... for a "yo mamma" joke, haha!

The description in the giveaway said "What's your favorite animal?" so they kinda asked for it.

I guess some people can't take a joke :)

9 years ago

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Maybe he/she lost his mother, so he would take it personally.

9 years ago

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That's a really, really good point.
One should always be careful, especially when dealing with people they don't know really well, not to touch upon a sensitive topic.
If someone made a joke about a family member I've lost, even though they didn't know it, t would still hurt a lot.

9 years ago

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It could be a possibility, yes. Anyway, whatever the reason is, is his reason. He still could blacklisted him because yes. I hope is not about something personal :(

9 years ago

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thank you 3 for your comment :)

9 years ago

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Well, yeah, they kinda asked for it. And you delivered.
Same goes for you, though, you kinda asked for being blacklisted. And they delivered.

9 years ago

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Murk The Summarizer :D

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Yo mamma delivered!

9 years ago

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You may have won the battle but the war is just at the beginning!

inb4: that's what she said

9 years ago

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I've been looking for an excuse to post this


9 years ago

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Yo mamma so dumb she had you. Ooooooo!

.....And yes you have my permission to use that one, I'm not selfish.

9 years ago

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Yo mamma so dumb she had you. Ooooooo!

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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I couldn't care less what anyone says about my momma.

9 years ago

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We should whiteliste you for that joke :)

Anyway... How do you know how many people have blacklisted you?

9 years ago

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The only way I know is when I clicked on the giveaway again, it told me I was blacklisted and couldn't see it.

9 years ago

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That joke just landed you on my "clear" list buddy! >_<

**Clear being neither black nor white*** :P

9 years ago

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Your "joke" could be construed as offensive.

9 years ago

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Got blacklisted. Proceed to make whine thread. Win!!11

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Thou art the whiner here, therefore the jest be upon thee.

9 years ago

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Thanks be to thee for such profound words of wisdom, my lord.

9 years ago

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As you should be! The honor of yo momma has to be protected!

In all seriousness, I have a friend who makes lame dirty yo momma jokes all the time. It's more of a reflex by now. Who can spin something into a lame yo momma joke first, that's the joke. We pretend to insult each other in over the top or white trash pathetic ways, it can get pretty funny.
We can do that because we know each other long and well enough, but more importantly, you can tell by our voices it's just fun. Going at a stranger like that may be misunderstood, and if they don't even hear our voices and just read plain text, they'll interpret it from their experience. So unless they share that kind of dumb humor, it's no surprise they don't read another layer into this.

9 years ago

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I wouldn't blacklist you, but I would think you were being immature. I can see why someone would blacklist you though. Peoples parents sometimes are sensitive subjects, so unless you know the person, it's kinda something to avoid.

9 years ago

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black white it dont matter

9 years ago

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I prefer "Deez nuts" jokes nowadays.
"What's your favorite animal?"
Makes little sense but I still enjoy it.

9 years ago

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Jokes do not translate well over Internet. You can't convey emotion over texts. It is to be expected.

Just explain that you were joking, if he still can't take it then say fuck off. At least you already tried.

9 years ago

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How do you find out whose blacklists you're on? I didn't know you could do that... :s

Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't even know how to find my own blacklist. Wut.

9 years ago

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Go to where it says to sync your account and in the left-hand side of the screen you will see:











9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I would've blacklisted you, too. I've deleted a few good friends on XBL because they failed to realize that I was being serious when I told them to never make that joke towards me, again. I told them they'd be deleted, but they still decided to have another go.
There's nothing worse that cracking those pathetic & immature jokes to a stranger you don't quite know.

9 years ago

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at least you gave them a warning, after that its on them.

9 years ago

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At least you know, why you were blacklisted... In most cases I have no idea of reasons.

9 years ago

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Reminded me of this: http://www.bash.org/?125529 .

But then, it's not always that bad: http://www.bash.org/?432991 .

9 years ago

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blacklisting is such bullshit. the idea is not bad, but it get's abused by so many people. lately there was a guy who blacklisted everyone and their mamma (see what i did there ^^). for instance, he blacklisted people who had significantly more wins than giveaways. but he had 40 more wins himself. so if you ask me, he should have blacklisted himself. ;)

you make a bad joke? blacklisted! i don't like your avatar - blacklisted! you disagree on something?! blacklisted, blacklisted, blacklisted!!

if you ask me, some people really overdo it...

9 years ago

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And that is their right.

9 years ago

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and is it not my right, that i can complain about what i dislike?

9 years ago

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It absolutely is. I didn't say that you had no right to complain. You have every right to do so, in fact, considering that you are not only a part but also a contributor to this system. But just like you, I also have a right to state what I think. I, myself, only have about 12 people (give or take) blacklisted, but everyone should get that right.

As for the reasons for blacklisting that you listed:

  • A joke derived from making fun of others can be construed as poor form. Sure, you and I can take it as a joke but some people can't. We don't know what their situation is or maybe they're just over-sensitive. Since there's nothing wrong with being over-sensitive, we can't fault them for that.

  • I agree that blacklisting just because you don't like someone's avatar is a stupid reason to blacklist.

  • For having more wins, many people usually do that if said person has gotten way more than he/she has given. I don't do that but I can see why some would. They want to give something to those that haven't gotten much. Sure, the way they go about it maybe flawed.

  • And a disagreement is not a suitable ground for a blacklist, provided that one is civil and polite.

All that is stated above is a personal opinion. Sorry, that it went so long though. :)

9 years ago*

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I couldn't agree more, blacklist is a tool not a game.
Blacklisting people for fun or for revenge will render this tool obsolete.

I've a list of 20 people, 18 of them (that's 90%) are scammers / regifters / constant SG rule-breakers in general. I think that the idea behind this tool was exactly that, imho. Let's keep it formal and be serious about it. ;)

9 years ago*

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Yeah, dont get me wrong, i like most of this community but some members are way over sensitive.
Does it matter?...Not really. People use them as a way of making others suffer, but thats not what their for, at the end of the day, you are just one person out of more than 80000 active members, it's meaningless

But hey, its not my blacklist, they can do whatever they want

9 years ago

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Yep, I guess that happened to me too.. People is that intolerant and hateful around here...

9 years ago

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They are just jealous that you are cool and you clearly love that persons mother! so I am with you, Blacklisting is for the weak, I Whitelist my enemies! Keep your enemies closer amiright #Cheeriosaredelicious

Everyone needs a sense of humour! Vote for me! SGPresidentialElection!

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by meatee.