i was gona buy the pre sequel but i heard very bad things about it + on steam BL2 is doing way better then TPS. Anyway may i know wich Borderlands 2 DLC is worth getting? i will only be getting one.

8 years ago

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Tiny Tina's if you really truly can only get one not the GOTY/Season Pass

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Is that the one themed as Dungeons and Dragons? If so, that was the only one I cared about. +1 to the recommendation.

8 years ago

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Yup, with Tina being the Dungeonmaster and special themed chests/loot/items etc. Such a clever way to tell that part of the story

8 years ago

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and badass crater of badassitude, but tinas is the best

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Tiny Tina's is the best…
…after the Badass Crater of Badassitude, of course. Because it is more badass. And has the bravery to ask the most important of all questions: EXPLOSIONS?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Pretty much all of them except the skins. I advise against buying BL2 unless it's the GOTY Edition and even that one is missing a few (good) things.

8 years ago

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i already bought it, i actuely bought it years ago.
i will only get one dlc.

8 years ago

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Well if you really just want to buy one I agree with Shanti.
Tiny Tina is proabably the best but it's really hard to tell.

8 years ago

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all of them except for skin

8 years ago

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i will only get one dlc.

8 years ago

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only one ?? then get the goty upgrade

8 years ago

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Well,i said only one. that means i wont pay more then one dlc.

8 years ago

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technically, the goty is only 1 dlc.

Better to wait for a sell, they are pretty expensive right now

8 years ago

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Then get Tiny Tina's and learn from Brick how to hold a civil conversation with a king properly.

8 years ago

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Wait for a sale, then get the GotY+Ultimate Vault Hunter upgrade pack 2. Headhunters are basically extra missions/raids. Imo, 5 is the best if you enjoy raiding.

Edit: Tiny Tina's the best in the season pass. In terms of 'story'. Side quests for it requires a TON of backtracking though.

8 years ago

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all of the dlc but the headhunters get on sale since thye are super short but so good still. goty goes on sale for 10$ and it gives you all dlc but headhunters, level cap 2 and the skins no one cares about

8 years ago

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Borderlands 2 is one of those games where I can fully recommend ALL of the DLC (excepting the skins).
They all have more than enough content to justify the price IMHO. :X

EDIT: Tiny Tina's is by far the best DLC, though :D

8 years ago

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Couple things.

  • Story in BL2 is leagues better than the expansion-turned-fullgame-Presequel
  • As far as which dlc, Tiny Tina for quality content, but Torgue for the Laughs
  • The Presequel is actually quite fun thanks to the Cryo element which is leagues better than slag, the low gravity, the buttstomps, and the skyboxes as a bonus. Totally worth the dip for $5- $20. This is coming from a guy who loathed it when he got it day 1 because it didn't live up to BL2. Just don't compare it and you will have fun. Hell, I will actually play woth you too.
8 years ago

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only one? paying without a sale? what?

8 years ago

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Each of the story ones. If you really want to skip any of those, probably skip the headhunter packs as they are the shortest. (Although it is a shame missing out the Flexington raid boss…)

By the way, TPS is not too bad, it just lacks the farm-forever type of content BL2 has. The pre-sequel is largely story-oriented, and after the story, there is not much to do. (Whereas in BL2, the story is just an excuse to have something in their pushing you forward. It is not a particularly well-written one, with plot holes so large you can sink an oil rig in it. Plus most of it relies on memes that maybe some kids nowadays won't even get any more.)

8 years ago

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Id say Tiny Tina's the best for my 2 cents, but they all totally rocked. Really hard choice to make.

8 years ago

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Tiny Tina is the best single one DLC, but I would go for season pass + vault hunter, since you'll have more levels (yeah, without these DLCs there's a level cap).
Borderlands 2 is a very good game, just go for all DLCs except for the skins (they don't worth anything)

8 years ago

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Tiny Tina without a doubt is the best DLC, worth every penny
Captain Scarlett if you want a good story
Mr. Torque's Campaign of Carnage if you want a (very funny) arena shooter
---Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt is the weakest of the lot, but still fun to play---
the five headhunter packs are good for a short distraction (each one is holiday themed and about 2-3 hours long)

The Mechromancer pack > Psycho pack, if you want to have another playthrough with a different class
Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 1 is almost a must if you're gonna get the DLC, 2 is overkill (these increase the game's level cap)
Creature Slaughterdome I have no idea if I own this or not, and don't know why anyone would bother, but maybe it could be of interest?

Cosmetic crap packs: If you're the kind of person who drops $100 on a TF2 hat or CSGO knife, knock yourself out. For everyone whose money doesn't grow on trees, don't do it

8 years ago

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Every 4 of them are great - a lot better than Borderlands 2 :)

8 years ago

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I have all story DLC's and a few skins (mostly for Zero) they are all great, but I would only recommend the story DLC's not the skins, but if you only play 1 character you could pick up some skins for it, like I did. For which DLC, I would buy the goty.

8 years ago

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They're all fun. So I would suggest instead waiting for a bundle to drop somewhere, or even the Season Pass on Steam.
That's how I picked up DLCs for cheap...can't afford buying them all separately.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Captain Scarlett is quite fun i admit. But like rest, Tiny Tina and Torgue DLC are the best, i just... DAMN I LOVE TORGUE TOURNAMENT! :D

Sir Hammerlock idk... Is little boring for me, and lots of walking in swamp or something.

Creature Slaughterdome is good to exp your characters.

Mechanomancer and Psycho packs are fun. I need play my Krieg and Gaige again soon, they are fun.

Ultimate Vault Hunter is something you need to have. Otherwise game will end so quickly.

Headhunter packs are quite nice, but i guess? Best for me is with Torgue, oh well only Gradma got booring long talk. >.<

8 years ago

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get the season pack, all are great!

8 years ago

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Tiny Tina and Mr Torgue's Campaign are the best IMO, but really - wait for a sale and get SP. Even if you miss out the two new characters, the DLCs have a lot of story, and they really worth their prices - especially in a Season Pack.

8 years ago

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Srsly, get at least all the 4 main Story DLCs. If money is the point wait for a sale till they drop to around 2~3 each (so a tenner for the Season pass for instance, like right NOW some shops have it on sale for 10:

Trust me, you DO want all the story DLCs and will be biting your own ass if you buy only one, if alone from a financial standpoint since buying them one (by one) is always more expensive and you can get the season pass (all 4 story dlc + level cap raise which brings itself OP levels for the REAL nice drops) for the cost of the regular price of one DLC!

Edit: That said, if you only ever want to get into the story etc and never ever want to tackle high level grinding and the highest difficulties go grab youself Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. But you will want to get more after that, promissed :^
P.S.: Also I don't know what all the people have against TPS but I for myself enjoy it

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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