+1 I make enough to buy a humble bundle or several in 15mins. Setting up whatever you have there sounds like it costs more in electricity than just dropping a buck for the lower tier or a few extra for the higher tier.
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I can get 10-15$ in 2 or 3 weeks... :| i should get a better card and make 1000$ in a month with a radeon 7990 :|
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This. I love when people spend hours of work just to farm a few dollars when they could have done a real job with probably the same efforts.
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It's still a way to buy bundles from your electricity bill if you don't have a credit card (or anything else that works) I guess
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Only way you'll kill the GPU is by overvolting, or crappy ventilation, stressing it under nominal conditions shouldn't do anything with it.
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tell that to 8800 GTS of mine :)
IF you have a badly configurated graphic card profiles (in bios), you can just burn the core by overheating it. Specially if the one overclocked the hardware. All of that things, the electricity costs and the possibility of destroying your hardware are just a proof that this whole idea is a mess.
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Ouch, well in that case....you are indeed, screwed D:
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Overclocking an already crap card is not the way to go, you know that right?
You can't just overheat a card unless you MANUALLY disable everything regarding the protection of a card.
You can't even overvoltage it, because the system won't allow you to do that, unless you MANUALLY fck up your hardware on purpose.
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... I don't like entering unknown websites that "offer free money" just for "nothing". Aren't those kinda like… spawning pool for zerglings, adware, spyware, riskware, worms, trojans blah blah blah etc.? So… nah thank you I will pass….
Also like everyone said before… electricity would be more expensive than buying bundle…
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The issue wasn't getting money. I don't think OP is poor. The issue was getting a credit card. If you're under age, you can't have a credit card, and not everyone has access to their parent's. I believe he's just trying to help people out who don't have access to a credit card. And at any rate, there's plenty of reasons someone might not have a job though? Seems pretty harsh to say that in my opinion.
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I actually was wondering about that. I just didn't it was possible to get a bundle without a credit card. I didn't mean to make you feel bad if I did. I'll look into the bitcoin thing at some point, but I guess I'm just really uneasy about the whole thing. I get very nervous when it comes to doing things on the computer I don't understand. I guess the whole thing seems shady to me since I've never heard of it before and since it seems like you're getting paid just to leave your computer on. Doesn't seem to make sense to me, but if it works, then that's good.
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Unless you have a Linux VPS or something similar that you don't use. You'll most likely end up wasting money on electricity.
So... It's either investing money hoping getting some in return or just get a job.
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Whatever, suite yourselves.
If you'd actually check instead of reciting things you've heard about mining in the past you'd realize that the recent x30 jump in altcoin prices has made mining economically viable even when accounting for the minor electricity costs.
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Thanks, I've recently have gotten into mining aswell, I'm using bitcoin cloud mining. The good thing is that you start mining automatically and you can sell your GHashes whenever you want, if you're smart about it you can just make money with buying and selling GHashes.
I'm not sure if this will count as advertising or not, so I just contact me if you want know what website it is. ;) Chances are you already know it, you can google it aswell. I'd appreciate it if you'd use my Ref link, all is fine if you don't do so. :)
Happy Mining lol
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The problematic part of the post I see is this:
"If you don't want to set everything up, but are willing to run cgminer and have an HD 7870 or better (preferably at least an HD7950) I can let you mine under my name for a couple of hours, that's all it's going to take with this GPU, and I'll use the mined funds to buy the humble bundle for you. PM me on steam if you want this."
It's a little like a trade offer, yeah? Not only does this leave the impression as a barter but seems a bit risky as well. You use your electricity, mine under his account, he gets the credit, and if he's an honest and fair guy, you get the $4 bundle.
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i was just reading about this .. bitcoin mining yesterday.. but then as i read more i found out that since more and more people are mining now.. its become harder.. and now its not really possible to mine from home computers.. m still learning more about this..
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I've got a guy who periodically approaches me on Steam and offers me a few games from my wishlist in exchange for me buying him a bundle and sending him the links. We're both trustworthy and it saves him from having a CC. Much easier.
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just tried to peek on how good is my system on mining since I upgraded it. And OMG, it reached 88C easily in 10min.
820KH/s 2xr9 270x OCed.
Teach me how to control GPU Usage and maybe I can try this. I can't control gpu usage on cgminer. Changing intensity does nothing
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The R7 and R9 GPUs are designed to run at 90C under max load. If you don't want it to get that hot, lower the temp threshold and the cards will lower their performance to stay under your desired temp.
With regard to intensity, once you get above 14 you'll reach your max temps after enough time passes. Turn it down to 11 or 10 and you'll still be able to use your system for gaming, but you might need to turn down some settings in your games.
I'd save mining for crypto coins for when you aren't gaming, or when you're afk, or simply when you need to heat your garage overnight.
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I don't want anymore, Fans are too loud. Even putting Intensity on 1 still makes my CPU still go at 84C
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Again, the R9 series were designed to do this. As long as your card is still under 90C, it will overclock itself to a certain point. Again, if you don't want it to hit 84C (or 90C), lower the temp limit in CCC.
84C is on the low end of standard operating temperature for any R9 series. There is nothing surprising about a GPU running at its normal temperature.
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AMD Overdrive, I'm told. I don't have an R9 myself, but a friend does.
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Yeah, be careful with this. Plenty of stories floating around about uncontrolled usage causing their GPU to screw up/overheat.
Even in the case that no immediate damage is being done and you have the temperatures at a moderate level, you're still effectively chipping away at the lifespan of your GPU. I suppose that's no problem if you replace it frequently to keep up with the latest gear, but I personally like to keep my gear alive for as long as possible. I prefer to purchase on my own terms, not to remove a screen of creeping glitch-lines! :P
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"Void" the warranty? What are you on about? Do you even know about such an advanced technology called "Overclocking"? Or "fan monitoring"????
If you use a program like MSIAfterburner (which you can easily download using google), you can control the temperature of your GPU using the fan speed and such. If your GPU temperature is around the same as during gaming, then there's nothing to worry about. Many mid-range and above graphics cards nowadays can be overclocked further and as long as the temperature is nothing sky-high (>90c, or even 80c if you want to be safe) the GPU ain't gonna die or do shit.
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Mine Bitcoins
GPU goes to sleep
Contact AMD/Nvidia support saying: "Hey uh, I used this card for 2 weeks at 100 % at 80 degrees or more, can I have a new one? kthxbye"
Free Humblebundle
My own Card died bitcoin mining, but at least then the 3.5 bitcoins that I farmed went to me, and not to OP and partially me.
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