Do many people go to steamdb when they come across removed games? I'm not sure what I would want to see there. I usually just copy the link, paste it in my browser, remove "store" from the beginning and change "powered" to "community". That brings me to the Steam community for the game so I can see screenshots or read the discussions to get some info on what the game was. Then I look up videos about the game if I want to see more.
Like this:
I think it would be nice if SG somehow detected removed Steam games and then automatically changed the Steam button to go to the community page instead of the store page that no longer exists. Actually, it would be nice if Steam automatically did this so it isn't so hard for people to find there way to the community page for removed games.
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Or SG could just add a button for the community page, so both store and community buttons would be accessible. It would be a way easier to implement
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That would be fine as well. I pretty much just use the store page and only need to go to the community page for removed games, so it is fairly rare for me to go to the community page, especially because I have almost 23,000 games blocked on SG. Because of that and how it isn't difficult to change the URL, I personally would probably just see the button as extra clutter that I don't want on my screen and add it to my ad blocker to get rid of it, but some people might find it useful, so I wouldn't be against it.
Or maybe SG could add a drop down arrow that gives multiple link options for things like Store, Community, Steamdb. Maybe even add links there to IsThereAnyDeal and (link removed). I would find those last 2 links very useful for when I see a bunch of giveaways for the same game and I want to know where the good deal is. I think it would be very helpful for a lot of people and probablyeasy to implement.
So above I was using the game Carto as an example. We could have these links any maybe some others if they are used often by SG users.
Steam Store
Steam Community
IsThereAnyDeal (link removed)
One thing I noticed is that I don't think you can search isthereanydeal or by the Steam game ID. It look like you have to search for the game name which will bring up multiple results. Maybe those 2 sites would be willing to add that functionality if they know they will get direct links added here on SG. If not, just having a link to automatically search the name of the game on their site would still work pretty good. That would bring you to a page like this.
Edit 2: Maybe something similar to this:
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I didn't think it was too big, but I can make it smaller.
I was going to create a new thread asking to have a drop down added with additional link options because it sounds like a very useful feature, but I figured this thread is kind of about that already and I didn't want to create another. I was hoping to make that part stand out so that if CG scrolled the page without reading everything, it would be noticeable and catch his attention.
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IsThereAnyDeal have official extension that adds ITAD data to 3rd party websites (I learned about it just now). They even encourage using it on SG. Linking to the page itself will not work for the reason you mentioned. is not allowed to be promoted on SG, as they promote grey market sites. People can discuss website in general terms, but not link to deals posted there.
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That's unfortunate. I don't like adding too many extension to my browser. It would be helpful even to just have the links search the game titles on those sites and give us that page since that can be easily done and is still helpful.
I don't like that we can't link to games on just because they promote grey market sites, but I won't start a discussion about that here. I removed the link that went to the game page there.
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I think it would be nice if SG somehow detected removed Steam games
Any removed-from-Steam game automatically provides 0CV due to the autosync returning a value of 0 for retail price. Thereby, staff already has to manually edit listings to set the CV back to its last known retail price. Thus, it'd be incredibly simple to associate SteamURL->SteamDBURL as being tied to (manualpriceset=X/True).
Which is to say, it'd be incredibly easy to implement. And compared to unnecessary, extremely niche use visual clutter, your approach'd be far more functional and beneficial. That said, the one issue'd be in games that have been removed for sale but haven't been delisted. That's often the case for previous versions of certain games, for example, especially if they still have their DLCs listed for purchase. So there'd definitely be a potential loss for certain games. Which makes it an apples vs oranges as to whether there's actual benefits from even your proposed change.
Given that it's remarkably easy to right click on the SteamDB link, paste it into the address bar, and then change everything but the SteamDB code of the URL to "steam" and have it search up the relevant page immediately through Google.. Well, the actual labor reduction benefits don't appear to be exceptionally large for the average site user (guess that's something to poll out, though).
When you consider that in conjunction with the site admin's established site policy of "Anything not mandatory for site use will be handled by scripts, especially if there's conflicting considerations of benefit [and honestly, anything universally beneficial to site use almost certaintly won't be added directly either, because I just can't be arsed]", we can be certain that this is very much one of those things that should be requested to script writers rather than to the site as a whole. (In fact, if you don't mind using the bloated script that is EGSGT for this purpose, that script writer's pretty open to adding most anything to that script, and thus'd be a good option to make a request to. In fact, I'd be surprised if ESGST doesn't already have that function available somewhere.)
Well, stepping back from your proposed solution, we can alternatively resolve the visual issue by only including the SteamDB link within the links contained within giveaways themselves (versus within the main page giveaway list). Those are less prone to visual clutter, so an extra icon there wouldn't be as much of a problem. Again, almost certainly not something cg'd be willing to add, regardless, but that'd be a pretty convenient place for a script to place it, at least.
TL;DR version: Benefits are iffy due to visual issues and occasional conflicts with how removed games are listed vs how they're handled by SG, and it's more something for the scope of scripts to begin with, and cg'd still leave it to scripts even if it was more straightfoward to implement, regardless.
Actually, it would be nice if Steam automatically did this so it isn't so hard for people to find there way to the community page for removed games.
The idiotic thing is that the community pages for removed games still exist, so it'd take Valve just a few minutes to write in a better redirect than to the front page of the Steam store. -.-;
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I would prefer to automatically be taken to the Steam community page for removed games, but if there are more users here that would prefer to be taken to steamdb, I would be fine with that. What I would really like is a drop down menu on all games with a list of links. I posted a picture of what this could look like in my comment here.
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That's a good idea. There should be a warning next to the enter button for any games that SG can't detect if you own. I don't really care about the points, but it might reduce the load on support for re-rolls with these games.
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Here is a userscript that adds a small icon linking to SteamDB:
// ==UserScript==
// @name SteamGifts - Link to SteamDB
// @namespace
// @author ormax3
// @match*
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==
function createButton(name, link, icon) {
let i = document.createElement('i');
i.classList.add('fa', 'fa-fw', icon);
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.rel = 'nofollow noopener'; = '_blank';
a.href = link;
a.title = name;
return a;
let container = document.querySelector('.featured__heading');
if (!container) return;
let id = container.querySelector('a[href^=""]')?.href.match(/(?:app|sub)\/\d+/)[0];
if (!id) return;
container.append(createButton('SteamDB', `${id}/`, 'fa-database'));
if (id.startsWith('app')) {
container.append(createButton('Steam Community', `${id}/`, 'fa-comments'));
(EDIT: small fix to handle both app and sub packages)
(EDIT2: script adds two buttons, steamdb and steam community)
you can extend it to add more buttons like GG deals (e.g: https :// gg (dot) deals/steam/app/1172450)
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This would be particularly useful for delisted games because clicking the logo just uselessly redirects to steam's homepage for those.
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