Does the idea click?
Well, I bought my copy, but judging from how many entries the giveaways are still getting, there's still a handful here that have interest in it, for one reason or another. So, no reason to knock people benefiting from the software being posted.
The point generation is certainly the part I've concerns over, and that has nothing to do with the specific game itself. When you can enter everything on your wishlist and still have (presumably, based off the rate of gain I've noticed) thousands upon thousands of spare points leftover..
For people who aren't very discerning in what they enter, it'll cause a lot of entries into games they don't actually want, meaning a lot more games will go to users that don't appreciate them [as discerning users won't have better odds of winning, due to not entering anything extra, while non-discerning ones will be attempting to "steal" wins from them by entering everything they can]. That simply isn't a good thing for the site- no one game posting (regardless of what game it is) should have that much dominance over the balance of the site.
Having the amount of points-to-P-cost generated lower as the P cost rises could only be a good thing, especially since high-value games are posted so rarely to begin with, outside of instances such as these.
So, for a top-of-thehead example of a 5% P decline rate:
10CV: Generates 10CV worth of points for the site
20CV: Generates 20CV worth of points for the site
30CV: Generates 28CV worth of points for the site
40CV: Generates 36CV worth of points for the site
50CV: Generates 42CV worth of points for the site
60CV: Generates 48CV worth of points for the site
70CV: Generates 52CV worth of points for the site
80CV: Generates 56CV worth of points for the site
90CV: Generates 58CV worth of points for the site
100CV+: Generates 60CV worth of points for the site
(Note that CV for both winner and creator isn't affected- this only relates to what CV the site considers the game to be for the purpose of P generation)
Cutting Clickteam Fusion's P generation down by 40% would have made a sizable impact on the past few day's point generation.
Noone's CV gains would be affected through this approach, but it'd help prevent the overflow of points that benefits the.. less community-oriented members of the site at the expense of the more community-minded users.
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i disagree, it's a too different name, i wouldn't find the site anymore by searching on the internet ( ´Д`)
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This giveaway yours? If so, could you please explain why I am blacklisted.
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not in-game anywhere as far as I know
it's from the borderlands 2 launch trailer
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I am disappoint. :(
On a related note, there should be more games with two badass female protagonists blowing shit up and then being awesome in their interactions over such [ie, in the vein of Railgun]. I'd assume the Mass Effect series might have some of those moments, given the customizable protagonist and wide cast of support characters, but I've not played the series. :/
I mean, as far as strong female protagonists go, I'd settle for Beyond Good & Evil 2- but y'know.. may as well hope for something remotely likely to actually occur. :(
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Indeed. When I first watched Severance I said women are going to be the next action heroes because for me old worn out heroes ala John McClane are so overdone. In a way my prophecy became partly true (although I don't like over the top heroines like Alice from Resident Evil neither) with movies like The Hunger Games or the Divergent trilogy but I have yet to see another female character that kicks ass that felt so likeable like Jill from Severance :)
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If anything it would be Borderlands 2 but I think Yoriyari is correct that for some reason that is completly beyond me they didn't use it in the game. If I recall correctly I first saw it in this video set to M.I.A.s Paper planes.
I must have watched it like 15 times by now.
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Bought the previous bundle for the base game and won the HTML exporter.. only to end up getting them both again from this latest bundle (gotten for the sake of Marmoset Hexels). Typical, eh? Whelp, if any of you are still missing them, here ya go. :)
Clickteam Fusion 2.5
HTML5 Exporter for Clickteam Fusion 2.5
(You can also find puzzle giveaways for The Next Big Thing and The Deed: Dynasty here).
Well, my points were typically always at 300 to begin with. :P
(For those interested in my non-tongue-in-cheek thoughts on the topic.)
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