looks nice. unfortanetly i'm in germany so i don't think it will be here the same game :D
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if there is no swastika there might be a chance lol (of course with all people being changed to robots) -.-
surely there are people who must not play this. but these probably shouldn't sit at home alone all day long and have access to weapons - that would make more sense to me than censoring PC games for every tiny little piece of... well... everything we still get to see in movies anyway.
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but you know, violence in video games let the swastika appear instantly again in germany
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Damn that guy had a lot of pockets inside the left side of his jacket
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Agreed. I'd totally call those people who torture other people (like me) sociopaths. I'm pretty sure it isn't normal to go in a game, collect a 5 man group, go in with guns on a just starting out player, tell him to surrender, tie him together, start torturing him with bananas, food, drinks... Not only that, but make him do different things to reach his keys for the handcuffs. After that you poison him, put some medicine right in front of him/her and be like: "Oooh, too bad you can't reach the medicine".
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We've been murdering people for decades in video games and it's totally cool if they're wearing turban yelling something in foreign language but not if if happens on American soil. At last a game where it's not petting bunnies and rescuing puppies from burning building.
I'll totally get it just to piss someone off.
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dont think thats the point of manhunt, but look at #3 on this list:
not a major title but still.
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lol, i misread it. i read middle-western instead of middle-eastern :D then manhunt is absolut bullshit, sorry for that
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I've also seen a game on PS2 where it turns out the US was doing everything they could to prolong a war between other countries because they were selling weapons. It was denied release there. :P
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What are you talking about? Youre saying it like theres hundreds upon hundreds of games where you pet bunnies and rescue puppies, no more at last. Whats wrong with you? There are no games like that, dont over sell it. And yeah, sure, be a troll and piss people off.
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When I grow up, I wanna be a hardcore badass just like you, trying to offend people for the shits and giggles.
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well it seems to just end up being GTA when ur bored, just killing people, although its much more graphicically gruesome. But since it doesn't seem to have any story you can think of it as some old crappy Atari game. ur a blue block and ur going to shoot all the other red blocks with ur tiny silver blocks for the high score. Without a story that's pretty much all it is. and I don't think (I hate everyone for no reason) is a story so.....
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Don't call that guy a psychopath. It's more dumb than pathologic.
I think it'd be better with a well-behaved, educated, clean and good looking teenager who is pretty much the devil himself. (The sort of stuff you'd see in anime)
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That's a sociopath, not a psychopath. The protagonist in the trailer is a psychopath by every definition of the term. Jesus, you people are ignorant.
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Not to seem rude but they're entirely different things. A sociopath lacks empathy, that doesn't mean a sociopath will go around killing whoever he sees because lacking empathy simply means you can't relate to people. A psychopath on the other hand will almost 99% of the time be a murderer since it's a term given to people with a lack of empathy and a severe problem following societies laws.
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Example of a sociopath: Sherlock Holmes (I'm not aware of many famous self-proclaimed sociopaths, most CEOS are sociopaths though)
Example of a psychopath: Jack The Ripper
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Holy damn, that looks amazing. I can see myself playing it every few hours after work. Hopefully it will come to Steam soon
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I like how you put hardcore porn up there with Reality TV and D1GI.
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Something about this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Maybe it's the stereotypical angst ridden monologue that seems to be taking itself a bit too seriously.
Maybe it's the fact that I know people are going to use this thing as an excuse to campaign against games yet again.
Maybe it's the gameplay that appears to be an unchallenging, comically gory, killing spree of innocents begging for their lives in a slightly too realistic way.
At least when I go killing people in GTA it is both my choice as the player (i.e. not particularly encouraged by the game), and I can invent some kind of story around it (e.g. retaliating against someone that drove their car into me, or silencing witnesses of other crimes I've just committed). Also I get a cool police chase out of it. This thing just seems to revel in misery while portraying the main character as some kind of macho badass in the process.
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The Devs said the main characters story will explain why he is the way he is, just wait for the game to come out.
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Of course, final judgement will always be reserved for the released version.
I can't help but be cynical when confronted with this level of angst fuelled ultra violence for no apparent reason other than causing virtual suffering to NPCs. The back story would have to be a massive change of tone to even slightly redeem it.
I would even quite like a genuine serious exploration into the mind of the sort of person that goes on a mass shooting. The way this portrays itself does not seem to approach that, instead favouring the "I'm so cool for blowing the head off a helpless screaming woman" route.
But again, we shall see what comes of this.
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