Happens to me sometimes. Winner buys game and forgets to remove entry, for example.
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I've done this, enter for a bunch of giveaways, a few days later I buy the bundle and don't remember being in them still.
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I won the same game twice within an hour of each other while I was asleep. One person tried to add me via steam one sent me the code in e-mail. Having a feature like this would have made it much easier then having to bug support for a reroll.
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i actually had one, the winner wanted me to reroll because he didn´t want the game.....
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if receiver already received a game in some previous giveaway and forgot to leave this one - of course he would be agree (unless he wants to be suspended)
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this can be exploited because a group of friends can reroll until the right guy wins the game to grind contributor levels.
We are on the internet, you have to assume every exploit available will be used...........
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If there is a group of friends the exploit is already happening there, what this rule needs is limitations, like if the site sees the winner already has the game, and dont allow this to be used on DLCs.
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Nah. You need several entrants now in order to claim credit for a giveaway, and it's far harder to farm as described below.
If you have a small group where people are buying games anyway, if everyone buys gift copies and stores them in their inventory, members could cooperate to create fictitious [short - 1 hour?] giveaways, re-rolling until the right person wins, then the "winner" can activate the already purchased game from their inventory and mark as received. Before long, you've got a happy, healthy circlejerk with everyone merrily levelling up off the back of games they already bought.
It would be simple to exploit.
While you could conceivably operate the same scheme, and pester support for re-rolls, claiming the winner "no longer wanted the game", they would soon smell a rat and shut you down faster than a meth factory in a school playground.
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It seems like it would be easy to spot groups that use the automated reroll function excessively too. By that point some damage will have been done, but support can always remove any fraudulent giveaways and ban offenders.
It's really a matter of how much utility the feature would provide versus the potential cost of abuse. You have the benefit of speedier and easier rerolls, and lower support request volume, but also maybe let a few people find a way to pull a fast one. It's a judgement call if that's worth it or not, but personally I'd say the potential for abuse is relatively small, given how obvious it would be if done for any significant length of time.
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It should be easy to spot non-activators and re-gifters, but there are countless users out there who have got away with it, and regularly so.
Most re-rolls will not be mutual, and I'd say the potential for abuse is significant. I lose track of the number of people I have reported for making fake giveaways, not activating wins, or other ballbaggery. This would just be another loophole, for the sake of automating a small proportion of re-roll requests which themselves would make up a small proportion of all support tickets.
I think a better solution all round would be to appoint a number of middle mods, with limited powers, to work on the support ticket backlog. I suspect that in a community like this, there would be no shortage of people prepared to give up a little time to give a little back to the site :)
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Actually I think a lot of the rerolls are mutual. If I look at the rerolls that are happening in my private group, then 99% are mutual even. By making a system like that that doesn't need a moderator to make it happen, means the moderators have more time to actually go after and deal with the serious cases like fraud.
So all win. Faster rerolls for those who want it and more time for mods.
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The group might get away with this once, maybe twice, but if the system was put in place that it brought to the admins/supports attention that a group was having high amounts of auto rerolls a mod can look into it.
Also limiting to maybe 2 auto rerolls per month, or maybe 5 a year per person, which would bring up a flag and also disallow any more from those people at least for a year.
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Only 1 reroll for GA-and no problem with 'right guy'
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There isn't even a system in place yet to check the games in an account match the games a user has won, which I would consider a much more urgent coding assignment, and one which would affect a much larger number of users.
I don't see this as a high priority, aside from the fact that if something on the internet can be exploited, people will exploit it, and usually with great gusto...
In terms of saving staff time, this could be very much a double edged sword, with the efforts needed to police and punish exploits counterbalancing the time saved by automating the small number of re-roll requests to which the "winner" also consents.
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Not saying this should jump over everything else, just saying that it is something to consider for the future.
None of the protections against scamming are perfect, but thinking of how it can benefit the users, how it can be exploited and how to maybe counter those exploits before even starting to write the whole system.
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Ok, then only allow it for public giveaways.
And the reason why is simple, sometimes you enter for a dlc or bundle, and you technically already have it, but SG doesn't catch it because Valve cant be arsed to fix their damn system. Also, you can win the same game twice in a short amount of time, this way you can reroll the second one.
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same goes for SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics games.
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Automatic deletion if both agree would also be handy.
It has happened to me twice, where I've won a giveaway where the game turned out not to be available through no fault of the giveaway creator's. It sucks, but in such a case, where the creator's obviously not just trying to scam me and is willing to communicate over the issue, I'd much rather the giveaway be deleted retroactively than be forced to mark a giveaway 'not received' and tarnish the reputation of a well-meaning member of the community. Such deletions have been granted by the staff anyway, in my experience, so having a way to automate it would certainly lower their workload and improve user experience.
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No support ticket required, just give both the option to chose reroll and it happens automagically.
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