Blocks are indeed temporarily transparent/close to invisible. They're just there to show the location where the gems will be placed later on. I'm not sure if I will keep the blocks visible in the end or not.
About testing, I want to make sure the blocks stack normally and stay within the grid. So far, thanks to the both of you!
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Gosh I've nearly missed your thread.
Nice to see TetraGems working :)
Ok I played a bit.
-blocks are indeed almost invisible, I think that you'd better imply outlines. Even if they will be changed later right now it is very hard to test anything.
-after loosing game this "GAME OVER" thingy is too large, should be a little bit smaller
-after loosing game I can still manipulate bricks :P
But the most problematic thing is... that I don't know what should I do to win the game :(
I tried matching a row... nothing happened.
I tried matching 5 pieces horizontaly in the same color... nothing happened
EDIT: OK played a little longer. I tried to force game to glitch or crush but I failed. So it is good thing, ya? The movement is smooth which is also good.
But I am wondering about "turning" bricks thingy. If you are too close to edge you are not able to turn it right? Wouldn't it be better to let player turn it but instead push this brick away from the wall to avoid collision. Hmm... I'm not quite sure if my explanation is understandable, if so say so.
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I'll make a (temp) new version with more visible blocks for you all. Will upload that tomorrow (10.30pm here and I'm about to go to bed...)
I know the GAME OVER thing is too big. All 'bare basics' and I'll make a nicer one later on. For now it's just a 'statement' from the game ;-)
Good point on turning. I 'copied' the original Tetris idea and there you could only turn one way. I will certainly implement turning left/right. kinda lost me on manipulate blocks after loosing... Never had that happen myself, but I think I know where that one came from. Will look into it as well tomorrow. I think it's just shifting one or two lines a bit more up in the controls
About winning the game - you can't at the moment. It's just a prototype to see if the collider works well and blocks stack normally as they should without leaving the field or overlap on other bocks. When I'll make the actual game, you do not need to make lines, but line up (horizontal, vertical & diagonal) gems and destroy those.
Thanks for your input!
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Khehe, sorry it seems while you were replying I was editing text.
As I said:
I was wondering about "turning" bricks/blocks issue. When you have brick too close to edge it won't let it turn. Maybe it would be better to let it turn BUT in order to avoid collision just push it forecfully away from the wall. I'm not quite sure if my explanation is understandable
Also I was trying to force the game to glitch/crush but I failed :P
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When I was brushing my teeth before going to bed it hit me that you're the guy (gall?) I statted with about the RPG-maker. I know, a bit late but at least I remembered ;-)
"EDIT: OK played a little longer. I tried to force game to glitch or crush but I failed. So it is good thing, ya? The movement is smooth which is also good."
Glad to hear you failed on trying to glitch it. My brother, my son and I tried it as well with this last build and failed as well. My son even found a real nice glitch only 3 days ago :D
"But I am wondering about "turning" bricks thingy. If you are too close to edge you are not able to turn it right? Wouldn't it be better to let player turn it but instead push this brick away from the wall to avoid collision. Hmm... I'm not quite sure if my explanation is understandable, if so say so."
I did that initially and it worked well, but the 'I' block bounces pretty far away from the wall then when you're on the right side. Also when I changed part of the collider code, the bouncing was overruled by the new code I made. Thirdly, bouncing could make new glitches when someone tries to rotate near the wall and the block bounces into a stack that's on the side he bounces to. I think this is pretty much the safest way, and if the player REALLY wants to rotate the block (s)he can move one step away from the wall ;)
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ITT: No giveaway of Prototype
Thanks for the others though!
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It works well, Just have rows getting destroyed and a point system and you will have a basic game :)
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Ok I did it! I forced the game to glitch and I am so proud of myself... ok that was a bit of an exaggeration.
Another example of not working colliders.
IF new brick/block is appearing right in the middle of another, and it is at least 1 piece longer that thing that is blocking its way -> It will go through it
On the top of this mighty tower of bricks there is this little RED 4-pieces brick
New block that "I" shaped AQUAMARINE one that is shown on left side was spawn just after the RED one, and because it was 2 pieces longer than thing that was in its way it just went through.
But the next PURPLE brick wasn't longer than RED block so it just covered it and stopped.
Maybe the simplest way to fix it would be to make blocks spawn a little higher (in area not visible to player)
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I think you found what I feared for would happen...
In order to save processing time (and a lot of typing :p) I decided to check only the parts that would actually collide when the would move into something and not the whole block (all 4 parts). So when 'I' moves down I only check the lowest part, and when 'L' rotated once and moving left I only check the 2 left parts.
The bug you describe might be cause because of my 'lazy programming' and it looks that I indeed should check all parts of the block instead...
The idea to spawn the blocks at the top of the grid (joust outside the screen) is a good one. I'll see if I can get that done.
And as said before... I'm taking 2 days off from programming, so tomorrow morning I'll continue on it again ;-)
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Ok I have some bad news.
Now that I know what the problem is I can efficiently abuse it in all kind of situations.
That PURPLE block should have stoped on AQUAMARINE "-" but just before it hit I rotated it (very fast 2 or 3 times I don't remember). Because I found side where colliders were not applied... again it went through.
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Ok another one.
Frankly speaking I don't have any idea how I did that. click I placed normally all blocks below 4 row from the top... than AQUAMARINE "I" block appeared and most probably I tried to move it to right...
But the game should stop at this moment... but somehow I DID menage to move it. And as you can see this brick is now floating 1 "piece" above red block. Than appeared blocks that that you can see on left side 2 Blue, 1 Purple and 1 Red
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That's an odd one, but it might have something to do with the 'lazy' programming I mentioned earlier. Since the 'I' block only checks the lowest part for collision, it didn't find a collision when it was created in this situation. I do find it off though that it just stayed there floating instead of falling down on top of that red block. I am confident that when I do a 100% block collision check that this should not happen again...
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This was alright, although I am still wondering how to destroy the lines. Also what are those red spheres and blue lines on the right?
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There are no lines to be destroyed yet. It was only a test to check if the brick collider works as intended (and in general it does, aside from what Phelan found as described above).
The two red spheres will become the options menu. Had to drop them there for the local .EXE file and I use them now as 'quit game' (doesn't work in the web app though)
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THANK YOU ALL for helping test my prototype the last week. I saw that over 500 unique visitors went to the site and that that the prototype game was loaded over 250 times. You guys are awesome!
I have squashed those last bugs found (by Phelan) and have made a start with adding the gems to the game and that goes well already!
Expect an other call for help from me around December 10th. Of course, the call will come with a couple of giveaways as well ;-)
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Giveaway to celebrate the prototype of the first game I'm making.
The game will become a mixture of Tetris and those Gems games. Hence the name TetraGems. Right now I have made the Tetris game, but without lines being removed. I need these basics to get the collider to work properly. Me, my brother and my son have already done some testing earlier this week and now I'm asking you to give this prototype a go.
You can find the prototype here. Please give it a go and let me know if you find any bugs/glitches and if possible how you got them.
Feed back can be done through the blog topic associated with it.
Thanks in advance! I will keep you all updated on further progress through the above mentioned blog. When I'm in need of more prototype testing later this year, I'll call upon you again through a couple of giveaways. And most importantly, when TetraGems is released and I can get it on Steam, I will drop 50 keys here as giveaway as well!
Games in this giveaway are: Puzzle Kingdoms, Razor2: Hidden Skies and Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold
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