was my childhood. I played it entirely too much trying to beat it on Superhuman AI difficulty. This game and Ultima Online, and that's classic UO. I'm talking pre-UO:R and UO:R. Then they did that whole 3D Third Dawn client and I wanted NONE of that shit.
Anyway, X-COM UFO Defense. It's still a great game, I think. Not even out of nostalgia. It's incredibly challenging, can be played casually, and a game can last a very long time. If you can beat it, even. It's much easier to lose, though. ;)
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Right there with ya on the Ultima Online. Pacifica represent! Current MMO players who never played UO, have never known the fear and punishment of dying in an MMO. I left right after they made that parallel world (whatever it was called); the one where everything was butterflies and rainbows
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Archon on the NES. Kinda like battle chess. You play chess, but each time a piece tries to capture another, you enter a real-time battle between the two pieces. If you're skilled and/or lucky, your pawn might just take out the queen that was trying to capture it; though it'd be one hell of a tough fight.
I believe they remade the game recently and it exists on Steam.
Other mentionables: Lufia series (SNES), Final Fantasy Legends series (Gameboy), Secret of Evermore (SNES), Rampart (NES/Arcade), Star Control (Genesis), Vagrant Story (PSX), and Xenogears (PSX).
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1) Wing Commander. Yeah, the first one. It was, literally, my very first PC game...I would babysit this kid at their house, and the father was a huge computer nerd. Played the ever-living hell out of that game, and I was hooked on PC games. Incidentally, that guy later became my stepfather.
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The PS1 Final Fantasy games. Pretty much the first RPGs I ever played, and the first games I could spend hours a day on. If only Square Enix would release them on Steam, I might actually play them again.
Also, Doom and Duke Nukem 3D. First FPS games I ever played. Though, back then, I always used god mode. I can still remember the code for Doom: IDDQD. :P
As far as overlooked games, does anyone know Normality? It was a first person point and click game from around the same time as Doom came out. I remember being amazed at how a first-person game could be about something other than shooting things (I was just a little kid).
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i still remember some of the cheats for age of empires 1 and 2. I'm usually not much into cheating, but in AOE it was plainly hilarious to cheat. A catapult launching villagers and cows? futuristic troopers spelling genocide on your primitive enemies using laser beams and man-launched nukes? HECK YEAH!
PS: modern games need more silliness switches. Only game i can think of using one of them in the last decade was the indie game Iji, where a collectible item adds a silliness switch, or "scrambler", which turns the dialogues into stuff like this:
"You promised me a pony... With missiles!"
"No missile ponies for you."
"Mindgames, son."
"Protip: Stop talking."
"That's just about the stupidest thing I've heard this starturn."
"I have the best Scrambler quotes. I win."
"Your socks are just fine and still placed firmly on your feet. They just turned invisible."
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Oh yeah, the cheats in Age of Empires were hilarious! I remember spending hours creating an army of the cheated-in cars and just driving around, obliterating everything.
As far as the silliness switch goes, I agree. The only game I've played recently that has something similar is New Vegas, if you pick the Wild Wasteland trait. Though, this only affects a relatively small part of the game, and leaves the rest intact.
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Several years ago I had a couple of friends who were kicked out of their parent's houses or sleeping in their cars. I'd house'em at my place for a month or so until they could get on their feet. Those poor bastards watched me play the living shit outta FFX. They played for me, too. Especially during the Blitzball grind for Wakka's ultimate weapon.
I must've clocked over 300 hours into that game, but I'm proud (... I think) that I can safely say I've done every damned thing that game had to offer.
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Final fantasy 1-2-3 (NES) 4-5-6 (SNES) 7-8-9, Tactics (PS1) 10 (PS2), Dissidia (well that's not really old :D) (PSP). I just Love FF series, so much hours of fun and remarkable story. Also I liked the Super Mario brothers, Heroes of Might and Magic 1-2-3, Heretic, doom, hexen... the list is too long I can't write all of them down :D
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ITT: Old games, preferably underrated or generally overlooked, that you miss or have fond memories of. Maybe you think they deserve a sequel or revival?
Edit: Please elaborate your thoughts on the game =D
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