TotalBiscuit just showed Gearbox how scummy G2A is.

TotalBiscuit video on this here

7 years ago

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Highly recommend watching the video!!! Hopefully this will spark new debate and public outcry for g2a to change things.

7 years ago

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Saw it earlier today.
Makes you really wonder how little Gearbox know about the marketplace they're in.
It's like they lived in their own bubble and just came out for fresh air and to release a game. ;)

7 years ago

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They wouldn't be the first, neither the only company who does that :D

7 years ago

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It might also say something about the culture at Gearbox. Someone has to have known that this might blow up in their face, yet might not have dared to speak up.

7 years ago

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Gearbox declined to say whether it's received any kind of response from G2A, but if one is coming, it'll have to arrive soon: Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition is scheduled to go live tomorrow. But even if it does pull out of the deal, it's possible that the collector's boxes could still be published. As the studio acknowledged earlier this week, developer People Can Fly holds the full rights to the game, and so it could presumably go ahead with the deal (it's also part of the CE partnership) without Gearbox's participation.

Or Gearbox management just let PCF have full run with the game and its publishing, and didn't do appropriate oversight until they were forced to.

7 years ago

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TotalBiscuit is a hypocrite and a pussy

7 years ago

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So you hate someone who wants to give indie devs a good recognition? Ok. Have it your way.

7 years ago

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Please explain what you base this on. I rarely watch his videos, so I might have missed something

7 years ago

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+1 idk who the hell that is, but what they (totalbiscuit) said is all true.

7 years ago

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As someone who watches his content on a regular basis, i can't see this comment bearing truth if it is based on TotalBiscuit helping Gearbox understand the situation regarding g2a's business practices.

7 years ago

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Skankhunt42 is a hypocrite and a pussy

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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  • Skankhunt42 needs to get his head out of sand
7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Care to elaborate?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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"TotalBiscuit is partnered with a G2A competitor,"
There is definitely a conflict of interest here so to rely on TB to be unbiased with his statement is laughable, he may have good intentions but part of me thinks this is more to do with money then "protecting the community", especially when it sounds like he's just parroting propaganda that gaming "journalists" have spouted in the past to please certain developers...

7 years ago

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does it really matter who it was though as long as they provide evidence to backup their claims? it could be marilyn manson for all i care, as long as what they said was true.

7 years ago

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When the media is often acting as judge, jury and executioner in all matters these days yes, it matters that they have a bias against the person/group they are attacking. There are two sides to every story but no one is providing any real proof of any shady dealings, only going on the word of one mouthy developer with a grudge and not listening to the other side

7 years ago

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anybody in the gaming industry in any way, shape, or form will have an opinion and will have some form of bias for or against g2a already. if you want to watch a daycare attendant babble about gaming, then i suppose you may actually get a non-biased opinion. and there was plenty of proof provided, g2a fans just ignore it.

7 years ago

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That's an opinion not a fact, just as much "proof" was provided to show that G2A did nothing wrong and that they even tried to help these devs claiming their game keys were stolen, offers that were met with scorn due to some sort of paranoia that G2A would steal information about supposedly already stolen keys.
Handy hint, if the keys are already stolen nothing would be lost by handing them over, even just passing on 10 "stolen" keys to find would be no loss since they are already exposed and considered "lost".
One can just as easily say G2A haters/fans of certain devs ignore proof that says the devs might be in the wrong, so it's still an issue of biased individuals commenting on an issue.
I neither love G2a or hate those devs which is exactly why I'm making these comments, because I've seen the drama that devs have been stirring and can see where there are conflicts of interest, bias, and outright pig headed stubborness happening

At the end of the day it's all opinions but it's up to us as the consumers to make decisions based on what we know, it's just a shame that so many would rather ignore the things one group will say because they fanboy for the other

7 years ago*

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just as much "proof" was provided to show that G2A did nothing wrong

wrong or illegal?? nobody claimed they were doing anything illegal/wrong, just that they were shady in the way they do business, which all by itself is inherently an opinion and yes proof of why their opinion is the way it is. we're not talking about courtroom evidence type proof as nobody has claimed they've done anything truly illegal.

the "stolen" keys are being provided by consumers, not the company itself.. the "shady" part comes in because g2a is well aware of it and their solution is to charge the consumer a extra fee to protect them from that.

yes, "proof" works both ways, and the proof g2a can provide is that they are not directly doing illegal things, but instead just idly sitting by making $ off those transactions & their protection service against it.

7 years ago

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Well (and this goes for the one above you as well) just like TB said in the video. The ultimatum Gearbox gave will truly show off G2A's intentions either way. They either clean up their act (Which I'm hoping for) or they finally get outed as people who not only do shady practices, but also have NO intention of changing their ways.

7 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. works directly with the publishers. they are very different from marketplaces like g2a and unapproved key stores like g2play. also, they offer one game per day. it's not even a traditional store.

TB talked about g2a long before he got that partnership, by the way. so his view clearly has nothing to do with it.

i don't see a conflict of interest here.

7 years ago

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Which just shows us the problem of only listening to the gaming media and why we shouldnt believe them at face value. I didn't know about TB hating G2A before that partnership nor would any casual observer of the issue raised in this article, but they either chose to leave out that fact or didnt know about it. However I would still say it's a conflict of interest as this has directly influenced a deal that could very well end up making TB/chrono a lot of money should gearbox decide to partner with the "wonderful people that saved their reputation". His past views doesnt mean that profiting off this now (if he in fact does) is all above board, and making certain developers pleased with him wouldnt hurt either

7 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. and G2a really can't be compared in a more defining sense. Just visit their page and see for yourself. The consumer doesn't have to "choose" between these 2 service providers as they have completely different goals in mind. TotalBiscuit has a at least 6 year long record of demanding more for the consumer and helping out small developers. One of the biggest and most transparent youtubers has been contacted by gearbox would have been a huge surprise if TB wouldn't have taken the opportunity to try to spark a discussion about g2a's business practices and consumer and developer rights. And don't forget that totalbiscuits criticism of g2a is older than his partnership with chrono.

7 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. is to G2A what Daily Indie Game is to IndieGala, and it's not a competitor. >_<

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Well, even if, just because an asshole tells you to not rip off customers and sell stolen stuff he would still be right in saying or demanding those things from you if you want him to partner with you for such a limited edition deal.

7 years ago

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they are in the position to tell people how to change things if they want to do business together.

7 years ago

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As a business partner, actually, they are. They can pull out form the deal at any time. They wouldn't really lose anything; anyone can and like would publish the CE of Bulletstorm. They cannot force G2A to do anything, but they can also say "'kaybye" and just leave them. This would be quite a blow to G2A's (non-existing) reputation.

7 years ago

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as the linked article said, might be the case that PCF will still go with G2A :/

7 years ago

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That would be their choice though, and they could suffer the negative backlash or the cheer of those who still revere G2A as their best gaming store. (Although somehow I get the feeling that the intersection of the avid G2A users and those who'd spend this much money on a physical collector's copy of a game is very, very, very, very, unmeasurably small.)

7 years ago

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I guess might be same deal as GA montly (as some publishers of SuperHot said, they did not have anything to do with the deal devs made) - both of them are from a same country, maybe knew each other way back - but that's just wild guessing

7 years ago

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why would they even consider a partnership if not to demand changes from G2A?

7 years ago

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They could threaten the world with a Colonial Marines remake if we don't comply...

7 years ago

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+1 hahahah

7 years ago

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Your semi-passive sass never fails to amuse me.

7 years ago

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That where your wrong

7 years ago

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Wow, that escalated fast.

Props to TB for convincing Gearbox to change their minds!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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They told them great, the question is whether they'll listen.

EDIT: After watching the whole video I got the idea of what he wishes that would happen.

7 years ago

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G2A Shield (aka, customer fraud protection) is made free
G2A will open up a web service or API to certified developers and publishers to search for and flag for immediate removal, keys that are fraudulent
G2A restructures its payment system so that customers who wish to buy and sell legitimate keys are given a clear, simple fee-structure that is easy to understand and contains no hidden or obfuscated charges

This would remove what, 98.5% of G2A's income? Maybe a bit more? I would be surprised if they wouldn't just let Gearbox pull out of this. As much of a spineless scumbag I think Randy Pitchford is, at least he seems to have a sense of business and know when to quick-shift into reverse and try to save the PR.

7 years ago

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If you would have watched the sources provided you would have seen that gearbox can pull out of this if the developer of the game agrees that g2a must meet those new standards.

7 years ago

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Gearbox can pull out at any time, they are just technically the publisher (as I learnt recently, despite thinking for years that Bulletstorm was their game). This seems to be more about PR now than anything. Gearbox itself isn't particularly known for its awesome honesty and consumer-oriented approaches, but even they know where is the limit where they can push their reputation.

7 years ago

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Well, at the end of the day we try to hold a service provider to higher standards and demand increased consumer and developer rights. Does the motive behind gearboxes decision change the fact that this in the end will help further the discussion on business practices that should be the standard in this industry?

7 years ago

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Nope. Funny enough, this was a good marketing stunt, because what will happen now? G2A will likely refuse to comply, meaning Gearbox will be the heroes of the industry, demanding anti-fraud and pro-consumer changes in G2A, whereas G2A will show they have no actual interest of playing fair. Their stupid little fanboys will protect them, but they would protect them even if G2A publicly declared that they are led by the Antichrist and all money paid to them was spent on child sex slaves. Their opponents on the hand will have solid evidence of their shenanigans, more than that infamous reddit AMA thread where a G2A rep just essentially stole a user's wallet funds live.

So, in the end, I am happy about these events. Yes, I am not fond of Gearbox, but if all game devs I don't like would stop existing, then the market would have like ten companies existing. :D And hey, anything that undermines G2A can only be a good thing. If they could somehow drag CDKeys into it, it would be a blast.

7 years ago

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Good to hear ^_^ Written very funny :D thanks for the discussion!

7 years ago

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This would remove what, 98.5% of G2A's income?

And 98.5% of the things they get criticisms for! =O
Well, other than just generally being unprofessional asshats to everyone. But y'know, for the rest of the things. :P

I would be surprised if they wouldn't just let Gearbox pull out of this.

Or just convince the actual developer to just go through with it anyway, as Gearbox seemed to indicate they weren't going to take any steps to inhibit that (ie, by cutting off future partnerships with PCF). [>>]

7 years ago

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I wonder how much it is a real problem and how much it is just marketing because my friend who is indie dev told me a few days ago some devs for example intentionally generate fake hate towards themselves so more people would know about their game. Wonder if Gearbox and TotalBiscuit really are trying to solve a problem here or do they collaborating with G2A so people would hear about them all more. Because let's be honest - I didn't even hear about Gearbox before, I haven't watched any TB video and I haven't commented on G2A subject for a long time and now all these guys are taking attention from me and we're talking about them way too often :P Especially G2A, like there's no single day I wouldn't hear about them somewhere in the media or social media.

7 years ago*

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To be honest, it's just you living under the rock for the past few years. Gearbox and TB are already famous (or infamous) before G2A.

7 years ago

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Yeah, I've heard about TB, but never really cared about his videos and now I've watched one - he's getting new fans :)

7 years ago

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Who in their sane mind would want to be associated with internet criminals stealing credit card information just to get on the front page of a game news site/YT channel? This will never make them more famous only more infamous.

And lets be real here, the features that are demanded here are truly something every consumer should want to have. Discussion about consumer and developer rights should always be important and top-news worthy.

7 years ago

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Who in their sane mind

Actually people who live from making games. And if you don't believe somebody will associate with unfamous brand or person just let me remind you that the most hated guy in the universe - Justin Biebier - was a face of Calvin Klein ads.

7 years ago

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Someone who is disliked by their personality and public position can't be compared to internet criminals stealing credit card information if you ask me. At the end of the day, people who buy calvin klein products don't really care who wears them in the ad. These 2 markets and ad-campaigns are in no way comparable if you ask me.

And i really don't get the first argument made. You mean people who live from making games want to be associated with internet criminals? xD

7 years ago

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You mean people who live from making games want to be associated with internet criminals?

Let's be honest - most people doesn't care. Most people doesn't care about anything. Everybody's talking shit on EA or Uplay and they still exist, people still buy their games. Anyway that doesn't mean I am right about this topic. Maybe I am totally wrong or I am only partially right. Just thinking out loud :)

7 years ago

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Yes EA an services like Uplay sometimes get harsh criticism and often times it is deserved. But again...we are speaking about stolen goods....stolen goods!!! Never have people from EA or Ubisoft done something nearly as bad as sold keys that were bought by the means of stolen credit card information. We as consumers should be ashamed that company's like g2a never did anything to provide security or counter measures for consumer and developer alike. One cannot help but wonder where the industry would stand if g2a would be the biggest online retailer there is. You would have to be very naive to believe that it would lead into a more healthy and stable industry. We would be good advised to not go near sites like g2a until they provides better services that meet industry standards as we now them today.

Thanks for sharing your opinion! Have a good day sir ^__^

7 years ago

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I remember reading something about EA game keys being illegally sold through Uplay, but I don't remember the details at all and G2A was actually involved in some way IIRC.

7 years ago

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If you would be to find the article regarding this again, would be glad to read it ^__^

7 years ago

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I didn't even hear about Gearbox before

That is a bit strange, to be frank. They have been around almost as long as Valve. (Heck, I think they made more content for the Half-Life series than Valve did…)

7 years ago

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Maybe that's because I've never really was interested in which developer has made which game - still not sure who has made my favourite game Mafia 1. Also I don't say that's clearly a "shady" marketing, I am just wondering how much truth there is in their words :)

7 years ago

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Mafia 1 was the company known now as 2K Czech, although they went under the name Illusion when they made it.
I generally recommend looking at the developer studio's name for a game, especially if you liked it; this means it is easier to look out for future titles or similar old ones, you just have to look up their portfolio. :D

7 years ago

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Actually good hint but the rights to the game's brand are changing so quickly nowadays that it's hard for me to be updated :/

7 years ago

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(Heck, I think they made more content for the Half-Life series than Valve did…)


Three games, two (Decay, Opposing Force) that I'd rank as notably better than Valve's own contributions to the series. Blue Shift.. er, perhaps not so much. :P

Valve has made HL1, 2, 2ep1, 2ep2- HL2 episodes combined make about the same length as any one of the other games, as I recall, so the companies are effectively tied in at 3 games each.

7 years ago

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I am unsure because I don't know who made the original Source engine ports of HL1 and the deathmatch add-ons. Gearbox liked to float around Valve at the time, so I wouldn't be surprised if they did one of those.

7 years ago

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Valve did, but it was a straight port [to the HL2 engine] with a lot of criticisms. I have trouble considering that a legitimate game, especially not when Black Mesa was in part created specifically to address the criticisms that port received. If I include Black Mesa 0.5 on the list, I may as well include the HL2 tech demo that was Lost Coast. :P

7 years ago

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Gearbox is a really old developer/publisher.
Totalbiscuit has been doing vids on the games industry for years
How are they taking attention away from you now? That's laughable

7 years ago

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Ok, I've checked them - it turns out they've made Battleborn lately which was a total failure. Maybe they want to build their reputation here. To be honest I'm just thinking loud, that doesn't mean what I'm saying is actually true :) I just don't believe everything I hear lately :)

Btw, marketing is a thing that you have to do ALWAYS, it doesn't matter you are famous now. Stop doing marketing and your brand will be dead pretty soon.

7 years ago

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TB is one of the most customer/ gamer-oriented critic / youtuber / "influencer" out there - he would sooner make a fool of himself in a tutu than to work with G2A. He hates insincerity with a burning passion :)

7 years ago

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TBH, I don't know the guy because I am not into social media too much :) Maybe I shouldn't make any assumptions then but yeah - I wanted to invite people to some discussion of what they think about it and if it is even possible.

7 years ago

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I have personally interacted with some people responsible for G2A following problems I had, here is what I gathered:

  1. G2A are well meaning. Look at the big ambitious multi-faceted platform they've built from G2APay to G2A VR Land, G2A Bundles etc...

  2. G2A are business meaning. And given how fucking corrupted and greedy most western publishers and platforms are, especially since Steam rising prices, nobody can criticise this aspect.

  3. But they have a culture problem. Because if there's a difference between Western platforms and G2A (based in Eastern Europe) is that they don't have the long-existing consumer and service laws and traditions we have.

ALL problems on G2A are the ONE and SAME: the governance culture and misunderstanding of business and customer respect.

Have a key that doesn't work? They'll refund you (everytime they did). Have a key that is been removed from your Steam because of a retraction scam? They'll refund you. Have the key that works which you got for a lower price than white market price? Great.

The problem of G2A being shady was never about keys working or not, but are more subtle and not less important

THE REAL PROBLEM: Your secure paypal account is not working for some odd reason, even though it works on every other platforms? Contact support, they'll tell you bullshit about VPN, shipping address etc...none of which will work until they tell you to try your credit card. Added your credit card, hooray it worked, but look! You've now subscribed without ever giving validation, reading EULA or confirming to a one-month (forced) free-subscription. Want to unsubcribe? You can't, support will tell you absolute bullshit that you accepted or it is legal to withhold your credit info by force, they have your information tied to their account. You have to wait a month, and then you only have TWO days to unsubscribe. The process?

Go to a completely hidden part of your settings after you re-logged with your over complicated password with re-captcha, and then you have to through TWELVE FUCKING PAGES of confirmation that yes, you want to unsubscribe, and when you get to the have to confirm by email, but of course while you receive your purchase notification instantly, you have to wait 20 min for the mail, but then it might not work, so you have to try all over again, and then you have to confirm once again you want to unsubscribe. If you didn't do all that, you're now forced-subscribed for yet another month.

THAT'S THE REAL PROBLEM, they don't understand that wether this is legal or not (it's not) trying to fuck-over your client to scrap a few dollars from them is counter-productive and very fucking obvious.

7 years ago

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The real problem is how because of G2A indie studios are loosing money / go bankrupt in face of purchases made with stolen credit cards. G2A is in fact grey market that is making possible to make a profit from stolen keys.

7 years ago

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That is absolute bullshit. This argument never made sense. Grey-market, aka "second-hand" market aka you own what you buy which you can sell, never meant loosing money since single legit copies can only be sold if they were bought first.

Then there is the more precise argument of pricing: these keys are sold for a longer time at their lowest or sale price. The question is about wether they would sell more at base/higher price, or if actually it enables people who to buy it at full price to do so but also enables them to sell more to people who would only buy it at low/sale price. And the argument is more complex than just profit, as value is derived from franchise, adoption, promotion, sequels, brand etc...which you get from getting your product into the hands of a maximum of people.

That's why Adobe allowed the cracking of Photoshop for so long, that's why Square-Enix remained faithful to the original digital pricing scheme (ie. releasing at full-price for early-adopters, then constantly cutting the price down to reach lower and lower pockets, thus more and more people, in order to lock people into their publisher and franchise ecosystem)

7 years ago

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I'm not taking about selling key you legally bougth but about credit card frauds. Credit cards infos are stolen, then some scumm use those infos to buy keys directly from developer and sells them on G2A market. When those fraudalent payments are retracted by bank, devoloper must return earnings from this purchases - so they've sold games, but didn't make a profit and maybe event has loss (addidtional costs from payment processor, etc.). Meanwhile this thieving scumm sells his keys on G2A for fraction of their worth so people buy them quick and he is making profit. That's what hurts all developers the most.

7 years ago

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But this is not true, you don't know how selling a digital game works: Publishers on Steam have more or less options depending on their interface to generate keys, and then they deal into own way with they own CRM into managing theirs keys and sales. When ANY game is stolen because the payment has been cancelled, they can reclaim it to Steam at any moment, it's in fact automatic on some payment platforms, and that's when you get a "game removed" notification on Steam.

Again, there are probably millions of people selling and buying, and 99,9% of the keys I have work (or were dups but were refunded), otherwise G2A wouldn't even have customers. The only REAL arguments, is that they're buying legal keys, from legal platforms, with legal money, but are buying bulk in bundles or deals and selling them at reduced prices the rest of the year, which has always been the case for second-hand market. Now that's a thing you can argue or disagree with, but the "poor indie publisher lose money because keys are magically stolen on Steam" is not a reality.

7 years ago

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It's not about cancelling keys, because harm already has been done (chargeback fees). Keys are generated through Steamworks, but are sold through different distributors or even directly by devs themselvs. And if any fraudalent purchase is cancelled it genereates additional fees and big bulk purchase made with stolen CC make seller bleed money. It's not zero sum game.

Movac in his/her posts explained it perfectly.

I agree with you about G2A beeing shady as fuck, but I'm mostly concerned about devs then G2A clients (if you want buy cheap be ready to take bigger risk).

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Then that's not G2A problem, except if a solution to assert for a fact that items were bought with stolen credit cards. It's a bank and store problem. In fact even the legal stores don't have a way to spot stolen credit cards.

But out of the hundreds items I've bought on G2A this only happened to me once, I was refunded, and it never happened again because G2A immediately bans accounts for which payment was rejected and thus stolen key removed. This simply is not the reality.

But G2A is still shady has fuck in their practices and interfaces.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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  1. shows you how much they like to make $, not at all how "well meaning" they are.
  2. just cause some other company is greedy and corrupt doesn't instantly give another company a free pass
  3. i don't follow this one at all

not gonna bother reading the rest of your g2a defense :S

7 years ago

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then you won't see the G2A criticism part.

7 years ago

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ahh fair enough, i think i agree with everything else you had said if i read it correctly anyways. ^^

7 years ago

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Ever thing on G2A is a rip off even the G2A Bundles

7 years ago

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Yeah, even they're offer and pricing is weird.

7 years ago

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like last gearbox games..false advetisment is their job lately and sell remastered at full price with no new content like Bulletstorm

7 years ago

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Yup, fuck that Bulletstorm expenanded edition sold like a new game at high price.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago*

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Yes, that's the problem they THINK they're exploiting loopholes and therefor it gives them the right to be shady fucks.

But what I don't understand is that, they don't need it: they've worked hard into building a growing multi-platform stuff that they make well enough money with, but are still discrediting themselves until they're blocked and forbidden by having these shady customer practices. Ambition and crookery, what a stupid shame.

7 years ago

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They do need it, otherwise they wouldn't be so damn sure to stay in Hong Kong, outside any kind of EU or US jurisdiction. if they ever officially register in Poland, they would be sued to death.
There is absolutely no "cultural difference" here. If there would be, how would you explain the existence of GOG and their reputation, a company in the same damn city where the G2A owners live.
As for G2A well-meaning, I have only three words to say: "paid G2A Shield". Something that, as gearbox pointed out (yet again), is a mandatory free service. Or it would be, if they weren't hiding under a Hong Kong address. (Although, granted, the main reason for that is their tax evasion.)

7 years ago

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that from what I understood isn't as strict with consumer laws

From what I've picked up over the years, Chinese laws toward digital fraud and digital consumer protection are essentially non-existent. I know there was a big fuss over some Chinese MMOs not delivering digital currency that was purchased, and the devs indicated they didn't have to by Chinese law (and for the players to calm down and gratefully accept what they were given). Whether that was true or not (and it certainly went over poorly with the players), it does indicate the general mindset I've noticed among online Chinese companies toward their consumers- especially as that was hardly the first Chinese MMO I've seen get called out for failing to deliver purchases as promised.

Heck, one other MMO I played in had male players regularly making "I'll find where you live, rape you, and murder you" comments toward female players, stalking them, harassing them, etc; When female players asked the devs to simply just add in a user-block function (as is, y'know, normal for most modern online games), the devs said that "Males will be males, and females should learn to accept that. It's inappropriate for females to be bothering us about such trivial matters, so learn your place."

Then there are the massive environmental issues, China's human rights violations in Tibet being severe enough to have Tibet ranked as the second worst human rights offending nation in the world [above Syria, but below North Korea] (with China's overall own human rights violations not ranking especially well to begin with), murder being far better than injuring someone, and far, far more.

Even with their being nations with such notable global presences, China and Russia's social structures often seem awfully backwater by western standards- and keep in mind, the United States, which clearly is far better off, already ranks much lower than [the EU]. It's a pretty far drop down to the level we're talking about, so it's no surprise that things like consumer protections are a bit.. understated.. in any nation that doesn't place value in even the most basic of human rights.

7 years ago*

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To be honest, I don't think you can classify Russia as an economic superpower any more. (Heck, based on how their military invasion of Ukraine managed to snag a whopping 6-7% of that country in two years, I am not even sure they can be classified as a military one…)

7 years ago

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Whoops, that wasn't at all what I intended- I didn't think my phrasing through properly. I've corrected it. :)

7 years ago

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well, i'm glad to see this.

Today i saw a tweet saying that gearbox made a partnership with g2a, and i was like, whaaat i love their games but it this i don't know if i would buy more from them.

I just hope with this they pull of the partnership, because well, g2a wont change anything

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Their CEO, Randy Pitchfork, has gotten some bad rep over some of the statements he made plus they fucked up with the whole Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem thing, otherwise they ain't worse/different than other companies AFAIK.

7 years ago

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There nothing wrong Colonial Marines nor Duke Nukem

7 years ago

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Well, got them both and also played them, had my fun... just listed some things they're infamous for, wasn't meant as a personal statement.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

7 years ago

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G2A demands major changes from Gearbox


G2A threatened to pull out of recently negotiated partnership upon learning of a report detailing widespread evidence of Gearbox's criminal fraud in past partnerships, including a major deal with Sega for "Aliens: Colonial Marines". A G2A spokesperson officially commented, "woah. that's, like, really fucked up.... like, even for us," and later remarked "I totally remember that aliens game looking good--they really embezzled all that money? And just... got away with it?" Meanwhile, industry commenters have speculated that any notion of real change within Gearbox is but a illusory hurdle for what is otherwise an impossible objective. Most experts predict that the deal will be totally irreconcilable when, and if, the G2A investigators reach the allegations covered in the report's second paragraph

7 years ago

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  • 1000
7 years ago

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Totalbiscuit strikes again.
Well done TB

7 years ago

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It is impossible for G2A shield free of charge forever.

7 years ago

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'cause G2A is too scummy to ever consider it, or 'cause G2A simply can't manage to do what every respectable site on the internet manages just fine? :P

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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smart, thanks.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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API for dev/publishers to search for stolen/fraudulent keys would destroy g2a/kinguin for sure.
Removal of G2A shield because customers deserve fraud protection anyway? They already offer this, if there's a problem with your key you just screenshot proof key is invalid and they refund you. Anybody buying shield was duped but this is tons of free money for G2A.. no way they will remove this.
There's no way G2A will go forward with this.

7 years ago

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This is PR bullshit from Gearbox. They knew how dodgy G2A are but now that TB has spoken, they back off. Do they really think we're stupid?

7 years ago

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It take time for things to catch up after all G2A is barely a year old
You have stand how it all works

7 years ago

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G2A was founded in 2010.

7 years ago

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Do i really care if they did all this because of honest and real moral concerns? Does it at the end of the day not help further the discussion about consumer and developer rights? Is it not nice to see someone trying to get a huge retailer to hold themselves to industry standards? Does one buy gearbox games only because they told g2a how devolved their standards are?

7 years ago

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Oh, I agree. Everything that gives consumers better rights is a step in the right direction. However, I'm still wondering why they didn't demand all that from G2A from the start.

7 years ago

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they may not of cared about it prior to it being brought back into the light via that video. now that the light was shown on it, it's in their best interest to at least pretend to care if not go ahead and spin it into good pr.

7 years ago

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I just find it to be weird when people rather focus on the mere possibility of gearbox having done this because of publicity reasons, yes, the odds are quite high, but i still would prefer to see people speak about the topic TB tries to speak about here. I mean after all events such as this one are quite rare and should be met by high praise to further encourage other devs and publishers to act alike.

Thanks for sharing your opinion!

7 years ago

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oh i agree.. i don't know gearboxs true intentions behind it.. but i'm just saying since it was brought up, it is still in their best interest to utilize it for good pr while shining the light on the subject even further. nothing by that was meant bad about gearbox though. ^^

7 years ago

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Oh sorry, was trying to reply to Lengray's initial comment :P But still thanks for replying ^__^

7 years ago

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you did, it was my bad actually.. xD
i just refreshed and saw "a reply" and just thought it was to me since i had a notification message. but the message notification was from someone else.

7 years ago

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Gearbox should stfu ,what they did with IP like Duke Nukem and their last game is a proof of how greed they are and how they 've lost their touch...Pitchford promises are famous...

7 years ago

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greed vs shade though? who wins? lolol (genuinely don't know, just sayin') ^^

7 years ago

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shade?? eng not my first lang so sry i don't understand

7 years ago

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well really it's an opinion, but i think i'd agree. what i meant though was the common consensus is that gearbox is greedy in their past, and that g2a is shady. honestly imo greed is bad, but not quite as bad as shade that is additionally clouding greed. so, at least in this instance i'd have to go with shade being the worse of the two (aka winner).

edit: (aka winner) / TL;DR = g2a is worse then gearbox, but gearbox isn't much better xD

7 years ago*

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ahhh ok thanks for the explanation..i never ppurchased for G2A ...usually i prefer trading on steamtrade or via steam directly.

7 years ago

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Hey Guys πŸ‘‹ Randy Pitchford here! πŸ˜† So you know that game we were publishing that had virtually ZERO exposure 3 days back? The one we literally spent ZERO marketing budget on? And then 2 days ago we announced we were partnering with an extremely controversial company to sell CE boxes for?

Well you guys spoke & we heard πŸ‘‚ We are threatening to pull out of the partnership! 😠😑 but not really 😜 Also, we hired a media/PCMR darling who was publicly criticising us yesterday but not really πŸ€₯ to "consult" on this matter.

Oh, by the way the game comes out tomorrow πŸ˜πŸ€‘πŸ™ƒ

7 years ago

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+1...low budget marketing..Pitchford and friends are really digging..

7 years ago*

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TB dont pay 1 cent for the game they try\ will be better if they stfu.

7 years ago

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Whoever buys games on G2A should stfu, too.

7 years ago

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sure..u right...hope you bought all your game on steam and u never pirated in your life..i can say i never purcvhased a signle key on G2A, but Pitchford and Gearbox can't be trusted..really.

7 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. man . Did you even bother checking the video ...

7 years ago

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gearbox = πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

we swear we didn't know, please help us, youtube celebrity!!!

7 years ago

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Update: Gearbox has issued a statement saying that, in the absence of action on its demands, it has begun the process of walking away from the Bulletstorm deal with G2A.

Obviously. They don't want to go legal

Again, "work with us, and we make sure no doy steals from you" sounds straight from the Godfather

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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no one or very feqw, will buy an old game ,remastered on the same engine at full price. witrh nearly 0 new content.-.they will spend more for legal that money recevied form sales.

7 years ago

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You may want to reconsider your pov on the matter :)

7 years ago

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about new content? about the same engine?or u 'r saying that a pooirly made texture of Duke is a big update and new content?? or the useless multyplayer instead of a good coop campaign?

7 years ago

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maybe i'm wrong , but form my side , as a owner of retail copy, i don't even mind to buy a remastered with nearly 0 content..if they charge us for 5 Dollars for a GFWL patch that remove it and isntall a full steamwork game, i will pay for sure..but not a remastered of the same game at full price plus Denuvo..i'm sorry GB

7 years ago

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Closed 7 months ago by FateOfOne.