Would you like to have Blacklist with more than 1.000 users?
In the absence of meh I voted no easy. Also a Black list works both ways so when you blacklist 1000 people that is also 1000 people you wont be able to see or enter their giveaways.
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to be honest I dont check. Its not something I care about. I have done plenty of GAs and wether I have done 10 more or less than I have gotten is of no concern to me. I have almos noone on my blacklist and noone one my whitelist as I only feed the masses and never limit my GAs, I see no point in shutting people out. and if you seriously think 228 gas is not enough I dont need to satisfy you.
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There are some people that blacklist anyone that doesn't say "thanks", or others that do it if it looks like a non-personalized response like "thanks" or "thanks for the giveaway", and some do it if they don't like your name, or for random reasons. I suspect some people blacklist if you are a new account that hasn't given enough (in their opinion) yet.
Of course if you actually are a troublemaker, then you should get blacklisted, but it seems a lot of those use throwaway accounts anyway so they don't care.
I'm not saying that any of it is right or wrong, but it does explain why some folks max out their blacklists.
As to the blacklists and whitelists I've been put on, I only know why with regards to one of the whitelists. The rest are just mysterious events that do nothing to dissuade or encourage anything.
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Would be really easy, if I just blackilsted folks, who:
1) repeatedly make GAs here with multiple copies of games recently received from giveaway on Alienware, SteelSeries, Gamehag;
2) make all the GAs restricted to their own country;
3) make all the GAs to some unknown groups never getting more, than 20 entries per a GA.
I usually don't bother, though. I just make most of my GAs with level restriction and to groups like Playing Appreciated, Lootboy and a few others, all of which are open for new members, and deal only with folks in those groups, which fortunately rarely is necessary.
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I blacklist for the first 2 and the 3th only if the group stuff is extreme (so mostly below or around 10 entries).
With that + the multiaccounters, autojoiners and the ones that don't made GA's in the last years but very active enter GA's.
Only Level 5 or higher.
My BL is always above 900.
I am happy about each perma suspended one that i can take down from my BL
So yes, it is, sadly, VERY easy to get it full alone with the stuff you listed (without a level restriction).
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Very interesting, it turns out that you put me on the black list. To find out, I had to find your public giveaway, which was almost 2 years ago. Everything else is closed groups and invites ... according to your logic, you should blacklist yourself :)
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For people like TS, yes.
But to be sure it should be 7 817 410 000 slots. Just in case
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I'm sure lots of people on your BL aren't even active anymore. Get rid of the inactive users once in a while, you'll free several, several spots and will be able to happily continue blacklisting.
Honestly, I'm surprised you're still around, considering how horrible you think SteamGifts is. I remember your trustpilot review... Hang on.
So you're better of donating your games elsewhere, 'cause gifting them on SG is like throwing them in garbage!
So. Those were empty words, huh?
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All the remarks are still active & mods haven't changed a thing.
What we have now?
Donating mostly in closed groups.
Is that the option? 🤷♂️
Yes, as moderators here haven't done much to control the users here.
I'm sure that this is not their job (as they don't get paid for it), but it's still their responsibility.
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All the remarks are still active & mods haven't changed a thing.
SteamGifts might not be perfect and it could probably be improved, but I don't think it's as shitty as you claim it is. You are offended by leechers and bots... In my case, I'm more irked by members who use SG to pad their libraries with those sweet +1 without even playing what they win. I've given away games that were on my wishlist and noticing that most had never seen any playtime was a slap to the face. I believe that we should maybe try to play won games in a timely manner. Of course, that must be difficult for those who have won thousands of games over the years.
Anyway... yeah, the lack of playtime is more infuriating to me. Speaking of which... you have won over 200 titles but don't seem to have played any. In my eyes, that makes you no better than the leechers and the bots you are complaining about. That's the main reason why you earned yourself a spot on my blacklist. I admit tho, that being a whiny dickhead was a close second.
You still have the option to stop using SG, you know.
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Donating mostly in closed groups.
So, do you only enter closed groups GA's?
Because that's what you should do based on everything you have said so far.
Otherwise you are just being a hypocrite preaching that people should do what you say and think is right but not the same as you do.
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Funny how he uses words like "philanthropist" and "freedom of speech" while not knowing what they mean. And how he put constructive criticism in quotation marks (As every suggestion was to either punish people who don't gift games, or reward extra points for people who make giveaways, while constantly trashtalking people who don't gift on a site where gifting is not mandatory)
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I know, Adam. :o/ I really don't understand why he hasn't stopped using SteamGifts. Perhaps he has masochistic tendencies and/or making group ga's and giving games to people he feels deserve it makes him feel super warm and fuzzy inside. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Seriously? SG Forums are a place like North Korea? Double-u Tee Eff. What's next? People not supporting your opinion being Mini-Hitlers?
Calling the moderators "crap & shady"? In quotation marks?? For this insult alone, he should be banned for the rest of his sad life!
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Yeah, well... haven't you noticed? People on the web nowadays tend to throw around words like freedom of speech, fascism and communism as soon as they don't agree with something without, maybe, not entirely understanding what those concept mean.
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No...I BL when someone wins 500 & gives back 10...but sure, moderators can check & confirm that - but sure they got much smarter things to do, then to check these facts.
Also, I BL people who are rude to me...& that's normal, don't you think so?
Zarddin was rude & he got BL. That is my choice, based on his words alone.
We can talk, like a normal human beings...polemize about it, spoke our opinions & differences...but not be rude to anyone here.
As mods would not protect me from bullying, I BL people who are rude to me...& everyone has got a chance to do the same, to any user here.
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In my experience, you are usually the rude one but i dont really mind. Your own rules, you can blacklist anyone you want. Your suggestion is legit too but it is not really needed that is my opinion.
Also i really think you should make your own group and pick people to give your games. No amount of number would be enough at some point to blacklist.
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Maybe I'm rude in my attitude & facts. that might be true.
But I'm never rude to anyone, nor bullying here anyone.
Is that the goal? Making a SG platform for "secret group giveaways"? 🤷♂️
or would we like to have "open society here"?
& with today amount of server power, we can have "unlimited amount" of BL.
I personally have 6300+ games BL...as I don't want to get them.
So if there's no limit, why with users?
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Making a SG platform for "secret group giveaways"?
With your standarts it already is. There are no difference to making a level 2+ giveaway with 10k+ BL users or a selected group of 2k-3k people. You wont have more than 1k entry anyway. At least with your group people tend to be more interested and you can easily manage it. Also you will give people more chances since the people you pick tend to give more. Lastly one other positive, you wont cause any drama when you make invite only stuff too.
You accept "open society" as it is. You dont want to bend it to your will. That's when it starts to become a "secret group."
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I don't know what you mean by "bullying people" as like I said I don't remember ever speaking to you :)
If you think i bullied you than I'm sorry but I don't even know who you are and if we ever talked about anything :)
Maybe you were saying something stupid and I reacted to it and you got offended? I really can't remember.
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No I don't have Alzheimer but I just don't remember speaking to you about anything and I don't think I want to waste my time tracking something that offended you because when we read everything said here you are offended by everything and everyone that is why even if your BL would be 100.000 instead of 1000 that would not be enough for you.
You should know who you are and who you are not mister "philanthropist" ;) Hope you don't have bipolar disorder.
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Don't worry about my heath, it's just fine.
& it's that calling out names, like you just did in last row - that got you on BL.
You still seem to do it, Bullying people around. That's not nice of you.
& then you mind when someone doesn't respond to those insults, as those are beneath me. But does BL you.
Moderators here have so much to do... 🤦♂️
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Well you were worried about my health so I was worried about yours.
& I just did what you did. I don't bully you I just read that you hate this site and you hate everything in it and people pointed in a few places that you are a "leech" not a "philanthropist". You still seem to BL everyone who points out many things about you.
& I don't mind about BL from you as I see in this post that you BL everyone for anything other than saying how great "philanthropist" you are while you are not :) I think everything is an insult to you and everyone for you is beneath you.
Yes moderators here have so much to do...
Have a nice day and good luck in your BL quest :D
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No i wasn't, as I'm not a MD. just was commenting on your lack of remembrance.
Again, you seem to draw conclusions, from somewhere unknown.
I don't hate anyone, as it's not how I was raised & it's not in my religion. I don't like how things are on this site, that's all. & I think they could be better, if we ban all the 30k bot accounts from here. Don't you think so?
Again, you are the one calling me some names - while I don't call out "names or adjectives" to anyone here. So that only shows how you like to bully people around.
As for being philanthropist, you don't know how I give back to the society & how much. I do give out a lot, aside from these giveaways in numerous ways - some of which are NDA, so can't really talk about much. When you give out as much as me, then you can judge. Till then, keep your mouth shut. 👍
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You really should look for some professional help.
I hope this song will take some of your pain away: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34CZjsEI1yU
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OK, I have my hip waders on now.
while I don't call out "names or adjectives" to anyone here. So that only shows how you like to bully people around.
Calling people "leeches" is bullying (please note my spelling, and adjust your own accordingly).
When you give out as much as me, then you can judge.
Nothing "entitles" you to judge. That's elitist thinking, and not very "philanthropical" of you. Also, it's quite easy to say anything on the internet, when no proof is required. I'm Annette Funicello, I have a 15 inch penis. I own Manhattan Island and shit gold bricks. See how easy that was?
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Yes, calling people names & adjectives is bullying. Maybe your parents haven't teached you that?! 🤷♂️
Do you give out more, that I do? In what way?
How much did you give to charity? Did you donate some organization?
My data is on the internet...go did it out.
Proof is there, just need to look.😎
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Yes, calling people names & adjectives is bullying.
We're making progress.
My data is on the internet...go did it out.
I'm busy signing Mickey Mouse Club photos in gold with my 15 inch penis while I make Mac & Cheese for starving children in Ethiopia.
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You just attempted to bully Zarddin, who is a very nice person. Accusing him of having Alzheimers and accusing him of bullying (without evidence) then telling him to look it up himself because you don't even remember yourself.
You do not have to call names or use adjectives in order to bully someone. You might think you're very clever, but you're not. Teenage girls have mastered the art of bullying and they don't even have to call a single name. "No, you can't sit with us. Go sit somewhere else." That's exclusion, and a form of bullying. There are lots of ways to make others feel small and name calling is actually the least of those.
It's a forum, so no one really cares to be honest, but you are the one doing the bullying. You think people actually care about being on your blacklist and put yourself up on this pedestal of "I'm better than you." Actually you're not better than anyone here.
"How much did you give to charity? Did you donate some organization?"
How is that any of your business? What has charity got to do with giving away unwanted keys on some site on the internet. SG isn't a charity, it's main purpose is to give people an outlet to give away spare and unwanted game keys, so that they don't end up in the hands of traders.
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You seem to be twisting the thing. I didn't like ZARDDIN calling out names & yes i've BL him.
If you advocate for him, BL me. Is there some problem in it?
& about critics of their asking me how I'm "philanthropist", just asked how much do they give back? Is there something wrong with it? Just to measure how am I'm contributing to the society & how are they?
As I don't like that ANTIFA way of expression, quote: "You should know who you are and who you are not mister "philanthropist" "
For sure, someone can sa that, but only if he or she is better than me being philanthropist. otherwise it just bullying & ridiculing somebody, for donating something that might help or save some people.
So it's not at all my way advocating this around. It has been bought by many users here (they wrote it 1st, check out the messages) & ridiculing donations. Was that nice of them? No. Is that bullying someones donations? Yes it is.
& no, I have not been thinking about "giving away keys" as a donation. It's the other things I do in my free time, to donate to the science & locally. The problem is that people have not searched around & see how I donate. But if I say that my donations are "top 3" in a country of 4 million people - then people should stop & think - what does this guy do to donate. & how can he be top 3 in his country?
Are you in top 3 people in something in Ireland?
& do you do some kind of donations? Money, time or other ways of donations?
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It's not really charity if you're doing it to get recognition or a clap on the back.
If you're rich enough to have given away enough money to be top 3 in your country, good for you. That still doesn't make you better than BillyJoe who doesn't earn a lot of money but gave €50 to a charity close to his heart and told no one about it. You see, if I do give money to charity, I don't shout it from the rooftops. No one honestly cares. And besides, it'll be relative to what I can afford.
Do you know why most people in Ireland dislike Bono, the lead singer of U2? Because he's also a self-appointed philanthropist and someone that never does anything without getting recognition for it. There are many other famous people who have done a lot and don't brag about it, people know about it, but it's not "I'm so great, I gave money to x, y and z."
Bon Jovi was asked about the proceeds of their album Bounce going to the special olympics. He was like "Ah yeah yeah" and changed the subject. He wasn't interested in talking about how great he is. I respect him a lot.
I don't know if you really do give money to charity, and to be quite frank, I honestly don't care and I am not going to look you up. It's the internet. I could tell you that I'm actually a very famous person in my country, and you probably wouldn't be able to prove otherwise.
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Nobody claps it for me, it's just what I like to do & how I like to donate.
But I will not tolerate some "low grade pessimist" to ridicule the work & donations I do.
& it was those "pessimists" that pulled out that to ridicule here. Why? Ask them.
Again, they have brought it out from my STEAM profile. But I do have facts to show & that really am in "top 3 in Croatia" with donations. What can they show? Zip. Zero. Nothing!
What Bono does is great. & why people are "purely jealous", speaks about those other people & their mental state.
If they don't have money, they could have donate time. Help out the community. Give back somehow.
No, those "pessimists" decided to be "jealous naggin zero-effect low-lives". It's their choice.
But if I ask someone to beat me at my game of donation, can they do it? No.
Will they donate somehow in this crisis we have around the World? No.
So i said to them to "shut up", as you're not contributing. Somebody has to said it to them.
Like they would say I don't play games so much. Neither do you. Should you be concerned that "some users here" attack you for being here? It's a good thing we're not living in middle ages or "some users here" might burn us on lyre.
& btw, loved your YouTube channel, added you on Twitter & nice Pinterest. 👍
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They're not jealous. It's our culture. Irish people are generally quite modest about everything they do. You get some people who brag of course, but the majority of people are kinda like "Ah sure, whatever, it's nothing." They don't like people who want attention for good deeds and they'll say something like "would ya look at that gobshite."That's what they say about Bono. They call him a gobshite. If I did something and people were all praising me for it, I'd get embarrassed and not want the attention. I think a majority of us are like that.
That squirrel lady person is not me. I used to be a moderator on a very well known forum in the early 00s and was the only person using that name back then. I have always used the name Shannon Apple since then. She's an imposter! My YT account is older. ;) (It's just a name though, I don't really care.)
And I do play games on Steam. I've been sick for a long time. When I joined SG almost 2 years ago, it was kinda like a getaway, somewhere to chat etc, more than a place to win GAs. I had like 50 games on my account. I entered some GAs, gave away others but only played a few short games from my wins. Bought some bundles with the intention of keeping some and giving some stuff away. I am recovering and am at least able to sit at my computer for a couple of hours now without pain. All the games I won, I do want to play. I don't enter many GAs anymore.
(My brother also put 100s of random spare keys from a spreadsheet he had on my account, so now I have way too many, and many that I prob won't play. But some of them were good. He said there were some "cutesy shite" in there I'd like. XD)
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I understand what you are saying, as I'm not about bragging either.
For sure I haven't come here & advertised: look, I'm this & that.
Some users pulled it out of the account & tried to diss me about it. So I responded back.
Maybe they were hoping to get out of it freely, they didn't. When somebody attacks me, you better have nuclear weapon on you - or it won't work. & when I came back at them, it wasn't pretty - asking them: what can you show for yourselves.
Now, they are quiet.
Anyway, hope you get well soon. & take care of yourself.
It's a nice to write to you this way & speak about difference in culture & opinions.👍
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I have only 1 person on my blacklist and he has been there almost 2 years.
But, I feel like you should be free to use the blacklist as you see fit. If 1000 is not a technological limit then I think it could be increased. Same with the whitelist limit.
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Nah, on the contrary, I think that 1000 BL slots is way too many.
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I forgot when.(。-Θ-。)ooO(long long time ago)
I have also wanted to add Blacklist more than 1000 items.👿
If you exceed 1000, site may busy.🙀
(Not an exact comment.)
I feel like "CG" was making some comments.∑(・Θ・ノ)ノOh..
If it bothers others, that option is not good.
Instead, we use SG Tools to manage humanity.
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i'm amazed they're still forcing you to be on SteamGifts.The fact that you would consider becoming a patron of such an awfully shady site...it just doesnt sound like you
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To expand on what NazaSekh wrote above, Sighery (they've unfortunately now deleted their SG account) made a userscript that allows you to easily check when viewing the blacklist and whitelist pages which users are permanently suspended and also when users last visited the site. You might be able to use that script to prune your blacklist a bit and free up some space.
Since Sighery is no longer here, the thread and all their comments got deleted, but the Web Archive has a copy stored.
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May 18, 2019
Fixed a rounding issue on the stats page for win probability.
Fixed an issue with GMG referral links redirecting to their homepage.
Deleted users can no longer be whitelisted or blacklisted on their profiles.
Removed the "Misuse of Trade Feedback" user report category since it's no longer relevant.
Groups can now be searched by their Steam ID. For example, https://www.steamgifts.com/go/group/103582791432125620
Deleted users can no longer be whitelisted or blacklisted on their profiles.
Wasn't it handled by the update at that time?【Thinking】( ´・ω・)´・ω)(Θ・(・ω・
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Here's the direct link: https://www.github.com/Sighery/Scripts/raw/master/FindThoseBans.user.js
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Oh right 😅 Now I remember.
The link to Discussions created on SG profiles is a really great feature. Glad they added that.
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Have fun 😉 One of my buddies has been finishing up on the Season pass / first DLC lately. Can't remember exactly which one it was.
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For my needs personally that would definitely be overkill 😅
I barely use 1/20 of my BL slots. And I'm pretty trigger happy or so I thought.
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Nope. If you don't want 99% of the SG community to enter your giveaways, make a private group and invite your handful of friends there - easier, less effort, and way more micro-manageable than the blacklist system.
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Personally speaking, that would not be an issue for me, I don't enter public giveaways - only group/private.
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Personally, I would even become a Patron, if that would give me an option to have more than 1.000 users on Blacklist.
So you want to donate money to the site that is gonna be used by majority of people you don't want to donate games to...
Sounds like very counterproductive -_-'
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I wouldn't buy a "commodity" if I can actually get it for free (make your own steam group).
Unless you want those blacklist slots not to exclude people from your giveaways(wich is their general purpose), but to make people feel bad or yourself good with it there is no meaning to have that many.
They would be a commodity if they could actually block other users from my discussions or just make their comments invisible to me. Therefore they are useless to me. As things are I would give all of my slots to you since I don't use any of them :)
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Each to their own. I normally would try to give to public too. But lately I only make one mandatory group giveaway each month.
Having covid on top of our already failing economy made our money less valuable than toilet paper. Also what the hell happened to steam community market these last two years. I swear I could sponsor most of my giveaways with trading opportinities from there before.
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So philanthropic of you. You should be the president of earth for the generosity and fondness of your selfless character :)
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I would even become a Patron, if that would give me an option to have more than 1.000 users on Blacklist
Well, become a patron now. Because whitelist and private Steam groups (+ invite-only GAs) can be used to reject everybody except the users who are good users according to your opinions. In other words, you can consider these mechanisms as a way to have an infinite blacklist (everybody is on it) that can avoid your favourite users. Isn't that enough for you?
Of course, the problem is that using these positive mechanisms will upset people less than using a real blacklist ... But hey, nothing is perfect in this world. :3
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Gotta grow that backlog of definitely-not-a-collection that lays around unplayed.
I'm convinced "bots" and leechers get more out of their wins that this guy who always claims to have the best of the site in his mind, yet never see games as games and source of enjoyment, but only as numbers. And even those numbers are misrepresented and twisted around, if you check KillingArts' comment a few below.
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You say this every time, yet you're a member here for FOUR years, playing nothing. Why do YOU need to win games for Steam and lower chances of other people? You're worse than a leech, at least they don't pose as generous and go on campaigns against other users.
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Hey, it's not my fault STEAM doesn't have all games, that I want to play.
& maybe, just maybe - I already got those games on other gaming platform or gaming shop? Those facts can be checked, if you know where to look for it.
Personally, I'm not "a religious fanatic" of STEAM.
Have to go, trade a game...be back in a few minutes! 👍
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Buddy, nobody asked if you like Steam or not. Nor if it has all the games you want to play. You really have a way with your words of never answering, never admitting anything, while also demanding everything.
You can lie to yourself as much as you want, that doesn't change facts like Grunt1914, Olorun: Theocracy or Alien Survival and likely a lot of other games not being sold at any other platform, only on Steam. So not like you played them anywhere else.
And it raises the question: if you don't find a single interesting game in your Steam wins for multiple years, then why did you even enter for them?
Why do you keep entering for games? You won 5 games in the past month, and you're entering for games like a madman, averaging 43 a day.
Besides the obvious " I gave away games, so I deserve to win games despite I don't care about them" attitude.
You're just as bad as a leech, just rather a black hole. Dense, and just sucking up games mindlessly.
PS: also it seems you're really proud of you believing in freedom of speech, but considering that
a: that is related to government not silencing people, and not interpersonal discourses
b: you keep blacklisting people from saying things you don't like
you really have no idea what freedom of speech is ;)
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You have to read to understand, but lets do it for you 1 more time.
I personally got 6,3k+ games on my BL, as I don't want to win them. So you can try to get those games, as those are not for my taste.
Also, got some 3,3k+ games + 1,7k+ DLCs in my STEAM inventory. Of those only 228 have been won here. So no, I'm not getting much from here & just as we speak - have not only traded 2 DLCs for 1 game, but also posted giveaways to 7 more games here.
So that gives you total of more than 10k games & DLCs to win here, that I will not enter in. A leech would collect everything, I only do enter those giveaway which interest me. 👍
So I resent being called a "Black hole", but it's that kind of calling people out - that got you on my BL. You're just being a Bully here, calling people names. Did you see that in all this text, I never called you with any of the name? That is just beneath me to go to that level. 😎
Yes I won 5 games in last month & it's still 7 games less than the average, quote from SG: "Overall, you've been unlucky, and won 7 fewer gifts than estimated since you first joined." 😎
Well, interpersonal discourses are only tolerated to some level, as people like me are protected with GDPR.
& no, I keep BL people who use "name calling" in discussions, which is totally rude behaviour.
& me BL you, only gets you not being able to participate in giveaways. We can still communicate here.
& the last, FREEDOM of SPEECH is one thing. But there are consequences of the words spoken. 😎
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I only do enter those giveaway which interest me.
I can imagine how interesting they are that you haven't played a single one in literally years. Also I still think black hole is a good simile as material ( giveaways) are disappearing into your account, nothing to see of them ever again - gameplay time, achievements, enjoyment, fun... they are just lost without any function.
Also it's funny how you think being blacklisted by you is a punishment. As you said, "it is just beneath me to go to that level" of accepting anything from a person with such standards as you. It just makes things easier by clearing up your giveaways, and for that I'm t'm really thankful :)
FREEDOM of SPEECH is one thing. But there are consequences of the words spoken
[Yes, yet you weirdly complain about the consequences when it's against you] (https://postimg.cc/tsTr9kvH)
Anyway, freedom of speech is not applicable to the site as it's private property.
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Just to mention here, how much lies is in your statements, your quote: "that you haven't played a single one in literally years."
One look at my profile can check that & see that last game played (on STEAM only) was on 22nd Sep & one before that was on 13th Sep.
So that's a 1st lie from you. Shall I continue?
& no wonder "freedom of speech" is unknown to you, as you come from Hungary. One of a few countries in EU, that has been reprimanded for being totalitaristic. Good job, we can all look up to your standards! 👍
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Just to mention here, how much lies is in your statements, your quote: "that you haven't played a single one in literally years."
One look at my profile can check that & see that last game played (on STEAM only) was on 22nd Sep & one before that was on 13th Sep.
He did not say that. You (probably deliberately) took his statement out of context. He was very clearly refering to the games you won. Not to Steam games in general.
So that's a 1st lie from you. Shall I continue?
Since the first "lie" wasn't a lie at all - yes, please continue. Eager to see what you come up with next.
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Yes he did, he said I didn't play a single game for years. Which is not true.
You try to be attorney of that guy? How nice, is he paying you?
If he meant in, he didn't say it that way. I'm not a "mind reading Jedi" to know what someone thinks. If he's here, so he should be over 18. It's a time, he learns to communicate clearly. 👍
Watching F1 no, bye.
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No, he didn't and no Jedi powers needed. Let's try again, here's your convo:
-I only do enter those giveaway which interest me.
-I can imagine how interesting they are that you haven't played a single one in literally years.
Do you understand now what he refers to?
Or maybe it's time to learn better English? (See what I did there? Not very nice, eh? Really, your constant jabs at people are uncalled for.)
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So, you're only playing on other plattforms, yet you still are entering to win games on here? But, why? You also said "recently". Yet, you're here for 4 years, having none of your won games played at all!
To critizise SG community, makes totally no sense. Considering your other statements, like being such a generous philantropist or throwing around numbers of games, dlc, etc. you own, you easily managed to break my hypocrite alarm's meters.
Congrats, such thing has never happened before! :)
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228 games won here, compared to actually 800+ games traded that are on my actual wishlist & with a total of 3,3k+ games in inventory.
Sure, I'm more into getting myself a 2nd degree from a complete different science field, then playing games.
Why entering?
It's a FREE World & sometime (soon) a World is going back into lockdown. So might be that I'll had extra time to play.
& again, philanthropy does NOT have anything do to with giving away games here.
Take away giveaways here on SG, still i would donate some other things to support the local community & World.
Why do everyone think that "gifting games away" is philanthropist? NO.
Dig deeper. 👍
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Here you go, use with care as it may disappoint you ;)
Do You Even Play, Bro?
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You have cause and effect confused. I found SG while looking for free Steam keys. The games I gave away were to give back to the community, not to get a higher level. I still enter a lot of GA's, because it is still fun to see that cat once in a while. XD
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So you are saying that people would not give away expensive games, if they couldn't level with them? Definitely not true. People gave away expensive games before there even was a leveling system. And level 10 users like myself still do it, despite not getting any level for it.
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He is using the system? Not you? Ok, let's compare actual stats.
Tcharr has only given away 14 games, true. But those were high quality games. With these games he has real CV of 343$, while only having won 171$. So his ratio is absolutely fine. And he paid actual money for many of his giveaways.
Now let's look at your stats. You have given a lot more games away than Tcharr. But if we look at your list, it's free game, free game, free game. We actually have to scroll down quite a bit before we see the first non-bundled game. The graph also shows that most of your giveaways are bundled. What it doesn't show is the impressive number of free games you have given away. When scrolling through your list, it feels like half of it is purple. ^^
So, in summary: Tcharr's ratio is 2.0, your's is only 1.8. Yes, it's only 14 games. But it seems to me he actually invests money for pricey, non-bundled games like Monster Hunter World, Sekiro or Code Vein. While you give away what you have left from bundles or got free from promotions to inflate your profile stats. Games that you would probably never enter yourself.
So, do you really think it's fair to say he is "using the system" and not you?
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Dudes delusion is off the charts.
Last time he posted here, he asked to get additional bonuses for giving away games, because levels aren't enough for him...And now hes trowing around "using the system" at others.
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I agree even real CV is not a perfect measure. But I don't think it's that unfair. Usually countries with low regional prices also have low wages. So it seems appropriate to me that they get more CV for the money they invest, which is essentially a higher percentage of their income.
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What you say is true.
Minimum wage is 370 Dollars for a month in my country.
While it is 2.970 Dollars for a month in USA
Cyberpunk is 32 Dollars in my country (inflastion is not good. it worth 40 dollars 6 months ago) and 59 in US
So I can only gift 12 of them while a person from US can gift 50 copies.
Once I start to calculate things like that it really feels unfair to people from countries of low wages.
I hope one day people stop complaning just because they live in prosper and start appreciate it.
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I understand how you feel.
Unfortunatelly even with regional prices new games are hard to buy in my country.
(Especially AAA ones, since they are still around 30-45 Dollars price tag)
Minimum wage is 370 Dollars for a month in my country. While it is 2.970 Dollars for a month in USA.
Even it doesn't feel fair probably admins couldn't manage a better algorithm for that.
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Sure, recently I only gave out FREE games. As most of my games are traded. I don't hide it.
Exactly why i gave away those $0, as they are not worth to me anymore.
& yes, I didn't give out HB games, as HB this summer got on "ban rampage" with people on SG.
& you're true about one thing: TCHARR invests money into buying expensive games to gain LVLs.
Why is he hiding it? 🤷♂️ (check his posts)
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Sure, recently I only gave out FREE games.
Recently? You did that from the beginning. Lie!
you're true about one thing: TCHARR invests money into buying expensive games to gain LVLs.
You are constantly doing that. You put words in people's mouths. That's not a nice way of having a discussion, to be honest. You act like I said he does it to gain level. You know very well I did not say nor mean that. Also, he is not hiding anything. This way of arguing is so familiar - are you by any chance employee at Fox News?
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Well, most of my gifted games had some worth & is not $0.
Those facts can be checked. & who is lier now? Guess who, you.
No I don't. I never ever bought a non-bunded fresh game to go through LVL more easily.
What i do is "dump my extra keys" from bundles here. & never once did I do what TCHARR did here.
& as you don't like right-wing "republican Fox News", you must be ether Antifa or leftist. So which are you? 👍
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you should be here to stop behavior like his, not to educate and argue with him.
this thread is one of many that make newcomers and contributors leave sg, because they are treated like trash, especially when it comes from a nobody with delusions of grandeur. you guys police many things on sg, but forget that elitism is what makes most online communities destroy themselves.
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But I'm never rude to anyone, nor bullying here anyone. Link for full
Really dude? You wrote both of these comments in the same hour... Also levels meant to be "bought" that's the whole idea of it....
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Tcharr is one of the people who actually bought games before they were bundled and gave them away on SC. It doesn't matter that 7 games gave him a higher level than you. Gris was one of those games and highly wishlisted by this site at the time. You are judging him unfairly.
So you give away freebies and bundled games that you don't want? That doesn't make you better than him. You are pretty much doing what most people on this site do. I'm not judging you, I give away mostly bundled games that I don't want and I'm not in a financial position to do otherwise. But, Tcharr's GAs cost him more than yours cost you. This is a fair judgement.
All this just proves that some people can never be pleased. If everyone thought like you do, it would discourage people from actually giving stuff away. It's a good thing that they don't. ;)
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I wouldn't consider that "using the system."
Imagine I am a student with very little disposable income. I sign up here, win a bunch of inexpensive bundle games that I greatly enjoyed. I graduate college, I get an entry level job. I am now making a little money. I won 100 games but didn't give away nearly anything. I feel it's time to give something back now that I can. I buy some currently popular games at their current price and I give those back to the community. I am not interested in buying bundles of cheap games because I only buy games I want to play right now.
Now my level goes up because I have given away 7 full price games. I feel like I repaid a debt, but does level truly matter?
But this person KLiKzg says I am a leech and that I'm trying to game the system in buying something full price and only giving away 14 things in total.
Let's face it. Why on Earth would I buy 7 full price games in excess of €150 just to win 100 much lower value games on here that I could have picked up for €50 collectively via bundles, or bundle sharing. That's counter-productive in my book. Some people just don't buy bundles, but still give back to the community where they can. (or in that case, giving more)
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No you're not & you're twisting the words around. You have W/G ratio of 1/2.
TCHARR has W/G ratio of 7/1.
If that's not using the system. What is?
& that's public data. So why do you keep advocating for him/her? As he/she is clearly using the system.
Good guy/girl or not, he/she is doing it. There's no question about it.
Am I bad for speaking the truth 6 exposing him/her? Not at all.
Especially as he/she attacked me 1st. Did he/she expect me not to say anything? Life is not a game set on EASY level.
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I'll try another approach.
I have one sack of gold and 300 sacks of dog-shit. By your logic, the 300 sacks of dog-shit are worth more, simply because there are more of them. Never mind that it's dog-shit. To you, the number of sacks is what matters, not what's in them.
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Did user hire you?
No, I'm Annette Funicello, and i use my 15 inch penis and gold brick-shitting ability to get through life, but I devote some of my time to philanthropical work on this forum, trying to get through to people like you.
2nd, it's not like your giveaways are top of the line. They are the similar "leftovers" as mine.
You've made my point for me, and likely still won't get it. Tcharr gives away nicer games than you or me, and has a better CV ratio than either of us, and yet here you are, harassing him over what he's given away.
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Unfortunately, all you did was make a fool of yourself in front of everyone.
And no, you attacked first. Tcharr was actually trying to help you.
Of course you won't see it, despite multiple people telling you the same.
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Somebody like TCHARR should have kept quiet & not comment, if he's doing what he's doing.
Is it that bad, that somebody has shown what he's doing here?
Go play with him & stop defending those who are not here for gifting...& who are here only to get games, like your friend TCHARR.
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somebody made a chart before showing how many users have auto joins scripts on steam gifts and its like 30,000... damn son!!!!
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Exactly, that's why I posted "bad remarks" here for the mods not doing their part of responsibilities.
& that exactly what is wrong today in the World: people not obeying the rules of social distance & they get COVID19.
You can only get away from being a rebel for some time....not all the time! 👍
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steam really needs to make it so you can block more then 100 curators. after 100 you just get an error saying you cant block sombody your subscribed to or somthing
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This is true. But I would prefer ability to block ALL curators even more.
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Admittedly, for the people maxing out their 1000 slot blacklists, there are good alternatives for providing only to your whitelist, making a group specific for your standards, or copy/pasting some rules into SGTools to automatically filter out those you dont want joining in addition to your blacklist, those people being the ones who could enter but you personally dislike them.
I don't imagine it to be a very useful feature to lengthen the blacklist because a vast majority of people here just won't find out a way to max out 1,000 slots, and while it would be interesting to see those donating directly to SG open up more BL slots, that raises the question of what happens after your subscription may end. Even if sg extended to open up to 5,000 slots, there will always be more people blowing right through it and saying that more will be necessary, especially as this is an ever-growing community. It is a shame that there are a lot of leeches who will win giveaways but as this really is a community upheld site considering cj isn't personally making every single giveaway, It's completely up to those making the giveaways to filter out the people they don't want entering and the options are there for us to do so if desired.
I'm not saying the site doesn't have it's faults, but I don't believe the increase of BL slots would be a change in the right direction or would encourage the actual changes that would be needed to make the site a better place.
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The options of filtering are bad.
Not all level 0 users are bots and autojoiners only because they are low levels. Same count for all other levels.
Of course there are more black sheeps in lower ranks but it is frustrating to make level 5 public GA's because the BL handle only 1k and you would need more space to make lower level public GA's.
Public GA's have advantages.
1) All, not blacklisted, people can see them.
2) Only 1 entry needed and not 5, that it calculate cv
3) It encourage people to make by tehmself Giveaways to level up and enter more Ga's.
So it is "the basic" to have the site running.
And i personal don't like to be forced to protect and hide Ga's in groups (behind req.).
But before i give my GA's to black sheeps at low level publicl Ga's i prefer to make protected GA's (group or WL).
I repeat, the situation is FRUSTRATING.
Of course it would give other option to change the site... as example kicking more of the autojoiners, handle user report tickets faster and many other things but it is unrealistic to expect that soon so not worth to talk about all possibilities, wishes and so on.
But adding BL slots is in the range of "possible" because the function still exists and only need to be increased. But i don't expect that it happens
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handle user report tickets faster
more like, handling them at all.
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Blacklist is limited to 1.000 users only.
As for some users, who have been long here (like me) & who have "some standards" - we have exhausted the list of 1.000 users.
Do some of you think that we should make Blacklist longer than 1.000 users? Vote.
Or is 1.000 users enough? Vote, comment.
Personally, I would even become a Patron, if that would give me an option to have more than 1.000 users on Blacklist.
Otherwise users like me would give only in the "group giveaways", hidden from the rest of the people who don't give pennies (& much less games here).
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