Is it?
Listen to that!
There are no addicts here, only casual gifters!
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I don't know, but what I do is that it's normal to be addicted to winning games :D
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Depends on what pages you've liked. :P I've liked many facebook pages about sports and science, so I always see something interesting on facebook.
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A serious answer here: No, it is not normal to be addicted to anything. An addiction is bad, no matter what you are addicted to.
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Why is it normal? If I was addicted to eating pillows, would you find that normal? :P I don't think that addictions are normal, but well, there are different kinds of addictions and some are more weird than others. :P With that being said, at some point, he'll become oversaturated with this site and he'll stop visiting it so much. Will that happen in 1 month?! 1 year?! 10 years?! I don't know. :P
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It's normal because 'normal' is defined as what most people do. It's not defined in any way by what's good or bad, it's simply defined as how much a person conforms to the 'average person' in the society.
So since eating pillows isn't common, it would not be considered normal, and since drinking coffee (which does cause some physical dependence) is common, it's considered normal. If we lived in a society where people don't drink coffee, then it wouldn't be considered normal. Just like eating other people isn't normal in most places but is totally normal in cannibal tribes.
So if most people on SG are addicted to the site, then being addicted is normal.
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Hmmm, we should make a survey and ask people to answer seriously if they're actually addicted to this site (as long as they understand what addiction means). ;P
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Well, coffee is addicting because it's habit forming, ritualistic, and difficult to quit. If you use it regularly, and you don't have it, you crave it.. You can be addicted to something and still function normally. Coffee is healthy however, it can prevent alzheimers, contains lots of antioxidants, & helps improve focus.
Anything can become an addiction, even necessary life functions such as eating, sleeping, sex...
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It's not as healthy as you think it is. And even antioxidants can become dangerous if they turn into prooxidants.
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I was talking about addiction in the sense mentioned in the OP, not in the pathological sense. I agree, 'addiction' in general means something that's disruptive to normal behaviour, and most mild addictions (in the sense of repeat behaviours driven by a feeling of reward), such as coffee drinking or smoking, or visiting SG or gifting, etc., aren't disruptive.
What I meant was that there are a lot of behaviours that people do which are wasteful or have minor bad effects on their health and which are totally within the norm.
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It's must be negative/unhealthy behavior change.
So, staying here instead of watching TV in your free time is ok.
Staying here instead of going to school/work/doctor is not ok.
Spending last $10 on giveaway instead of food is not ok too (especially if that food was for family).
Thin line between hobby and addiction.
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You might not be beating people if you don't get your coffee fix, but you will likely get a headache, be irritable, etc.
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I know you can get addicted, never said you couldn't get addicted to coffee (if I sounded like that, sorry).
Just drinking it regularly doesn't make you an addict. But if you for example decide to get late to work because you had to drink your coffee then yes, you're an addict.
Sorry Student, casual drinker :P
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The more you hang around here the worse it gets. Run for your life while you can!
Also btw checked your trade and noticed you have Mass Effect 3 in your want section. I bet you know but that's Origin exclusive, not on Steam. Origin keys are generally priced much lower than they would on steam so have that in mind when considering offers for it
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Absolutely NOT normal, however I am addicted to it as well :P
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