Are you interested in Hurtworld?
inb4 "key plz" comments.
Seriously though, it's in the 54:th place on the Community wishlist which isn't half bad, so it's not a totally unwanted game.
I'm not trying to convince you, and I'm not interested in the game myself. I would probably have unsubscribed if I still had a subscription, but I was a bit surprised that it was that high up on the list.
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Yeah, though I do wonder whether it's an active interest or just wishlisted so they can track it's progress. Some people use the wishlist just to get updates on sales and giveaways, but their actual interest can be a passive kind of "I wouldn't mind testing it, but it would go straight in my backlog" state. Curiosity vs actual enthusiasm, etc. I can't articulate for shit, sorry. Haha.
I wouldn't want to stay subscribed for Hurtworld, only for it to end up in the backlog of someone who really didn't care much for it. This thread is the result of me hesitating on the unsubscribe button wondering about if someone else is thirsty for the game.
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No need for excuses, I understand exactly what you are trying to get said :)
That probably is a thing with early access games, that people who wouldn't have added the finished product to their wishlists do it while it's in EA just to have a simpler way of keeping track of it.
Heck, I do the same thing with a few non-released games, No Man's Sky being one of them. If the game would end up with really bad reviews when released I would probably remove it, but it's a quick way to keep track of those games.
I wonder how large the percentage of users who only add it "just in case" is. Your poll will tell a bit of the story :)
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I keep a lot of ea games in my WL for that reason [ie, following its progress]- sorry for contributing to that confusion. :'(
Hurtworld looks terribly generic, and by the reviews, is still very early in development, and has a lot of dubious elements to it.
It's not looking good, and I've already given up on it..
When we've got survival-minded games like The Long Dark and Flame in the Flood, it's pretty safe to write off the large mess of bareboned, generic survival games that so regularly hit ea.
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Overall, the humble monthly has been awesome. No complaints from me.
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Well hurtworld do not interest me much as much as previous humble monthly goes... i guess this time round i will not go for early purchase but will continue to subscribe in hope for better side game....
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I'm subscribed and I really, really don't like the look of it. But the question is whether to just redeem it to buff my library, give it away or sell/trade it. (Or delete all memory of it)
TBH it looks like yet another "survival multiplayer be a douche simulators" but with more douche. I ain't for the douche. Douche. (I love you, you're not a douche)
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I don't mind getting games I don't have an interest in, that's the risk you take with something like Humble Monthly but I'm really considering unsubscribing for this one. Firstly, is that the best they can do to advertise the next bundle? Eeesh. Secondly, I really don't like the way the devs present themselves/their game.
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I'm actually staying subscribed mostly because I'm somewhat interested in Hurtworld. I've stayed in the last two months despite having most of the early reveal games, and have ended up fairly disappointed, as I've given away nearly everything from both. I would've thought about cancelling this month if the early game was something I owned or didn't want at all.
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I can never really predict what's in Humble Monthlies since they do a pretty decent job of spreading out the game genres in them, so I just decided to optimistically stay subscribed.
If July's comes out and there's anything I don't care for, I can always just use the frenzy of people trying to get the bundle games they didn't sign up for that show up every month to trade away the unwanted games for stuff in my wishlist. .....Orrrrrr, I can just give it away like I did with Hurtworld.
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You forgot: I'm a subscriber, but I already traded Hurtworld for something on my wishlist.
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I don't get the love for these kind of games. Honestly... Couldn't care less... Good thing I didn't subscribe.
The only great months so far as I see it, was the one with Wasteland 2 especially, and the other one with fandango/broken age etc. If I recall correctly. But I guess we are all different.
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I have never subscried and I just watched one or two video/screens about hurtworld. I am interested in hurtworld?¿ A little bit. Game has those "cartoon graphics" who made it look fun and its not that demanding as rust or ark. However, those games are not my thing, thats why i'm not really interested.
Maybe i'll join more hurtwolrd giveaways but only because a friend has it and i'll play with him. Otherwise is a big NO. Also I've been told its a survival more focused on PvP. Ugh
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There have been a lot of gripes about Hurtworld being the revealed game on the next monthly bundle, but I wondered how many non-subscribers were interested in the title.
Some are unsubscribing to dodge this one bundle, but others are staying just to see what other things will be in the bundle. The reason for this poll is because I'm deciding whether to unsubscribe too, and I think the deciding factor is whether or not people actually want the game, or would just enter it just to get rid of their points. :P
Sorry for the disposable nature of this thread, but I wanted to get an idea of the interest levels and our resident bundle monitor already used their thread's poll, heh. So, does this tickle your fancy, or is it just chaff?
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