So a little update of my previous post regarding a Mass Effect remaster, IT'S COMING! I may actually pre-order a game, which I never do because I want to be an observer, not a participant, for any potential garbage fire releases (I've been hurt okay?). However, I really want to support this franchise because it's an excellent and meaningful game and story for me. It's one of the first games that really drew me into the story, put me in control of the storyline, and launched my pc gaming obsession. Ever since I received the second Mass Effect for free on Origin, I've been hooked. The series has truly been an amazing, inspiring ride to remember with epic highs and sometimes terribly heartbreaking moments (both in-game and for Bioware, the studio, itself). I will never not love this series and I'll always want others to try it and experience the same feelings I did, good and bad.

This remastered edition features updated graphics/gameplay, new Shepard customizations, and the complete trilogy with all of the DLC this series has some of the most awesome and story-rich DLC I've ever played, here's looking at you Citadel!!!! This is perfect to introduce new players to this fantastic series and I, for one, am happy to have it all on Steam, with cards and achievements even though it may need origin to launch.

I've been watching related news, videos, and reading articles for this remaster and so far the impressions are pretty positive from fans and critics. It is just a remaster and there won't be a full-on multiplayer mode comeback for ME3, but the biggest appeal for me is having it all in one, on steam, with DLC, with updated graphics and gameplay. Hopefully, I'm not alone in that because money matters to studios and companies, so I'm hoping that the more interest that is shown in the series, the more likely Bioware will continue to invest in and build up the world of Mass Effect. It was really touch and go for a while after Andromeda, which wasn't tooooo bad after extensive patches and Anthem tanking so hard it waved to the titanic on the way down. Hopefully, Bioware has learned from these experiences and can come out better than ever, for the sake of Mass Effect (and Dragon Age 4 but I'll stick to fangirling over one epic series at a time). XD

Anyway, I know I rambled a bit but I really do want this game to be enjoyed by many players and become a success. I highly recommend it if you have somehow missed out on this series until now!
Mass Effect Legendary Edition on Steam
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Trailer
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Graphics Comparison
Mass Effect Legendary Edition GameSpot Preview Impressions
Mass Effect Legendary Edition IGN Preview Impressions
Reported Changes Made in the Legendary Edition Article

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3 years ago

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Mass Effect Legendary Edition?

View Results
Buy! Buy! Buy!
Bye! Bye! Bye!
I pre-order this **** for breakfast! (All about dat M*asss* effect.)
A remaster, really, do you even mod bro?
We'll potato ok?

I tried to get into ME1 twice and stopped playing after a couple of hours each time. I do like Dragon Age, but for some reason ME doesn't work for me. Also 60€ for a remaster... but then again it's EA.

3 years ago

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Nope, I won't buy it for the current price, even with 50% discount it would be too much. As I've already written in another thread, it's 75% more expensive than a standard new AAA game for Russia. It's like a $105 price tag for a country where a new AAA game typically costs $60.

3 years ago

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Happy cake day :D

3 years ago

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Thank you :)

3 years ago

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I love everything. The Games, the animated movie, the books, the comics, everythng EXCEPT Andromeda. 100% I am preordering this game.

3 years ago

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Censored Content: Camera angles were changed by sexually oppressed shitheads.
i dont fund censorship of any kind

3 years ago

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Camera angles were changed, as it makes no sense whatsoever to zoom in on someone's ass even in 2007 ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

People ass will still be there (nothing is cut, it would be different if they would make ass smaller), so I find it funny to see people crying over this change. Or roll my eyes on bad troll attempts.

3 years ago

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people can close there eyes if they dont want to see something. dont force sexual hangups on other people. censorship is wrong in general.

3 years ago

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If you make technology to give people poke to close eyes and re-open them on unnecessary over-sexualized 3s-lasting scenes, and don't miss any action that may happen at the same time on the screen - then you will get rich.

Those are not "sexual hangups" of audience, but untasteful "jokes" that were not funny even 15 years ago. I'm surprised so many people obsess over next RE vampire model for the same reason.

3 years ago

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its clear as day your a bible thumper

3 years ago

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I like you decide to use ad personam instead of addressing any of the points.

But I can tell you I'm as far from any religion as possible, and from christian faith in particular.

3 years ago

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i was just making an attempt to tilt you before i told you to fuck off. i was hopping to get a rise out of a person who is ok with censorship.
censorship is wrong i dont care how you try to justify it. censorship is wrong
fuck you and your opinion too.
censorship is wrong.
scroll down a little bit and talk to them and try to get them to fallow your will.
censorship is wrong
now fuck off

3 years ago

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It's 2nd time I will tell you to stop using derogative language. There is no reason to run around, insult people and tell them to "fuck off".

If you can't discuss your opinions or arguments in normal way - don't reply in topics where you can expect to have some discussion.

3 years ago

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censorship is wrong and any1 who says otherwise is a bad person. respect is earned not given.

3 years ago

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Have you played the first game? Sometimes the focus on her ass would just be weird and tone-deaf. I remember one moment when Miranda was talking about her family and for no good reason the camera closeup was on her buttocks. It's not censorship if you are changing ridiculous things for the better, that's called improvement. And since the game is confirmed to have mod support, I'm pretty sure someone will mod those camera placements back in the first week of release

3 years ago

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you say improvement, i say censorship. "better" is a subjective term. for me its not about tits and ass, its about another game altering itself to conform to the prude's loud crys. altering media to fit a minority's view is a slippery slope and i will have non of it.
this is just an echo of ff8 remake hiding T&A. there are agenda's at play here even if you dont see it.

my hate for censorship started for me when thrill kill was removed from the market, thats also when i learned to pirate games, and use a boot disk on the ps1.

notice how im responding to you in a civil manner and not telling you to fuck off like i did to ultra mod. thats because you didnt poke fun at my convictions like "ultra"mod did.
"I find it funny to see people crying over this change". standing up for one's convictions is not crying.
ultra mod can take a lesson from you, if you want a civil response from me dont belittle my convictions by saying im crying.

3 years ago

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But it's their game. They have every right to change it for better or worse to go with their vision of what remaster should be. It's a conscious decision by the developers, nobody is telling them to censor it. And nobody is taking anything away from you.

Video games are first and foremost a business. Pandering to a minority view, as you wrote, is not a financially viable strategy in the short and long run.

3 years ago

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its a conscious decision by the PUBLISHERS. the devs have no say in what they do. and your right it is a business.
but it is a financially viable strategy as playstation is pushing against sexual content. if they want the money they have to conform.
im not saying they were forced to do it but its clear there pandering to there selling platforms wishes, and there seller is pandering to loud people.
you can find more from youtube, or just ask your favorite search engine.
like i said there is and agenda.

3 years ago

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One of my favourite franchises, so I'll get it for sure. But later on sale. Playing it again? Maybe, I'm not sure I played through all DLCs (remember that bad Bioware points system?). But then there are so many other games I haven't played yet..

3 years ago

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The price is telling me: nope. It's like 5 times more than I would pay for a game. Lol.

3 years ago

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EA games usually join EA Play after 6:12 months from release date.

But ME trilogy with all(-1) DLCs could go over 1 month of playing..

3 years ago

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Good points, I hadn't considered that EA Play was an option but it would make sense for it to make an appearance!

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago

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Wow. You simply killed in a second all interest I had in the Legendary Edition. I just won't ever support censorship with my money.

I guess I'll go back to the original trilogy and mods.

3 years ago*

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Nothing wrong with that, it's a classic for a reason XD

3 years ago

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I played all 3 back then on release (xbox 360) & even then I found some scenes a bit dumb where a female's ass just happened to be in the way of the camera.
You just know someone did it on purpose.
As long as they don't cut out the figure-hugging armour and more importantly the actual sex scenes I don't mind.
Edt: Although I probably won't get it and replay them all anyway ;)

3 years ago

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The female ass in camera is just so you notice her "attributes" and you have an easy anchor to the character, and if you can flirt with her, better.

Which, it's revealed in Mass Effect 3 that it was exactly the plan of the invisible man, for you to get distracted by her.

3 years ago

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Never play that game.)

3 years ago

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needs to come down a hell of a lot in price.

its got some updated textures and better lighting.. ok.. modding community gets you the first one (and better than what bioware can do, you can be sure of that).. better lighting has value, but come on. the original 2 games were great, even today theyre perfectly enjoyable. new lighting on games that old is not worth a bundle at the same price as a brand new game.

I wont say EA SHOULD have priced the bundle better (since EA is basically doing what EA does), but it is certainly overpriced for the relatively small effort that is being invested in this 'remaster'.

it will be worth picking up as a fun little update to a great set of two really great games, but im under no illusions that EA is not providing something substantial here. its a cash grab, and as such, i'll wait until the amount of cash they can 'grab' from me is more in line with the value on offer :)

ALSO, as a big fan of how the original game played, im a bit disappointed at EA stating they were going to meddle with it and try and 'modernize' it's mechanics. I've seen EA's efforts at modernization before, its what got us dragon age 2. Just give us a better running version of the same damn game people fell in love with, without all the homogenized mainstream gameplay crap that steadily over time made biowares games less and less unique and amazing, and more and more generic and samey.

3 years ago*

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I had to stick with Lets Plays because even on bare bones graphics my poor laptop could handle maybe 5 mins before overheating so... this might be something to look forward to now, for my own ME experience. Not sure about preordering but thanks for putting it on my radar!

3 years ago

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I'm worried about the Mass Effect 1's EAX support. They usually throw away EAX in remasters, and may forget to add those nice reverb effects back.

3 years ago*

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Not even a discount for owner of the base games ?

3 years ago

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17 % if you have ME3 on Steam

3 years ago

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/turn sarcasm on

Which is certainly the majority of all the ME3 "owners" out there. I bought ME3 before it was even on Steam, and refused to buy it again... how silly of me, now I'll miss out on that great discount! I also love how they slipped into the system requirements that the Legendary edition now only runs on Win10.

/turn sarcasm off

3 years ago

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Way too expensive. I wait until it is in some gamepass... Would pay about 5€ for ME3 at this point and 10 for this whole remaster bundle...

3 years ago

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I will try, but not before it drops to couple bucks or land in EA play.

I have trilogy on Origin, and graphical improvements aren't worth 60$. But good deal for people who never played ME, as it's way cheaper than buying DLC separately + more modern controls and UI.

3 years ago

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ill wait to be 3-5$

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3 years ago

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It's a pretty lazy remaster and we already know they've censored parts. I'll wait to see what the modding community does with it, but as it stands, there's no reason to own this over the originals with mods.

3 years ago

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ME1 with all DLC is one of my all-time favorites. It was an awesome RPG. 2 was way less good, but still enjoyable. 3 was really bad in my opinion, the only good thing was to see again some side characters (which came from DLC in the previous games, and save import, EA was actively butchering the remains of Bioware at this time).
I will surely buy it at some point and play it again, at least the 1st one.

3 years ago

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Remember, no preorders. Don't feed the corporate beast, wait for reviews. There is no pre-order bonuses, so you don't miss out. I don't see a point for pre-order.

3 years ago

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Wow a lens flare

That'll be 60 dollars plus tip, please

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3 years ago

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