VCB was actually kinda fun, a trashy GTA parody with memes, no real depth and pretty short but I enjoyed it. Shame it got deleted. Maybe it was because recently they renamed their game after a meme and made it look like something compeletely different. While I strongly disapprove such behaviour, game wasn't bad, really.
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Heh. Don't recognize all of them but I've seen quite a few of those given away many times on here, lots of games from Indiegala's golden trash giveaways too.
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This is why I guess...
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You saw them here cause
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A couple of them were ok visual novels. Not good, but bad games don't get banned for not being good games, they must have been spamming achievements or something?
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The dev might've crossed the line on one of their other products. For small devs they take their entire library off the store instead of just the offending game.
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By one hand we have incredible indies teams or even solo devs who create amazing games. Other hand, we have people who realized that there's people who doesn't care about quality at all, as long there's some exploit inside the package (achievements, cards, +1...).
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I am so very thankful that none of my women ever gave me that look. P
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Methinks you have wrong idea, but the prefix is not that far off. Some people refer to me as "Sheikh," but I go by "Brother," instead. (e.g. Br. Khalaq)
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Actually I addressed it immediately and directly. Your inference was inaccurate. "My women" was a reference to all those women who have been part of my life. That would include relatives, co-workers, former fiancees, et cetera. As I am Muslim, however, your comment was still somewhat relevant.
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I know its a ~1 second loop but her eyes seem to get bigger the longer I watch
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OMG! No more Goocubelets! No Zatwor Franchise! So long Rage Parking and Why So Evil!
Wait... why is that list so familiar? Oh that's right, it's the games I "won" 20 times each on the Indiegala AAA Golden Flash GA...
Now we know why they've been unloading those in a hurry...
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Trashgala? best bundle of 2018 for me is still the point and click definitive Indiegala bundle from early 2018, none of the HB or Fanatcial bundles were beating that one (well, at least for me) and there are a lot of hidden gems there, not even to mention there are many quality bundles there for nonmainstream nonAAA games. It would be definetly much more costly for me to buy all the HoG/beautiful walking simulators/horror-scary/anime games i like on steam than to get from IG bundles.
gogo-otaku trash, definetly, they dont sell anything else, IG has glorious moments but it impossible to fill weekly 3 bundles with decent games so there are many crap there aswell, but best bundles for me still delivered by IG.
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Valve doesn't remove any already generated keys (and, in the days of Digital Homocide, didn't even block generation of new keys for banned games; I believe that was finally blocked out, however). Asset flip developers seem to reliably create tens of thousands of keys, if not more, in preparation of their eventual removal. IG, with its famously high standards, seems all too willing to support these poor, disenfranchised developers throughout their hardships, no matter how many years and millions of giveaways it takes them.
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Yeah so decent of them to make sure that those developers without actual skills or ambition can have a market. And to make sure we customers are exposed to that trash as much as realistically possible so we appreciate real indie games that are worth playing by comparison.
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Well, I mean, establishing such a low bar means that it's so very easy to make people happy when they instead win tier 1 -spammed bundle games, though. Really, IG is just doing it to spread as much joy as they possibly can. No doubt that was also the premise for why they randomly deleted my and (that I personally know of) several dozen other accounts, and I was just too inept to be able to grasp their full wisdom and benevolence. Really, we don't deserve IG, y'know?
..really, we don't. :X
Well, in fairness, IG does slip the occasional decent indie game into their bundles, and there's no telling if those would have been picked up elsewhere instead (certainly, Groupees seems to have mostly given up on soliciting actual games for their bundles these past couple of years, and Bundlestars/Fanatical has always been fairly infrequent with their bundles, and Humble selective with theirs; most other notable bundle sites seem to have died out and been replaced by $1 junkware-spam bundle sites).
Besides, Valve changed it so that you can't market cards for banned games anymore, so presumably IG's promotions of banned games no longer really have the same level of negative impact as before. IG may not present itself well- on several fronts- but it's hard to say if they're really impacting things. Certainly, any responsibility ultimately leads back to Valve's continued support for such products, anyway.
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What happens to the banned games besides getting taken off the store?
Do they disappear from your library, and do unredeemed keys from bundles not work anymore?
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Sites like SteamGifts can't see anymore if you own the games (and thus will show unredeemed wins).
Banned games do not let you open their achievement list, I think you cannot add their content to your profile showcases, you cannot sell their cards or emoticons on the market anymore, they do not add +1 to your game count.
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YES!!! So many achievement spam games finally getting nuked. Those things have basically ruined achievements and this is far too long overdue.
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You sure about that? A few years ago I could search the store and find cool new games. Sure, we had the usual achievement spam games but at least those had SOME amount of effort put into them compared to these waste of space they call "games". Nowadays I don't even bother with the amount of garbage plaguing the store. Even I gave up on collecting games when I realized how bad the store had gotten.
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