If i argue with some SG user or SG moderator on Steam chat/forum would SG support see this as calling out or any other SG offence? Would SG support take any action or not?

6 years ago

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Why argue at all? Time's too precious to be wasted on such trivial matters. Block and forget, if you can't forgive. Out of sight, out of mind.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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People nowdays just block eachothers... Haven't you see BackMirror ? (Season 2 Episode 4).

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

6 years ago

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Actions taken in connection to elements directly related to Steamgifts (ie, attacking a user who is trying to give you a gift through Steam, or acting inappropriately within the SG Steam group) have, if I recall correctly, occasionally led to in-SG consequences. Most notably, the chat for the SG Steam group is explicitly stated to be covered by community rules within the site's guidelines (and that section of the rules seems to extend to covering the Steam group as a whole, as well).
Likewise, it's written in the SG guidelines that it's inappropriate to contact SG staff outside of SG for SG related matters, so that would also potentially run the risk of counting as a rule infraction. Moreover, Bans [versus Suspensions] have pretty much exclusively come about when someone attacked or harassed the site staff to excessive degrees after already being under Suspension, so that kind of trumps any other consideration.

However, more generally, SG policies seem to fairly firmly exclude off-site interactions for any sort of consideration. As such, while matters related to SG may or may not carry some small degree of risk, if it's something that only "could" be related, rather than something that is self-evidently related, then you should be safe (and for anything firmly non-SG-related, regardless of its nature, precedence indicates that you should most certainly be).

Though, frankly, the circumstance you're bringing up strikes me as being akin to very slowly punching an ant hill apart with your bare hands. There's no constructive purpose to the action, and everyone involved is sure to take unnecessary stress from the matter- and, if you push it too far, you're encouraging lingering self-injury regardless of how much you've been assured you wouldn't be at risk of such.

Calling out wouldn't apply in a circumstance, regardless of location, unless you were revealing information about the user that wasn't already clearly evident within the information already available in that thread or chat room at that time, or otherwise both publicly visible and readily apparent. There are plenty of other guidelines that poor behavior can end up being in violation of, however, without touching upon considerations of calling someone out.

6 years ago*

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Reads explanation.

That sounds about right.

6 years ago

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Short answer; no.
Long answer; nooooooo.

6 years ago

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only want to underline (no sarcasm!) that you're asking this INSIDE SG, and pretty easy a Mod will jump in... :P

6 years ago

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actually I want to mods answer this question.

6 years ago

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(in a more convoluted way) that's exactly what i meant :D

6 years ago

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I'm not part of support long enough to answer this question.

But if you want direct answer you can simply create support ticket. Instead asking in the forum and hope someone that takes care of this type of tickets will see it and respond.

6 years ago

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argue with a steamgifts moderator is enough reason for suspension as "other sg offence". if you take a look on the comments you'll better digest the "argue" factor. in the other hand, the calling out mainly happens when you you expose anything pointing out the person. I think it don't apply, unless if you bring that to these forums.

6 years ago

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Anything outside steamgifts and on someone's profile is supposedly deemed okay.

6 years ago

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There have been plenty of people who have argued with Mods and not been penalized for it. Some have exceeded the boundary of argument into harassment, however, with negative results. (Has harassment ever achieved positive results?)

The Mods stick to SteamGifts and try to ignore "outside" interactions. There has to be a strong, compelling reason to consider such things "relevant" in the context of SG moderation. To be blunt, people who are permabanned bring it on themselves despite our attempts to dissuade them.

6 years ago*

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Closed 6 years ago by Khalaq.