How much do you miss the old Play or Pay events?
We hope that all members will pick games they wanna play themselves and that they believe is beatable in this timeframe. With that said, it might happen sometimes and for that reason, we let ask people to pick 3 games: 1 long, 1 medium and 1 short. If you don't think you can do a long game that month, you can always go for the medium + short combo.
If you just wanna play an endless/very long game that month, you may ask to stay out of the challenge during said month. You won't be able to join any of the punishment GAs, but you won't have to pay if you don't finish your game(s) as well.
With all of that said, unless you really care about 100%'ing a game or you simply want an extra challenge, I personally advise against doing that during this game.
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Besides wondering about super long games too, that's what I was confused about still re: the rules. I was thinking you had to play the long PLUS short + medium, just a punishment each (so a possible 2 punishment GAs). Appreciate the clarification, that answered a lot of my questions. :)
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Actually. There is only 1 punishment GA, even if you fail everything. We want this to be about the playing aspect than actually winning something. The paying part is just to have a bit of extra fun.
And no, it's a long game OR a short+medium combo.
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Yeah I understand now after your explanation, that's good! I just got confused initially, mb.
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... hey hey now what. o.0 IDK maybe I translated in my head "CV ratio 2" and didn't realize. The joys of being up at all hours.
For clarity: in GAs, is unbundled "really unbundled" or do games from HB Monthlies or Chrono/IGS/etc. sales qualify?
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If SG counts it as unbundled, then it's unbundled for us as well, which means that mostly monthly games are unbundled (I believe only 1 or 2 of them got bundled, but I might be wrong)
The rule is just to avoid a huge disparity in quality and/or people trying to give some really bad games that no one wants.
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Uh, I like playing my wins, but it's definitely not a group for me...
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I love these events, but I stopped participating because I wasn't fully enjoying my gaming sessions (I still play my wins, but I don't force myself to complete them in a certain amount of time).
Anyways, this is a great idea! I hope you guys have fun <3 bump
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Oh man, this couldn't come at a better time! I've had such a blast with your event, I just kept going. But I really need something to keep me motivated. I think I qualify (barely) and I still have a lot to play so may I request to join?
Edit: let me add my stats here
Level: 5
CV ratio: 1,13? (I think)
≥25% complete: 20.0% (whew, that's close!)
And I'm way short of 1000 games on Steam but I don't mind creating an account on BLAEO. I love sorting things.
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Your real CV is actually 1.49, but your ≥25% complete is 16.7% (5/30), a bit below 20%. You need to play at least 1 more of your wins. :/
You have some short wins like The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav and Traverser, we're not gonna start until we have enough people, so I'm sure you can reach that in no time! ;)
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Wow I guess I had a script problem lol (I get "Achievement Rates chart
≥25% complete: 20.0% (3/15)") but it's cool. I am going to keep playing. Getting in will motivate me until I can get in ;)
Now I just have to finish those two games I'm on (no achievements! boo!) and I'll tackle another one. Thanks for the reply
EDIT: yep, I reinstalled the script and I get 16.7% now. Go figure
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Hey M,
since we talked about it... I'm doing it. I'll be brave and just beat everything ppl throw my way :]
Let's see:
Lvl: 5
Real CV: No idea - no idea how to know this. but won 68, handed out 115 o.O
≥25% complete: 89.5% (34/38), completed: 68.4% (26/38)
Games owned on Steam: 509
Blaeo: big surprise here!
Hope you'll have me happy
And hurry to you grp! \o/
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although i dont even qualify (i aint lvl 4) i would like to share my point of view if its ok :)
3 games in 1 month (of minimum of ~21H for fastest play time - which means official guided speed runs)...
this will take out all the fun points of those games as those are speed runs for most people - considering everyday life timeline, wouldn't you prefer the players to enjoy the games that they win instead of rushing them just to reach a dead line (and you know i say it as a person who can actually poll it through as of the recent great event you created)?
i mean most medium/long games content wont even be unlocked (like lore/stories/side quests/experimenting with option like builds and such/exploring etc') even on 1 game in a month for example i play now XCOM 2 i have played it for 77H and i still on my first campaign about 3/4 in to it...and im far from unlocking it in full as a game experience :)
i do like the idea of play the wins, and i strongly support events for that (and groups), but speed runs the majority of them each month? im not sure its the right approach for gaming...
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Did you read everything? o.0
Each member has to pick 3 games: 1 long, 1 medium and 1 short. We ask people to pick 3 games to give the person who is gonna have to play them some room for manoeuvre.
Some months I feel like going for a long game, some months I feel like playing nothing but short games.
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i dont think you understood my point, what makes this different from the last event? ether some one picks for you what to play or you pick for yourself.
you cant have both as after all the games in one SG wins are games he wish to play (and he is allowed to limit the choice to them only), so you just narrow his choice down - its still his choice of what to play.
so if the challenge hart is to play a game that was picked for you and finish it in a month - there shouldn't be a choice inside of it, i mean the role should say:
"At the start of each month, a member will select the game/s (1 long game or 1 medium + 1 short game) for the challenge, an unplayed (0 achievements unlocked) games for another group member."
and i mentioned the the punishment/time frame as of point of view on the propose of playing a game, i personally dont think you should rush a game as you miss the point of it, which is - enjoying it, you miss content you wont touch as exploring, background story, side quests, lore, experimenting etc'
the only thing you do gain is that you finished it in a months time (and didnt got punished).
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1+2 - is the point of the chalcange.
3 - the role says "A member might request that whoever picks for him/her, only do so from his SG wins." :)
i do so as well but not every one can put that amount of H into a game in a month. also 100% achievements not necessary mean 100% content played for example i maxed 100% achievements of xcom ew on 2nd campaign but even after installing LW mod i didnt fulfill 100% of it as of different builds/ different approaches/tactics items etc
the point is when you time something its come on the expend of other things in games its content and enjoyment usually.
The thing I gain is fun playing games etc'
you can do all that without time frame - and in better results as well (in my opinion).
It's ok if you don't feel the spirit of the group. Not every group is for everyone :)
who said they are? just saying my insight :)
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It's the point of the group
that is exactly what im asking what is the the point? what is the challenge? completing games? or having some one pic the games for you?
It means only one SG Win is required during picks, but there is a possibility of playing just the wins if the player wants to focus on just the wins. It's an option, not a requirement. Only one win by default.
no.. it means that by the current roles one may ask that ONLY games from his SG win will be in the choice pool, and if he dosent then other role is applied (as we go from the restrictive to the less restrictive) :)
It's just nice.
thats not the point, and as i said you can do all that without time frame - as that is the definition of community :)
im not sure mate, motivating is one thing BALEO for example is a motivation tool, giving a time limit for ones game completion? at best it will "force" him play it and finish it - at worst it will make him treat it as a checklist chore which is a considering issue to consider from several sides:
i dont know about you, as you say that you like it, but turning a game into a chore is quit the opposite of its purpose, games supposes to relax you, the give you enjoyment or at least diversity from day to day routine - you take all that and turn it upside down, there are other ways to motivate people to play they wins- positive ones ones that perverse the PLAYING part instead of turning it to an timed chore with a sword over your neck :)
move on
so dont like me here? ;)
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Only if you fail the challenge.
edit: just to be as clear as possible. Every month someone is gonna pick 3 games for you: 1 long, 1 medium and 1 short. If you fail to beat the long game OR both the medium and the short one, you would have to create a GA.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, it's an honor to announce that the most beloved event of all SG history is back! don't you dare say otherwise! 😤
You might be asking yourself, how do I join this group?! Here's how:
You may request to join BLAEO here. We just want you to categorize your games and mark games you don't want to play as "Won't Play", so people don't pick it for you later. :)
Here is a link to our little group!. You can find the rules there or you can just click here, if you're as lazy as I am.
We hope to start as soon as possible, so let us know if you wanna join!
Q: Do I have to play 3 games every month?
A: NO! Someone is gonna pick 3 games (1 long, 1 medium and 1 short), but in order to complete the challenge, you just have to play one of them.
Q: Do I have to participate every month?
A: No. You can take a break whenever you want, you just need to report to us before the next picking phase starts. If you wanna take a long break (3+ months), it's better that you leave the group. You can rejoin later! :)
Q: I don't have 7 wins yet. What do I do?
A: Join some groups! I recommend Unlucky 7. :)
Q: Why is BLAEO mandatory?
A: It makes picking a LOT easier. As you can see here, you can put any game you own in one of those categories. It will look like this when you finish. See how easy it is to spot the games I've already played (green and blue), the ones I've been playing (yellow), the ones I don't want to ever play again (red) and last, but not least, the games I haven't touched yet (white)? You may also filter games by category
Q: I haven't reached 15% yet, nor 40 games beaten in that category, can I still join?
A: Unless, you've got a pretty strong case to make to us, probably not. :/
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