If it's been given out for free, it's been removed from the list.
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It would be easy to tell both apart, the gold version is the one that was free, doesn't even have a store page
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Sure you can still give it out for free, but just in the discussion areas. In a post or make a puzzle and give it out at the end.
You will still get that warm fuzzy feeling in your heart that you are looking for when you do give something out without expecting anything in return.
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Not as long as there's no way to limit that discussion to whitelist/groups, no way.
To sumn it up, I grabbed an extra copy of that game for the sole pupose of giving it away... I got it cheap, but not for free,
I don't care about CV much, so I be totally fine if I could just create a giveaway without getting any cv, but not being able to
create a giveaway is just not acceptable.
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Did the gold edition give you the base game? If yes, maybe you could check how many already own it and make it as a giveaway for one of the dlcs.
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I'd say this sounds like a good idea although the FAQ tells us not to do that.
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Well, as I see it, it's not a problem as long as the winner gets the item for which the giveaay was made. If they get other items too, it should be fine.
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It's not the gold edition, it's that one: Commander COTA: Complete Pack (IndieGala Indiependence version) ... as d3m4n was so kind to point out the diffrence. It does give base game plus 2 dlcs. And yes, suppose I could create that giveaway for one of the dlcs, but how would I find out "how many already own it"?
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personally i'd create it as "Commander: Conquest of the Americas - Pirate Treasure Chest" DLC then at the end of it, add the winner to your friends list and check this page prior to sending them the steamkey to verify wether he/she already owns it. (you can tell who owns what DLC after you become steam friends with them)
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yes, thats correct.. certainly a lot less entries due to that also.. i probably would not make it too restricted level wise, or too private of a group..
due to this weird situation its fairly likely that you may actually get full CV from it just cause of how buggy this games steamid is with steamgifts too though :D lol
EDIT> nevermind on full CV -- SG did add the DLC to the bundlelist too http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games/search?q=Commander%3A+Conquest+of+the+Americas+-+Pirate+Treasure
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Yeah, thanks again for the useful hints. I never have any level restriction on any of my giveaways anyway, simply because I don't care about how much someone's given in return as long as they behave. I'd even consider making it public .. but then I 'd have I'd have to deal with all those freaks again, posting mindless thank yous. Anyway, guess I'll figure it out. Thanks again.
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I meant if the Gold edition gave the base game (never bothered to get it), might be that most of people you want to gift the pack to already have it and thus can enter a giveaway just for dlc.
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Yeah ... good point. Just checked with my friends (only got 3 friends on steam) .. they all got it. So seems like It's fairly common, meaning a lot of people would be able to enter. The whole situation still sucks, but it's probably the best solution to create a giveaway just for the dlcs.
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Well seeing as how steamgifts doesn't have a way to confirm if you bought it on steam, or some other store and didn't get it from a free site then I guess you are stuck with it if you are that stubborn that you don't want to do it in the discussion area.
You could always make a giveaway for another game with the whitelist/groups you want and add that game as a bonus game for who ever wins, if they don't already have it and want it.
Personally I would love for them to let the free games be made into giveaways again, except that it would give the maker 0 CV and it would only cost 1p to enter the giveaway no matter what game it was. This would really kill off all those people who make false giveaways for games that were given out free by using one of the DLC or some other version that isn't the same.
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I think only the "Gold" version (which is a different appid) was given away for free. I guess if they only removed that then people would try to give it away as the complete pack, since technically it is the game and its DLCs.
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Licenses and subscriptions
Commander: Conquest of the Americas Gold Steam Store and Retail Key (free DLH version)
Commander COTA: Complete Pack (IndieGala Indiependence version)
DLH version did not include the DLC's.. but due to the base game being free they probably pulled so people would not still use the wrong titled one.
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Okay, I just don't get it ... how do I create a giveaway for that game???
I can't even fiind the normal game without the dlcs when I enter the title, much less the complete
pack. All I can find is the dlcs.
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