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3 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Drughi14
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165 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by lav29 these user scam me. here our chat loge .
steam acc
????????: Like I said im new to that thing so I really dont care much about that yet
??????? M?????: its big mattar rep and howmeny games in steam acc
????????: so this two then?
??????? M?????: for?
????????: the 4 immortals you said
??????? M?????: ok tow golden n two normal
????????: yes
??????? M?????: 1st send 1 gold+one normal i am trade one games
??????? M?????: thene same
????????: Trade = Send = Trade = Send?
??????? M?????: send trade send trade
??????? M?????: u try to trust me bro
You have accepted the trade request from ????????.
??????? M?????: send immo
??????? M?????: one gold+ one mormal
????????: you might run over me
????????: you don't even accept the trade yet
??????? M?????: i am accepting bt send immo one gold+one normal 1st
????????: nevermind then
i keep telling you
you probably wont trust me couse of my rep but its doesnt matter to me, just end the trade and be done.
????????: this is a waste of time we keep talking
????????: nothing happen
??????? M?????: thn i am 1st send flatout 3
????????: why flatout 3?
??????? M?????: ur profile no rep bro
????????: thats not our deal anymore isnt it
????????: then lets not trade and be done with it
??????? M?????: plz try to understand ur profile no one single rep
??????? M?????: why i am going 1st
????????: i don;t know about that rep rep.
????????: i only have rep sign on my profile by other players
??????? M?????: and why i scram u for just some items!!
????????: thats the rep i know
??????? M?????: can u go 1st?
????????: couse this item will have a value someday
????????: can be sell on market
????????: games are not that likeable to trade
??????? M?????: after one year its total value lase i am collicting for my passion
??????? M?????: anyway
??????? M?????: after one year next 2018 compendiunm already relece
????????: no date yet for that
??????? M?????: i am buying battle pass almost 2012
??????? M?????: look my dota profile
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????: ths year i can not perchasing
??????? M?????: bcoz i dont hv enughf time to play
????????: Why not?
????????: I see
????????: Compendium this day is ugly
??????? M?????: just look my dota profile
????????: all about money money money
????????: to level up
??????? M?????: i already sufar tht
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????: can we trade?
????????: ofcourse if you're going to trade the deal
??????? M?????: i cant go 1st
????????: me neither thats why lets just get over it and not trade
??????? M?????: ok bro
??????? M?????: if u need king dom+other games for trade archana make offer
??????? M?????: its also tradble
????????: I really don't like it much i just asked if it can be change ealier for the flatout3
??????? M?????: kingdom for one jug archana?
??????? M?????: u hv already lots of same
????????: I'm trading those arcana for some good games. new games like GTA V or something like that
????????: your games are old
??????? M?????: kingdom+blades for?
??????? M?????: both are exelent games
??????? M?????: its good offer
????????: but old still
????????: not good for me
????????: I want the new games
??????? M?????: recedent evel for jug ?
????????: old games have bad graphics not fun to play with
??????? M?????: omg
????????: I have alots of games that i havent play yet
??????? M?????: u hv same items just change for it games
??????? M?????: can we make?
????????: I will only trade my extra immortals for that
??????? M?????: bt giftableitems i cant go 1st
????????: thats why I keep telling you
lets just not trade to get over with it
??????? M?????: if u trust me i can trade lots of games for ur max immo stape by stape bt steel low erp profile i cant go 1st
????????: then lets not have a trade
??????? M?????: anyway thx for ur times bro
????????: just go look for someone else willing to take a risk
????????: cause you dont want to do the deal we make
????????: alright, have a good one
??????? M?????: i already say tht
??????? M?????: my tow games blades+blaze for ur immo u send me final trade list
????????: trade = gift = trade = gift
??????? M?????: and i also accept one by one trade ur two immo for my one game nes also same
??????? M?????: sorry anyway ur one key fof any offer
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????: or
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????: or
????????: my key isnt tradable yet
??????? M?????: ohh sad
??????? M?????: flatout for two x immo?
??????? M?????: i can go 1st for it
????????: flatout is a bad game I saw peopke review about it
??????? M?????: its actualy multiplayer
??????? M?????: not bad
????????: Negative (1,593)
????????: Positive (230)
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????: its hard
??????? M?????: controll like greed
????????: so it is bad
????????: nah, I'll stick with my NFS
??????? M?????: 1st its for 2x emmo?
????????: Don't like it
??????? M?????: only i
??????? M?????: for how meny i gv me emmo?
????????: 1 ugly graphics
????????: i probably wont play that
??????? M?????: 2x normal immo for?
????????: Blades
??????? M?????: blades i cqnt go 1st
????????: no trade then
????????: again
??????? M?????: jc for twox normal immo?
??????? M?????: ?
??????? M?????: blades for how meny immmo u gv me?
????????: 1 gold or 2 normal
??????? M?????: wait
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????: thos three for
??????? M?????: ?
????????: wait what?
????????: why 3
????????: i said 1 or 2
????????: 1 gold or 2
????????: read what i said
??????? M?????: sad
????????: sorry about that
??????? M?????: tow gold for?
??????? M?????: i can go 1st
????????: 2 gold for what?
??????? M?????: blaze
??????? M?????: sorry
??????? M?????: blades of time
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????: those for?
????????: the last deal we make for 2 games are 2 gold and 2 normal
????????: now for 1 game = 2gold
????????: not fair for me
??????? M?????: ok ths games for two gold 1st
??????? M?????: and 2nd
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????: for
??????? M?????: next tow normal?
????????: the same thing you offer earlier
??????? M?????: ths time 1st i am going
??????? M?????: n next u 1st going
????????: okay
????????: blades of time
????????: and blaz
??????? M?????: 1st i send blades of time u send me two gold immo
??????? M?????: next blaz for normal 3 emmo
????????: 3 ?
????????: not 2?
??????? M?????: normal
??????? M?????: its early offer we final
??????? M?????: i am go 1st for blades
??????? M?????: next u go 1st for blades
??????? M?????: deal?
????????: uhhh geez... alrght lets get over it
??????? M?????: send me ur st profile link
????????: send trade
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????: those 1st
??????? M?????: next
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????:
??????? M?????: done
You have accepted the trade request from ????????.
??????? M?????: its for tow gold okye?
????????: alright geez
????????: Weaver and LS
??????? M?????: done
????????: cool
????????: alright my turn
??????? M?????: send gift
????????: hold on looking for your name on the friend gifts to send
????????: cant find it
??????? M?????: ok
????????: should i relogin
????????: restart dota wait
??????? M?????: why!!
????????: cant find your name on the elist
????????: list
??????? M?????: send asap
????????: im looking
????????: I can't find your name why
??????? M?????: !!
??????? M?????: its not posseble
????????: gift restricted
????????: restriction
????????: tryo to gift me any trash item
????????: you'll see
??????? M?????: thn?
????????: you'll see what i mean
??????? M?????: dont understood
??????? M?????: u shud send via mobile apps
????????: mobile? is that posible?
??????? M?????: yah
????????: how
??????? M?????: apps steam
????????: okay then?
??????? M?????: ttp://
??????? M?????: insall tht
??????? M?????: login
??????? M?????: thn send gift
????????: I had that
????????: already
??????? M?????: send me via mobile
????????: theres no send item on mobile
????????: just steam offer
??????? M?????: wait
??????? M?????: thn wht can we do?
????????: It says here
????????: ttp://
????????: ops sorry wrong wait
????????: It says here
????????: Since you have a Mobile Authenticator
????????: oon your account,
????????: you may gift to any players
??????? M?????: yah
????????: that you have been friends with for at least 30 days
????????: omg
????????: 30 days
????????: you kidding me
??????? M?????: u hv mobile Authenticator?
????????: yes i do
??????? M?????: thn send me gift
????????: Since you have a Mobile Authenticator on your account, you may gift to any players that you have been friends woth for at least 30 days.
????????: withh*
??????? M?????: thn return my games or i am trade kingdom for ur jug archana i already send u blades
????????: I already used the game to my library
????????: installing
????????: how can i return it
??????? M?????: thn kingdom for jug archana
???????? has accepted your request to trade.
????????: I don't like that game much
????????: It's not worth for me
??????? M?????: canu do cm?
??????? M?????: make
????????: I don't feel worth for that game with this arcana
??????? M?????: its good deal
??????? M?????: make
????????: Arcana for 2 games...
????????: blades and thhis
??????? M?????: look price
????????: yea i know the price
????????: but you can get those game cheap
??????? M?????: my games cost much
????????: from humblebundle
??????? M?????: no bro
????????: or some other bundle sites
??????? M?????: its steam gift
??????? M?????: !!
??????? M?????: where u ifnd bundle games here
????????: add Shift 2
??????? M?????: shift price much hi!!
??????? M?????: make bro
????????: so what can you add
????????: that game ? trash man
??????? M?????: its lose for me
????????: add some more if you really want to get rid of it
????????: i'll make use to it
??????? M?????: make
????????: change it to Tomb Raider
??????? M?????: make
????????: hold on im looking at the other tomb raider witch one is better
??????? M?????: ths one?
????????: the other onbe
????????: underwolrd
??????? M?????: make
???????? is now Offline.
???????? is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
??????? M?????: uthere?
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