i messed up and it went for a hour instead of my intended time
now due to me closing it i tried to put it back up i have to wait till this one guy claims my gift which hes been on the site but hasn't claimed it so i think its gonna take a long time till i can give the games away
i want to give them away now but i can't

if anyone can help me please do so

i just want to give games away and see people with smiles on there faces with brand new games

your friend, Your Fat Cousin

12 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

12 years ago

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When you reach a giveaway cap of zero let staff know.

12 years ago

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These are probably free Sanctum copies from FB promo

12 years ago

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Why the rush? Slow it down and spread out the loving.


12 years ago

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trying to exploit FB giveaway or something?
Which coincidentally started 18 hours ago.

12 years ago

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Midweek Madness also started 20 hours ago, making the 4 pack pretty cheap, so it would be reasonable that OP bought a 4 pack and is giving away the 3 remaining copies.

Let's not jump to conclusions ;)

12 years ago

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Why did he delete the 2 Copy one and made it three separate instead? Not only that we cannot see his inventory and he only joined 3 days ago. The evidence isn't really leaning towards him.

12 years ago

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he already posted the answer to your first question: he made a "1-hour-giveaway" but wanted the giveaway to last longer, so he deleted it.

we could just ask him nicely to make his steam inventory public or to proof it some other way, that those are giftable copies (we could also ask one of the winners).

I'm totally against exploiting the system, but in this case I think the evidence isn't that clear.

In dubio pro reo.

we can still grab our torches and pitchforkes later if he does not provide proof =)

12 years ago

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Yup, culpability has to be proved, not the other way round.

If not I could still go around claiming that you people are witches and demanding a trial by fire or drowning. ;)

And to not mess ourselves too much with Latin wording. Innocent until proven guilty.

12 years ago

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i am not ur cousin.

12 years ago

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why care?

12 years ago

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I find the lack of commas disturbing.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by YOURFATCOUSIN.