This is going to be taken off in a very short time :P
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i know germans love simulators but i wonder how high can a person be to make this game.
edit: seems like austrian people love simulators as well.
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No comment. Why would you even make this a simulator?
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That seems to be it. But the developer is promising an multiplayer. But it also seems they very well know what they are doing.
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It appears to be a very insensitive, and in poor taste, joke.
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I reported it - I encourage everyone else to do the same.
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I also did this. This is very distasteful and shouldn't be allowed.
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Its a very distasteful attempt at a joke. Very bad. Quite insensitive of those pricks.
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The developer's indiegogo campaign. Make sure you provide no support to them.
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And while we're at it, I strongly suggesting downvoting the other game which the Indiegogo campaign is attempting to fund
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That is some low grade trolling, not to mention they paid $100 for it. Would be hilarious if they just got a straight up community ban, if not also a greenlight ban.
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i don't get why do "devs" post comments than delete them. i mean i understand deleting hate comments but why do they delete their own comments? they are not just trolls, also idiots i guess.
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We have tons of war games were you kill hundreds of people using a variety of vehicles and heavy weapons, I can't understand the reaction of people here.
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I'm sorry, what is true ?
edit : I know that the greenlight page exists, I checked myself. By "I don't understand the reaction of people here", I mean I can understand that it might be considered offensive, but, again, consider the variety of war games that exist out there.
And I want to stress that I'm not a big fan of war games in general.
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I understand why it can be considered offensive. But reporting it ? I'm not criticizing, the downvotes and report buttons are here for people to use them.
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From the Greenlight store page:
"You agree not to post . . . offensive content"
War games generally do involve a lot of mass murder, though.
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Such games are on the store and anyone has the right to find them offensive too, you kill a lot of innocents in them.
Just because someone says one war is legal doesn't mean it is.
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The difference being that 9/11 actually happened and it's still a touchy subject. I'm well aware there are some atrocities in a lot of video games that are far worse, but when events from reality get involved, the press gets involved, and that's just unpleasant.
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Maybe because those are fictional whereas this is quite real. Most of these games people are talking about have made up plots.
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Events similar to those that are depicted in Spec Ops and Call of Duty do happen.
Bombings and white phosphorus do happen. People unloading their guns in public places do exist.
My answer also applies to peshmi above you even if he actually has a point when he says "it's still a touchy subject", but who's to decide what is a touchy subject and what is okay to create works of fiction about ?
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Here's the thing dumbass, you have the choice whether to play those missions or not. I can see war games are offensive, but in contrast, most of them are fictional. If someone cannot tell the difference between real and fake, they shouldn't even be playing the games to begin with.
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Well, why the name calling ? Keep it on logic and reasoning, please, no need to go berserk over this.
You would have the choice to play that simulation or not, too, right ?
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But there are loads of WW2 games and the like, based on real events. It's no different. It doesn't sound like much of a game though if that is all you do.
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Spec Ops has a lot of story behind it. I doesn't make fun of the situation. The game is meant to tell a story, not be fun. I remember playing that scene - it doesn't make you feel good. The MW2 airport scene is pretty shitty, but at least it doesn't try to make it fun. The CoD devs meant to use it to expand on the story.
This simulator is different in that it's a joke - not a story device in a game.
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Is the same, innocent people died on both so how is it different?
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Al-Qaeda is not a military force. They are worthless scumbags who kill many innocent people because they don't like they way they live.
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They don't like other religions because they think we are all infidels. That right there says they don't like the way others live. My point is they are worthless scum who blow up people everywhere in the world cause they are cowards. Why don't they just blow themselves up and leave everyone else out of it.
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Explain how its different that Al-Qaida kills innocent people because they disagree with the way those people live.
That Israel launches White Phosphurus on a Pakistani residental area because they disagree with who controlls the land and religion.
And the way how U.S Forces invade a land "for freedom" killing thousands of civilians in the process.
Explain why is the one more controversial and the other are people acting like its ok.
Don't get me wrong, I HATE Al-Qaida, I HATE Taliban, hell I hate war in-general. I've friend whom their families are very effected by Sadam and the Iraki war. And sometimes those same friends get racistic comments that they are terrorist just because they are Muslim, only because those terrorist claiming to they do it for their religion, which is strange since hurting people, killing people and suicide are considered as a sin.
Edit: I fucked up, I meant Palestina not Pakistan.
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That wasn't on Pakistan... But still on civilian-populated areas so that's a point.
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Agreed, clearly a bit of a geography lesson is in order. More to the point, however, I don't understand how a military operation to end rocket fire on Israeli civilians, becomes an attack "because they disagree with who controls the land and religion".
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Sorry I'm in a rush, cant format atm.
Also you're weren't ignorant but no one batted an eye out (again).
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Also, to the people above: I was really just looking for "Israel" and "White Phosphorus". I just picked out key words from what he wrote, but I did indeed fuck up. Dooder did too, I'm assuming his "Pakistani" was a typo, because he just cited an article about the Palestinian conflict.
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its not a war game. its a terrorist simulation of one of the most tragic events in world history organized and perpetrated by small minded religious radicals. war go troll your small minded thoughts elsewhere.
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one of the most tragic event? For US maybe, for the rest of the world not. Absolutely not. US did just loose some thousand people, in the war which raised because of that died way more than at this event.
And no...i dont like what happend there, its tragic but god damn...its mostly 13 years ago...i want to make a highscore in this game!
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you don't kill civilians in those games (except in one of them you were shooting people in an airport. one of the cod games i guess?) and don't make fun of people's misery.
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in GTA you kill civilians, also on spec ops and other games, so why are they accepted?
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So, are you trying to tell me that you take GTA seriously?
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Well, then you shouldn't include it in a real life situation, should you now?
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This isn't a real life situation, it's just a bad simulator
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You might wanna look up your facts. You seem to be arguing on something you have no clue about.
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I know what are you referring about but for some reason I don't care about the game, if it looks bad for me I just ignore it and continue with my life
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No, if you were doing the same you wouldn't be arguing with me in this moment and probably also forgot about the game by this moment
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The Germans should make konzentrationslager simulator, where you can play as one of the SS guards. They're good at it.
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it reminds me of the JFK shooting simulator, don't remember the name but it was quite funny, thought I never managed to do the right shot
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"Dies ist ein 11.09.2002 Simulator, in dem sie die Rolle eines al Quaida Mitarbeiters übernehmen und das Flugzeug in die Twin Towers fliegen."
Edit: one of the developers pulled his name from the developers section:
Edit2: NSFW Comments made by the developer
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