That's wrong. I don't have Vive La France DLC, but i'm get rewards.
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I set item on my showcase.
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Edit: Never mind, I'm an idiot, I had to check the WoT messages as the inventory items don't get added automatically >_<
Original Post:
I finally finished the event and got nothing :(
I played the game in VR beta branch, it didn't state anywhere that it wouldn't work (and the counter in WoT was counting properly) so I wasn't aware there may be an issue - just an FYI for those actually driving around in VR.
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Damn, maybe write to them and ask for manual sync or sth? I'm pretty sure they would be willing to help.
How's the game in VR? I imagine it must feel great with vive and a steering wheel. :D
I played with Vive + Virtuix Omni today. It's still far from perfect, but I like the direction where VR is headed.
[edit] Ah, yeah, the items are in a separate message. ;-)
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I don't have a steering wheel so it was VR (Oculus Rift) + Gamepad (game has no touch support) + some K&M for menus.
The game was not designed for VR, so it has a few glitches, but I probably wouldn't have bothered playing for so long without it.
The feeling is of literally sitting in a truck and driving (other than some glitches like load hiccups or stuttering on occasion even though I have a beefy rig), I also drove like a madman to cut on time (you can disable stuff from the menu to not get constantly fined for traffic violations), as such I had a LOT of accidents and close calls which I believe feel emphasized on VR.
The most glaring issue in VR is the horizon, as it is a blurry and pixelated mess which I am not sure if it's an engine or resolution issue (or maybe both). This makes reading signs very difficult (like gas prices from the road or speed limit signs) and detract from the fun.
I love my VR, but it is very far from perfect, the resolution is low, the system demands are high and the cable management is hell. There might be a mainstream future for VR but it is possible we still need some time to get there.
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Well, Oculus Rift gave me nausea, but Vive is another story. With good rig allowing for constant 90fps it feels really good. And yeah, road signs are hard to read in ETS2 even on highest details, so I can imagine it's not that different in VR. Personally I'm waiting for Vive 2 - hopefully with wireless connectivity - before buying.
I once disabled speed limits and instantly crashed my brand new truck. I find it hard to drive without load, these trucks just have too monstrous engines for driving around just like that. So I turned the limit back on. I'm using cruise control most of the time anyway, to avoid fines (yeah, I know they can be turned off as well). Anyway, thanks for answering! :-)
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The nausea may be related to the rig it was connected to, I let a lot of people try the rift setup I have and so far no nausea reports :)
I didn't know the signs were hard to read on highest details on a monitor, I thought it was a VR issue, thanks for letting me know.
I drove 140km/h while searching for jobs, so yeah, had my share of crashes and debt to the bank due to (a lot of) repairs (add to that driving against traffic, ignoring red lights, u-turning in the middle of a freeway and passing slower cars on the shoulder lane).
I really hope no one drives like me in real life :D
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The nausea may be related to the rig it was connected to, I let a lot of people try the rift setup I have and so far no nausea reports :)
I'm not sure, I didn't have any issues with a demo where I flew in a spaceship for example, but a giant swing or rollercoaster demo were an overkill for my sense of balance. With vive it was different because I was actually moving around, so it helped a lot.
I drove 140km/h while searching for jobs, so yeah, had my share of crashes and debt to the bank due to (a lot of) repairs (add to that driving against traffic, ignoring red lights, u-turning in the middle of a freeway and passing slower cars on the shoulder lane).
I think there's a mod turning off collisions, it may be useful if you don't want to go bankrupt. :D
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I managed to stay afloat :D, I got pretty good passing cars on the shoulder lane too (I did have 10 hours to get good).
And yeah, roller coaster or swinging or any game where the world is moving when you are actually static induces nausea, I was referring to room scale stuff like the Vive has.
Trucking in VR is also mostly OK since you are actually sitting in the truck and we all got used to cars :), there are some views where you don't have head tracking, those are still a pain and I can't stay in those views for long (overhead camera for instance)
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не у меня почумуто не обновляется
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Hello, forced to do it using your own truck please ? Or you can do it in fast mission ?
I tried some fast missions but it doesn't seem to be counted...
edit : oh i just found the answer...
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Can you change the title to:
[FREE-items] ETS2 tradable and marketable Steam inventory items
Or something that has the ETS2 part at the start, so that is visible from the main page of SG.
And might as well mention,
ETS2= Euro Truck Simulator 2.
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How long did it take you to complete the 10 deliveries? I'm new to the WoT external contracts, and I can only chose between very few (2-4). Can't see myself completing this in below 10-20h.
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steam says it took me 19.7 hrs, realistically it was about 15h if you only count the relevant jobs (I did a few lesser ones in the meanwhile to discover new routes) - but I bought a garage in France in the beginning of the event to be able to quick-travel, it may take you more if you need to go there and back every time, or maybe less with good logistics and some luck (I couldn't find a job between France and Belgium or Luxembourg, so I did Sweden and Norway instead).
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Yeah I did it within 15h-ish without any quick traveling. Was lucky enough with the external contracts and didn't have to do the 1000km countries.
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Is there a way to track the progress ingame? Or do I have to hope that it works?
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I don't know about a way to track the event progress directly in-game, but it will update in your profile page at the World of Trucks website.
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You cannot track it in game, not that i know of. Ofcourse you can check how many external contracts you have completed in game though. However, only your external contracts will be syncd with your world of trucks account as someone mentioned below so that's the only way. Also make sure you take contracts that are to or from France , with any other European countries.
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I am a new player myself. All i did was take couple of quick jobs to see how many can i make in a day , took a bank loan and bought a truck. Then started doing the external contracts.Also make sure you take contracts that are to or from France , with any other European countries. I hope this helps.
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I would say it took me about 3 hours, but I literally did shortest possible deliveries between france and other 10 countries. If you never played before then probably it will be at least 10 hours, because i had the benefit of quicktraveling between my garages in different cities while looking for shortest jobs.
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Well it depends from person to person, it got boring for me too after about 40 hours when I had nothing new to discover but the first few hours were definitely worth it. Don't dismiss it that quick, if you plan on trying it at anytime in the future then you might as well do it now and see for yourself. If you play and like it then a few extra marketable items are a bonus, if you don't like it and drop it fast then at least you got yourself an answer and know what to avoid, it's a win either way.
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Impossible for me, I fall asleep after 10-15 minutes of driving even though I like the game.
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Try on ETS2 steam exchange board, some already try to exchange there !
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GOAL: Complete a delivery of any cargo to or from France with at least 10 other countries in Europe
REWARD: 4 tradeable and marketable Steam inventory items: A nice looking interior statue decoration of the iconic landmark and 3 random country pennants to further customize your truck interior
full info
ETS2 steam market
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