What is hapiness?
What is what?
I need cookies
But mostly
Some love and affection

And a random GA for a random post. You can even get some affection in this game!


I don't know how if it's working correctly. If not, post.

8 years ago

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Are you happy?

View Results
I'm fine

Right now I am 100% sure that I would be very happy to receive a large sum of money :P

8 years ago

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  1. Play all games that You own
  2. Sell cardz
  3. ???
  4. Profit!
    Maybe not exactly "large" but it's something xD
8 years ago

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3 tap over 9000 times in your steam app confirmation screen

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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maybe i'm a rare breed but buy me No Mans Sky and i'll be happy for years to come.

8 years ago

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or maybe not

8 years ago

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I would be happier if I had lods of emone.

8 years ago

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You can get food with money, therefore you can buy happiness.

8 years ago

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You are missing something here...you mean food is happiness but if I don't like to eat?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Ninja edit. Please don't take this reply seriously

8 years ago

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What is it... Oh yeah... "My plate runneth over!"

8 years ago

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I usually don't either. I eat in order not to starve. But then, I become really happy after I eat a steak in a good restaurant.

8 years ago

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Happiness is not about having lots of money, a nice job, a great spouse. It's about being ok with who you are, being able to say that you are enough. The other stuff is just a side effect.
It takes courage to do that and I think you just made a nice step in that direction.

8 years ago

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“Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it buys a Wave Runner. You ever seen a sad person on a Wave Runner?”

8 years ago

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While you can't buy happiness, and that's why people rent it instead.

8 years ago

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love you say? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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You can't buy happiness, but you can buy stuff to take your mind off of it.


8 years ago

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Yep! Stuff helps a lot, and can influence the outlook somebody has.

8 years ago

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I want cookies also some love would be nice, thankies for the gib! <3

8 years ago

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gives Gonah a box of VirtualCookies™

8 years ago

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Yayy now only left some love, thankies for the Cookiez! :D

8 years ago

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hey, I want cookies too!

8 years ago

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gives Vlvgmr some VirtualCookies™ too!

8 years ago

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I'm happy now.

8 years ago

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Well, the person that said, "Money does not buy happiness." probably did not have it very rough to begin with.

Try asking a bum that question, and see how much their situation could change if they were given money. Happiness has no value - however, when you have provisions for making life easier, it is a byproduct of such things and can create a better life, which can make it easier to be happy... For instance, I need lots of medical care, but I cannot afford a lot of it, so that makes me sort of bummed out, but in other ways I try to be positive and make the best of it, now matter how bad it gets... sort of find what I am grateful for, and remember those things when I get a bit down.

Happiness is a choice!

8 years ago

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Yeah, money helps a lot for happiness, because you can solve basic problems with money. Like health care, house, foods, etc. But it does not bring happiness itself. But yeah, I understand what you mean by it's a choice. But sometimes, it's hard.

8 years ago

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Yep, I totally agree. I guess with practice and diligence it can be a little easier. Also it is not good to always be happy. I think we should accept bad things and let them pass and be what they are, and not pretend that things are fine when they are not. A good skill to try to learn though. When I feel bad, sometimes just forcing myself to smile a few times can influence how I feel in general... lots of little things we can do to help us feel a little better. Maybe not great, but every little bit helps!

8 years ago

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But by forcing yourself to smile to make you feel better, this is not a way to run away from sadness and hide into happiness? (Not attacking you directly, you are not the only one to do it). That way, you reject your sentence " Also it is not good to always be happy".

It's fun talking with you

8 years ago

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I think so, in a sort of indirect way sometimes. It's tough to decide if it is appropriate to try to confront the sadness in some way, or try to move past it, like if it is not doing anything good being stuck in it... There is also a great saying in "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran that says Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. I still don't quite grasp it, but I think it has a very deep undertone that I could think about for hours and try to make sense of. It kind of relates I think in ways to the whole joy to sorrow or sorrow to joy thing, in my opinion though... Like the sorrow is trying to keep your joy hidden, and is not the natural thing that should be there in many of those occasions.

Glad you are having fun talking back and forth. That's always nice, and the feeling is mutual. It's tough to try to logically think about things that are mostly on a different sort of level in many ways. In some ways I make choices, but it's still a choice that is rooted in an emotional sort of level, as far as the joys and sadness levels, and how they tend to be feeling-based. I can have knee-jerk responses as well from things, and that can send me into a lower state of mind than I'd be in if I took a minute to analyze my situation, and take the higher road. Sometimes that first reaction can ruin many hours out of my day, or carry over to others, and then I sort of "dump" the toxic sort of sludge onto them because of the weight the negative stuff can have over me when I get angry about it. I think anger is the first manifestation of most negative thinking, since it's the first thing and the easiest one to change it to, at least in most of my own experiences, especially if I am incapable of dealing with a specific emotion or feeling at a given time.

I find practice and recognition of these times at the first sign to be of utmost importance to try to improve upon them and do better over time. It takes constant vigilance though... and many months to make any real progress. I have a long way to go in my own journey with these feelings. For some time I was able to get away from negative self-talk for the most part by being vigilant and replacing the bad feelings with better ones to replace them... Sometimes I would also talk to my feeling and tell it to get away from me, or tell it to leave my head. I felt a sense of relief if it would work. I think it is important not to just remove a bad thing, because like digging a hole, the dirt you removed is still a space, like a negative number, so it needs to be filled with something else positive in order to make it whole... Unlearning a behavior is one of the hardest things we can do in life, I think.

I was able to do the same thing of "letting and allowing a feeling to pass" when I had anxiety issues of panic when going places. I had a certain trigger spot when I would try to go anywhere to eat. I felt this anxiety feeling when I was on the way there, and when I actually got to these places. Since I had a trigger I could work on, I was able to eventually just keep letting the feeling pass until I became sort of "desensitized" and now I don't even think about it or connect the two situations with any anxiety or thought of it. The same is not true with my general anxiety, but I think it's biological, since I have neuroborreliosis (neuro-lyme) and some other issues that contribute.

It is hard to say what is right or wrong based on trying to make myself happy or not, and when it's better to allow it to be, in order to learn and overcome it, and when it should be removed with other tools I can pick up along the way. In some cases I think it helps to remove it if I can, or think it might be detrimental to others, since it can cause others around me bad times, and I'd rather not cause any of the carry over if I can help it, but to ever learn to deal with a lot of the feelings, I have to find that middle ground and balance between how much I can learn from it and sort of "let it pass through me as it is, without really resisting", and then letting it fester too long, and not properly dealing with it. I guess it is a judgement call in many cases... A fight or flight response can be very difficult, when one wants to flee all the time from anything that feels bad as a first response. Practicing for me has helped, and just raising my awareness of what it is, and if I can do anything to try to either allow it through and just be, or try to learn how to change the feeling just takes experiences in the moments, and figuring out with each time which way ends up improving my life the most, in a general overall way of seeing it. Hard to really word, but something to that effect is how I think about it.

8 years ago*

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Your joy is your sorrow unmasked
You have nice reflexions about this, but maybe I can provide you a new path. In order something exist, it need his oppsite. So, you need sadness to feel happiness.

Same here, some stupid things can get me so deep, but I don't feel really much anger. And even when I try to analyze the situation, I can't really go in more happy places in my mind.

That is something I have to learn, replacing some toughts with others, because like you said, just removing it don't do really something.. And yeah, unlearning behavior is really hard, even more when it's unconscious. And when we are speaking about emotions and reactions, this is so hard to change. But if you know what is the trigger, it becomes much easier because you have a target to work on. You can first try to not have contact with that trigger. And after, you touch it a bit, see how to deal with it, and seek a bigger touch. But when you don't know the trigger, you can't work like that. And I also have some biological problems affecting my perception, to be unspecific.

Sometimes, only you can know when to allow sadness and when to "delete" it. I think it's depend of the strenght of your emotion, with who you are,etc. I understand perfectly how you try to not "contaminate" others.

I saw this huge wall of text, and was impressed by how much you put in it. I'm sorry if I don't wrote as much as you, but I took the time to read all your text, thrice.
If you need to talk a bit, you can add me on steam :)

8 years ago

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Sure, I don't mind at all talking when I'm around. I have a lot of people I've traded with, or given gifts, or gotten them through steamgifts and such, but not many I talk to regularly. I have a few people I tagged though so they are easier to find. I tend to ramble, so I can go over things sometimes in many roundabout ways instead of really just saying one thing. I am not good at verbal communication, but typing is something I can express myself with much easier.

I think that's the appropriate context for the sort of balance of powers. I guess it ties into that finding of a balancing point with almost anything in life. There was another one in some Nag Hammadi text I was looking at that mentioned light and darkness. It said something to the effect of, where there is darkness, when light is mixed, it shows the shadows so they can be seen, but when you add darkness to light it creates a grey that is more of a confusion. Interesting way of putting it, but I think we need both.

Just thinking of many steam games... you need the protagonist, but you have to have the antagonist, or there is nothing for the protagonist to do, and the other way too. They both need each other to have meaning, or else they would be kind of be sort of greyed out and not have the same sort of importance.

I will continue to work on balancing things (I am very good at focusing on one thing, and then it takes 99% of my focus). This one is extremely tough for me. I am learning a lot medically too. The last three years have been very eye-opening. I have been sick a long while, but I just kind of gave up for a long time. I moved to a different area and got serious. Now doctors are actually helping me, and things are getting done. I'm getting a lot of free medical care, and other things, so that is part of the reason I can move forward too. It is just too expensive here in the US to do much without any insurance... I could not work because I was too sick, but since I was too sick to work, I could not pay for medical care that would help me become less sick so I would not be too sick to work... funny how that seems to happen, but a lot of people are trapped in that cycle, unfortunately. It just weakens the society as a whole, since you can only be as strong as your weakest link. That is enough ranting from me though... I am moving in a positive direction i think, and there are lots of options I can try. Long way to go, but things are being found, which would be bad for the average healthy person, but it's helpful for me, so I know what I am up against!

Thanks for the enjoyable chat, and I will probably send a steam invite here soon, and I offer the same when I am around for mention of whatever really. I believe my purpose right now is to help where I can on computer, since I can't get around as well in the regular world anymore - so I use my own sufferings as an insight and I turn them around so they can be helpful to others. They are one of my greatest assets, since I have learned a lot from them over time. Certain things I have learned as a result have become very sharp, while others I have a lot of trouble with in a general acceptance kind of way... so I use what I can to try to benefit anyone whenever possible. Good to talk on such things. They are often overlooked, and almost everyone can find ways to improve them, no matter what their situation is.

8 years ago

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i'm fine today, let's see how much it lasts.

8 years ago

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Your poem is bad and you should feel bad. :B Yes, I'm happy. I'm healthy, I have a home, I have food, water to drink, hot water to shower, my family, friends - shit, I'm fucking blessed. xD Life isn't easy, but the obstacles are the ones that make it interesting. ;)

8 years ago

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I was not doing a poem. I just wrote whatever passed on my mind in a weird poem format.

8 years ago

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If it wasn't a poem, then I would like to say that it was awesome. xD

8 years ago

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Yaay, but why? XD

8 years ago

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Because it was a bad poem, but it included a good thinking. :P

8 years ago

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Well, thanks. Maybe I should try to do a small poem, but I have to do my lab report..

Naah, nvm. I'm bad at poem

8 years ago

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happier than I've ever been in my life to date

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah, without sadness, there is no happiness.
But happiness being subjective is part right, part wrong. Like one thing may get you happy but another might not care. But happiness is a state of mind too. Like, when we are sad, we are in a similar state of mind. This should be the same for happiness to?

8 years ago

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You can buy games, that's pretty much the same thing.

8 years ago

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surely not happy, mostly heartbroken at the moment

8 years ago

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Aww, sorry to hear that. Do you need duct tape to repair your heart?

8 years ago

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Yes please hahaha :D

8 years ago

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Well i belive some people are just not meant to be happy .. If everyone is to be happy then what difference would it make to be happy .. Acceptance is all that matters actually. If you cannot be happy no matter what goods happen to you well then letting it go is simply the best thing to do .. Sooner or later we all will face what is coming for us so not being happy is not something eternal ha .. Jeez that is why i am called depressive i suppose .. Anyway i think it is time to check midterm results and get more depressive

8 years ago

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Aah, grades... I feel you. And yeah, I feel that way too~some peeps cannot be happy as much society "wants" us happy.

8 years ago

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Yup acceptance is the key word for both sides but unfortunately they don't stop talking about happiness being obligatory for everyone .. Eh they ll learn soon i hope ^^

8 years ago

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Yeah, I think the thing everybody really need is to be OK with their lives. Not happiness, not 20 millions dollars, but to be comfortable with their lives.

8 years ago

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You may not be able to buy happiness, but you can promote it.

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8 years ago

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Good one!

8 years ago

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better to not be happy than to have an illusion of happiness

8 years ago

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I'd rather be miserable in an apartment that I own with unlimited supplies of food and alcohol and the greatest Internet connection the world has ever seen.

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8 years ago

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Bump because cookies!!

8 years ago

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Very true. It is nice not to have to worry about paying next month's bills, though. :) Will certainly take a load of worries of your mind.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I understand. Money can be such a big stress factor. But you can still enjoy walking with friends, cuddling with a rabbit or being licked by a dog. Or petting clothes. Whatever you want!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You beat me to it.

8 years ago

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I know this is sad but I think you actually can buy happiness. Sure that doesn't apply to all sitations but still.

8 years ago

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I think you can buy "basic happiness"
But real happiness, I don't know. By basic, I mean basic needs an human need, Real is something I have yet to discover.

8 years ago

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