Does the idea click?
CV should be adjusted to 5% instead of 15% for that game IMO
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why? I mean its good CV, and if some people enter is there any reason to punish? There were many other games that were abundant too. It seems quite arbitrary, and if I don't want to see it, I just hide it. (I am guilty of giving away a copy too!)
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As people have said on the bundle thread its a really "cheaty" way to get lots of CV. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but you're getting $15 non-bundled CV for the price of $1 by making a giveaway for it. In USD this is a markdown of about 93%. When a game goes 93% off in US markets it (nearly) always becomes bundled due to discounts in higher regions. I realise its already considered bundled, but bang for your buck its still disproportionately high.
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The main "problem" is that the program provides such a massive flood of P to users on the site that anyone with the free time to dedicatedly attend to the site can basically enter every other giveaway on the site with the P they get. That does seem to be a flaw in the system. :X
So, potentially we could consider the idea of a reduction in generated P for high-cost bundle-listed games. That may resolve all concerns and imbalances involved.
It hitting 94.2% off doesn't seem of any meaningful concern, as plenty of USD-currency-restricted sites allow you to occasionally buy a game at 90-94% off while having that game still potentially retaining unbundled status. (And it seems enough users are able to use grey market/clearance/VPN purchasing to effectively bypass the 95% threshold entirely.) As such, this bundle isn't really any thing distinctly new, yet. Of course, if a bundle tier ever goes past the 95% USD marker after it gets bundle-listed, perhaps some consideration can be given to that specific concern then.
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As I understand it the 15% CV value is still too high for the cost versus CV return.
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And also why is the fact that people can enter infinite giveaways a big problem? I get that it could be concerning in a way if you think that people should be enforced to enter games that they are absolutely going to play in the near future, but otherwise, if you think about it, it is same business as usual. In fact, in a way, since more people are entering all games, its just the percentage of winning for each individual that goes down, so in the end, although it favors people with massive free time more, it balances out a bit. In fact the only problem I can really think of is bots. Since bots have infinite cv, that could be a problem. If a human has massive free time, I'd say good for him/her.
Even if I agree with your points, still doesn't explain why we should punish the giveaway creator. I mean it is a deterrent to make a giveaway for the specific product, but it seems quite an indirect way to get to people who are "unfairly" benefiting from extra points. Wouldn't a more direct way be more appropriate? What about people who really wanted to create the giveaway because for whatever reason (like they have it and tried it) wanted to share? Should they be valued less than those who created other giveaways?
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Bots are a major concern, yes. But more than that, you've got people entering every game they can, not just their usual selection of [desired] and [low entry]. Meaning they're "stealing" wins from potential winners who would actually play/use the software in question, just for +1 to library. Without any reason to be discerning with your point use, those that are discerning by nature won't enter anything extra, while those who have no respect for others will enter everything they can, just because they can. It creates an imbalance that highly favors unpleasant mindsets over ones that are beneficial to and supportive toward the community.
Given that there's no reason to support that distribution, there's no reason not to cater to those who find it problematic, by considering a reduction in point generation for such circumstances.
I never said anything whatsoever about punishing any giveaway creator- in fact, I was pushing the opposite angle, stating that in circumstances like these, there was no reason to consider any sort of special consideration toward the giveaways, since they're still well within the normal framework. I did mention at the end that there may be circumstances where a special rule might be considered, but that's not based in punishment, but setting a minimum value for $1 USD. That's a very common thing to establish in any economic structure, for maintaining a stable system.
But no, my point was that we shouldn't make any rules affecting GA creators for giveaways like this, but that total points generated for entry into giveaways might be reduced for software which is both bundle-listed and high CV- thus limiting point generation flood, and keeping giveaway entries a bit more selective and well considered (else, why have a P system at all, rather than open entry?).
..none of the rest of your last paragraph makes any sense to me, likely because I don't even know what perspective I'm theoretically supposed to have to make any of those points valid. :P
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I see. I wrongly assumed you agreed with MagnificentOne bc you replied to my question to him :) Hence the last paragraph. Anyways, limiting point creation I think is pretty fair to everyone, although I doubt it would be implemented and am not sure if it really should be done.
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You definitely hit the nail on the head. With the latest software bundle I was able to enter every single giveaway (wishlisted mind you) up to a week from now (and I have over 500 games on my wishlist), so that's quite a few giveaways).
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So Snow Light (thankfully it already dropped from 100 to 10 $), Deponia games and so on should be manually corrected everytime they hit 100p mark?
Better idea would be to lower points income from $100 games., people wouldn't be able to enter into abvsolutely everything for profitz.
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To be clear, this is almost exactly what I suggested above, except I limited the reduction to bundle-listed games only (as I was correlating it specifically to the issue at hand, and since presumably unbundled high value games won't be spammed often, and perhaps could be manually included in the reduction if one ever is). :P
Really, it wouldn't affect much to just create a curve that gives full point generation for (games under X value) and slowly decline value until it's, say, 20% for games at 100P, and skip the bundled consideration altogether. That'd be an easy-to-implement option, as well.
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I thought it was an open question. :(
I was simply trying to clarify that the issue you were referencing wasn't really the main issue [and certainly not the topic of this thread]. I was dismissing MagnificentOne's concerns outright, which was really what my last paragraph was intended to be structured towards. :X
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What is a decent ratio for you ?
Haven't there been better Indie Gala CV ratio ?
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From what I've noticed, generally decent CV at $1 tier is around $65 retail, and $85 retail is the usual high spot. This current bundle is sitting at at $115 but there have tier 1s with even higher returns than that. Sometimes, much higher- somehow I think 175 wins over 115, hmm?
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Somebody please make some 4 week GAs for this programm so I can shift my assets into something more durable.
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Other than two or three forum topics, I haven't noticed them since I rarely brave the main page. Even my bookmark for the site is linked to the forums. :P
BTW, adding you to ask about something.
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I had no idea what you were talking about until I checked the FP. What is going on here?
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i want 300 potatoes on my desk by tomorrow morning.
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My points used to be always 300, but now I need more to enter all those dlcs for click fusion :'(
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We need 1000 giveaways for that one.
just few more
I made one... for helping :p
i bet i got BL
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I'm not. But, fuck that doctorofjournalism guy, he must be a loser with a zillion dollarz.
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My favourite is the people making region restricted Clickteam Fusion giveaways, although I'm sure there are good reasons for all those other than dirty foreigners not being trustworthy enough to help exploit CV.
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this must've been suggested before but, what if instead of using a fixed 15%, the cv reduction for each game was the same rate as their biggest historic discount? no more bundled/unbundled.
so you could get this $100 game for $1?, then you get 1% of the cv.
so this game had an 80% discount?, then you get 20% of the cv.
and as a bonus: so you could get this game for free?, then you can make the ga, but you'll get 0 cv.
i think this would eliminate any attempt to abuse the system.
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this must've been suggested before but, what if instead of using a fixed 15%, the cv reduction for each game was the same rate as their biggest historic discount? no more bundled/unbundled.
Far, far, far too difficult to maintain considering how often Steam reports incorrect pricing data, and the fact that most bundle-listing has to do with out-of-Steam-store pricing. In other words, every single game out there would have to be monitored non-stop and manually updated. That's just not at all feasible :X. I seem to recall that there were other issues with the idea as well.
And no, we could already post free games if it were functionally possible- but they're too much of a demand on the site, and even if that could be overcome, there's a lot of functional editing that'd need to be implemented. Again, I think there may have been more complications involved as well.
If you've the time, there's plenty of previous threads on the topic.
In any case, I personally don't concern myself with CV, mine or others, except where it indicates abuse or exploitation, so I'm not really the best one to rely on for support in that topic. :P
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Nah, that's far too long and is not catchy enough for a site domain name. But you could try to abbreviate it like taking the Cli from Click, the t from team, the fun from fusion and the gi from gifts and then ..... no wait ..... I think thats not going to work out .....
Well, long story, short reason: BUMP
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Bought the previous bundle for the base game and won the HTML exporter.. only to end up getting them both again from this latest bundle (gotten for the sake of Marmoset Hexels). Typical, eh? Whelp, if any of you are still missing them, here ya go. :)
Clickteam Fusion 2.5
HTML5 Exporter for Clickteam Fusion 2.5
(You can also find puzzle giveaways for The Next Big Thing and The Deed: Dynasty here).
Well, my points were typically always at 300 to begin with. :P
(For those interested in my non-tongue-in-cheek thoughts on the topic.)
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