Yes, the spy is always smoking a cigar, that traumatizes children
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Yeah its kind of hokey. Didn't realize till I checked it that TF2 IS rated 'M'. I had thought 'T' max, which really gives 'M' a huge range. Unless its due to the people who play, then yeah it's M. But they don't take that into account for ratings.
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Games like Team Fortress and Left 4 Dead have a lot of underage players who are obviously traumatized by premature exposure to sex and violence.
I know this'll look insensitive, but I've yet to see proof that they're "traumatized". Desensitized to violence, yeah. Not traumatized.
I can understand where you're coming from, but ratings will continue to be useless as long as parents are willing to purchase these games for their children. Consider the recent Halo 4 launch. Parents and grandparents walking into the store and obviously buying it for the pre-teen kids that reach up to their waists. Shop clerks are only happy to see the games sell, so it's unlikely that they'll enforce the ratings against these parents.
edit: Maybe Microsoft could create a solution using Kinect and face-recognition technology. But that'd only apply for people who own both a Kinect and a 360.
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Yeah, desensitization is an underrated problem that affects everyone, not just kids. Video games are only a part of it. I'd personally feel that if I was to have a child (theoretically), I'd make sure they'd understand what 'death' meant* before they start gaming. (I'd make a horrible parent too.)
*regardless of religion
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Exactly - video games are only a very small part of it; almost every TV show now features mature themes in one format or another, e.g. sex, drug use, violence, etc. and children are way more exposed to that then they are to video games on average. Even shows for young children contain "inside" jokes for the adult crowd and you hardly ever hear anyone complaining about that...
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In reply to your edit. There a rumor of sorts like that only not so much the ratings but also licensing. I read like if u watch a zune movie and your friend comes and sits next to u. It will stop your movie and demand more $$ for them to watch too since "you" bought the license. Not your friend.
... will try to find the article
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Team Fortress has sex?
I've been playing M rated games since age 10, and not traumatized by them. I think the ratings are a suggestion. When I lived in America, if you wanted to buy an M rated game in Gamestop, and were under 18, you had to bring your parents and the guy at the shop would explain EXACTLY why it's M rated.
Overall, when you play CoD and TF2 and hear kids in the voice chat, they don't really sound traumatized...
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Aside from custom sprays and "online interactions", there are sexual references in the comments that the classes make to one another. There are some images, too, if you count the Meet the Class promotional videos.
On the other hand, TF2 contains birthday mode, where gibbed heroes explode into cheeseburgers, rubber duckies, balloon animals, gift boxes, and bicycle wheels. No blood, just confetti.
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It's not the companies job to enforce that, it's the sole job of the parents of these kids to monitor what they're doing.
I also don't want to hear the "well we work a lot" excuse from parents either... These kids wouldn't be playing these games if the parents didn't buy them in the first place.
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How would a company go about regulating who uses their products?
It would be impossible.
It's up to the retailer/parents to enforce the regulations.
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Okay, I'll try to stop you from making yourself look like a fool. Except I have no way to control you, so that attempt will be a failure, no matter what I do.
Same case with what Disturbed is talking about. Once it is going to the store, the company who created the product has no control over those copies, they can't be sitting by the store clerk and denying customers.
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There are MANY things that are absolutely impossible. o_O
Like : A biological male having a baby, humans (or any other creature living on Earth) breathing in space, cats and dogs reproducing with each other, etc.
Once the copies of any game leave the factory that they're produced in the company that made said games has absolutely no control over who they're sold to/who plays them.
The only possible thing a company could do would be for them to censor games, that would severely hurt their business because no one likes to play censored games...
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Males can't have babies? Humans can't breathe in a vacuum? Two distinct species can't reproduce with each other?
Science can find a way.
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Theoretically yes, but what if I DARED you to make it possible for a human male to successfully impregnate a male velociraptor in the cold, unfeeling depths of space WITHOUT using science?!?
*you here refers to the singular use of you, as in not a vague group of individuals that science their way into a solution, but rather you, specifically
**also, retroactive time travel or indirect assistance from alternate realities and dimensions are disallowed for the use of solutions
***science here refers to the application of any external technological facility engineered and/or discovered by man, as well as any prerequisite knowledge that in any way extends our fundamental knowledge of the universe
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I agree that for the most part, younger people shouldn't have access to games above their age rating, but in the case of a digital service, its a lot harder for them to be carded and refused.
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They still need their parents to buy the games, it's solely up to the parents to monitor what their children are spending their money on.
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The Steam account doesn't need to have their correct age. Children can have their own jobs, if limited to stuff without much of a paycheck. Easy enough to spend that on Steam credit at Gamestop.
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Trust me, I'm not going along with you and saying that younger people shouldn't, just that a digital service can't say no like a store worker could if a brat came up with GTA4.
I'm fully for the parent deciding if the child in question is mature enough. The flaw with that is that there are parents who are not mature enough to make that decision.
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I don't know a single kid around the age of 13 that has a job. o_O Do you?
You also need a credit card (or a debit card) to buy things on Steam (I've only just recently heard of Steam wallet cards being sold) which you have to be 18 to get if I'm not mistaken.
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Paper run, babysitting, mowing lawns, that kind of job.
And I already know of younger people on GameFAQs that buy those Steam wallet cards, never knew there was supposed to be an age limit on those as well.
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Children that have their own jobs deserve to play any games they want. That is what I think.
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There are ratings for everyone that wants to obey them, they are like suggestions. No one can force you to stop playing something. You're not old fashioned you're just a bad kind of hipster. I am playing violent computer games since I was 10 and I have never been violent to anyone. In case you live in the USA lemme guess, you're a Mitty?
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Accusations, broad assumptions, pigeonholing. For a non-violent guy that is a pretty aggressive writing style in response to a passive post.
OP didn't use any accusatory 'you' or strong 'I' to polarize or attack. In general OP used inclusive statements along with one "me" statement in which he labels himself in a way that could be viewed passive or dominant depending.
First sentence here is inclusive and non-aggressive. Second brings a 'you' into play, but while slightly exclusive its not aggressive. Next sentence starts out with a very exclusive and aggressive 'you' followed by labeling and judgement. Next starts with a highly exclusive 'I' statement, followed by a backup I with a sub-context of superiority of place following the previous negative labeling of the OP. Last sentence is a follow up attack on OP using two aggressively exclusive 'you' statements followed by another socially negative labeling in a diminutive slang tone.
Due to lack of charged or provoking language in OP post, I'd analyze this as a pretty violent overreaction to a non-threatening query. As a verbal attack it is very well structured too. Eases in, quick jab, solid punch, demoralizing defense, and a follow up punch. Aggressive, strong and somewhat preemptive. Man I'm bored.
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Well, L4D2 and TF2 are cut in Germany, even for adults. So the real question is: Will I be traumatized after I played the game uncut?
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It depends on the kid, myself I was playing M rated games at the age of 8-10 (not online)
And in no way was i traumatized or desencitized for violence or anything. Simply because of the fact that I had the clear understanding that what happend in games, was "Make Believe", It wasnt real, and it couldnt be applied/compared to real life.
PS: I played with my older brother and my father :P
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I find it slightly bemusing that, while you concern yourself with 'old fashion values' and the 'effects of video games on children', you've used "having sEx" as a username.
No direct correlation, but I still find it a tad bit bemusing for some reason.
And no, in the cases wherein children get adversely affected by videogames, it is ultimately the parent's fault for not providing proper guidance and using their discretion - obviously certain games would require guidance for younger folks, and some games aren't meant for them at all, and, as parents and guardians, one should be aware of what your child plays.
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Epileptic seizures are a possibility for some players, and there are in fact warnings about playing for prolonged periods of time. I'm pretty sure most manuals (for games that still get them) still say to not play for more than 50 minutes every hour.
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Oh come on, epileptic seizures from video games is like allergy reaction on wheat products... Just because for example 5% of all the children has it, you shouldn't go banning all of the cookies for all of the children.
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I know it doesn't effect everyone, but that doesn't mean people should't be cautious. It also isn't the only problem that can happen during extended gaming sessions.
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Im not sure about trauma, but Video Game addiction I believe is very real, and I suffer from a forum of it myself. I think. In fact, Anyone on this site Im willing to state theres a huge portion of us suffering from it, wither you want to admit to it or not.
My own personal issue is more of a collecting addiction. Im to a point in my life, I dont have time to play games. Not the way they are meant to be played anyways. And there's so much out there I want to play. So through various means, I basically get everything. Be it for PC, or Xbox etc.
I don't find myself convulsing on the floor but I would be lieing if I said its not one of the things I think about most.
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Yeah, I'm the same. I have bought over 1000 games, and have never played over half of them, and doubt I ever will. Yet I constant want more.
I at least manage to limit myself by not getting anything to buy online. I don't need that temptation.
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Honestly I feel to some degree these rating should be upheld like your 12 year old kid probably shouldn't be playing halo or call of duty but honestly in this day and age when everything on tv or in film in general is full of violence I think that just focusing on video games is kind of pointless.
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What's the difference... I played M rated games since I was a kid and I'm one of the most moral people around me. If kids won't have games, they'll find a lot of other stuff corrupting their minds like... other kids at school or the internet itself. These things just "happen". There is no way of preventing this. Games aren't destructive if the kid has a normal environment (like parents, who actually care about their children and talk to them, without regular family dramas like divorces, alcohol and alike).
Don't blame games for destroying children. Blame the parents.
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I dont think the violence in Team Fortress (gibs and blood) or L4D would be that traumatising, the problem is more that its more funny than disturbing, but I think that other games where you can freeroam (GTA,...) and kill random people for no reason could be a lot more morse than others
Im 17 and I have been playing for +18 games for a long time, and probably there is nothing on games that you havent seen on tv, films, internet...
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People don't take ratings seriously because they exist simply because they have to exist. 90% of kids probably aren't affected by video games. But the 10% that are will have parents that will complain etc. So those ratings have to be on the box and have to be enforced in stores JUST IN CASE something happens.
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Further, there's no proof that a child with aggression problems, violent behaviours, or psychological tendencies was made that way by a video game. It could just be that people with such tendencies are also attracted to violent video games.
Or it could simply be the case that 95% of American children aged 1-15 play some kind of video game, and that number is going up. If everyone's playing video games, then you're going to find someone who just happens to have violent tendencies and plays video games, with no direct correlation whatsoever.
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From your own Steam profile: "It's just a game, son."
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You claim to be old fashioned & bring up this concern, but say it's just a game. Contradictory.
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What does that have to do with your supposed concern about video game ratings? Couldn't someone do that over a game regardless of its rating?
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You can't stay on topic when I ask you questions & can't even be held accountable for your own statements, and you ask for opinions on accountability?
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Actually 13-16 Is teens... You reach teenager at the age of 13. In my opinion, Yes they should, IF there parents say they can. I mean I don't see why not if they are more mature than their age, which some people are. Team Fortress is filled with players of all ages, But it is fun no matter what and is a cartooney, more childish looking game anyway. Some people are pathetic and are like that, but who really gives a crap, it doesn't effect you in anyway that you can't ignore.
And no, because ratings are a SUGGESTION. Which means the suggested age for people to play titles. It doesn't really matter anyway, because shops don't sell games to people below the age rating (at least not in the UK)so kids would still get their parents to buy it anyway. I understand some of your views but people will do whatever they want to do. You and no one else can stop that.
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playing a particular game or watching a movie is not going to make you kill someone. However, if you are going to do such a thing, doesn't hurt that such media can give you ideas on which way you wish to apply said action..
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What do you guys think about this: Should preteens aged 13-16 be playing games that are rated M for mature?
Games like Team Fortress and Left 4 Dead have a lot of underage players who are obviously traumatized by premature exposure to sex and violence. The same could be applied to movies and television shows.
Call me old fashioned but should distributors be more responsible in upholding these ratings?
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