Like every f*cking time something too heavily discounted or price bugged gets on bundle list tons of ppl start QQing about how they lost hundreds of CV, how it's unfair, how everything in Steam Store should be bundled and so on and on.

First of all - if you lost hundreds of dollars then you clearly abused system and deserved it (see those ppl giving away tens of copies of the same game accidentally the time it's price-buged somewhere...). If you lost just CV from 1-2 GAs - probably just a bad luck for you - you got punished in the process of dealing with these high-CV abusers. BUT! You can protect yourself in the future. and you don't need to do heavy reserch, tracking all currencies, making massive spreadsheets etc as some QQers imply.

  1. See a nice discount on game XYZ on steam store.

  2. Go to Bundle List and Ctrl+F to search for the title.

  3. It's not there? Go to Bundle Wiki and serch for the game. It may have been in bundle that was not yet added to the list.

  4. Go to steamprices.

  5. Set up regions however you want, but remember to include comparison with Russia and Ukraine at least, as most heavy discounts occur in these regions. Set main region as USA. Example

  6. Search for your game. Example

  7. Divide lowest price by full US price. In this example 0.24/1.99.

  8. If the number you get is lower than 0.05 then there is a high risk that game end up being in bundle list retroactively in a future and you lose your CV. If it's higher you're safe to go. In our example it's 0.12 so if this DLC weren't on Bundle List already you'd be safe to give it away.

  9. Give away games that fullfill above rules.

  10. ...

  11. PROFIT!


Q: But I'm not living in russia. I live in EU so I have to overpay, why should I be punished?
A: There's a lot of traders that will buy you whatever game you want form RU store for PayPal or Steam tradeable items. So even if you live outside of Russia you can easily access all games you want in cheaper prices. As SG cannot check where you actually bought your game it must assume you got it from cheapest place possible. Otherwise it would be exploited and everyone would claim theys bought if for full price in most expensive region just to get max CV.

Q: Then we should bundle every game that was discounted for more than 75%! There's only 20% difference between 75% and 95%!
A: You're wrong. Numerical difference is 20% but actual purchase differences are MASSIVE! Let's assume game XYZ costs 10$ and you have 10$ at your PayPal. at 100% you can buy 1 copy, at 75% off (2.5$) you can buy 4 copies, at 80% 5 copies, at 90% 10 copies and at 95% 20 copies! That is 500% more that you could buy on 75% sale!

Q: I disagree! My CV is Sacred! I will start posting QQing threads and posts until they give me my CV back! It will surely help!
A: No it won't. Your CV is lost, deal with it. Only thing you can achieve by doing this is looking like a total dick, ending on bunch of ppl BlackLists, get yourself bad rep in community (GL finding a nice GA group then) or even get suspended if you go overboard like some ppl in the past have done.

10 years ago*

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Nice puzzle, but i'm stuck at #11 ;P

10 years ago

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If anyone is short of CV, I would offer mine free of charge. Alas, no system for gifting CV is in place. :-)

10 years ago

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never cared about my CV i dont even know if it has changed.

10 years ago

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+1 exactly

10 years ago

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I actually don't give much of a damn about CV, as long as my giveaways make someone happy.

10 years ago

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Short, simple, and clear. Well done.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by zelghadis.