TLDR? Tired of sorting through long, wordy, drawn out reviews?

We're starting up two new Steam curators that get to the point with quick reviews of great games in genres like Indie, Platformer, Metroidvania, Co-op, Action, Adventure, RPG, Strategy, Simulation, Open World, Survival Crafting and more!

Brief Reviews
Checkbox Reviews

Help us reach our member/follower goals and we'll do each of these associated giveaways:
100 = Superliminal
300 = Orcs Must Die 3
500 = Grime
1000 = TBA

These member/follower goals must be met in both curator groups individually.

Once each goal is met, these giveaways will only be open for those who are members in both groups.


Past Giveaways:
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
As Far As The Eye
State of Mind
Paradise Killer

3 years ago*

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Did you follow both curators?

View Results

Followed both

Good luck

3 years ago

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Thank you so much!

3 years ago

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followed both, good luck!

3 years ago

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Very much appreciated!

3 years ago

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I thought Checkbox reviews was going to literally be checkboxes down a list like I've seen some reviews give, and it's simply a "Check it out" comment with a brief review.

Best of luck to you!

3 years ago

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To be honest, same!
Not sure what makes them so different from other curators like this...

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

3 years ago

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That as well, they seem basically the same.

3 years ago

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Hey tidhros, maruten and Dohi64!

Thanks for the communication! πŸ‘

Checkbox Reviews was originally planned to be exactly as you described, with a list categories that each contains checkboxes that would rate each category from unbelievable to unfortunate. We've all seen this formula for reviewing and I wanted a group name that actually reflected it.

In hindsight, I believe you're right and it only makes sense that I should have done those reviews the way I intended at the start.

So, to help it stand out from others, I'll be shifting that groups format by adding the checkbox list to the "Full Review".

Any thoughts and suggestions are welcomed, as I want to create this content in the most "follower satisfying" way possible!

3 years ago

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Honestly this seems like the same thing that is on YT for how to cheese Steam and get free games by having your curator have followers and you dont even need to have the games you review since you can select any game and put a short text as the review.

3 years ago

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+1, both group feels like a project to get free games in the future (whlie building up some dead follower number with giveaways) without delivering anything or own opinions, as the ranked steam accounts on both group, so the reviewers, not playing seriously games at all, just collecting and trading.

If a curator dont have linked reviews or the linked reviews always like with 0,1h playtime that is a good sign to avoid that one, at least for me.

3 years ago

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Wish Steam would do something about people being able to post reviews for games they dont even own.

3 years ago

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well, that would kill like 90% of the curators (so the fake ones):-D would be a nice move:-)

3 years ago

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Now, SaintProlivije, don't tell me you don't recognize who I am. πŸ˜†


And you should know that I will always play the games that I review. πŸ˜›

3 years ago

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I do, but this really is something im opposed as someone who likes to write reviews as a hobby. This seems like just an easy way to farm games if your curator gets big enough as devs usually dont even check if the curator is legit but send the key since it has a large following. This really looks like the exact same thing thats on YT - make a curator, select any game, even if you dont own it, post a short text and try and get as many followers so your curator has "power" when a publisher sees it or a small dev and thus they are more likely to send you keys.

3 years ago

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Yep, we all know that's a thing.

We're just hoping to share the games we like with others that may like them too and do it in a quick, easy to digest format.

I've looked through some of your reviews, SaintProlivije, and they're exactly the opposite of what we're trying to accomplish. Long and super detailed. Which is great and perfect for those who want and have the time to invest in reading them. So, it's easy to see why you don't agree with what we're doing.

I just don't need (and don't have time for) reviews that unnecessarily tell me the same information about a game over and over across 10+ paragraphs. Not that yours do that, because, well, TLDR.

I wish you good luck in your hobby, but please don't stomp on what someone else is doing and try to discredit them when you don't even really know who they are or what their real intentions are. Instead, it would be nice if you started with direct questions to us about those things.

3 years ago

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Followed both. Bump.

3 years ago

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Thanks so much!

3 years ago

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Yes i followed both

3 years ago

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Awesome! Appreciated!

3 years ago

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Ok, since you asked me to directly adress you, here is my question - Who, out of the two owners of the BriefReviews, You and elronzorro, played Omno so that the review could be posted? I see its not in either of your accounts, so how can you review a game you didnt play? Didnt you say "And you should know that I will always play the games that I review." So what happend here?

Also whats with the two curators, when they are basically the same thing? Its not like one is a strategy or RTS only, and the other is a Puzzle only curator. What is the difference? Is one curator for your reviews and the other for his?

3 years ago*

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Checkbox Reviews is mine.
Brief Reviews belongs to elronzorro.

elronzorro played Omno on XBOX Gamepass. FYI, there are lots of ways to play PC games that don't involve Steam.

We have discussed consolidating into one group, but here are the benefits of keeping them separate. Steam limits each curator group to only five genre tags, but we both have different interests in the games we play (though some do intersect). So having two groups allows us each to pick five tags that compliment our strengths and interests. This should result in better reviews by each of us reviewing games we're more likely to enjoy.

Even though they seemed to be asked very accusingly, I still appreciate you directly asking me these questions.

Now if it's all the same to you, unless you're planning to follow our groups, then I'm going to wish you a good day and end this conversation.

3 years ago

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I am sorry, it seems I have misjudged the situation. I hope you guys do well then.
Also, sublime playtime for The Fall, really makes what you wrote about it have weight

-Great story with interesting characters and wonderful voice acting!
- Clever puzzles that never feel out of place or overly difficult.
- Incredible visuals and thick atmosphere.

Oh, but I do have one last question - Why are you both admins of each others curators. If you have separate curators since you say it's because you have different interests and want to review games with different tags, why would you be admins in each other's curators?

Anyway, can't wait to see "curator connect" as a source of key on both your barter profile pages soon.

3 years ago*

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Alright, you've reached the point where you are now doing two things:

1. Showing that you aren’t really thinking before posting replies and also possibly embarrassing yourself.

  • I pointed this out in my last response, but surely you realize that Steam isn’t the only way to play PC games. It really isn’t any of your personal business, but I’m going to tell you anyway that I owned The Fall on GOG looooooooong before I ever owned it on Steam, and I have played it to completion.

2. Harassment.

  • It feels like you are just hurling insults and trying to poke holes in what I am doing to try to make something stick so you can somehow prove yourself. Please know that I have now lodged a formal complaint against you through the Steamtrades support page and ask that you quietly leave this discussion without any more replies. Also know that I am documenting everything you have said here with screenshots in case you try to delete your messages.
3 years ago*

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Would you be willing to post a screenshot of your playtime and progress of the said game on GoG, or Slime Rancher as well, from whichever platform you played it on? I am always happy to admit if I am wrong, and as I told you I just called it as I saw it since its common to just start a curator, go after a large following by promoting and asking for follows in exchange for giveaways, post "reviews" that are just the bare minimum length required for the text box you have to fill in you curator settings when posting a review, all so you can get free games from devs and either trade them, sell them or just use hoard them.

I never insulted you, so I dont know why my disagreeing and pointing out certain inconsistencies you never mentioned before I asked, would be considered harassment. And please do document everything, I mean, I dont delete my messages anyway, but if that makes you feel better, be my guest.

Also, you havent really answered my question - Why do you need to be admins in each others curators? If one is for you and the other is his, why would you be admins in each other curators as well?

And a late edit - about your tag statement, this is directly from the curator page:
If you review titles within a specific genre or theme, you can select tags that represent the types of games you will be curating. These tags appear to developers, helping them identify whether you review games like theirs.
As you see, tags have nothing to do with you two having different interests. And since both of you are admins of both curators anyway it kinda contradicts your point about needing two different curators because of different interests. You can review any game you want, but the tags do determine what games you get from devs when they search for curators that can review their games. So 2 curators with 5 tags each, means 10 tags, means a more wider neat to catch more games :)

Cheers. :)

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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Curator connect offers can indeed be sold. Just like you can buy Steam Awards from people now, you can easily trade TF2 keys, games or just pay for games from curator connect. Just grant access and having them accept the game via the curator connect and get your part of the deal. Simple. And it is a thing in the trading scene, which is used by those with curators that have a large following.

Sadly, developers send their keys for promotion in mass, checking each curator one by one would take too much time, that is why tags exist, to help them get the "right" curators to review their game and help them get more sales. They will of course see big numbers and send keys to that curator rather than a small one, even if the big one is just two lines of text. Simply, the number of followers hold the power to get you free games, and that is no secret and I mean there is even a video on YT that has a dude show his collection of 15k+ games, with 5 or so curators he has. He only wrote the "curator text" required, sometimes not even that, and got games for free just because of the number of followers.

What I consider a red flag when looking for a legit curator is if they have an incentive that this one has "Follow us and at X we will give Y". This only brings people who are interested in the giveaway, and they never have anything more than two lines of text for their reviews. They don't promote their curator with reviews, but with having future giveaways at certain milestones. You think if they posted something like "At 300 we are giving away Resident Evil 8" there wouldn't be an immediate influx of new "followers". Again, just looks like an easy way of getting the numbers so you can get free games, which will happen, as it's how many of these curators operate.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

3 years ago*

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That is a possibility, but that is how people trade curator games, and i mean its kinda like trading games in general. Imagine those big re-sellers and re-traders who get thousand of keys now instead of humble giftlinks since humble started banning people who use them. They have to trust the other party to not use those keys as they arent using them for themselves but selling them on the greay markets. So yeah, any trade involves some risk.

I also didnt belive people pay to get awards, but seems everything can be bought. And your example is also funny, as I really dont understand those people either. But i guess that +1 and the game being free is just too good for them to pass on.

3 years ago

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"and why would you trust random people with curator access?" I can confirm, I have traded games that way. The trader gave me temporary access to his curator list, to get the game. Could I have cheated and gotten a few extra games? Yeah. Why didn't I? Well,, I try to be an honest person online and IRL. I guess it's a risk. But the trader probably had multiple games coming every week, so I would have received negative feedback of the trading site and he would have carried on.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

3 years ago

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Thanks for the GA!
Followed both.

3 years ago

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You're welcome and thanks so much for following!

3 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Thanks! It really is appreciated!

3 years ago

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I don't generally read game review, but if they were short, I might be interested.

3 years ago

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Great to hear! Thank you for your support!

3 years ago

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Good luck. Building a curator page takes time and dedication overall :)

3 years ago

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Thanks! Looking forward to it!

3 years ago

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I love to type so all my reviews are annoyingly long, it's fun to do though.
Thank you and bump! <3

3 years ago

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And some people love to read them. :P Glad you enjoy it! Thanks!

3 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaways! Have a bump!

3 years ago

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You're welcome and thank you!

3 years ago

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Maybe my perception of curators are ridiculously skewed but I need to ask a question that may sound silly but I think I'm missing something from my understanding:

All of the curators steam suggests to me are basically, quite literally just one or two words; heck sometimes it's just an emoji. Do curators like these actually HELP people or are they just ... like/karma/points farming? Am I just extremely unlucky with the quality of curators being presented to me? I think I understand it's meant to be a brief hype or nonhype of a product but, that's why I gotta ask these stupid questions.

OP's curated content definitely is a lot more involved so they are going against my grain for sure, ruining my point. I like being wrong though.

3 years ago

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There are certainly many extreme opposites when it comes to curators and I'm not sure how Steam chooses which curators to recommend to you. Someone else here may have a good answer for that.

You'd be much better off looking for curators that match your interests HERE by searching for the genres or games you're interested in.

Also, thanks for the compliment! πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘

3 years ago

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Steam is really goofy sometimes. Once my entire discovery queue was filled with pornographic content and deck-building/RPG type games, none of which I carry any interest with (well, some RPGish things) and in between all the porn cards was Suspicious Downpour.

I really like how you put effort into the curation as opposed to :D or D:

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

3 years ago

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Added two new giveaways!
State of Mind

3 years ago*

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Added two new giveaways!
As Far As The Eye

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Done and done. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

3 years ago

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Greatly appreciated!

3 years ago

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24 hours left to enter our two latest giveaways!
As Far As The Eye

3 years ago

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Added two new giveaways!
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game

3 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by mchildress7.