Well, ****, your situation sucks. I'm unemployed, but at least I'm still able to collect my pittance each week to pay the bills. I'm not sure I can cheer you up in such circumstances.
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Make porn, not watch porn. Then you can sell it online and make money to pay your rent.
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Yeah a guy I know jerked off online and made around 5 to 10 thousand a month. He then opened a tattoo shop and ended up tattooing a bunch of MMA fighters and got a condo.
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Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were going camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said: "Watson, look up at the sky, and tell me what you see."
Watson replied: "I see millions and millions of stars."
Holmes said: "And what do you deduce from that?"
Watson replied: "Well, if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it’s quite likely there are some planets like Earth out there. And if there are a few planets like Earth out there, there might also be life."
And Holmes said: "Watson, you idiot, it means that somebody stole our tent."
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I feel for you, I myself have no money coming in.
Its been 2 months since i got paid anything, Cant sign on and cant get a job but i have a little saved so i'm burning through that for now.
I just want to say hang in thier.
Oh and to cheer you up :D This
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Ouch, I hope you get something before you burned through all of it.
Burning up your money without income isn't really a final solution to anything (unless you might be one of the few luckys to have enough to last a lifetime).
Heard about that cat jumping thing before. Thanks for sharing it! :)
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I hope this song cheer you up.
Also, I'm sure you will go over this situation :)
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You're not the only one on hard times, you're not alone.
Now to the cheering up part, I don't know what type of humor(or is it spelled humour?) you have but...
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At lest you're still having an davantage of being in developped country (you are an American, right ?)
here, it's almost at if you got marooned right after gradutaion, or after you lose a job (unless you studied financial or engineer), and when you have a job, it's almost always like a sweat shop.
It's also the norms here for people to work their life out and expect little(and forced other people to expect little) in return. Pff, conservativist.
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I'm actually in a country which has better social support as the US has I think. But this siuation is just screwed. And yes, I know there are other people out there who have worse problems. Doesn't stop me from hating my situation right now though....
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I would create one which have people respond like RTFM/FAQ if it was a hidden GA.
Everything's gonna be ok, go to the club with friends.
Lol, yeah, that's the smart thing to do if I don't even have money to pay the rent, spending some cash in a club. XD
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Hey, if you want to get cheered up, then maybe it is. Whatever cash you've got left is, I bet, not able to make a dent in the rent.
I grew up poor (I'm not anymore, fortunately). My mom had a tradition that near the end of the money, when there was still plenty of month left, we'd "celebrate" with whatever sweets/treats were available on a discount. Sound financial policy? Probably not. But it still got us through some tough times somehow. :-)
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Here you go sunshine: http://funkypickens.com/25-funny-auto-correct-fails/
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Thanks for the heads up. There have also been people who have had it worse than you have, don't think you would have liked other people telling you along the same lines like you told me.
Didn't that god say through one of his prophets to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself?
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I think you will find, if you re-read his post, that he was actually following the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" command. He was trying to encourage you; let you know that he has gone through a similarly tough time (possibly worse - God knows), and made it out on the other side; and direct you to what helped him through his situation, i.e. turning to God in earnest prayer and seeking companionship from friends - real freinds - the kind that are still friends when you are poor and down and out; and, again, encouraging you to not give up.
So, I think you can agree that freely offering someone encouragement, sympathy, hope and advice is something that one would do because it is what they would want done to them.
By the way, the quote you referenced comes from no ordinary prophet, but from the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, who just so happens to be the only hope any of us have to rescue us.
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"By the way, the quote you referenced comes from no ordinary prophet, but from the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, who just so happens to be the only hope any of us have to rescue us."
Matter of opinion.
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If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!
Rudyard Kipling
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Atleast you're still alive.
Best Vines Of All Times (Best Compilation)
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Is this a begging thread? Yes it is. I am begging to post some funny shit that will cheer me up. I am also begging the trolls to stay clear of posting comments.
In short:
Got sacked from work over half a year ago. Got unemployment benefit (the one you build up while working) afterwards. Ended after 3 months. Got a return from taxes afterwards that I could live from, but that also had it's limits.
Asked for social support, they told me there is a 4 weeks searching period, in which you don't get social support. Found work in a food factory after 4 weeks, so no right for social support (at least, that's what I got told during the intake conversation, but the guy today told me you can get support for that period, even if you find work within that period). So I didn't go back to social support, thinking I got a job (happy).
Turns out, they take the 'no hours guaranteed' quite literally. Had a job before where that was also the case, but never worked under 30 hours a week there. But here, I am planned to be working for the whole week, but they usually call me 3-4 times a week that I don't have to work that day.
So I went back to social; support today, turns out, I had to come back there right after those 4 weeks for having my support started at that time. So now I am back to 4 weeks searching period again. Meaning, fisrt money I can get from them is in about 6 weeks. But the catch is, I am as of today, 3 months late on rent.
So I called my landlord today, telling me to have it fixed in some way by the end of next week. He didn't quite say it with that words, but between the lines it came down to being evicted otherwise.
TL;DR I might have brought it on mysalf in part, but there is a big chance of me getting evicted soon. So yeah, I'm quite fucking down at the moment. And I would really appreciate some posts that could bring a smile on my face. :)
Don't quite know the proper words for the different kinds of social support/benefit, so forgive me on that one.
THANKS! For all the nice comments. Some really did make me laugh. Feeling a bit better now, so closing this thread before comments start to appear that won't really make me smile.
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