The last time I had this behaviour:
The checkbox of "Type of Giveaway" was now on "gift" instead of "key". As I clicked on "key" again my entered key was still there.
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Hmm, yeah, I was just able to reproduce it. Will add it to my list of things to fix. Please report bugs when you find them if you can, so they don't go unnoticed. :)
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What date did you set for the start of the giveaways? You need to fill the details before adding the giveaway, if you did not do that.
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I'm not going to install an addin just to see giveaways but that's a conscious decision on my part. It's also (I presume) a free addon, to get access to a free giveaway, so I don't really blame the giveaway creator. Not like I enter many giveaways these days anyway. :p
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I don't like it either. I installed it to see what it's like and then I decided I don't need it. But it's like hiding GAs behind a puzzle. You decide whether you take part or not.
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I totally understand but nothing stops you from using the addon. So where is the unfairness?
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I know now about the addon. But as I said to ACorpse, a lot of people won't know about it. I dare say that most people on the forum won't know about it. So there will be some people who see these giveaways and many who won't.
That's not all that different than hiding links, where people who know the method will find them easily and those who don't won't, but here it's worse because up front this method is meant to hide things from people who don't know about the addon. It divides forum goes to those who have the addon and those who don't. It's not a puzzle, not something where people who know how to look try and see if their guess is right, it's just that people who know can see giveaways and others have to look for them.
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More hypocritical comments.
It divides forum
Could say the same about group/whitelist giveaways, they divide the forum between those who are a part of the group and those who aren't. And even puzzle giveaways, they divide the forum between those who are smart enough to solve the puzzle and those who aren't. Levels divide the forum between those who are low level and those who are high level. Region restrictions divide the forum between those who are in the region and those who aren't. Etc...
You can't have everything.
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You're not entitled access to every giveaway here, so no, it's not unfair. Giveaway creators can restrict their giveaways to whatever set of users they want.
And it's a conscious decision for everyone. If you want to access the giveaways either check the source code of every comment and solve the puzzle or use the script. This is the same as if someone posted a comment in a random thread with a hidden link to a giveaway, only those who enter that thread and notice the comment will get access to it.
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I didn't say anything about fairness, I'm just saying that it's disgusting. :)
And the main problem is that it's not a conscious decision for everyone. It's esoteric knowledge. It's possible to solve by keeping a thread bout it at the top, but that's unlikely to happen. It's not like other hiding of links, because there's no equality, no work, nothing. It's just one group being able to see it and another (who don't know about it) not being able to.
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Your own words:
This feels unfair.
It's just one group being able to see it and another (who don't know about it) not being able to.
How is that different from group/whitelist giveaways, seeing as you make a lot of group giveaways? Shouldn't you be making those giveaways public or putting them on the forum for everyone to access? Before talking crap about something make sure there isn't any crap in your mirror, hypocryte.
I'd respect your opinion much more if you were against group/whitelist giveaways altogether.
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Sorry, dude, you have no clue. My criteria for giving are self consistent. I don't use levels on any of my giveaways, and I give to Unlucky-7 because I believe that people who have won few games are most deserving of winning. I did make some forum giveaways, including a train, and these do discriminate (against those who don't frequent the forums), but less so than other things.
I understand that some people don't see the problem I'm talking about here, but I think it's natural (even if not good) that many people don't care about morality, and SG by its nature is geared towards exchanging gifts (giving to those who have) rather than charitable gifting (giving to those who don't have), so it encourages a certain point of view that has nothing to do with being charitable.
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You're the one who has no clue. It doesn't matter, you're still discriminating against some users. Just because you "believe" that's a good thing doesn't make it a good thing. If the criteria is "I give away to those I believe deserve the most", why is someone not allowed to believe people who use the script deserve the most? If you can't see the hypocrisy in your logic, then I have nothing else to say.
Lol, really? Bringing morality into this? People who are on SG are not in need, there's absolutely nothing charitable about giving away games, they're not a necessity.
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No, that should not be self evident. Each creator gives away to anyone they want, that doesn't make anyone better than anyone. Why does the fact that someone has won less games immediately make them more deservable than others? Like I said, games are NOT a necessity, so get off your fucking high horse. Most people who are too retarded to realize their own hypocrisy make the kind of retarded comments you've been making. Have a good day.
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FYI: Secret Sniffer can decode them too.
P.S. ESGST is awesome, you should try it 😉
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