You can ask support to add the bundle you are trying to giveaway to the game list.
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problem is its the second part of the bundle, you know when they add games to a bundle later on ...its that
think ill just add it as world of goo and add the 4 in the description, if people want all 4 they can enter if not they can choose not to :)
from moderator point of view i think i should be ok, i mean im not doing it to get anything, just have spare key want to share it and make some one smile :)
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Actually that is not what the rules say. You are fine to giveaway a bundle of games as long as the item you have selected in the giveaway is included. You can always give more, just never less.
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I don't see why it would a problem now, as long as it actually includes the game listed; it's just that nobody does it anymore now that HB provides separate keys. It was only an issue because of quick CV farming before the bundle system was implemented.
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I mean I don't see how the rule you quoted means what you were saying. From jatan's post below it appears doing so is perfectly fine.
(By the way, I actually do see a reason for "no calling out" rule, but that's beside the point.)
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I'm not going to argue the point. In the past I have never seen anyone punished for giving away something extra with the game they have made the giveaway for. We'll just have to agree to disagree there.
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actually that's not breaking the rule as long as you're delivering the game. it does accurately reflect the game being given away if you choose a game from a bundle and give the whole bundle.
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then ask to support and let me enjoy the moment when you learn you're wrong.
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because if you give away a bundle, it's better to choose the bundle but it's not a must. it DOES accurately reflect it if you actually send the said game. other stuff are just extra and unrelevant. also keep in mind, cg stopped adding bundles to the list long time ago. so you might have to do it like this for some bundles or tied keys even if you don't want to. because it's really unlikely for those bundles and tied keys to be added to the list any time soon. by any time soon, i mean any time at all.
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btw this is the very reason when a pack of a game, which includes the base game, is bundled, the base game is considered bundled as well even if it's not bundled.
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suspension for giving something extra? that seems wierd.
but hay it was on the list so all is good :)
think that and the other game are the last of my spare keys lol i have been bled dry lol
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yep im just left with desura keys (which given this is "steam" gifts, wont be much good to anyone here lol
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yeah had figured non steam games are a no no (clue was in the sites name :) )
may sort out the other site and do it there but i only have 3, as much as im happy to give them away it seems like a lot of effort to give 3 packs away lol
but hay all is cool, the bundle was indeed listed so thats all sorted
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ah! yep its on there Humble Bundle for Android 3 (Above Average)
i think its the above average ones lol
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its a pretty good game, one of those strangly addictive ones
but all sorted
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For bundle keys with multiple items, you are allowed to give it away under any single item in the pack. Please mention in the description what other games the giveaway contains and be aware that if you find out that the winner owns even 3 of the 4 games in the pack (and is only missing the one that the giveaway is made under), you will unlikely be able to obtain a reroll.
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it would be a bit mean to do a reroll just because the winner has 3 of them. but its been put under the proper bundle with the games in it mentioned in the description so it shouldnt be an issue
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Your giveaway has been deleted because it only includes the bonus games and not the full bundle. Because your key is only for part of the bundle, you can either create a giveaway for one of the 4 games included, or you may give it away through other means, such as a key drop, forums, chat, etc.
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ah ok, i thought the "Humble Bundle for Android 3 (Above Average)" was ment to be only the 4 above average games, not the full pack?
but ill put it up again under world of goo
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in fact i shall wait for a reply on this as its a bit confusing, if were are ment to give away the whole pack(above and below average, why is there a different listing for the pack in the options of the site?
there is :
humble bundle for android 3 (above average)
Humble bundle for android 3 (below average)
in my humble bundle page i have two steam keys the above average one (not used) and below average one (used)
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you people are reading it too deep. below average is just the games for the below average price. above average means it includes the bta tier as well. as you can check here, the average price was $6.78, thus 7p. if it was bta - first tier, it shouldn't be 7p. but i guess people don't tend to rely much on me today. so feel free not to believe me.
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Below the average is the bundle if you did not beat the average, which includes Fieldrunners, Bit.Trip Beat, SpaceChem, and Uplink. Above the average is the full bundle where you beat the average, which includes Fieldrunners, Bit.Trip Beat, SpaceChem, Uplink, Spirits, World of Goo, Osmos, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, and Edge.
Hope this explains it better.
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ah i see ok will list it as world of goo then..hmmm spirits, dont think i got that one
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I have been going through my old humble bundle packs and doing give aways for all the games that i never redeemed and one of the ones i have has these
World of Goo, Anomaly, Osmos, and EDGE
all of which i already have so im giving it away, but do i just pick the first game and say in the description that also included is the other 3 (or perhaps leave it as a surprise for whoever wins :) ) or is it not alowed to giveaway these?
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