If you take every troll on the internet seriously, you're not going to lead a happy life. The world is full of them, disregard and move on.
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Violence is unacceptable however you use it. I'm pretty sure they hadn't thought of themselves as villains, quite the contrary.
Also there is nothing good or evil, but thinking makes it so.
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Yep you just said it yourself why the Nazis were how they were. They used violence for what they thought was a good reason (creation of the perfect Ayrian race - not entirely sure on the spelling).
Their idea of a good excuse for violence just happened to be in disagreement with the worlds view... People justify things like the annihilation of Dresden, the dropping of the nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and countless other things as 'for the greater good', when really it is just violence in their own regime of 'goodness'. No matter what happens, violence for good is always violence in a bad way in someones eyes.
Do you think the people of Dresden / Hiroshima / Nagasaki who survived looked around and said "Oh. Oh joy look at all the goodness and happiness that that 'violence for good' has caused"?
Do you really think that violence can be used in a good way in everyone's eyes?
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You know what allies used against Nazis in WW2? Violence.. I guess we'd live in a pretty much different world if they tried to fight them with nice phrases and philosofy like that. So yea.. I think violence, even if it may seem evil while out of context, can be used for greater good.
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considering how this was 70 years ago all nazi(who were old enough to be nazi, "hitler youth" for the most part was german boy scouts) are almost certainly dead or nearly so by now so you'd be shooting their probably innocent DESCENDANTS for being what they are(their blood, which they had no control over)....thats sorta what "mr hilter" did to jews/ and that and the front line german soldiers didn't actually kill any jews and were drafted, had less choice in being nazi soldiers than hippies did in going to nam(which didn't stop other hippies from calling them murders and throwing rocks when they came home)
you'd be doing "genetic cleansing" like the nazi you wish to shoot by proxy by murdering their son in brazil. Its like a bloodthirsty psycho version of that restitution thing from the 80s where random black people wanted monetary compensation from random white people for something done by the long dead to the long dead).
besides if you're going to hold a summary execution for genocide china was far worse in terms of scale and success rate, and both africa and cambodia are more recent with still living members somewhere
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Well I overreacted a little in my first post. I wouldn't kill today nazis, because it would be like killing a mentally handicapped people. Except maybe some hardcore opinion leaders, which I believe are still threat to society.
But if I lived in 30s and 40s on the same place I live now (Czech Republic), I wouldn't hesitate to grab a rifle, join guerilla, and start killing those mothereffing ccksuckers and you can be sure i mean it.
And that was the problem.. if the locals here did that instead of collaborating and betraying their jewish neighbors by giving info to nazis, things could be much different.
So.. I guess you guys won't persuade me about opposite, though I get your point, I really do.. But me being antifascist as my father, grandfather and great grand father was, I will always consider violence as the most effective way to fight fascism.. And not only fascism, but every fcking system that uses oppression against either majority or minority.
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I'm completely against execution!
Who are we to decide someone should live or die?! A human (soul) is much more complicated for you to make such a decision. I don't think ANYONE should be allowed to decide who dies or who lives. and as Jengonthanda already said, doing so will make you just like them.
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well how would execution be punished then? what do you do to people who repeatedly murder? spend money keeping them in crowded prisons so they can rape other inmates for awhile before being released because "prison too full why ruin his life for some people he killed 20 years ago, not like it'll bring them back"?
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Lock them up in a dark room and throw away the key.
However I must note that justice system's goal is not to exact punishment. It's there so offenders would realize their transgressions and could seek redemption.
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Oh so you think you are in that power to take someone's life (by "you" I don't mean exactly you, I mean the executioner and the people who order it). You can put them to work until they fulfill their sentence and then release them on parole. and I'm not a lawyer so I don't know exactly how they decide if a murderer should be executed or not (not all of them are executed of course.)
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Can you give back life? Then don't rush to take it away.
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You may dislike a person who popularized the symbol and his deeds, but swastika has nothing to do with it. It's actually a positive symbol.
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A few months ago I had a similar thing with "faggot"...
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Y'know, as long as it isn't aimed at anyone, I do not see why you didn't just write nigger instead of ni**er. I don't see how it is any worse than saying fuck. Of course, it would be wrong to call someone a nigger, but to quote it, nothing wrong with that.
Anyways, that guy was most likely trolling.
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Just ignore him. Usually asshats likes that will leave you alone if you don't pay any attention to them. They want to see how you react to their trolling, and if you don't give them any response they usually give up and go bug someone else. It's a well-known fact, the best way to deal with trolls is to not feed them.
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Givin' a fuck when it ain't your turn to give a fuck.
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i got this guy here, just added me and so on and called me ni**er, what can i do else than reporting.
thanks :)
Picture (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=wtfz0s2l.jpg)
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