So a little update of my previous post regarding a Mass Effect remaster, IT'S COMING! I may actually pre-order a game, which I never do because I want to be an observer, not a participant, for any potential garbage fire releases (I've been hurt okay?). However, I really want to support this franchise because it's an excellent and meaningful game and story for me. It's one of the first games that really drew me into the story, put me in control of the storyline, and launched my pc gaming obsession. Ever since I received the second Mass Effect for free on Origin, I've been hooked. The series has truly been an amazing, inspiring ride to remember with epic highs and sometimes terribly heartbreaking moments (both in-game and for Bioware, the studio, itself). I will never not love this series and I'll always want others to try it and experience the same feelings I did, good and bad.

This remastered edition features updated graphics/gameplay, new Shepard customizations, and the complete trilogy with all of the DLC this series has some of the most awesome and story-rich DLC I've ever played, here's looking at you Citadel!!!! This is perfect to introduce new players to this fantastic series and I, for one, am happy to have it all on Steam, with cards and achievements even though it may need origin to launch.

I've been watching related news, videos, and reading articles for this remaster and so far the impressions are pretty positive from fans and critics. It is just a remaster and there won't be a full-on multiplayer mode comeback for ME3, but the biggest appeal for me is having it all in one, on steam, with DLC, with updated graphics and gameplay. Hopefully, I'm not alone in that because money matters to studios and companies, so I'm hoping that the more interest that is shown in the series, the more likely Bioware will continue to invest in and build up the world of Mass Effect. It was really touch and go for a while after Andromeda, which wasn't tooooo bad after extensive patches and Anthem tanking so hard it waved to the titanic on the way down. Hopefully, Bioware has learned from these experiences and can come out better than ever, for the sake of Mass Effect (and Dragon Age 4 but I'll stick to fangirling over one epic series at a time). XD

Anyway, I know I rambled a bit but I really do want this game to be enjoyed by many players and become a success. I highly recommend it if you have somehow missed out on this series until now!
Mass Effect Legendary Edition on Steam
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Trailer
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Graphics Comparison
Mass Effect Legendary Edition GameSpot Preview Impressions
Mass Effect Legendary Edition IGN Preview Impressions
Reported Changes Made in the Legendary Edition Article

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4 years ago

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Mass Effect Legendary Edition?

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Buy! Buy! Buy!
Bye! Bye! Bye!
I pre-order this **** for breakfast! (All about dat M*asss* effect.)
A remaster, really, do you even mod bro?
We'll potato ok?

I wanna get it but might not preorder just in case its a bad remaster and we have to wait a bit for some patches.

4 years ago

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Most likely going to pick it up during a sale in the future, my backlog is too big right now.

4 years ago

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I like woodkid, just saying.

4 years ago

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I'd like to know more about the updated gameplay before I make my decision. Are they switching the ME1 guns to an ammo based system, forcing them to leave ammo lying around in places where it doesn't make any sense just like the other games ?

4 years ago

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I love the Mass Effect series, but I've already replayed ME1 & 2 when I got ME3. I loved it, but not enough to want to play them all again, and not when I have so many other great games I haven't played yet. The graphics in the remaster look better than they did in ME1, but not so much better that it looks like a whole new game. Besides, what I'd really want them to fix most about ME1 is the combat.

I feel like each ME game excelled at something, was good at something, and was poor at something.

ME1 had a great story, good writing, and poor combat (when I replayed it, I set the difficulty to Easy and played a Soldier and it was the best decision I made).

ME2 had great writing, good combat (so much better than ME1, I played an Adapt and it was a blast), but the story was meh at best.

ME3 had great combat, a good story, but the writing was pretty poor (as just one example, ME2 was frequently really funny, while all the jokes in ME3 fell flat). And why did they feel the need to "pretty up" the characters? I didn't even recognize Ashley.

this series has some of the most awesome and story-rich DLC I've ever played, here's looking at you Citadel

Am I missing something? I only bought Lair of the Shadow Broker, which was rather good. What other DLC was awesome and story-rich? I thought Citadel was just fan service?

4 years ago

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Considering they ripped him out in basic versions, I'd argue Javik was awesome and story-rich DLC. Never got around to the other ones as I grew up with Expansion packs and so little crumbs of DLC are still hard for me to make peace with.

I'm still hoping on a Switch version so I can re-experience it all at my pace and convenience.

4 years ago

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Oh, that's a good one too! Javik had some really relevant lore and character interactions attached. Since it came with the game the way I bought it, I hadn't really considered him DLC but it does count! I've never played ME3 without that DLC but it would honestly be hard to imagine the game without him.
Yeah, it would make sense that they'd work on getting a Switch version out, we'll have to wait and see but the odds aren't bad.

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4 years ago

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I'd just love to have a little cartridge with Mass Effect stamped on it to go with my Bioshock and Ass Creed 4 ones. It'd be another amazing reminder how far we've come, like how I can play original NES games on basically everything, unimaginable back then.

But you're right, it's crazy that someone thought it was ok to dangle Javik in front of fans, it was a clear sign the suits really were steering the ship.

4 years ago

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They are doing some refining on the combat system, but you're right, the improved graphics don't make it a new game, it is just a remaster after all. I'm hoping it will a good way to introduce it to new players and refresh fans of the series. I also want to play with all the DLC, I haven't played all of the DLCs myself, no lie, they're pretty pricey on their own. I haven't played with the Kasumi DLC, which leaves out a whole character arc and decisions that alter some aspects of ME 3 (one of my favorite things about the series is that decisions made in one game carry over to affect the others, it's a massive effect XD).
Not gonna lie, fanservice is present in Citadel, but it also has intimate interactions with characters, some fantastic quotes/jokes, and another aspect of Cerberus activity (which I won't go too far into but it was pretty interesting) that added some story to the game. It definitely features some of the best comedy and humor in the series. If you didn't use an alternate ending mod, then some players used the DLC's story Arc as their own head-canon ending. It helped ease the disappointment that some felt at the three main canonical endings (which is one of the reasons I really favor it). My favorite parts were the unique interactions added between characters and the humor/fun aspects that lightened up some of the more bleak aspects of ME 3. I paid quite a bit for the DLC and I still felt that it was worth it for the interactions.
There was action, thrills, and a party, I guess I'm pretty simple at my core XD

4 years ago

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Fair enough. Maybe I'll pick up Citadel at some point when it's on sale. ;)

I don't feel too bad about missing out on Kasumi, figuring that ME2 had a lot of great characters, and figuring that she likely wouldn't live up to the high bar set by the others - kind of how the DLC character you got for free wasn't nearly as interesting as the others.

4 years ago

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I'll probably buy it if the reviews are good, but no pre-order, because it's EA after all.

4 years ago

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Ha, can't blame you there XD

4 years ago

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I will buy when it will be under 10 euro on Steam. Too expensive and they offering only 17 % discount if you have ME3 on Steam.

4 years ago

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Already pre-ordered. :(

4 years ago

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I'm optimistic that it'll turn out well since Bioware seems to be taking care to handle the remaster well and it'll have a lot of content with three games and all the bonus DLC! I understand how some might hesitate to pre-order due to EA's history, but good on you! Personally, I'm really looking forward to the release!!!

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4 years ago

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I also have a very personal bond to the series so I'll be getting it, if only because it's most likely less expensive than buying the DLC for the old versions lol

Anthem tanking so hard it waved to the titanic on the way down


4 years ago*

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I never got into Mass Effect and would like to give it another shot. But not for that price. Considering the Trilogy has been as cheap as 6.02€ according to ITAD, I find 60€ way too much. And the "discount" on Steam is a joke. Only applies if you own ME3 on Steam, which is the one game that no one has on Steam, because it wasn't available there for the longest time. I think I'll pass for now.

4 years ago

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Yeah, to be honest, I can feel how it would seem like a slap in the face if you bought the originals on Steam only to have a complete collection come up, remastered, with all DLC (which is where the real cost is, the trilogy itself was on some excellent sales but dat DLC was like wheeeeewwwww), and all ya get is a lousy 17% off. However, should it get an acceptable price tag, I do hope you try it, the original trilogy was highly rated for great, story-based reasons and that part shouldn't be altered in a remaster. :D

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4 years ago

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People are Cyberpunk-level hyped over whats basically the same exact trilogy+nexus mods but with a price tag fit for a brand-new title?
Yeah,not really interested in supporting EAware's obvious corporate necrophilia.

4 years ago

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Although I won't buy the remasters myself, I've always wanted to fully get into the Mass Effect games, I own the first two but I got discouraged from playing it because of the dialog options, when I click a certain response my character says completely the opposite that I had in mind ): that's something I can't really stand

4 years ago

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Ouch, that does sting, it can really break the immersion when that kind of thing happens, so I'm sorry you had that experience! Unfortunately, the notorious ending of the trilogy was a problem for a similar reason, I really do love and recommend the series but it hurts when some of your choices don't reflect accurately (or at least in your head and heart they don't).
Sometimes when I picked a more aggressive choice, Shepard took it way further than I expected and I was left either laughing or loading back because daaaaaaang that was too much girl. XD

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4 years ago

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Same! I had to go back to pick another dialog option, I don't want my words to be misunderstood orz maybe next time I should just go with whatever happens next so I can finally finish the games and not be so picky πŸ‘€

4 years ago

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I want the remasters but I won't buy them for a full price so probably will wait for them to be added to Humble Bundle Monthly after a few years :P

4 years ago

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Not a fan of selling same game over and over again with graphic enhancement of free ENBseries settings. This has to stop, its getting ridiculous. Although i loved first two games of the series and was completely disappointed by lazy and terrible third game. Multiplayer was fun enough, too bad they got rid of it in that remaster. I have EA Play Pro until autumn so i guess i will play it when it will come out.

4 years ago

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i actually like the original better. like in sleeping dogs and dead island, somehow new version just looks to bright to me

4 years ago

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I've replayed the entire series not too long ago so I'm sated (I'll wait for the re-do that will likely take place in the next 5-10 years). That being said there's value, especially for fans and collectors, in a comprehensive package with a nice launcher. I suspect a small minority of the purchases will come from newcomers simply since I can't see the appeal for such without any additional fresh content. It will be nice to be mistaken however if it will encourage further investment in return to the origins. Regardless I never preorder. From my perspective preordering is not even a zero value proposition but an actual negative value one. Like aiming a gun at your foot and hoping that the noise will give the lousy cat a fright.

4 years ago

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It cost less than my missing dlc's that I would like to play so... One day for sure.
Right now I have games to play so I'll wait for price to drop xD

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Any >50% discount for owners of original ME trilogy? No? Meh.

4 years ago

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if investor doesnt ask for minimum of 5million copies of sale and the minimum of a "proper" game (with no game breaking bug)
then it might be fine and bioware still alive by then
and of course it might also be on origin/ea play so i wouldnt "buy" he game

so do they made the games on continues or make a 3 separate games like mafia?
i hope it's 1 big continued game with single gameplay (those games had different shooting)
it sucks on achievement or multiple playthrough though, but i prefer that lol

4 years ago*

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Legendary Edition: missing Pinnacle Station DLC for ME1, missing all MP DLC's for ME3. So....

Read the article from Rock Paper Shotgun for more. The Pinnacle Station DLC's wasn't properly backed up, but could have been salvaged, though that required an additional 6 months of work for the Remaster team (which was implied that was rather small). EA couldn't be bothered to allocate more resources, so the remaster would be an actual complete edition.

Stick to the originals, mod them to hell and back (plenty of really good mods for graphic improvement). Also... 60 euro?! Yakuza 3-5 remaster collection is 40 euro and can be found even cheaper on certain sites.

4 years ago*

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missing all MP DLC's for ME3

There will be no multiplayer support in LE, so it would not make sense to add DLCs

4 years ago

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I admit I'm curious to see how ME 1 turned out, but not at this price.

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4 years ago*

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I loved Mass Effect 1-3 but I don't know yet...I have too many games on my backlog to finish.

4 years ago

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same here, i would wait for it to get discounted.

4 years ago

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I regret buying the DLCs for ME3 on steam. If I knew better I would have waited for this edition.

4 years ago

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OMG, YES! I need this! I want this!
I have all the games, played them more than once, have the DLCs and just inhaled them. I love this series, it's imho the best one out there and I will totally use this excuse to finally, finally ignore my backlog AND PLAY ME AGAIN! runs around excitedly

While I normally mind buying at full prize, I really don't here. It's still super cheap considering you get EVERYTHING! (Well, ok, no MP, but still.) I'm pretty sure my Mass Effect 3 version was more expensive when I pre-ordered that one, so nothing's gonna stop me now!

Also finally having it all on steam and maybe even achievements...? :3

4 years ago

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Haha, I thought I might see you in this thread (running around excitedly). <3

4 years ago

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Ofc, where else would I be? xD <3

4 years ago

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