I know! I realized that just after completing my little thingy! They released this literally a week before I started coding it haha! Still I think a small extra button added to the controls raises awareness and just waits so be clicked.
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Where should I search for those two buttons with BetterSteamgifts added? I might be blind or it just doesn't get on very well with my browser.
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Awesome, thank you for this Sighery! It appears that my browser doesn't support these add-ons. Might be time that we apart and I look for something more recognized/common.
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This was my first attempt using any scripts on this site so that won't be the case. To be honest I am using some noname browser called UC but so far I haven't had a problem with extensions. It just doesn't eat my RAM as much as the others do, but I might have to look for another.
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Yes it does support them. Aaaaand I have found the problem with your help. I installed the wrong plugin since UC works like Chrome I should have gone with Tampermonkey from the start. The script works like a charm.
Can't thank you enough, Sighery! Have a wonderful day!
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Nice that you solve the problem. I was just about to ask if you have Tampermonkey installed.
Big shoutout to Sighery for his help. I will definitely add a screenshot!
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Hey man! Which browser do you use? Chrome / Firefox? Do you have Tampermonkey, or Greasemonkey respectively, installed?
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Yes! For Chrome the correct Extension is called "Tampermonkey" as mentioned at the bottom of the post. Only with Tampermonkey you can install scripts like this. :-) You can find it in the Chrome Web Store: Tampermonkey.
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So, have you used this script? Could you maybe give any feedback?
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Been using it for the last three days now and I'm very happy with it! It's very helpful once you grow a few levels. I used to scroll all those pages to find the right giveaways to enter, but this script has made my life so much easier. Perhaps you could expand on it and make a different button for every level. I'm only level 3 atm so it works out perfectly for me but I suppose people on level 10 would still like to see level 7/8.
Thank you for your work. 10/10
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thanks a bunch! if you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave them here :)
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I also tried your Better Steamgifts now and I have a suggestion indeed :)
Could you maybe add a setting to deactivate your script for Group section because it stops another script from one of my groups from working :/
Everything else is fine at the moment :)
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Sure thing! Will look into it as soon as I find some time.
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Implemented as off now! Update and take a look. :-)
Do you think the entry filters should show ALL giveaways or stack with the other filters as it is implemented right now?
Would you think this functionality is should be implemented for the level filters as well, so that one could click on "Recommended" and then on "Level 5" and "Max 250 Entries" to see only recommended giveaways with the specified parameters?
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I like it as it is right now, the stacking is a good thing!
And yes, when I click on Recommended or Group, than your filters should apply for this section and not lead back to the main giveaway page.
But for more customization you could maybe use checkboxes instead of clickable links.
That would make it easier to apply or remove several filter options and it would make sense if your planning to add more filters in the future ;)
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Update: Added filters for number of entries which stack with all of the others. :-)
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Update: Level and Entry filters now stack with each other as well as the existing ones.
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Thanks for using and feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions! :^)
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Update: 7th June 2016 - Added links to clear all filters.
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A feature I'd like to see:
If I blacklist someone for breaking the rules or being an a$$ or whatever, I'd rather not see/be able to join his/her GA's.
Not fair of me BL someone and then go joining their giveaways. They might deserve it, but to me it is wrong.
Is such a feature even doable?
Now, I could do it with pen & paper, my whitelist (which you are on btw) is longer than my blacklist, but I might not have the time to check manually when a wishlisted GA is about to end before my eyes ;)
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check out mine one http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/-08112016-183241.php
on the "tab title" we can find available points
every GA has (from left to right): entries per copy (if more than 1000, GA is hidden, 0-250 - font is red, 250-650- blue, other grey) / My WishList flag / Linux support (important for me) / Steam Trading Cards flag / Time left / Contr. lvl / GA price in points ( grey if more, than i have) / Game name
if the game is from my WL, it's name has red font, if it has TC and Linux support, it's background is yellow, if all togather, it's BG is red, if GA's price is 0P- it's BG is black
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Added script for buttons to go from Steamgifts profiles to SteamTrades profiles and vice versa
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Thanks for using! Feel free to leave any suggestion or feedback.
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Native feature? Do you mean playlist? Because sometimes I click that repeat toggle, it lights up but after the song changes it dims back and doesn't work.
And sometimes I want to repeat only one song in the playlist, don't want to create a playlist everytime.
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Woot? I haven't been aware of it. Will use it everyday now, hope it doesn't malfunction like the one in playlist.
Did I say I love you before? If not, I love you. You're really handful for users and also for me for a lot of times even you don't have much to do with gifts. <3.
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Thanks for using! If anything is wrong or you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them here! :)
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Hey the youloop worked! That's awesome!
Edit: And super thanks for developing it :3
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Custom user scripts for increased browsing pleasure on Steamgifts. I just won another giveaway, so I thought I'd give back by sharing some scripts that I created and use myself.
You must have Tampermonkey (Chrome) or Greasemonkey (Firefox) installed.
Of course, the code is hosted on GitHub for you to look through.
Please report any bugs and feedback and memes down in the comment section below. Hope you enjoy! :)
As you contribute more and more to the community of Steamgifts, the higher level giveaways have become more and more interesting, but there is no easy way of using the advanced search parameters, except by editing the URL directly. This user script adds two buttons to show only giveaways of your highest level, as well as those that are one level below. Today I have finally won a giveaway in those ranks, so I thought I'd make it available to others as well. Install here.
Update: 7th June 2016 - Added links to clear all filters.
Update: 6th June 2016 - Level and Entry filters now stack with each other and the pre existing ones.
Update: 6th June 2016 - Now entry filter stacks with other filters instead of overwriting them. Search for "Level 5 and Max 250 Entries" possible.
Update: 5th June 2016 - Now allows you to choose a maximum number of entries between 100, 250 and 400.
Screenshot (Old screenshot: Level Filters on the left side; Shoutout to Sighery)
Anotha one (Updated version with entry filters)
Since the split from the trade section from SteamGifts there was no easy way to go back and forth between
the two sites. This user script adds buttons on SteamGifts as well as SteamTrades profiles to easily reach the user on
either side. Install the newest version here.
Bonus for users of Chrome.
Ever had a song that you would listen to over and over? Found such a song on YouTube but YouTube wouldn't allow you to easily loop it? This Chrome add on adds a small circle next to your default YouTube controls. One click will loop the video, another one will stop the video from looping. Download YouLoop from the Chrome Web Store.
On On
Off Off
Also check out my Discord Bot!
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