Hello, it took me more than 10 years to reach level 8. It's amazing. You'll never see me at level 9.

Ok it's a tradition to celebrate and i had a good day. But as you know it's harder and harder to find games that are not region-locked.

I don't even know how many of you found some of the games for the communautary train without the awful region-locks.
So let's try something different here.

I'll gift you a good little game you'll think it's a shitty game, no problem because you're not forced to play it.
And then i'll add the winner on steam, please you'll accept my invitation so that i can gift a steam gift card equivalent to 10€ from my country, 'cause i don't know how it'll convert to your currency.
And then you'll spend it how you want.
And you'll activate chinatris on your account and mark my shitty game received please because i've a sort of OCD with that.

If you've already the game and want to take part to the raffle, or if you won it on steamgifts, then you can't delete it and you're really unlucky. Show me that you own or won chinatris in the past and i'll whitelist you (if you follow my blue rules you won't be unwhitelisted) as a compensation. FIXED

ah i'm so funny no i'm not

edit : until the end of the giveaway i'll wear my old avatar it'll be a special costume for the celebration
edit² : i won't answer all the comments to save you from the spam,
but i read all and recognize many of you, it's even more like a home here

5 hours ago*

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If a game is region-locked on greenmangaming / fanatical / gamersgate / etc. and the steamdb appID has no region-restrictions, then the game is...

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then the game is available for all countries and the store is wrong
then the game is only available for the countries indicated by the store and steamdb is wrong
then i don't know i've a headache and the potatoes are better they are not region-locked

Gratz on level 8! ^^ I was at 5.99, and waiting for a GA to be marked received to hit level 6, but then I had some of my CL sucked away, so I've got to rebuild! I'll get there eventually ^^

4 hours ago

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congrats on lvl 8 and thanks for waiting on me over there :D

4 hours ago

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Congratulations on reaching a milestone but it's the journey that matters not the destination or so they say.

4 hours ago

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Congrats! 🎉 That's wonderful :)

View attached image.
3 hours ago

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This is a creative and generous way to go about things. Thank you sincerely whether I win or not.
Congrats, too!

3 hours ago

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Congrats! :D

3 hours ago

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Congrats on the level up! Even it took you a bit over a decade just reaching level 8 itself is quite the achievement, I don't think I'll get there this decade at the speed I'm going.

BTW the only source of info for region locks that I trust at this point is Steam-db, stores themselves are incredibly inaccurate since they always seem to favor going for overkill just in case in order to avoid selling someone a key they can't activate.

3 hours ago

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I understand the stores mentality because when i see a contradiction between steamdb and the stores i prefer prudence.
At start i had other ideas of giveaways, but the region-locks everywhere killed all my ideas (well no that's wrong i've already an idea for Christmas).
And as it's a celebration i wanted it open to all.

Recently i had this problem with Ace Combat, i've seen a copy region-free in the communautary train and wondered how.
On greenmangaming it told me open to Canada and New Zealand but not USA or Australia, so i was puzzled and region-locked West Europe.

Also i don't know how sensualshakti does to know for sure for all the games, it's just crazy, it's a real talent.

3 hours ago*

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I'm pretty sure that she keeps her own lists, and also people feed her info when redeeming keys that she probably notes down.

And about the train, quite a few people just didn't bother to check every single key judging by how many carts had to be replaced.

What's really a pain is when publishers just randomly decide to do changes to the regions, last year I gave away a game that had no region locks at all, then a couple of months later I went to buy another key of that game on the same store and found out that newer keys now had a few countries excluded.

3 hours ago

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It just happened with Strange horticulture.
I wanted to gift it but it's now super heavily region-locked (it's region locked West Europe). Awful. -_-

3 hours ago

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Congratulations on the milestone 🎉

3 hours ago

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Awesome milestone, congratulations!

3 hours ago

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Congratulations on reaching level 8 Coley!!

3 hours ago

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Congratulations on level 8!

Steamgifts was much better/easier back when you could store games you bought from Steam in your inventory. Also, sales were much better, bundles were better, and I don't think region restrictions were a thing then. I agree, it's getting much harder, but I hope you stick around!

3 hours ago

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3 hours ago

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First of, congratulations on reaching level 8!
I just recently reached level 6 after giving away a few games on the latest community train. Events like those really make this website shine
and of course because of users like you…. ⍢

I find regions locks also very annoying. I couldn’t give away a few games that I wanted to give away and it feels like winning in itself if a winner has no problems with a region lock if you forgot to set it up.

3 hours ago

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Icaio told me we're all amazing because we're all part of the community.

Thank you for your understanding about region-locks, i'm just terrified by the idea that the winner couldn't activate. But i've already some future ideas without locks... at the moment.

3 hours ago

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Congrats! These days it's almost a challenge to keep the level you already reached, with all the belated CV changes. 😅

3 hours ago

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Oh maybe i'll lose it in some hours but then it'll go back up with time it's not a problem.
Someone told me just here that it's the way that is important more than the destination.
(In reality this sentence makes my laugh because i finished The Trail by Peter Polyneux in +100h of grind just to listen this exact sentence lol... i should add the sentence is correct here though... just not in The Trail.)

3 hours ago

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Congrats on lvl 8!

Edit: removed hint.

3 hours ago*

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You're right i'm stupid, it's fixed.

2 hours ago

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2 hours ago

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Congrats on reaching level 8. That's a real milestone. Enjoy the climb and if you reach level 9 that's great. If not, you will still be where you are. Enjoy making giveaways and everything else will take care of itself :)

3 hours ago

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Congrats! Better than I'm doing :), though I did only use SG a bit in 2014 and then recently again in March of this year.

For your question, like everyone else has said, SteamDB should always be right (unless it's a recent change) but the problem there is you have to know what your Sub ID is. That's where the problem arises. SteamDB may not even know your sub (unlikely). You can grab the sub id of the key if you own the game (or you give it to a friend that owns the game) and with the SteamDB plugin (i'm sure there's other ways). Once you attempt to activate it, the SteamDB plugin will give you the subid. You do run the risk on if the key comes with additional App IDs that your account does not own (i.e. activating Frostpunk Complete Edition on an account that only owns the base game will successfully redeem the game).

3 hours ago

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JMM72 taught me how to identify the subID.
It's just that i'm not enough sure when i see the crazy region-locks list on the stores.
But i take note thank you very much for your answer with a rare precision

SteamDB should always be right

Good night ! ;)

3 hours ago

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Congrats on level 8! You are part of what makes the community so great. Keep up the good work <3

2 hours ago

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Yay! Congratulations on the level up!

It was really hard this year to find something without region locks. I'm sure it gets worse every year...
I've been trying to get Fiddler to make an exception at least for those given as gifts via Steam, but I'm getting no response and I end up being annoying... 😩

2 hours ago

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Congratulations on level 8 and thanks for the giveaway chance!

2 hours ago

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Congrats on getting to Level 8! Thank you for this Tristastic GA.

2 hours ago

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Congrats on level 8!
Regarding region locks, I usually err on the side of caution and go with whatever source is more heavily restricted. It sucks, but it's better than accidentally letting someone win a game they can't redeem :/

2 hours ago

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1 hour ago

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Congrats! :)

1 hour ago

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Gz! :)

1 hour ago

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