I'm not really sorry for Snowie as i know the predator bird probably needs to eat more. (I just hope you don't take it the wrong the way and continue reading).
I'm sorry for you mate as it sounded like you could use a cudly friend and i'm sorry you hyped up your heart for a pain. I hope you chose another soon and it will reward you with all the warmth you were looking for.
Take care!
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Yeah, but people care about a cat, not so much an iota for the bird or the vermin like rats it also takes.
And especially if it wasn't for all the bad luck like a broken airco and the woman falling she would already have been safe, here.
But thank you.
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Yeah, i feel like my words sound bad.
Maybe a better rephrasing:
We cared about Snowie because we knew it will be yours and we are rooting for you.
No matter what cat you end up with try to have it fast so you can enjoy it sooner.
I hope this time my point is less confusing.
I love cats, but i also like any other animals including predators.
(And those predators are almost all endangered btw.)
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I understand you and i also understand it's in the nature of such birds, like an alligator or snake would eaasily attack us, it's in the end nature, how cruel it can be.I also find it a bit morally dubious how if a human kills another human it's a crime, but if someone shoots a bear f.e it's not (because we are "superior").
Thank you, again.
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I'm sorry, man. Even though you hadn't yet had a chance to meet Snowie, I'm sure your plans to welcome her into your home formed a bond, and it's only natural that you'd feel sorrow at her loss. I hope the cat you choose next lives a long, healthy, happy life!
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I am sorry for you and hope you can try to focus on positive stuff (like the other kitten).
But with all the story parts that don't fitted 100% together in the past weeks, like niece/nephew that seen her but your mom that told you that the cat is from very far away, the falling women, broken car etc. and now the predator bird, it sounds for me a bit as snowie died earlier (she had a bit ill look on the pics) and your mother don't wanted to hurt you and instead tried to go around the bad news till she had a other fitting cat available as ""replacement"".
In german we would call it "Notlüge" which would be translated in "emergency lie" that get used to not hurt someone -more as necessary-. So get used in a "good" intention.
Maybe my belly feeling is wrong.
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Thank you, even when i knew Snowie would be coming within a few days i still had doubts (the whole germphonia/litterbox thing etc) in ways it's easier not to get a cat and just live carefree but then i never get over it nor i will have companionship, so either this is telling me maybe it's not the right time for a cat, or Snowie was not meant for me, but this one shown in the pictures is.
I totally agree with you that could very well be the possibility, but she did asked me 3 times do you want the cat? (but that can also mean like did you really wanted Snowie) or a new cat?
The car was not broken, but the airco, and it was at that time 30c, so that is a totally viable reason not to transport a cat and we don't know how bad that woman fell.
All our communication went through whatsapp and she already sometimes types confusing there, also i strongly remember her saying first the white cat was supposed to be examined if she was ill or not and then later she said, no it was the other cat i picked and came with many medical costs.
And also correct i said in the starting thread how i found how the cat looked sad, and others mentioned that too, when i told my mom she didn't respond to it.
But when she asked her if i named her yet (like a few days ago), she said Missy, and i said Snowie, and she liked the name and said okay Snowie it is, but if she knew that all beforehand why go so far till i even picked a name, then you really commited yourself to it.
Unless Snowie only recently passed away, like in the weekend.
Snowie would have worked on a white cat, but not the coloured one in the picture.
And there could have been two nests, then again in the USA there are vultures, many predator birds and animals, not saying we don't have them here, but they are rare. So yeah i am really conflicted 50/50 if this was all a white lie or not.
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Sorry to hear about Snowy. =(
If all else fails, you could consider getting a rescue kitten? Actually, you probably should do that anyway. Rescue cats have been checked out by a vet, and they will tell you if there are medical conditions allowing you to make informed decisions on whether you can afford long time vet care.
Don't name the next cat until you have it home with you, which will help with not getting attached. It really hurts losing a pet. Our dog was almost 18 when he passed. Still miss the little fella. Your situation isn't less valid. You really had hyped up to meet this little guy.
As for the germaphobia, a few things that help. Cat pee stinks. I mean, it stinks from high heaven, so make sure that you buy only good quality litter that de-odourises. Also, never feed a cat milk despite what we are lead to believe by cartoons and such. They like it, but are lactose intolerant and it gives them diarrhea and you'd have a mess to clean. You can buy lactose free cat milk though, if you want to.
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Sorry missed your reply (too many of them).
Thank you.
I know but rescue cats these days all have these different rule sets, there is still one kitten left from the nest, which i hope can stay safe (the other got under a lawnmower there) in which the owners girlfriend got so angry, she made the mother cat neutered so she won't get kittens anymore. Until it arrives here hopefully monday/tuesday.
Sorry to hear about your dog.
And indeed i am not going to get too attached until i actually see it here with my own two eyes.
I can handle pee pretty well, it's more the poo thing, and not even so much the litterbox (i think. since it's mixed with litter) but more if their feet aren't wiped or do it beside the box.
Also i am putting the litter box in the bathroom, but when i shower (aside from it wanting to be in the box when i shower, but not like they care) but there will always remain some water until it's dried up, a) Sometimes i use a bit of chlorine which i hope she doesn't dare to lick at and b) Not sure how i can prevent them from walking through it and then go with their wet paws on my wooden floor.
My moms cats when they just came they did it all across the sides of the walls under the cabinets, until i found we had a massive fly infestation, and i went hunting, and found that. And still they do it sometimes beside the box (but that could be blamed that the box might be full sometime).
Milk i am not going to burn my fingers on trying that for what you are saying, first it will just get it's water.
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If they're outdoor farm cats, the kittens might not be litter trained, so the training will be left to you. It could take a few weeks for the kitten to learn, but the good thing is that young kittens poo/pee doesn't smell all that bad. It's just the adults. When you get a kitten from an indoor cat household, the mother cat trains the kittens to use the litter tray.
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Not really something i wanted to hear with the whole germphobia thing.
My mom will train the first day, she wanted to do it longer but apparently the quicker she comes here, the more quicker she learns to do things properly here and get used to the house more quickly.
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Yeah, it's just the reality of training and something to be prepared for. Some animals learn in a day or two, others are a little slower to catch on. Kinda like potty training a human haha.
For the puppy, we put down newspapers on the tiles within running distance of the back door lol. Had a bottle of Dettol to disinfect the floors when removing the pee papers. When we'd see him going to pee, we'd put him on the newspaper. Then when he caught on after a couple of days and went to the newspaper to pee, we would then pick him up and run outside with him. He soon caught on that he should only pee/poop on the grass and would bark to go outside. Took about a week to train him to go outside..
It'll be easier for you because you'll have a litter tray to pop the kitten in from day one and hopefully, she'll catch on quickly.
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Oh i really love to have children still one day, but the imaginable horror of the whole diapers, potty training, wiping them later.. brrrr.. you can have a willing partner, but even she has to go away sometimes.
I told my mom can't you take them the first two years? :p But i hope the cat is a first and right step to get over these things.
My mothers cats used all the sides of the walls under every cabinet they could crawl under to do their needs (also farm cats), until we had a massive fly investitation, and i went investigating and found out.. I let my mom and sister clean it out.. Also don't let onions rot in your shed, you get the same horror of flies. :p :x
And offcourse with my germphobia those flies were also a massive horror (like a horror movie).
Anyway it's why i stored most of the possible junk in my bedroom (i won't let it allow there, i also don't like it sleeping or going on my bed) so that the only "free space" there is would be under the couch and very easy to see, if such thing happens. She has a whole living room and balcony, plus the bathroom.
I do have dettol wipes, they are expensive unfortunately, although they got 110 wipes.
Well i do have to start learning to focus also to watch the cat and not just when a game gets too intensive to stay in that, and forget all about the cat, i need to learn game - cat - cat - game - cat - cat -cat - game. :p
Yeah i heard putting some tape on the litter box door in the beginning will help her too.
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Sorry for your loss man, the opposite happened to me before, it's a pretty sad situation..
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oh I mean, my parrot was killed by a stray cat when I was out, she liked to fly in the garden of the apartment, my parents let it fly when I wasn't at home.. it's always sad to see this kind of things, like losing a friend
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Sorry to hear and yeah i can understand, while this would be my first cat, i did had fish, and it got struck twice by a disease in which they eventually died (2 survived the first one, but not the second). Even those felt like friends.
No matter how small or big, your pets become your friends.
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That's awfully bad luck. I'm so sorry, mate.
I know you still have Snowie in your mind. But your new possible companion looks so cute. Well it's weird for a kitty to not look cute, but see those colours with white shoes. The kitty looks playful too.
So, don't surrender. You have a chance I don't have, so don't let it pass.
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Thank you.
Masafor also found inconsistencies in my mothers story, and I can't help but start comparing the pictures.
I don't know if you read my very first post, or remember it, i also posted both kittens there, my mom was always in favorite of the white one, first she said the white one could be sick and then she suddenly went oh no the red one is sick and it would have too many medical costs, but when i compare them, they got the same red face, the black patch on the left, white collar, white feet (unless they all look like that) but i am almost convinced it's that one.
That my mother somehow wanted me to get the white one, but died by illness (or grabbed by a bird) and now giving me the second choice.
Or it's really just a new cat, i don't have bigger pictures of the 2 small ones but i just find the resemblance remarkable. But offcourse any new cat would be just as welcome.
That was one of the two cats i could choose from beside the white one (and i wanted them both at that time).
Also the white one i noticed how on all pictures she looked sad, like something was wrong (and others noticed it too on the forum).
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The white one could be sad, but ive met two cats with sad eyes (one of my past cats, and one from some family friend). Theres cats that can look that way but its just a matter of their baseline expression and or features- heck theres cats that look like theyre scared most of the time when theyre just chill. Meanwhile one of my female cats is scared of EVERYTHING (maybe even her own shadow) but she looks mostly normal when scared (i had to learn the nuances and now i can tell when she is stressed/scared or not). They vary.
But could also be just the moment they took the photo. Also kittens very often look sad - i think its a consequence of then being scared half the time (theyre scared of everything, the entire world is unknow). After any scary moment then can look sad for quite awhile after- the scare pass but they still feel insecure... and heck, just not being close to their mother can make then sad.
Like the second one is also a bit scared - sickness or not by the photo it totally looks like how kittens react when humans get close trying to take photos and so on, like more then one person approaching and she went under something looking like that
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Or they always look grumpy (grumpy cat). :p
Offcourse they can have a moment where they look scared, i even saw a picture of the mom looking like don't take away my babies, in this topic (don't be afraid of the title) those are all the pictures of the white one.
I have seen one short clip where there was a bang, the others crawled under a tractor, the white one remained at it's place (and you couldn't see much sadness there).
I just wish someone would confirm with me that the red one (old and new) just look remarkably the same, regardless, Snowie is gone sickness or bird it does not matter, and that's still a sad event.
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That red pattern is called calico. Its actually a genetic coincidence that can happen with any breed and tell gender right away, theyre like 99.9% females (any male that do happen are genetically hermaphrodites)- it can only happen with 2 X chromossomes. 3 colors=female and they all have that pattern
I think snowie probably had the sad eyes- english isnt my main language so i cant quite figure the word id like to use here, but its an eye shape thing. Just picture how detailed character generators in games let us pick minutae like gap between eyes, height on face, inclination and so on, we humans do have that kind of range and cats too -a smaller range but still some range. The eyes can be slight tilted more this or that way and the upper eye part or even the eyelid can be more skewed- and then we associate that angle with sad expression.
...And chances are it couldve changed at a later age, not much since the eye angle thing is built-in but eyes get bigger and face proportion changes and it tends to look less noticeable... i only had 1 cat that looked sad as an adult but many more as kittens. I grew around way too many cats as my mom is a cat lady, like 3 cats short of being one of those labeled crazy for having too many cats... heck ive been at the birth of 4 litters, helped directly in 3 (first one i was too young), and one of those was a insane double one, cats almost always have 4 kids at a time, sometimes 3, but we found out 8 was possible... (we had too many cats so we didnt keep any of those, also all black, near impossible to tell then apart)
And what happened to snowie was really unlucky. In 4-5 generations of too many cats (our peak was 13, 21 for like 3 weeks when the 8 litter was born) only once we had a kitten born sick (and that couldnt make it), and the only other case was a bit older kitten from a fight, but the predator was some older street cat (wich also is rare, cats dont usually attack the younglings nor the kittens get in the middle of fights, and it was a really unlucky wound like half a inch to the side he wouldve lived...)
Even if the calico one doesnt come through just search around town with clinics, pet shops or asking people you know(or the internet)- theres likely more kittens somewhat nearby looking for a home.
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Well now my mom even told me about another kitten that got hit by a lawnmower (farm) i mean why not lock them up? I know it's big, but still.
I already told her lock that calico one up, before something happens to it too.
I don't know many people, and adopting from a shelter they have all sorts of rules (atleast for normal cats, kittens a bit less but not many supply) anyway if the calico doesn't come through, i think i'll wait a bit with a cat unfortunately, then i also believe it's not in the cards for me yet, i also feel the tiredness is coming out my money from the last 6 weeks (i have cardiomyopathy so i do tire more easily then others) but then again i also was never used to any exercize and i biked'/walked over 150-200km in just 6 weeks).
If something ever were to happen to my mom, i still get her 2 cats who are already a handful, and now used to an outside lifestyle (while she always said to stay in), i think if they would go back to remaining inside, it's a hassle.
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Maybe you can refresh my memory, they're charging your mother for one of the cats? It looks like they're rescued from a stray or feral and maybe Snowie was sick, hence the sad face. I don't understand why would someone charge for a kitten unless they're vaccinated and you would need proof they are, some document or receipt from the vet clinic. If you pick the cat, the first thing you would need to do is taking him to the vet, maybe even a blood test if It's possible.
Sad to read the cat passed away.
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It's a nest from a farm, i think the same one where my mom got her 2 cats, she pays 50 euro.
Look at this post. https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/xfalAyb
Snowie looked sad on all 4 pictures and that worried me, and more people noticed it here on the forum, and my mom also first said the white one could be ill then she changed it to oh no the red one is.
I think indeed Snowie was sick and she died of the illness and the whole bird thing is not true, and that she pushed to get the white one because she wanted it, but it was one of those cats i had to choose from, but i wanted both, she told me no the red one was sick and the medical bills were too much, but compare the picture of the other with the ones in the OP. I believe they are the same.
If and when my mom gets the cat she takes cares of it the first day, potty train her as you will and she wants to take her to the vet for a chip (and shot?) she wants to pay for it.
And yes very sad regardless about Snowie, thanks.
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So sorry that your kitty died Lugum.
On the other hand, if the kitten was sick you dodged a major bullet in both expense and heartbreak. I have raised sick kittens from an adopted mother cat who was carrying pneumonitis - a very serious infectious disease. It was awful, and after much expense and nursing, I lost all of them but one. If you suspect that your mother was encouraging you to adopt a sick animal, I strongly advise that you find your own kitten(s). There must be humane agencies or even personal adds in your country where healthy kittens can be found. Even if you have to take on the initial cost of shots yourself, that won't even come close to the vet bills you risk with a sick animal. I honestly don't think that you could do worse than take on a sickly, uncared for barn cat. In my country people happily give such animals away, without charging money, so they don't have to end up drowning them.
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So sorry to hear about your case.
And yes, perhaps i dodged a bullet, my finances (whose isn't these days) is very poor, that i probably couldn't even have afford it, or just eat sandwhiches with peanut butter every single evening.
And it's not on intention offcourse that my mom wanted me to have a sick cat on purpose, it was just that i found two cute ones, we aren't a fan of total black (perhaps the correlation with bad luck) i even preferred a total red one like my moms two cats but they weren't available.
The white one and one with the red face (which i believe the old picture and new pics i posted are the same cat and not that there is another one, she wanted the white one and she told me she could be sick and it had to be found out, later she made it out the other one was sick, i think she was hoping it would become okay with the white one, but i think still died but since she already made up a whole story that she came with the bird thing.
But i don't know, if she would just have told me Snowie died of an illness i would have taken the news just the same.
I firmly like to believe there is just nothing wrong with the calico cat, and i also even believe it's the same nest where my moms two (now healthy 2 year old cats came from too).
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My sincere condolences, unfortunately I know this depressing feeling of losing a pet through some stupid twist of fate. I hope you are well.
P.s. I'm usually readonly but wanted to say thanks for creating giveaways, sharing your thoughts and good music with this community
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Oh, wow, so sorry. Poor Snowie, hopefully she is now in Cat's heavens having fun with tons of excellent cat toys... :( :(
But, yes, let us hope you can find a new companion soon -- it seems you will really enjoy each other's presence. The way you say it (I can choose it), you are still pondering this decision it seems?
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Thank you, the companion would be the one in OP. I still feel it was my other option cat, but long story, i think i am not getting the whole story from my mom.
With my moms cats i also had a bond, and if something happens to her i have to take care of them too, my sister can't and i don't want them in an asylum. One loved to pet me on the head, the other liked sock massages from me, however since i moved they shun away from me, like i betrayed them.
I have a "slight" germphobia, always been through my life, and most also just disappeared, however 2 big things remained, high school (don't ask) which i will never for my life enter and poop (which i got about 3-5 years ago?) i even shower myself afterwards.
So my reasons for a cat was a) companionship and b) i think if i can a handle it from a cat, and it will be swearing a few times in the beginning probably, but when you look at a young kitten, you can't stay angry, also if i ever do manage to get children (which i really really hope, but am afraid of that won't happen) there will also be the matter of diapers, anyway i am kinda it's also a way for me to get over it.
Or i can choose not to have a cat, have no companionship, but live "carefree" and take the easy route (but if still then i ever get children i still come across the same thing).
Plus the freedom you lose, a pet and children are binders, if you get a relationship and living apart together fe and go to her for 2 days or more you always have a cat to think about.
I was pondering the decision every day up till about 2 days before Snowie would arrive, every time i compared the pros against the cons, and i am like oh my god what am i doing to myself by getting a cat, but around sunday/monday i kinda started to accept it, and when i heard the news of Snowie that passed away i didn't expected to feel such grieve (because i kinda turned into stone the last few years) and especially for something also you didn't even have met (but prepared yourself though and even named it).
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That makes perfect sense. Indeed having a pet has lots of pros and cons; and, once you get it, it is a responsibility you assume for 10+ years, so it is not to be taken lightly.
We have two dogs, and we love them both. But if we could go back in time, we would make sure to have only ONE of them; we thought they would make each other company, but as it is they try to kill each other when together (though individually they are both sweethearts). And yes, that brings a lot of other problems -- we cannot travel as much because it is hard to find a good place for both of them is nearly impossible... But they are sweet. :D
So, yes, balance in all things, it seems your outtake on the whole situation is really balanced.
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So sorry to hear about the loss of your little one. It can be hard dealing with things like this, our family had two cats attacked by dogs and even though they were able to pull through it still caused alot of grief. I hope you're able to get support if you need it and also that the space you made in your heart for little Snowie can be filled with loving another.
Pet ownership can be a rollercoaster at the best of times but it's worth it, I've found that nothing comes close to the love these animals can give if you let them, a simple meow or affectionate headbutt....and then being ignored for hours once you actually feed them 😄. But nothing compares to the love they can give.
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My moms old cat would just attack the dogs (why she had to get rid of him when i came because she was scared it would get me), feisty one.
Anyway sorry to hear about your cats, hope they weren't left with permanent damage.
Yeah, i am still grieving over Snowie, but there is enough place in my (wooden) heart (don't ask it's a dutch song, basically about being hurt by women too much so your heart is already "heavy". :p And i think the one in the OP looks mighty cute too.
They only care about being fed, then you can move out of the way. 😄 No. with my mom they always lay with her, but it also offcourse really differ per cat.
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We've had more than a few cats stare down dogs from the window sill and hiss them into running away so I know how they can be, your mum's old cat sounds like my current cat, hates people & other cats and actively stalks any "intruders" in her domain. She had a hard life before she came to us so I try and calm her as best I can.
As for our two that couldn't get away, the first thankfully pulled through after.a long (and expensive) vet regime and lived a gloriously spoiled life for almost another 15 years. The second one was left somewhat disabled but she still had a comfortable life for another 3 years before we had to let her go.
Nice to know there are some cats who appreciate their owners 😄. I joke of course, they're all affectionate in their own ways, that's one of the joys; even my anti-social Ollie comes and sits next to me on her exceedingly-well-cushioned-and-blanketed side of the couch, every night without fail. Though I still feel that if cats as a species ever figure out how to open their own food, then the human race will have outlived it's usefulness 😬.
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Seriously∑(・Θ・; )
This time, we met and parted too soon.
Well, it happens from time to time that little kittens die for various reasons.
But I never thought you would encounter such a thing in real life.😢
A cat's life is shorter than a human's...
May Snowie be at peace.⚰
However, there are still many unhappy cats in the world.
I hope the day will come when you will be happy to protect the next kitty...🏥
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I was awaiting and prepared myself for a cat for 2 weeks, i only seen pictures of her, but already named her, and today my mom told me a predator bird grabbed her and killed her. :(
If only that stupid car airco didn't broke down, and the woman didn't fell she would have been here already, safe.
Although my moms story is a bit incoherent as Masafor explained, because while it could be possible and rare here a bird would grab a kitten, it could basically still happen, but i don't want to accuse or blame her for anything and even then she did it in all her best intentions.
I was still a bit chill about it, even doubts, but i never thought for even something i didn't even met, i could feel such sorrow for what happened, may you rest in peace my Snowie.
If anyone wants to say some blessings, good luck or whatever i thank you in advance, i am not gonna reply to everyone personally in this case.
This is a new cat i can choose to have with me.
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